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Universidad de Puerto Rico en Carolina

Captulo 1: Introduction to Computers

Annie G. Rosario Cepeda

Telecomunicaciones en la Oficina Digital
Prof. Marie C. Castro

Preguntas y resputestas:

Qu es una computadora?

A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own
memory, that can accept date, process the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store
the results for future use.


Cul es el propsito principal del uso de las computadoras?

El propsito principal de las computadoras es la comunicacin.


Menciona y explica cinco ventajas y desventajas del uso de las computadoras.

Speed- when data, instructions and information flow along electronic circuits in an computer,
they travel at incredibly fast speeds.
Reliability- electronic components in computers are dependable and reliable because they
rarely break or fail.
Consistency- given the same input and processes, a computer will produce the same results,
Storage- computers store a lot of data and make this data available for processing anytime it is
Communications computers allow users to communicate with one another, computers can
communicate with others computers.
Violation of privacy- when information and confidential records were not properly protected,
individual have found their privacy violated.
Public safety- people share pictures and other information and have fallen victims to crimes
committed by dangerous strangers.
Impact on labor force- the skills of millions of employees have been replaced by computers.
Health risks- prolonged or improper computer use can lead to health injuries or disorders.

Impact on environment- computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting
natural resources and polluting the environment.


Menciona y describe las siete categoras de las computadoras.

-Personal computers (desktop)- they fits on your lap, fits on desk, costs several
hundred to several thousands, usually one user.
-Mobile computers and mobile devices- fits in your hand , costs several hundred dollars or
more and have one to several users.
Game consoles- small box on handheld, device, costs several hundred dollars or less and have
one to several users.
Servers- small cabinet, costs several hundred dollars to a million dollars and have two to
thousands users.
Mainframes- partial room, to a full room of equipments, costs $300,000 to several million
dollars, can be hundreds to thousands users. Large, expensive, powerful .
Supercomputers- full room of equipments, costs $500,000 to several billion dollars, hundreds
to thousands users. Fast and powerful computers.
Embedded computers- miniature, embedded in the price of the product, usually one user.


Cmo ha impactado el uso de las computadoras en la sociedad?

-educacin- computers are used to assist with education, some schools require students to have
a notebook computer, or PDA to access the school network. To promote education by computer, many
vendors offer substantial student discounts on software.
-finanzas- computers helps manage people and companies finance, people can access their
bank accounts and check their balance or make movements.
-gobierno- most government offices have websites. People access government web sites to file
taxes, apply for permits and licenses... Employees of government agencies use computers as part of
their daily routine. The internet is use to help protect our nation.
-salud- computers are use to maintain patient records, to monitor patients vital signs in the hospital or
home and to provide medical information etc. Doctors or medical personal most need computers to

provide and efficient medical service.

-ciencias- computers are need in every science to collect, analyze, or modeling date.
-publicidad- people can public their works, information or offers. All people can be benefit by
using this way of work and publishing.
-viajes- in travel, computers implant is very important because most of devices are electronic or
are manage by a computers. Hacer reservaciones.
-manufactura- computers assist in all kind of manufacturing, processes, and assembly processes.

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