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SOC 374 / POL 374
Midterm Package
Fall 2014

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This documents contains notes from the beginning of the semester to October 27.
Organizational Structure of the UN:
Currently 193 member states
1. General Assembly: Resolutions come out of this body. Assembly is a quasi-legislative body because it
doesnt put out laws - it just puts out recommendations that arent legally binding.
2. Security Council: Has 5 nations as permanent members each with the right to veto. They are Russia,
China, France, UK, US. 10 others are voted in by other states usually with regional situation. If Nigeria off
African state will replace it. These are nonpermanent and cannot veto just vote. They can pass binding
resolution. Resolution passes with 9 votes and no vetoes Referred to as 5+4 (All five and 4 others). The
10 others are in 2 year cycles.
3. Secretariat: Run by the secretary general. Day to day operations of the UN. Currently Ban ki Moon was
foreign minister of south Korea. It is an ill-defined and undemocratic procedure - no search committee,
no interview. Few rules but tremendous closed-door procedure. In UN charter job is listed as chief
administrator officer. General assembly ratifies a member elected by Security Council. Winner is person
from geographic person next on list. Who is least object able to permanent five and particularly the
U.S. They are essentially secretary. Beholden to political will of 193 states.
4. International Court of Justice: Dont confuse with ICC. Designed under cap 14 principle judicial order.
15 judges elected for 9 year terms.. Difference: ICJ Judicates between states while ICC tries people. Can
only try if both states agree to go to court.
5. Specialized Agencies: WHO, UNICEF, etc. Good work of UN happens here.
South Sudan last one to join in 2011
UN born out of WW2
UN charter cannot be amended
Chief obstacle is its own charter which is dated from day it was signed
Charter mentions nothing about bombs and nuclear disarmament. U.S bombing of Japan happened after.
Had to declare war against axis powers to join
Underlying characteristic of five is that they won the war. They are the allies
UN charter is kind of a problem: Germany could be on now.
Languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and French.
UN is an actor or a stage. As an actor it can do very little mainly through specialized agencies.
Can the UN survive as its charter becomes a burden and its lack of democracy?
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Nation States and National Borders

The united Nations was formed by states, it depends on states for its sustenance, and it is actually or
potentially directed by states on the supposition that its existence and operation may be useful to states
Its a club of the governments of the states
The UN could therefore be said to be a league of states designed to protect the integrity of existing states
and the state system
It is the government of the states that are at the UN
1815 the Congress of Vienna: Regarded the birth of the nation state system we recognize today.
Napoleon defeated. Redrew continent map.
Europe was the only place with Nation states
Changed from rule of empire to rule of states.
20th century is the era of nation states: most formed in this time period. Every piece of land is virtually in
a nation state.
Berlin Conference: White men led the conference. Scramble/partitioning of Africa. Zero African
participation. Established randomly in to parts. Borders go through rivers, ethnic groups, language
groups, etc. Countries are extremely different.
6 European powers acquired an entire continent and established capitalist world economy as an imperial
1895 only two areas not controlled by Europe:
Ethiopia and Liberia (formed by the USA for former slaves)
African nation state builders could not redraw map when independent.
South Sudan voted to succeed from Sudan. First time a country reformed in Africa to better fit ethnic
Most African states established in the late 1900s
Ethno linguistic groups have nothing to do with the borders.
Nation States and National Borders Today:
Last 200 years is an era characterized by 3 trends
The establishment of, and progressive increase in the nation-states as:
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1. The principle instrument of identity (national unity)

People never used to identify with a nation state they used to follow empires/clans. Nationalism has
to be created
Indonesia: 260 million people, dozens of ethnicities, hundreds of languages, five religions. Declared
independence from Dutch.
Create a unified national culture though policy. (National anthems, disingenuous version of the past,
2. An administrative power (in economic, social and cultural life).
3. The primary determination of a persons life chances: The state defines life chances in that,
where youre born is a determinant of what is going to happen in your life. What side of a border you
are born on matters? Birthright lottery
Ascribed traits: Given to you at birth. Family heritage. Country you are born in is the most
important trait
Achieved traits: Things you do to get them. Education
El Chapo 90 cartel tunnels.
The Future of the Nation State:
20th century is the most vicious century caused by nation state
Nation states are interdependent. World today has more non-zero some outcomes (lose-lose).
1. The principle instrument of identity (national unity)? Are we arriving at a post-national phase?
Global civil society?
2. More non-zero sum outcomes? Global governance? Nation states are more tied together
3. Trans-state forms of citizenship? Global human rights regime? Economic rights as human rights
(implications for migration)?
Global Civil Society
Article money: Bill and Melinda gates foundation. Subject area is health in the global south. Goal rid
the world of diseases that affect the worlds poor.
All healthcare research only 10% is for diseases that affects 90% of the worlds population. Erection
research 90% of research money wasted.
Malaria is a world problem lack of research. It kills 3 million people every year. Almost all of whom are
under five almost all are poor and African. Malaria is preventable (nets) and treatable (refrigeration).
Gates says its the worst thing on the planet.
$29 billion is his budget. WHO was a budget of $1.65 billion.
Contributed more than most nation states.
We= multi-national corporations (Big Pharma) = market-based solutions, Governments=
Governmental/political solutions where government and corporations work together.
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Civil Society: When neither of previous two arent working civil society comes in, e.g. Bill Gates
Malaria=failure of markets, states, and governments in both rich and poor areas.
Example 2: Jody Williams: She is single handedly responsible for the international ban on the use of land
mines. Served as the founder of ICBL. Started in 1992. Cooperated with government, UN, and Red Cross.
Interconnected 1300 NGOs. The peoples treaty. She organized global citizens to write to elected
officials. Grass roots movement.
What is civil society? 3 uses:
1. NGOs most common use INGO, GINGOs (government sponsored international nongovernmental organization) Completely diverse, green peace, Doctors Without Borders, etc. They are
all private (outside of institutional structure of a government). They are not commercial, they are selfgoverning. The third global power. Respond to mingling of market and state, failures of market and
state, monitoring/reporting of market and state.
2. Social Movements: can be traditional or new. Traditional are labor, womens, and civil rights
movement. New anything current ex: occupy Wall Street, world social forum (Brazil anti-WEC
forum, NGOs discuss issues for their POV), world economic forum (held in Switzerland, worlds elite
go to plot the world. New lacks leaders and direction.
3. Anything else: Anything non-governmental and non-corporate. Jody Williams.
3 tensions
1. National Border: We know there are global problems but, is there a global civil society? Do we
have a counteractive force?
2. State sovereignty: when global civil society acts it impacts sovereignty.
3. Issue of Democracy: We dont vote on issues for civil society organizations.
The three United Nations:
1. Headquarters in New York: The UN in terms of diplomacy. People say causes problems or
stopping them. The problem is that there are two tables. A high table, which, is the Security Council
5. And the low table for everyone else. They are designed in the 20th century during the biggest
conflict the world has ever seen. These designs cannot change. Document that cannot be amended
is dead.
Big debate #1: The UN charter vs. The 21st century: The problem is the two 20th century design
Will an un-amended UN charter make this UN increasingly irrelevant? Will the continuation of the 5
and everyone make the UN irrelevant? Where is this UN in Syria, and Palestine, etc.? This UN has no
presence in the current major world crises.
Is the world best served, in solving global problems, by the governments of sovereign states acting in
their own best interests?
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2. In the Field all over the world: Agencies, research that goes on in the world. They say that this
one helps solves problems. This one not needed in NY worked better. This is where the good work is
done. The number of refuges being helped by the UNHCR is 17 million. Another 34 million displaced.
Total 50 million people are displaced. 5% of the worlds population. They could be their own
country. Does not include 5 million Palestinians they predate the high commission. UNRWA: Only
responsible for Gaza, was supposed to be temporary. IN 2013 conflict and persecution averaged 32
thousand people to migrate globally. 50% of all refugees are children. Number of refugees are at an
all-time high because of Syria. WHO: programs
Big debate # 2: We the Peoples vs. We the Governments
UN needs political will and resources to do something. WHO is still controlled by member states. UN
is really we the governments
The Problem-Necessary combinations of political will and resource capacity.
How will an expanding and globalizing civil society change global politics of aid and intervention? Go
to Gates instead of U.S. Most effective organization at reporting violations is an agency and not a
Are sustained levels of inequality across borders-of wealth, access to opportunity, citizenship rights,
etc.-sustainable? These levels of inequality are extremely high. Are they sustainable?
3. A concept of global governance: The UN as a governing concept. Its the rule of power vs. the
rule of law.
Big debate # 3: Doctrine of State Sovereignty vs. International Rule of Law
The Problem- Rule of power and the future of sovereignty.
How can state sovereignty jive with globalizing international regimes of laws, rights, and norms? We
live in a world of diverging trends.
In the 21st century, what boundaries define citizenship, human rights, and rights to economic
opportunity? What will replace national borders? Birthright lottery-where your born matters.
The ICC: Formerly established in Rome Italy. 163 countries attended this. Meeting in 1998. Called the
Rome statute. The need for the ICC Jose Lasso, A person stands a better chance of being tried and
judged for killing 1 person rather than 100,000.
International law:
Why do states join international agreements even though they give up sovereignty? Why does it by
definition cut into their sovereignty? They lose selectivity
Why do we bother with international law when there is no means of enforcement?

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International law is the framework that describes the rules norms and expectations that guide behavior in
international society of states. It is not law per say. It is based on consent
1. International law creates linkages among issues and broader relationships of states.-Indirectly.
Defines linkages with reciprocity. Provides trust building among states.
2. Mechanisms to influence behavior directly: In a world in which there is not effective
enforcements there are ways to influence behavior. Hard power-cops. Soft power-coercion, ex:
shaming. During Darfur genocide, the U.S was pushing for U.N action. China blocked action because
Sudan was getting oil from there so no involvement in the world. Civil society organized a massive
movement around the idea of shaming china into not vetoing this measures. Renamed Beijing
Olympics the Genocide Olympics. Next vote, China abstained.

Trickle-down effect: The Kyoto protocol. Minimum wage example.

Norms Spiral: International law provides leverage to groups within states who favor policy of
certain groups no necessarily the state. Use international community as leverage. Arab Spring
example. Death penalty example.
3. Establishes institutional mechanism for monitoring and research. Creates institutions for
research and report writing for issues that otherwise would not exist. Conference of parties.
4. The idea factor: Discussion on a global level. International law spreads and promotes ideas in the
global community. ICC is a good example of the idea factor. Creation was a result of the idea factor.
The idea that a court prosecutes people for crimes against humanity Trinidad and Tobago put an idea
to deal with drug trafficking. In 1993 Yugoslavia breaks apart and we have a genocide. Then Rwanda
happens, now there is momentum for serious deliberations. Four years later 1998 first statute made
not accepted by the U.S. Other countries China, Libya, Iraq, Israel.
The ICC tries people there are four crimes: Genocide, crimes against humanities, war crimes, crime of
aggression (this the one the U.S worries about). A case can be sent by a state party (Kenya had
election violence so referred themselves). Security Council can also refer. 113 countries are state
parties 35 others signed but have not ratified. In the U.S Bill Clinton signed the Rome statute knowing
it would not get ratified. Bush un-signed it. In 2002 the U.S congress signed the armed service
members protection act which, directly responded to the ICC. U.S wants a bi-lateral unity agreement
to avoid the ICC. ASPCA authorizes U.S to use military force to free U.S citizen held by the ICC. Article
98 agreements. By 2006 U.S signed the 101 Bilateral Unity agreements.

Mingst and Karns Chapter 1:

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UN Goals: Prevention of conflict, promote culture of legality and rule of law, raised awareness of poor,
provided technical assistance, promoted concern for human rights, formulated concept of
environmentally sustainable development, central role in global governance.
Only IO and IGO in existence.
It is the creation of its member states: they decide what this organization will do and what resources they
will receive. It is a subject of world politics
Tensions during the Cold war made it tough for the P5 to work together
UN was supposed to be a collective security system but there was no unity among the major powers
To deal with regional conflicts peacekeeping was established
UN defined as that of keeping the great powers out of such situations
Bombing wasnt an issue in the Charter because Hiroshima and Nagasaki hadnt happened
Now the UN aimed at restoring the issue of disarmament and has become a playing field where leaders
persuade each other of disarmament.
UN charter endorsed Self-determination of former colonies
UN was used to advocate for an end to colonialism
UN provided an important forum for the collective legitimation of a change in norms (colonialism and
imperialism no longer acceptable)
The North-South conflict: UN dominated by economic and social development relations. Resolutions for
economic development were greatly pushed. North-south divided polarized many issues such as the
Kyoto protocol.
World Politics since the Cold Wars End: Cooperation among the Security Council countries has led to
resurgence of nationalism, civil wars, and ethnic conflicts. UN was in greater demand to help peace and
security. Spread of democratization. UN clearly needed reform. Rise of NGOs Millennium declaration,
different leaders stressed different aspects of issue for reform. Globalization is the process of increasing
worldwide integration of politics economy and social integration. Countries were willing to push ahead
with policy initiatives even though they challenged the U.S.

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Nation States and National Borders

Nation States are new. World was not as we see it today
Chapter 3 in book what is UN could also be known as League of States
1815 Congress of Vienna
Nation States started in Western Europe
By end of 1800 relatively new in human history
World moved from Rule of Empire to rule of Nation States most in 20th century
Africa now is full of nation states
1884-1885 Berlin Conference Scramble (for partitioning) for Africa
o African Partition. Established Randomly Partitioned Africa into parts
Boundaries of Africa created in Berlin. Berlin Conference
** By 1895 (10 years later) only 2 independent places on the African Continent. 1 = Ethiopia 2 =
Liberia (help by US all former slaves wanted to go to
** 6 European powers controlling little land in Europe took the entire continent.
1963 Many Arab borders. Southern Sudan reorganized first time to better reflect ethnic
*Last 200 years is an era characterized by 3 trends The establishment, and progression of:
1) Principle instrument of identity (national unity) we, from China
A country of 260 million people (US has 314 Million)
Dozens of distinct ethnicities
Literally hundreds of languages
Only 1/10 speak Indonesian as 1st language
5 recognized religions
Today your national identity is your main form of identity
2) An Administrative Power (Economic, Social and Cultural life)
Example: Argentina Administrative Power
US in Iraq War: 50/58
Britain in Iraq: 80/20 80 against and 20 for, still went in Iraq
3) The Primary Determination of a Persons Life Chances
Birthright Lottery: Where you are born in the world is your primary determination in life such as: school,
living past the age of 5, enough to eat, malaria, sanitation, violence, etc.
Unappreciated in the United States
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What side of the border youre on matters, for ex: Gaza and Israel
Mexican Border National Border greatest discrepancy of wealth of 2 nations in the world
Ascribed Traits: traits of you that you cant change such as: heritage, language, traits, etc.
Achieved Traits: what job you have, how you achieve, marital status, etc.
Most important is the country where you were born
US recognized 90 tunnels by El Chapos drug Cartel in Arizona
III. The Future of Nation States
Today more non 0-sum outcomes if 1 wins, the other loses.
Fewer simple win/lost outcome. China + US lose, lose
1) The principle instrument of ID (National Unity)?
a. Are we arriving at a post-national phase?
b. Global Civil Society? Ex: Doctors w/o borders dont have any interest for who they
help. They arent French of American, they are citizens of the world
i. Civil Society: no state, corp. parts of it operating on a global scale, not national
2) An Administrative Power (In Economic, Social + Cultural life)?
a. More non-zero sum outcomes. Global governance?
3) The Primary determination of a persons life chances?
a. Tran-state forms of citizenship?
b. Global human rights regime?
c. Economic rights as human rights (implementation for migration)?
d. But now ICC universal rights. Much more combined

Power and the Myth of the Sovereign State and the Equal Citizen
Video Conferences starts next week
No Empires
Handful countries in Middle East Monarchies
Constitutional Self-rule States are Sovereign: having complete independence + Self govt
Citizenship: based on equality of political rights
Realistic? Ideal?
The Myth of the Sovereign State
2 Forms:
1) Power 1) Global Institution 2) Strong States
Distribution some have more, others less. Income, oil reserves
Strong: military, economy, etc.

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Strength + weakness of states relationship between states. Some are stronger some are
Stronger interfere with affairs of weaker states. Not so subtle
Weaker states become stronger to avoid interference
US invading Iraq stronger via weaker. Asymmetrical
Global Institution: regularly interfere with weaker states
World Bank and IMF Structural Adjustment Program abide by their rules: Shrink govt
jobs, exports increase to certain places

The myth of the Sovereign State

The business in the US are hired to build and give labor. The country gets left w/debt.
$2 TRILLION that poorest countries owed the richest countries
Debt dates back to 1970s dating back to Cold War politics. Sovereign debt. Most countries have paid back
the interest they borrowed but not the principle.
Ex: Nigeria loaned $5 Billion, paid back $16 Billion. Still owed $32 Billion
Argentina Debt 1970s. Dangerous. Disappearing people. Supported by US. Borrows lots of $ from IMR
*1983 Big Year in Argentina. Dem becomes consolidated. US accepting loss Democracy.
Consolidated democracy.
*2001 Huge Financial Crisis. Banks closed they didnt give them the money. Huge protest and unrest.
Block Roads Protest
Had to create new currency not much help/value. 5 president in 2 months. 2003 Nester Kiershner
restructures foreign debt + helped economy. IMF + World Bank sell it to Private group. Restructure.
2nd myth form:
1) ALL (times) (everyone)
2) Some (times) (people)
Rules of Laws; Universality = always, who = everyone
Direct Tradeoff. Contradiction
By its definition, universality is taking sovereignty away from states. States want SOMETIMES. States want
selectivity, some people
Rule of Intl Law
Rule of State Law
Selectivity invoking universality

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Idealized 2nd myth state. Just like sovereignty, it is not accurate

Myth of the equal citizen

1789 French Revolution. Created citizenship, truly revolutionary, creates a class of

citizens rather than subjects

Ever since this category of people was created, Idea of citizen citizen + noncitizens while some had
membership it meant others were not. From the beginning of the concept, limiting the applicability in
real life.

Global Civil Society

Blackboard reading: What money can buy?
All health care research, only 10% goes to it that effects where 90% of the world lives. Ex: Erection (lots of
research because money in that field) vs. Malaria (no research because doesnt benefit industries; 3
million people die a year all under 5, almost all desperately poor + African)
Malaria is preventable and treatable
Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000, $29 Billion endowment (budget).
World Health Organization at the United Nations, $1.5 Billion Endowment
Multi-National Corporations Big Pharma = Market Based Solutions vs. govt/political solutions
*No Market Based or Govt Solutions
This is where Global Civil Society comes in
Bill doesnt represent the govt 1) Failure of markets to develop drug/vaccine 2) failure of states and govt
to repair/give nets to children
Preventable (nets) + Treatable (refrigeration)
Example #2 Jody Williams (from U.S.) = (civil society) Single-handedly responsible for international ban
on the use/making of land mines
Ottawa Treaty aka Peoples Treaty Tens of thousands of people who wrote to the government for
decades worked close with NGOs and Other orgs
1) Essentially Private, Outside of the institution/structure of govt, private
2) Not commercial/market. Not for making for profit, not shareholders
3) Self-Governable autonomous, what do they want
Most NGOs in rich world going to help rich people helping poor people
Entering in a state where market state failing.
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Global Civil Society

2) Social Movements
a. Traditional: hierarchy to study, effective change
b. New Social Movement
3) Anything Else (non-govt and non-corporate)
World Economic Forum Where [World Elites] go to plot the world
1) National Borders
2) State Sovereignty G.C. society affects state sovereignty
3) Critique of NGO and GCS Democracy

Darfur Documentary
Civil society always has the best ideas
First genocide of the 21st century
200,000 dead (to maybe 500,000 greatest UN failure since Rwanda), 2.5 million forced out, too
many rapes
Promises proved empty after Darfur; they felt abandoned
Typically they begin very early in the morning
2003 first information about it
Sudan Africas largest country. South Sudan Islamic govt. Attracted Evangelical Christians in
the US for concern. Pres. Bush had just come into office.
Sudan found new partner China. Offshore oil production. New Sudanese civil war
Some would say Darfur would be pre-developing and some other parts of the world
6 million Muslims shared scarce water and land
Govt armed proxy militia devils on horseback - Janjaweed nomadic tribes from region.
Many are bandits anyways, they are being govt backed. genocide by force of habit
Janjaweed news reached UN. Mukesh Kapila biggest project in UN
2004 Aerial photographs of burnings. Sudans ambassador to the UN accused Mukesh of
making things up blowing out of proportion
Wanted to put political pressure to the Sudanese govt
1994 Rwanda. 3 months prior to killing, found extremist weapons stash but Kofi Annan said no
because not in his mandate only self-defense, no history of prevention. Only gone it after
somebody made mess. Still waited many days after to fix mess and killing. President Clinton took
no action to intervene.
A year after Rwanda another test and failure, in Bosnia.
Darfur 3rd
Reached security council in 2004
Sudan had powerful allies: Russia was in a difficult spot; then China who had close relationship
with Sudan. Security officials, oil instillations, China is Sudans key suppliers.
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Sudan knew that they had much support. The US pushed for actions against Sudan.
Over 6000 deaths, other fleeing to neighboring Chad.
2004 the UN agreed it was genocide
Crimes against humanity and war crimes had been committed but didnt say it was genocide
2005 Canadian govt 5 year report Responsibility to Protect
Few revolutions passed
Cannot hide behind sovereignty
2006 8 resolutions passed. China vetoed not to veto only for troops to Sudan if Sudan agreed
but Sudan did not.
Terror in Darfur passed into Chad what everyone feared would happen
No protection for refugees; no protection for aid workers
Nov 2006, the Janjaweed rampaged against the so called border and made attacks
3 years of attacks 03-06. Everyone knew it would spread into Chad and could have been avoided
May 2006 largest anti-genocide riot in history
2007 Charges for crimes against humanity referred to the international court, Sudanese and
Janjaweed leader. Sudan refused to send them to the court. Thought the China would veto and
even the US for US suspicion on ICC.
In May, new economic sanctions against Sudan (Bush). China and others criticized the sanctions
Sudan had no benefit to the US so how long would the US support to sever relations with China.
How important is it?
Target Beijing Olympic Games, if China doesnt change it position, the US will try to make it
happen campaign to shame the Chinese govt. Hosting of Olympics Genocide Olympics
Mia Farrow criticized and used media to criticize China to shame them (she had been with
Darfur for very long)
Took 4 years, July 31st, 2007 finally all agreed and 26,000 soldiers to go there. Sudan agreed but
only African soldiers and not to disarm the Janjaweed.

The 3 UN institutions was mentioned in the video

1st UN UN vs. Its charter
2nd UN We the people vs. We the govt (the aid workers)
3rd UN as a governing concept, sovereignty and universality
US did not have moral standing in the UN b/c of what they did in Iraq. Same with Russia and Chechnya
Linkage to 1 issue affects the other
Mukesh was sort of the face of the 3 UNs.

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