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Lorenzo M.


April 28, 2014

The Teenage Subculture: Family and Religion

The teenage years are difficult learning experiences that involve trying out
new things. Peer pressure, expectations from parents, and other factors may make
it even harder for teens who, lets face it, dont know what theyre doing at first, to
know what to do or where to go in life. It is not easy for teens to form and maintain a
good relationship between him and his parents. Meanwhile it is easy for teenagers
to become torn between what they believe in and what others expect them to
believe in.
According to Angela Oswalt, the quality of an adolescents peer relations
changes with emotional maturity. This enables him to understand the wants and
needs of his peers better. This change in mental and emotional maturity allows for
the adolescent to offer and receive better emotional support to and from others .
Thus family becomes only a part of the teens support network. During adolescent
years, conflict between a teen and his parents may ensue more often than not.
They may rebel openly or in private, and also refrain from talking to their parents in
fear that they will get in trouble. This is all part of the identity development process,
where a teen asserts his individuality and exercises his independence.
This conflict and tension, however, usually ends when the teen is in his late
stages of adolescence. Why? Firstly, parents are no longer required to become
disciplinarians the teens have learned to and are able to discipline themselves.
Second, the teen has developed emotional and maturity by this time. This means he
can build and maintain healthy relationships with anyone, including his parents. As
a teen goes into adulthood, parents may be able to experience a friendly
relationship with their children.
Religion is a little bit different. The teenage years are said to be the best
years for religion, according to Linda Koh. This is because religious concepts
become more understandable and are more precise and in-depth during these
years 9 (due to the developing emotional maturity of an adolescent), and it is a
phase in which the value of a relationship with God is most strengthened.
Teens responses to questions about religion often involve the following:
problems with poor role models instead of the religion itself, and the want to have a

more authentic religion where reflection is personal , they are more aware, and the
religion is not routine. How a teen responds positively about religion is dependant on
his role models his parents, and those who affect the life of the teen from
childhood. On the other hand, he rebels against religion as a form of rebellion
against people who impose religion upon him. Independence and individuality also
make an appearance in a religious context. Once a teen reaches the time of his life
when he establishes differences between him and his parents, he allows himself to
not accept values and customs adopted by his parents, giving him a sense of
Teens view family and religion as close-knit, tight groups. They may be seen
as a means of conforming with his culture, or as a means of establishing a teens
identity. Both family and religion allow a child to grow and develop his emotional
maturity. He will be able to establish healthy relationships with anyone and he will
develop a sense of open-mindedness about his and others beliefs.

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