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- Google
First place in its own right is definitely to the internet search engine most used in
the world and one of the best-known brands worldwide. Google has become much
more than a search engine, and is positioning itself in the majority of sectors of the
technology industry (Android, Chrome), as we have already discussed on other
occasions, while Google follow giving us its multiple services, nobody can unseat
him. Give users an unlimited email is very appreciated by the users. Also in recent
months Google tops the list in several parts of the world by the dissemination of
free information not being linked to any regime, country or political party (example
problems in China).

2.- Mobile telephony

This technology already has about 20 years of existence, but it was in this decade
when it spread exponentially. From being a luxury item, it has become a necessity
(even for children). Today who don't have a mobile phone? and in the majority of
households have many mobile as members of the family.

3.- Broadband Internet

from the old 56 k modems until the current internet access offer more and more megs of
connection even though Spain continues to years light from France or Japan with
gigabytes of connection.

4.- Wi-Fi
or how to do away with wires

5.- iPod Vs. iPad

The first hard disk MP3 players were launched in 2000. However, Apple soon dominated
the market, beginning in 2001, with the first player, which would combine an attractive
design with ease of use and good ability. Quickly, the iPod became a term known to all
(like kleenex), marking the beginning of the era of glory for the MP3. The new ipad, Apple
tablet, has caused a real earthquake in the media sector. Since Steve Jobs presented his
new toy, newspapers have endeavoured to develop applications to not miss opportunities
hoping that this support will bring to their business. Some analysts believe that for the
newspaper industry has seen in the invention of Apple a hope of salvation for their

6.- iPhone
touch screen, easy to use and super App Store. Apple was showcased with the launch of
the iPhone three years ago. The appliance itself changed the mobile communication and
became an example to be followed by all manufacturers. iPhone is in its third generation
and since he saw the light, the competition has struggled to overcome it

7.- Social networks

(Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): is increasingly more time that Internet users spend in
communities and social media. The King is, without doubt, Facebook and for many it is
addictive. However many associations are already warning of several problems in the use of
this type of networks among children.

8.- Flat panel displays

The most anticipated technology: flat TV screens. Currently the predominant Technology LCD.
But there are better alternatives like the LED screens or OLED. In fact the world's televisions still
in continuous progress and will soon be in our homes 3-dimensional televisions... Finally never
will be the day.

9. High definition - video game consoles video.

Appeared flat televisions, but DVD technology was no longer sufficient. HD-DVD and Blu-ray,
fighting the territory arrived. Finally, the victory was for Blu-ray, thanks to sales of the PS3 console
and the support of the film industry. The world of consoles is a special case, since the video game
industry tends to better withstand the economic crisis and continue selling million units. Play
Station, Nintendo, Wii, PSP, Xbox, Game Cube... remain in constant struggle to seize the market

10.- GPS navigation

One of the best-selling technological advances of recent years and which has facilitated
the world of communications and transport. Each will have its own list of technological
advances and insurance missing many but we can take this list as a reference of what is
and what will come...

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