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This is a summary of my findings I had on a previous version of my site.

Which I
thought I should post since the Last Supper is only a small portion of what I've
really found! The image above is Da Vinci's self portrait and the Mona Lisa
combined, and then mirrored on itself.

----The Mona Lisa is the greatest work of art created by the greatest genius of all time.
Leonardo Da Vinci. He painted her 500 years ago. He wrote thousands of pages of
journals about almost every subject there is. Anatomy, Philosophy, optics, mechanics, art
- the list goes on and on. In all of his journals he seemingly never mentions the Mona
Lisa or even titles her. This alone is not just strange but intentional. The title "Mona Lisa"
wasn't given until 30 years after Da Vinci died by his first biographer - Vasari. Although
there really is a Mona Lisa (Madam Lisa Gioconda) and he could have really painted a
portrait of her. The painting we're referring to and is in the Louvre isn't her. She was used
for her name and not her face. The Mona Lisa is so popular and actually deserves her
fame for many reasons.

Shows that the edges align - answering why the

perspective in the background could be "off" or rises on one side inexplicably.
First there is the mystery of who she is. (Which I answer in my book)
Second it's how she was painted - no one knows how he did it. Last year scientists in
Montreal did laser 3d scans and after a year of research still couldn't figure out how Da
Vinci painted her. (A painting from 500 years ago!) Huh? What does that mean? It means
that the painting is SO advanced and meticulous that even today we don't understand his
technique (Called Sfumato). There are 3 other paintings underneath her top coat and
layers of transparent paint thinner than a human hair. You might wonder - why would
someone spend so much time covering a painting over and over again *trust me they
weren't mistakes* and then include layers of paint that can't even be seen with the naked
eye and are also translucent? Why are there mysteries about a painting from someone
who left behind thousands of pages of journals? Why is it the most famous work of art in
existence? Why is she behind bullet proof glass? Why could she be potentially worth a
billion dollars? Why hasn't anyone been able to answer any of these questions?

The Mona Lisa and Da

Vinci's Self portrait combined, They change when you change THE SAME IMAGE'S
huge - weird? How could he design it to do that? It also ages!

Da Vinci only left behind a single portrait of himself. This portrait aligns perfectly over
the face of Mona Lisa. Why? Most "experts" will tell you it's a coincidence due to his
artistic style. This is where my journey began. I read about that and wanted to see if they
did for myself. I not only found that they aligned but that they actually combined and
were designed too. There is a reason for all the secrecy and coincidences - what I've

discovered is all the pieces to a very intricate puzzle that no one has even come close to
putting together for 500 years.
Mona & Da Vinci combined.

The night I combined Da Vinci's self portrait and the Mona Lisa led to me staying up for
4 days in a row, not eating, and going what at first seemed "crazy" I later realized after
almost a year that all the crazy thoughts I was having weren't crazy at all but ended up
being totally correct.
My first theory was that the Mona Lisa is 3d. Which I verified. She is painted like a
sculpture - built up layer by layer as if she were real. The translucent paint is there for the
space in the painting that is "air" I have pictures in my book that shows this.

My first explanation for his self portrait combining was that the Mona Lisa was him AS a
woman, I actually almost finished a book about that. Right as I was finishing up I was
considering the other possibilities just to be sure. The other idea that made sense was that
it was his Daughter. This would explain why his face would match up - BUT Da Vinci
was gay so he never had a real daughter. But that doesn't mean he couldn't have painted
what she could have looked like. But then you would wonder who he might have the
other parent be. Da Vinci had a lover of 25 years who was nicknamed "Salai" Who's real
name was Gian Giacomo Caprotti. (You'll notice how similar His name is to Lisa
Gioconda - Giacomo.) Salai's name was used most in all of Da Vinci's journals.

So as I was finishing up my book I wanted to test that theory and found a painting of
Salai that's housed in the Alois Foundation, Liechtenstein. The same place another of Da
Vinci's sculptures was found hundreds of years later. The painting of Salai has an
unknown painter - I prove Da Vinci painted it. It was painted in 1495, at least 7 years
before the Mona Lisa. What I found next was totally unexpected but ended up putting all
the loose ends together and explain the mystery and secrecy. Not to mention why no one
else had ever put this together before.
These can be combined with the naked eye, not just a computer.

This shows half of Salai's face and half of the

Mona Lisa.

The painting of Salai not only aligns with the Mona Lisa but also combines. This also
means it combines with the Sketch of Da Vinci as well.
(This is all 3 images combined Salai, Da Vinci, Mona Lisa)

For a painting to do this, to combine perfectly with another one is impossible without
them being designed so. Not only that but all the clues and coincidences led me to this.
For example. Mona Lisa's title itself re-arranged spells "Mon Salai" (My Salai in French)
or "M on Salai" In my book in chapter 2 I go over the title and the other various titles that
also allude to this. There is more to it than you could imagine but it's so complicated no
one has noticed it before.

This is the Mona Lisa with the painting of Salai mirrored with half of it at a different
tranparency. Notice how the side of the face doesn't look like either Salai or the Mona
lisa? But a cartoon like image of a little girl? - "Discovering Da Vinci's Daughter"
Next are two quotes from Da Vinci's journals:
"Therefore make the hair on the head play in the wind around youthful faces, and
gracefully adorn them with many cascades of curls. - Look at Salai's hair. Both Salai
and the Mona Lisa are the "youthful faces" and the "hair on the head" is the hair from his
self portrait. Play in the wind describes the process of combining them.
"If liberty is dear to you, may you never discover that my face is love's prison" - Liberty
is freedom from captivity. "His face" is his self portrait. "Love's Prison" is a description
of everything I've just explained. His face is the key to free his legacy. (when it goes over
the Mona Lisa and the painting of Salai - his lover)

The Mona Lisa is an elaborate and complicated way to hide his love of another man from
a time and world that would have burned him at the stake.
There are many clues to support this. One of which is the veil that Mona's wearing - in
her time only women who were pregnant wore it. This alludes to Da Vinci's and Salai's
daughter being born when each "parent' painting combines.
As far fetched as this might seem, the images and composites speak for themselves. They

also prove once and hopefully for all who and why the Mona Lisa was painted. The
painting of Salai would have HAD to been used in the creation of the Mona Lisa.
In the course of the last year I've been not only slowly putting the secrets of the Mona
Lisa together but also some of Da Vinci's other art. The Last Supper and The Shroud of
Turin. The Shroud of Turin is said to be the single most studied human artifact and in my
book I prove that Da Vinci created it. This theory has been asserted before but I give
irrefutable proof and uncover an almost equally fascinating discovery. I also discovered a
new way to view both Da Vinci's, Raphael's, and Michelangelo's art that will change how
renaissance art is seen forever more. It involves mirrors and stereogram's which weren't
discovered until the early 1900's. What I've discovered and can prove will shift the time
line of these hundreds of years.
In my analysis of the Last Supper with this new, and remarkably simple technique I
support Dan Browns assertions of the sex of the person to Jesus's right. Not only that but
show that she's actually holding a baby. As shown in a PAINTING, how that applies to
"real life" is not my purgative, it's just an observation.
During the course of this last year each discovery seemed to lead to another. I've refrained
from releasing any of this to the general public until I completed my book. Now that I
have i'm trying to announce what i've found and promote my book. Since I came about all
this randomly and had to teach myself everything it's been an interesting experience. In
my book I not only explain my findings but also document the past year from my
perspective. I've interwoven something unique to literature which i'm calling
"interjections" which are my personal account of the experience.
In the process i've also realized I have aspergers syndrome which is a form of high
functioning autism. This is what I believe has enabled me to find what I have. I also
explain why I think Da Vinci was Autistic and have a chapter dedicated to it in my book
as well.
All this makes not just for a fascinating read but will surly be the greatest re-discovery
ever made. The identity of the Mona Lisa has been a question alluding even the greatest
art historians. Since it's considered the greatest work of art, Da Vinci's considered the
greatest genius, and the Shroud of Turin is the greatest human artifact you could imagine
the impact my book could potentially have. I've anticipated this and included my own
agenda within the book and that's to help people. I promote a message of equality and a
plea for compassion which I feel is lacking in the world today.
Here are some animations I made to show the different transitions.
The Mona Lisa and the painting of Salai

Shows Salai to Mona with a composite of Da Vinci, Salai, and Mona being flashed over
Da Vinci's Self portrait and the painting of Salai
An animation that the Mona Lisa makes, looks like a thing of light going into the earth?

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