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9 Replies Latest reply: Apr 6, 2009 1:02 AM by kluu1

Lidiane.carvalho Nov 25, 2008 7:56 AM

Extract and Insert Attachments through

This question has been Answered.
What is the way for extracting an attachment with the Java API 7.1, are there any examples?
I need to extract an attachment from one server and insert another server. Can somebody help me?
Thank you!



Appajee Papolu Nov 25, 2008 1:04 PM (in response to Lidiane.carvalho)

1. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

Look at javadocs on ARServerUser.getEntryBLOB and ARServerUser.createEntry methods. Also look into JavaDriver sample source code to see
the usage snippets.

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Lidiane.carvalho Nov 25, 2008 2:19 PM (in response to Appajee Papolu)

2. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

i can get file contents from attachment field with getEntryBLOB, but createEntry doesn't have a method to insert contents files.

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John NameToUpdate Nov 25, 2008 2:47 PM (in response to Lidiane.carvalho)

3. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

Here is some code that works:

Entry entry = getentry(aruser); // this does a query for the entry that is going to be modified.




Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API | BMC Communities

AttachmentValue attachment = new AttachmentValue(attachmentName, filename)
entry.put(FIELD_ID_CSV_ATTACHMENT, new Value(attachment));
String entryIdOut = aruser.mergeEntry(FORM_NAME, entry, Constants.AR_MERGE_ENTRY_DUP_MERGE);
logger.info("Entry updated. The id # is " + entryIdOut);
catch (IOException e)
logger.error("Cannot attach file: " + filename, e );
catch (ARException e)
logger.error("Cannot create the entry: ",e );
logger.error("cause: " + e.getMessage());

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Lidiane.carvalho Nov 25, 2008 6:10 PM (in response to John NameToUpdate)

4. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

Thanks for answering my question!!!
I tested your code on my project and I have a problem. In JAVA API 7.1 Constants.FIELD_ID_CSV_ATTACHMENT doesn't exists.
Do you know a similar Constants?
Tkssssss a lot !!!!

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John NameToUpdate Nov 25, 2008 6:18 PM (in response to Lidiane.carvalho)

5. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

Yeah.... hmmm.. This code is from the up comming 7.5 release. Sorry. So it might not work with the older java apis. There might not be an
equivilent. I will try to find an equivilent.

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Gino Lorusso Nov 28, 2008 5:40 AM (in response to Lidiane.carvalho)

6. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

you should add attachment object to the Entry object in order to create an entry with attachment.
I have a sample for ARS 7.1 API but, of course, you need to code it better.
Try with following lines (they are just an example):

String entryIdOut = "";

Entry entry = new Entry();
// attachment file name
String aname = "attachment.txt";
// full local physical path to the attachment
String filePath = "C:\\yourpath\\attachment.txt";
// Create an AttachmentValue object using the String above in the constructor




Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API | BMC Communities

try {
attach = new AttachmentValue(aname, filePath);
} catch (Exception e) {
// add your fields to the entry object
// Add the attachment field to the entry
// lets assume that 536880912 is your attachment field id
entry.put(536880912, new Value(attach));
entryIdOut = server.createEntry(formName, entry);
System.out.println("Entry created. ID" + entryIdOut);

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Lidiane.carvalho Nov 28, 2008 6:35 AM (in response to Gino Lorusso)

7. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

Yesterday I did it and works fine !!

Tks !!!

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Appajee Papolu Feb 4, 2009 12:53 AM (in response to Lidiane.carvalho)

8. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

While creating/modifying entry, you can set a field value to a specifc attachment value right then, just as you assign any other field values.
Look at AttachmentValue class. Only the retrieval is a two step process (getEntry then getEntryBLOB).

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kluu1 Apr 6, 2009 1:02 AM (in response to Gino Lorusso)

9. Re: Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API

Should just clarify that if you want to associate the attachment with an existing ticket, you should use the setEntry() call rather than

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Extract and Insert Attachments through JAVA API | BMC Communities

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