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^ :'aa Zvy^
Haleifc-ap HU 96712
Janiary 197^

XC^Gdtings in the new yeaarl


The new yeai- ina&ea me enthuBiastic and t>.iJt5-aiatiOo I pcay isany p-3op.le will "be,
since cool heads stq what will psobahly caa?ry Asari-cans thro-o^ this tiae of
sconoaic cxislsc W hex's axe altexnately laughing ai^ cxying ovex such coason

l^oleas as no toilet paper, rice at twice the price, gasoline bi^er ti]&n ev^

out amilable to our staff because the station owner is kindly toward uso So we

pocaise the Lord for idsat we havsc

enjoyed our Ghxiataas tiae and appreciated the cards fros so sany. It was

a relaxing vacation tija8 Several of our staff here had received gases of one
scEt and another, and we spent several enjoyable evenings playing ^Aggcamtion"
and such until the wee hctQ:s

Our vacation was extended by one day wiien tMs area >^s pound^ by high surf
coupled with ^cfcreiasly

tidesn W caziceled school in order to b open &a "

Five persons spent the ni^t in the classroooso but the

jj expected bigger xfavea did not cone. Several houses in the area were wet by

^ waves washing through thea, and one sustained dasis^ when a "p^n-ve broke against
^ the perch and front wall^ were all glad the daKaga did not compare to the

I winter waves of 1969b That tisc the wati^ caiaa so close, even the ecbool
'f property was wev>5 and. the "evacuation center" was ready to evacuates

was bu^ during the vacatJ-ons Nejf siuEinua roofing is being put on the
building ccntainin^
Library, 3rd gcade and Kindergarten roomsi. Weather has
been rainy and windy

that leaks were beeoaiag auaarous^

Hick has also been

patching holes in a coiling wtier rats have chewed throu^. Vacation was a
good ties for e to work on soas new library boo-^s to get theai into circulation.

The public library sysfcen sends the Bookaobile to the School every two weeks,
for which we adults ar particimrly thaokfi-a. Both lile^ies get hard us;^, and
ours is far too amll to accoiaodate either books or kids,

He feel the Lo(^^s,WGrk Jm

forward throng the past year. The congre
gational bfiadget has been raised $2jO0O over the previous year, based on giving

threu^ the year, Sey^ai^^goEcg jsen^ ara new aboard Eoabers, soaetMng that has

never happened befc^ sia^y because we had no yoimg people qualified or even
envolvad la the congregation. ^Qubea ia vice-chaiangan of the boaa'd. Rece ^'ily
a group of ten went doer to door, inviting the surrounding aei^bcrhood to
church servicose

Alnost each ssrvlce brings a new face ajid new opportunities

for God,

School is known iocsi^y as a s^apacbed learnicg.iEjstitT^lon,

Parents call frsii'-.fitfjtlyto inquire if thare is roos for tlielr childr^c Cur
top cap^lty ai^ wS.ll tety to tia^ away aoi^ of cur cuzrezit

et^ents next year because of the bc^ttle seek caused

grades 5 and 6, and

am grades 7 and 8 being tau^t in (His roois. It is sad, because at those ages

baglni.Jlng to think for iheaselves, and without the guidance of

CMstran toachers and olassnates,,,, He are praying for Divine Guidance in

gann^ ai^for helping liands in the fora of aoney fros those who recognise
potential heree Othsrwlss^ our school aust stop growing and its reach

win hs restricted.

Thank you,
wonderful Christians *dio have supported us in the last ei^t
during the coaing year as w see taficos
have not actually rtsceivad jaedges enou^ to provide all our salary.

having all the things w need, and for the nuaarous blessings
VraXalag Ria^


GLEANINGS Jan. 50, 74 W.E.Mc

Sunset Beach Christian

School is known locally as a


respected learning institution.

Parents call frequently to inquire

i f there is rbom for their children.

Currently thi^ school is at top

capacity and will have to turn

away some of jaer current students

next year beoause of the bottle neck

caused by grades 5 and 6, and

grades 7 and k being taught in

one room.

Iti is sad, because

at those ages children are beginning

to think for -^hemselves, and

without the gJhidai^ce of Christian

teachers and classj^tes ... We

ai*e praying for Divine Guidance

in planning an^ for helping hands

in the form of' money from those

who recognize the potential here.

Otherwise, ouij school must stop

growing and il^s reach will be



Christito boncem comes

throu^ clearly ih this report from

Connie and Beuben\Nichols,

59-578 Kam Hwy., Elaleiwa,

Hawaii 96712#
the end

Reuben & Connie Nichols

Mazcb 3, 1974

59-578 Kam Hwy. ^

iaieiwa, Hawaii 9671^^^

Dsar fellotfCbristians,


After eXaost &solid ^nth of "liquid sunshine/' the ifa&tber is perfect, X

h^d hopes thnt the fuel Bhosteges vould cut: dc^ the einount of hesivy t^ee/c-end
tr&ffic here on the North Shota^ but when the su f is up a:-'id the sun shining,
the whole Island seests to head for our beaches. At ant}\:a' e, it would se&a that
the congregation here is steadfast in its attendance aboi j tJxe Lord's table, and

we rejoice in their seal for Jesus,

Our Island has adopted "GasPlan," siiuxlar to Oregon's even/odd pTograsi, and

tfi critical situation s&ssis to have eased, ffe definaioly don't have enough gas

to allow drivers to continue as before, s - everyone is 'jc-Jciiigr adjisstmsats and

sacrifices^ "Pool It" signs are seen along the freeways.

''TheBus," the city

transit syst&B^i& crowded with commtars, tourists. Senior Citisens, who ride
free, and school children. At last the North Shore row.e h&s doubled the /lumber
fregueuci; of buses so that they com at one hour in .ervals, instead of two.
Late in January, we sold our '62 Falcon and '64 VN bug to porc.V/se a '71

Datsun with which Bfo are very pleased and so thanlzfuX t >t.^e- Lord for providing.
The first two weeks of ownership we were not able to drive snywhare no gasI

Finally, ou "Empty," swe drove 15 iiiiiea to a station we heard was open and waited
3 hours for opening at 12:30 AN, At last, a full taakg Presently the situation

is eased by GasPlan,

Though it sounds more like fun fcfcan work, one of i?. !i^bei3's jobs of late has
been to play football at recess with the boys in the Cb istian School, It seems

they have never had an example of good sportsmanship an>.l we:rs getting far too
riled over what should have been "just a gauss," So "M&fStah Neekols" helps them
enjoy their gwsss, and sends the hot heads to cool their heels elsewhere,'
My ca~te&cher, Eleanor Still Sprankles, has gone tr tlie mainland for 6 weeks
to see her son married and to speak to her supporters ai d others on behalf of
the mission's n&ed for & new classroom building. This rime x have a bit more

experience and confidence in my self for teacfcinsf these 15 lively Kindezgsrtesiersl

The School is really crowded, tfe have been passla^ over how to juggle space
until a nm building is added. Now there is the possibility of rentibg a 4-b<sd-

rocet house which is dizectXy next door to our administn tlon building on the high

The owner, a 94-gear old man, is hesitant and won t say what he wants to
to usfor $3.75 a month. We shudce;* to think of the expense,
but would be so thankful for more space, whether for 3t^-tf housing or classrooms

or whatever. We ask your prayers for Guidance and finaciai lielp so that the
outr&ach of this work will not be hindered by inadequati facilitiea, (X don't
thinh God would go for ithat kind of an ascuse,?

Our best friends here in the Islands, Bob and Penny lAnyon, have moved away
from daweii and we are feeling the loss. They have bear involved in interim min
istries for some of our missions without a preacher, anc have given their finan

cial, spiritual and moral support when we have reaJiy neaded it,

ffo shall miss

thea deeply.

We are looking forward to ewmer and th arrival of & friend from ay home
tmm of Simtis, Fla, Susan Elliott will be graduating from isiiiiyan and will
spend the sunsaer here working i n all our camps and the ''IBS programs of iaisslon
congregations in Bawaii,

Again and again we thank God for all of you, for your prayers on our behalf,
and for your fi/zanciai support which snabies us to be in foIi-t.iiae service for the
lord at the Christian School and Church here in Sawaii,
Praising the Lord,

Connie and Reuben iV^chols

Sunset Beach Christian School

59-57$ Kam Highway

a&leiwa, a&vaii



MAY 1 ?

K&y, 1974

Dear ones In ChTist,

Jt has he&n a whole ye&T since we hegan woxking at Simsat Beach Christian School

as missionariest A year ago we b&d dottbts that wa would recieve enoagh issoney to
live on But leave it to God! Se hss provided for ouz every need beyond our
hopes o Sfa still do aofc reciave full taonthly support frost pledged suppostesS)
and t^e School jstist sappleaent our salarpf but there are extra money gifts^ so
freely given,and then God provides the budget-'Stretching items! ffe recieve
$265 a month from churches and Individuals who have pledged a set amount each
month.- Our housing is provided by the ScJioolo when we are blessed by ;i;peciai
gifts and love offerings, our pay can he that much mozeu fife praise God for
every bit He sesids^

Xn March, we both continued to be very busy, I teaching and Reuben trying to

keep up with all the needs of the mission complex (pun intended!) There was a
severe storm & sea, resulting in high wave daioaye and evacuation of beach


audIo~visaals room bscaase local Civil Defense head quarters to

care for evacuees^

Four youny worsen were drowned on our shores while "playing"

in the edge of the watero

On Maixsh I6th, Allan Powell'^l year'o.ld son of our ministering family. Glen and
Ruth (Still) Potfellf was killed in an accident.. Tha family was stunned and

heartbroken, Allan's wife, Florence, just 18 years old, is s Filipino girl

from tlila area. J?aised a Catholic, she gave her heart to God end was baptized
just 3 waalts after Allan's death! Her brother, studying to become a Catholic
priest, has decided not to take the vows! He is being influenced by the Powells
isnd by several Christian hocuses in Bonolula^ All these things help answer the
"f/hy?" of Allan's miexpected de^ih: God had His reasansc Please pray for Glen,
iiluth sad Florence as they adjtist to life without their loved one^
In April, a week of Spring Fseatioa was welcoiked by students and teachers alike,
5233 fclXowing we&kf
islpsd chapsxone grades 4--e of the Christian School
to the Big Island of Hawaii, a trip planned for over a year. The chilclrea
earnod all their spenare xccQsyo

They saw lots of beautiful rceaery^ watcized

the smoking volcano, aad gave wii^ass of their faith Ist song and action every

I wish I could h&ve gone,

April 18'~W, mmali recievad extr^r^J^i^_a^iin^_gf'"f&in, along with

ahd'J^hts^g, resulting in floodihg and the loss o.jfive lives, t-fcrea from &
nearby villaje.

Citizens are oiikraged at the lack of protection from these

natural forces (flood and ocean crisis) , and demand better warning system and
weather predictions, as well as police authority to remove people from danger

After wad.ing aiound in the flood and rain, we both caught colds and a flu,

was thanJ^ul^^l&aaor is back to teach so I could take the time off to


Xntersperaed through all those activities, each schooi day included practiciisg
for the Hawaiian version of May Day, called Lei Day heze^ Everyone in the
School bad a
either in the pageant or in the rcyal court, Tha pageants
SGm.-rt!iing diffarent each year, depicted ancient Hawaii's religion^ the advent

of Christian miasion&ziss on the ship Tbaddeus, and tbe subsegusnt religions


Each ys&i' helpful parents create beautiful backdrops and scan^jry for

the court and pageants

This year, a 'Volcano" was created!


... - -

The adjoining property of which I wrote in our last letter is still unoccupied.
The cmier stiii von't coianit himself a2>out whether he will rent to us or not.
Our hoard of directors has authorised up to $395 a month in rent, if leased.

The imaediate plan would be to aub-'Xease the house to pay for its expenses
while still rr,^tainxng control of it.
in Sis own good time.

The Lord will just have to work i t out


write that my
dj^orhsr serious stroke, so
needed there more than ever. They long to return here to the mission
work, but feel God is using than there. Please keep their situation in your


VBS and Christian Camps are within sights

We are so thanA:f8i that the mission

property can be used all week by the Christian School and Church, and all year
by Church camps, etc. We thank each of you who provides so that all this can
be hare to further tha wonderful news of Salvation through Christ Jesus. Praise
be to God!


Just a reminder:

Make dtecks for our 3upsx>rt

payable to "Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach Christian School

Cbrxsti&ii School"'^for

59-57S KaiB Bwy,

XPS puri^s&s.

Connie and Reuben Nichols


JISM 1 0 1974
June, X9'.'4

>ea.v friends, relativss and supporters,

Susmier is so iiei^.riv here at Jiasc./ The ^reathrr iias oewnjs? ^3ot end hvmid,
but the fruit trees ere bin-'d:'r2^ under tneir luscious loads, and spirits
perk up l i ir':ticip:\tion of fresh fruit aiad the vacation's freedom,

fVhe Christian Schcol this year

XVo are Christians,

from the eighth grade,

.^aah year onr prinaive.1, Jessica Fio'jd, 'sends an alanmi

nesvs letter to eaci person who h'xs grad'.xnted ?rom the fdwol in its 21 gear
history, fhiis sex/es iis <l re-hzider of
fait?! aj:<? resolves they onee had
for the lord. This ye.-tv are h clud'^v a copy of wy ;uothor's booX- "There's
a SchcoJ", a history of '.iltf- Jabot-yl,
(Do ywu hai*e a copy yet? I'll be gX'd
to send cj}:e to those s.'L.c :--c'r:t ore,}

rersor:ayji.y,r ve are glad tr> hcri-f sdK'oi .paii:? i'finisheo}.

itsuben's list of

maintermyce jobs to be oop.t

school ir out is g-i'-O'-w-i-n-'gl Another
wooden step .fell thioagh today, I'm
pooped iron- a year of copir.<r
vith 5-yea.:-'-'JidS/ but ver,' thankful there '.^ara tv/o of

ing and to be free to be ibss-nt i/hai: nocesss :y,

for my summe):

to siaaie the teach

I lave msny gallant goals

a cle^.iiev brr-jr-e, mended cloties, eta.

Just nav as I rritzi this,, we ate breathing a s.igh of celxif and Thanks:
Reffben was mawi.ng vhe pin-gmv-d when a purt of the rotovy /oower blade
broke 'loos(?. .md wert 61yJ.y.-g 40 yards across thr empty field, harming no one,
Jfc could have been bis foot, or a chiX-ir or the yard bog.. Thanks be
to f.lodl I

Ckie of the biggest teachi/g aXdei: we ha-ve aaass to is the State L-ibrarg's
The Sc^iool ..as j^xsi: revlaaed it.j old XSmm projector wfch a

new one, '.Trite erpansive, neidless to

The school children are pleased
about it, and. are forming sm.-:lX funds of the.Lc ov.ni money to help p&g fox' it.
We are cbaimelling tlxe extra money nifts we ::.-iai.eve to that fund,, so want to
sag Mah&lo to thcs- - c? yo;' who have ao.ntri-: ated,
ii'e vere pl.eaaecl sni amisef to zzaieve word tJiat we wilj he the VVS

tcpic for ens atuzch, and they are caU.ing t'tn^ miss:-on offering 'tTickles for
Nichols" 11


Agaix and agzln we say tlnink you to yon who ix-araci morfea-Jio vsfor our suppcit
while working on this xdsBio'-:,

.have no idea .how

faith aad tr-zst,

Maan_-o^-uau-li 9^.'

wozk. and

ox /ov little .is done, let you'eontinue to give ir

loa fo.t all you do for us'a.^TF~fDr God,
In H.is oT'i'j's -i-t,


Siiasei: Peach Christian School

59-573 2:am ife-i;

iif.1 eih'c, Hawai96712

Reuben & Connie Nichols

59-578 kam Hwy.
Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712

Jt?ly, t974


Vacation is a deiightfiii
isn't it? Tha paca 3:iackans in<f tbt^^ is
time to do things that have j?'aa pfjt off. .5?,so time to atcpJoi" laora of
God's betaatifuX cToations here ia "Paradisar"
is cXeansr, the laountains g-reeu aa<? iavieiagr.

2*2 ch5san is hlfiOJt, ^dte air

S^'aeation is also time for Vacation 3ii>ie Schools

I gas <f^rectti>g_Q?f our

.progyraoT tfiis_ yeas. - 57

s>7sz^9 ia attandaisce^ with 17 adsslts \-forki.ng

"ih vafio^is capacities.

Pcwali lAXjiaa's widow}
sent to us by Niaos de
l-fesican chiXdren^. The
brought $34 to be stmt

The mission stony was tcld each day by Flomtice

with tlie if.se of a strit^ged puppet and the mat-.e^ials
MeixicO/. a Christian mission work of a howe


VbS kids listened and wat^flnr^d raptly each dayj- and

to that mission. ?c"e pray th&t the s&sds plan ed
yill bring forth Hezvenly harvests for the Lord^

sae SXiiottf our sunrnsr^-fajJcesT-raally is a woxk^ri She aad tPro girls from
Kentu^^ky Chx'istiah College have realXy been big hslps in many ways. Ohey
hava been teaching ciasses for the i^S programs of oiw .mission ishuscaaes on
the Islands Their physical iaiors .have relieved aje of a Xarge bacic-.log of
library work, and have shoxtened Reuben's summer job list by painting and
scrubbingo Also they give us a good excw- e to go hiking ajid sri^iiming when
we might not take tJie time.

2 have just finished _paintirtg the schicol, rajStr-ooms ^ Wa a:ijoy

doiagr work together. After consUc'iriT^ a
printiipnl,- -H'es^lca Floydj; that X do not want to_fu.JJL-*tie)e teach in the
coming schocf. year. 5iacfe J was technically only & helpor, it ddes'not
reduce our staff any. J will still be avsilabXs for substituting and helpiug whenever r am seeded.. ;5ut I will sp$.nd most of 2^ tima by being
Reuben's helper, and by having irose tiae for contact with the aduits at

our trofijyre^-atios and staff-.

1 have felt guilty cn occation whm X aaa't

do somaihing because "I'm too busy." Or when mj home must go hsgglng for
weeks on end. So now X hope to have 'iiiits'.j Slhat is why we axe e-UJoying'
vacatiau so aairis.

Right before the nexc r:a.in'j sp-elX cams along, Reuben avt out a portion of
a c'l&ssrcxxii roof that was rotters< We had tar aii over us before the job
was donel

Re.-ul'en iaad to

rotten and full of termites.

rebuild one porch and steps, i t was so

Other t^oard'i have been replaced, latches

fixed, pXurjd.ying mended.. See why a mj3sic>n. needs & maiMte.aance man?!!
We are so grateful to you for believing he is needed enough to send you

We ask God to guide and keep yov,

Ple&se pray fcr our iAS'rk and the

contaot.s for ths lord..

In Ch.:r.ist,

Connie and Reifrea lirichols

-Simsrt Beach Christian School

L'l-5'-'3 Kam Hwy.

FaisjT/a, Hi.

September, 2974

Dear ones,

Summer on the grounds of a school is hardly a vacation!

So much
must be done to prepare for the coming months of hard usage^

with only a few hours left^ the last minata jobs are getting done
after a l l ,

and the commants are Gomplimants^

In Jaly there was work to be done before the Christian camping

program, as i t is held on our grounds each year,
I7e painted and
buffed and cleaned,
Thei^, as Camp Puschaser, we shopped and shopped,

spent an average of $175 per camp week, and you should have seen

the puzzled looks i/e got in grocery stores!

A young couple, with
no children in evidence, pushing several over"flowing grocery carts
Then ter.t^were s&t up on the play pieXd and the audio-wisual
room converted to a diniitg hallI cooked for two of the three

weeks with Reuben as a great helper.

About 100 kids attended
three camps and there were 3 baptisms that I know of.
The two in
Senior Camp made their dacission and confession in an evening
session, ard early the next morning all hurried to Waiamea Bay to
see them baptized,
Only one illness occurred during the camps:
A boy with stomach
pain was diagnosed as having acwte appendicitis and was operated on
Glad no one tried to pass i t off as too many hot dogs!

Our congregaticn here in >u.>iset Beach seams full of excitement.

There was a heautii'ul wedding, joining two young Christians.
two babi&s were born, and newly anticipated ones announced,



been s t a r t e d in an





the sad

looks' of the chapel.

It will be scrubbed and painted, and aisle
runners will he purchased.
The building on the adjoining property
which we have been trying to rent has become available to the
It will be put to immediate use as classroom, storage,
publications room, book I'ooia, ancf perhaps an apartment for a
teacher i f we find comeoue so that grades 5 and 6 can be seperated.
The Board approved the start of a c&ssette tape library, since
many of thd congregation are using tapes as study guides and a way
to increase tbalr Bible knowledge,
A "Festival of Hope" was held in a popular beach park through
the cooperation of the church&s in this community,
The ladies
cooked for tivo days to make gigantic amounts of stew and rice, fxee
to all who came,
A choir and three bands who sing Christian music
proclaimed ik&ir faith and hope in song and testimony,
All in all,
i t drew crofs'ds and touched several-^perhaps many--lavea for Christ,
(And J

was .ble to use the left-over stew for camp meals,!

We were very fortisnate and blessed to have three girls here as

summer wor'ers--and they really did work!
Tkey were mast helpful

with scrubbing, cleaning, and painting, and by doing a gre&t deal

of work in our over-crowded library, a job that would have fallen
to me.
Our aiost grateful "m&hclo" to Sue Elliott, a long-time friend
from Eustis, 2Xa,, and to Martha Lusby and Barbara Fagan of Kentucky
Christian College,

s taints i7'Oon>


approxX^^aceli; IOC students

in the S gj:ade3 end Kindexg'etten^

E&ah gear bi'lngs

hopes aijci

'vision foy: spre^cliizQ' tJic Good Nez^s tc uio.re nonzGS <,

eire.disaouraged at the lack of responsse heoa-aso the ahildp^en don^t seem
to ca:c3 about aoming- to Chiiyiehj or because thez\e seems to be no

impro'vement in their behavior^

But fe'a pray that the effects of daily

Bible teeahing and the

of the Chr.iBti&n staff %'ill have
Xong'-rango effects in the lives of tkase students and their parents o
The Mission continues to

Moro money is needed

on a reguiar monthly basis to profjde supplies j, firtusre buiXdings ^

aiid even some sai axles,

as ntrt aXl the staff receive^- euo'jgb sv..ppo}:tf,

Our own receipts have^ deax eased some and tv^2 S/t having to aoc&pt
money fxon- the fchool^s general fund tc give us full caXary each



Then there
the future of

everyone can f i Ji .'

a g P l e y i s e pray about
work in Hawaii^
novf-have 3 sister tuisBioiis

without '-I ivinisteriiig family >

It Is wary difficuit to reernit a
dedicated Christian ivixxist&r wXaO will leax^e his pulpit and literally

scrounge around for eiiOtiigb support to coKe to >1 ivlssion church that
carn-iOt pay h.im anything at alic
So we need the Lord's help in finding
willing workers and willing snppofyt&rs
P/e are thankfal

p.r aye r- =.

Pie co u J d

to the many who do scpport as with money atid


a o ntl n u e wi t h o u t

g o 12

h el

Oiviug God the glory.^

Cojsnie and Reube'n Nichols

Sunset Beach Cb'ristian School

b9-'578 Kam Highway

HaSeiwa, Hawaii










(Roth) Nichols,



Edgar and the late Mable

and Don and Jo Roth, are



on this



the staff of Sunset Beach Church of

Force base


assist his



maintain the




mission work.





Connie will be work


field and

the past



in Hawaii and they have

active in

Reuben's work

the mission
on the


vehicles has

saved mission personnel much money.

used in the

ing in the church and school of

fices, and doing substitute teach
ing, etc. with the school, as well
as assisting in the maintenance


Reuben has been stationed at an Air

Christ and Christian School.




Reiihen atid Counie Nichols


Reuben Nichols was born June 1,1948

at Batan,
Tibet. He had eight
grades and two years of high school
in Hawaii.
His other two years of

high school
were at Toppenish,
Washington where he was graduated.
He also trained at Yakima Valley
Junior College, Yakima, Washington
and he was graduated with an Assoc
iate of Arts degree in Automotive
was baptized at
Lincoln Christian Church, Lincoln,


has been


church work at Hawaii


and Mc-

Kinley Indian Mission in Toppenish,

Constance (Connie)
Jo Roth Nichols
was born Feb. 16, 1948 in Atlanta,

Continupd from front page...


October 1973 thru July 1974


She too



$ 2,206,

Faith Promise

Beach Christian School ii. Hawaii

for about six grades and two ;'ears


of high schcot in Hawaii. She was

graduated from high school in Rus-

On Hand:

tis, Florida.
Shf? attended Atlanta
C^jrist.ian College, Atlanta, Georgia

Educational Fund



5 2.752'

Faith Promise



$ 1,519.

She married
Re>3ben December
1970 at Ilauula, Hawai-i with Donald

Roth and Edgar Nichols



t h e i r vows.

Reach out and touch a soul that i


Reach out and touch a spirit in


Reach out and touch a

Because the greatest mission ever

.known was when God sent his only
'begotten son into the world to save
: ih.

life torn a

A man who is lonely...If you care

Reach out and touch that neighbor

jBecause the world

;brought to Christ

will never be
until men bring

Christ to the world.

Who hates you;

Reach out and touch that stranger
Who meets you,

Because Jesus Himself taught us

that missions were the only way to
make disciples.

Who needs you;

Because I

Touch through you.

am a

disobedient lover of

Reach out and touch the brother

Reach out and l e t the smile of Gc

Jesus if I do not obey His command.

When He said,.


Reach out and touch a

Because if salvation means every

thing to me, I can not be happy un

Reach out and touch a

less I



Because a


i t with others.





does not



narrow and loses his world vision.





friend who

Is Weary;

Reach out and touch.

Though touching means losing a pe

of your own self...If you dare!


greatest hope of the world in its

present historical crisis.

Reach out and give your love to t

Reach out and make a home for




Reach out and shed God's light ir

"Missions is

of the World.

at the CROS.S-aOADS

If it were not,

i t would not be Missions."

The darkness;
Reach out and l e t the smile of Gc

Touch through you.

Charles P. Frov






19 74

Fci ;aany S.tpteirai3.t marks the b-3g.inning of FaX.l and cooler days,
l/are j-jj the ' t cop i.cs" it has betci dreadfully hot and humid.

Now in

these first do ^3 of October, th! sky is aloitdy and provides a respite


the hlazi.\g snn.

Ffe have 30113 personal good nevrs to share::

We are going to have

a bahyS We axa .30 ercited axid thankful. It is due at the beginning

of kpxil. X .,:a d'oincf .fiisenow th^it the "morning sickness" stage is

r cringe at the prices zc be paid for foods to give me the

correct diet if an expectant nothev.

Our medical insurance covers

all but $50 c/ the entire doctor and hospital charges.

More f/oxjdsi.fii.1 news:

Two ladies, mothers of Christ:^an School

students, wer^-i baptized rccentlyt

The otter is .1 dapanese wcman

One has been a Quaker, from Sngland

iias been serving as our School

secretary for iSsree years, and. I feel her dacission is the direct

result of the 'staff's witness!

were baptized.

l.jiro during the month fc>-o tfcung adults

For many, baptism is the end of a long search of

the Sczipture^ to deterniXne if it really is commanded or not*


thank God for opening their .hearts,

neuben has been busy getting things situated to the satisfaction

of each class
He designed and consti'ucted several shelving units
for storing linch ca.ns so that they will look neat and orderly outside
each room. Cxn of our te^ichers wrs looking for a ased car, so neuben
made the sear ili to he sure s.^e was getting e sound deal.

One was

fiiia.lly locath'i with only small firable p.tohlems. Finding a car to

suit feminine ideals isn't easy! .ajso aJo-ng the mechanical line, he
racent.ly helied a Christia.n friend who is a paraplegic by switching

d*ii,i79 controls from one cur to another *

G^^n^ma", Shirley Still, is unable to come to chuz'ch services,

^ Id s^nds" Sitidays at her daug.btez Eleanor Sprankles', whose apart

ment is in tlf' same building as the chapel.

So Peuhen put an exten

sion speaker .into the bedroom so iiJjat she may hear the singing and
tAs sermon a:-: in that small x<fay participate in our services *


is -^-eakening hut still f'erves.it i.ii Jaer seal to win others to Christ
and to conti lue .vaising a ClJurcJli building fund Xii memory of her
beloved Owen.-

- ~

I have heruii my dut.ie as^ItibsTariano^ The classes come once a week

to check out books,
stacked high

&t the i^ises?.t~^the top of each set of shelves is

iooJ^a to be put into ai.i'e?islafcioii"-glsen tAex* la

room on the shelves

to accomcdate


Of the tJree missions I have mentioned previously that are without

ministers, cue has a 4-bedroc'm pe.rsonage and pays a generous partial

salary, which J f&&2 a carafis.c. aoaple could live on*

One has a 3-

bed.zoom pas'^oaage, and one has no amenities to offer. If you know

anyone who Hrouidf be interested In any of these ministries, please
x-/rite to u.s about them so that mere irifor2nation can be sent, Und
please, e>aryon@, pray that rsinxsters are found for this field soon*
Again and again wa say thank you for being concerned for the

spread of the Gospel n aawaii, and for supporting us so faithfully *

In Christian love,

U ~6A.x.

[)?r ...

Connie end Reuben Nichols

Sisnset Beach Christian Schoojt

" W4

5$-S78 Kam Highx^ay

Kcileiwa, Bawa-ii



Nov&sbere 1974
Dear friends,

JuBt abijist the time i^rote Mast month's neiisletter and said
the weather was cooling off, it warmed up a^aini
It has been

raininff some reoentlg, tho'^ ao maybe now Xt will be cooler.

One advantage to dry weather is that the ceas pools don't over
flow V'&.ty often.when the groiuid is so^iked by raXn, the
abBorptioa rate is nil, and it: runs av^xc^AS the yaxds^ Not very
We call the County pump track to come frequently,
but the real solution is more cess pools or a small sanitation


mither a terribJiy expensive project.

The Pacific Ocean has provided lots of big surf in the past
We ijaar the fire engine resaue unit pass several times
a day, bat have heard of no drownings.
Xn the middle of October we attended a

retreat for adaH.s-.

How pleasant, and what great fellowship and sharing! 38 attended,

from ages 18 to 82, in perfect harmony. We are planning another
adult retreat for early December, and are looking for a suifeciile
place to have a future family retreat with sessions for aii ages.
Reuben is playing "slow pitch" baseball in a community league.

team was undefG&ted'"'antjLJL

the n->


- nt gaiaeS

I have been able to get tha Library greatly straightened since

a month ago.
There is much more to be done, so X hope I'm able

to get through it before the baby arrives.

I'm not all that

energetic these daysl

October seemed to be the month for bMXla.

We had doctor bills

from the optometrist, the dentist, the dermatologist, and paid

for "Baby"/ then life insurance prero,turns were due.
of the month we were scraping boltoiai

By the end

Then Reuben had several

aatomotSirrt repair jobs that paid enough to keep us going untii

"pay day".

Praise God!

Even more, we praise Him for you who support as.

P/e could

spend so inufia time helping in tliis mission work if it

weren't for you,

"Hahalo"thank you.
In Christ,

Connie and Reuben Nichols

Sunset Beach Christian School

Kam Hwy.

Haleix^a, Hawaii



Becerobeiv 1974

Dear friends, relatives, supporters-^everyonei

Seasons greetings and Hloha from i^avraii.

We have so much for Z7hich to be

thankful, especially the birtJi of our Savior so long ago,

I suppose lots of

folks will be gruiabling aJ^out their Jean budgets for Christmas, but J can't
help but be grateful for ail we do iiave, and for life itself.
The past month has been cooler {riid-fOs} and. the ocean pzfjsented good surf
for three big surfing contests, We have heard of tvjo drownings in the past
iieek, and today the helicopters are fJylng hack and forth in search of one body.
The children in the Christian School are full of seasonal enthvsirj.sm, 'Ihey
are preparing Christmas plays to be put on during an evening progxam for tlieir
parents. Each classroom is g&ij with decorations and murals depicting Christ^s
They are making presents for their parents in art classes. And teachers
are looking forward to vacatloni
It seem like Heuben has been deluged with jobs of every sort, Aside .6rom
the usual building and grounds maintenance, be has tried his hand at car body
work on the cars of several of our staff. Because of the salty atjnosphsre so
near the ocean, rust developes quickly.
cb began cutting out 'ha corrosion
in one car, he dispaized at ever finding the end of it.
Answered prayeri A minister has been hired fox one of the three ^'ngragations
in need of a minister here. Others have written expressing an interest in mini
stering liJ Eawaii, Please continue to keep this need in your prayers.
We have just attended another retreat for -idults. The siithusi&sm for such

"get-aways" is growing43 attended the overnight ca.mp,

You might he interested

to kn^jw the fee was $9.SC each and included three maals, the rental of the camp,
cook and kitchen fees, and grHtuities of $20 to each special speaker. Keeping
the cost dawn makes i t easier, for many to be able to come.

After maiiy sionths of prayer and con5iderat.ion, we have decided not to rsuain
in Hawaii, We will be leaving the work and the Islands during the month of May,
and will he going to Floridac We had decided in the beginning to stay here as
a temporary measure for the School while the Rodis were -'.wey, Sop/ever they have
not been able to return and we fee.? 2 longing to be near them, to let our child
have grandparents, and our parents the enjowrent of their grandchild.
This decission doss not dhenge the needs of the mission p/ork bore, and we will
continue to pzonK>te the work in any way we can. We will co.ntinae to need mission
support through Hay, and urge you to continue giving regularly to tlie mission.

It needs iti

In the .t}eantime.- vlasse pr-au for_a^-man -to be found who can give his

life to working here in the^raaintenanae of the-~buid,diiiS'S:^aiid-g^Uf'.d3,:> If you

know ofa p^son with varieT's^^XIIs^nT^T^Jve fox the uord, speak'to him of
coming here, tie laiow it is difficult to raise support fo.v su.ah asi un-missionaxylike job, hut it really is an essential pa.rt of the i-7ork of the Sunset Beach .
Christian School. If there is no maJ.nt.ena:-ire man, ail jobs will have to be
hired out, costing much more, Ple&se pray about thi.s is'itter.

Our prayers and best wishes to you all in the Christzias season and the new year.
May it be one of growing for the Kingdom of God.
Mele KallkimakaS

(Merry Christma.s)

Connie and R&vjoen Kichols

Sux^set Beach Ch.rlst.ian School

59-578 Xam Ewy,

Haleiwa, Hawaii


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