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Wavelet – RELAX feature extraction in radar images

L. Vignaud

Abstract: In classical high-frequency radar imaging, like synthetic aperture radar imaging, man-
made target contributions are often well described by decomposing their signature into a set of
bright points. The basic model supposes that these elementary reflectors are independent of the
relative angular aspect and of the observation frequencies. Many feature extraction methods, such
as CLEAN/RELAX-based algorithms, are built on this hypothesis and so it is currently used in
assisted/automatic target recognition algorithms (ATR). However, this simple model cannot
describe the variability of the signatures one can observe in image databanks. The authors propose
extending the target feature extraction capacities of the CLEAN/RELAX algorithm to dispersive
scatterers using generalised wavelets.

1 Introduction minimises the following nonlinear least squares criterion:

In classical radar imaging, the basic assumption lie in the ^ j2

Cðxk ; yk ; Ak ; K Þk¼1;...; K ¼ jH  H ð2Þ
ideal bright points model (or canonical peaks) of PK
with H ^ ¼ k¼1 Ak expf jðKx xk þ Ky yk Þg
elementary scatterers that compose the scene to be imaged;
the discrete data model is usually written as a set of One advantage is that the number of elementary sources
K complex sinusoids with ‘frequencies’ ðxk ; yk Þk ¼1;...; K and is estimated within the algorithm. RELAX belongs to a
amplitude Ak in noise e family of iterative methods which, within each iteration,
search for the biggest peak in a complex image and subtract
K its complex contribution in its corresponding Fourier
HðKx ; Ky Þ ¼ Ak expf jðKx xk þ Ky yk Þg þ eðKx ; Ky Þ ð1Þ spectrum. It extends the CLEAN algorithm [5] with a
k¼1 relaxation step. (See [3, 4] for a more detailed description of
and the image Iðx; yÞ is then the 2-D spectrum of the algorithm and its implementation.)
the formatted data HðKx ; Ky Þ with Kx ¼ 4p f sin =c and Unfortunately, the ideal bright point model is valid only if
Ky ¼ 4p f cos =c; with frequency f in the radar bandwidth the measurement frequency bandwidth is narrow and the
Df and observation angle  within D: In synthetic aperture angular sector is small (or the integration time is short).
measurements, the angle  is linked to the observation time Otherwise, phase shifting points, motion through resolution
T through the relative motion of the target and the radar. cells and nonuniform blurring may occur, and the extraction
We note DT the integration time over which a coherent methods need to be adapted. We propose to extend the target
image is formed. feature extraction capacities of the CLEAN/RELAX
Under this strong assumption, the extraction problem algorithm to dispersive scatterers. We will implement a
matches the signal processing formulation of super-resol- long-term (or very wide angle) and large frequency
ution. We can make use of a signal model (complex bandwidth coherent extraction using a wavelet-based
sinusoids) with autoregressive methods like Burg’s algor- model of the scatterers behaviour in combination with the
ithm or work on the signal autocorrelation (MUSIC, RELAX architecture.
PISARENKO, ESPRIT) to separate the elementary reflectors
with a better resolution than the Nyquist boundary (Fourier
resolution cell). 2 Wavelet CLEAN/RELAX
An extended analysis of the various spectral estimation
methods that can be used is given, from a signal processing 2.1 Introduction
point of view in [1] and applied to SAR imaging in [2]. Special modes commonly used in SAR imaging, such as
However, most of the methods require an a priori knowledge spotlight observation where the radar is continuously
or estimation of the number of reflectors, which deeply limits steered to illuminate a small patch of terrain, need a very
their application to SAR imaging and feature extraction. large integration angle for which the dispersivity of the
Unlike these, the RELAX algorithm [3, 4] is an scatterers cannot be ignored. Distortions appear in the image
asymptotically statistically efficient estimator that when integration time is increased or when the image is
formed over a wider angular sector and/or a larger
frequency bandwidth. This is because of the dispersive
q IEE, 2003 nature of real scatterers (anisotropy, unstationarity
IEE Proceedings online no. 20030763 and frequency dependency) that leads to phase shifts in
doi: 10.1049/ip-rsn:20030763 the ðKx ; Ky Þ space, and of the residual uncompensated
Paper first received 18th December 2002 and in revised form 30th June motion of the scene (due to the finite precision of relative
2003 positioning systems or errors in autofocus) and residual
The author is with Département ElectroMagnétisme et Radar, ONERA, errors of the imaging algorithm. The angular dispersivity of
Chemin de la Hunière, 91761 Palaiseau Cédex, France real scatterers can be clearly spotted by building successive
242 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 150, No. 4, August 2003

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$ rffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffi %
looks of a SAR image (classical images computed for f l c lf 1
successive mean angle of observation). See Fig. 1. f ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;  ¼ ; x  ; y  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Classical algorithms are then useless to solve the feature 4plf 4p 2f 4p f 4pl
extraction problem because real reflector behaviour does not ð5Þ
fit the classical model. The spectral analysis spotted in (1)
then depends on time (or angle) and frequency, and not only We see that this enables us to study the frequency and
on the position of the individual scatterers. Moreover, a angular dependencies of the reflectors while controlling the
coupled interaction of the 4-D variables ðx; y; f ; Þ occurs. coupling interaction between all the variables.
A strong property of the generalised wavelet decompo-
2.2 Generalised wavelet 4-D radar imaging sition is the ability to reconstruct the analysed back-
Evolution of classical radar imaging with a model of scattering function by coherently summing the wavelet
frequency-coloured and nonisotropic bright points has been coefficients over the entire ðx; y; f ; Þ space. It means that all
proposed using the concept of hyper-imaging (or 4-D the information included in the data Hð f ; Þ is entirely
imaging). The reader should refer to [6] and [7] to get a distributed in the wavelet decomposition
deeper view of this subject.
Hðf ;Þ / Cðx;y; f 0 ;ÞF0 ð f =f 0 ; 0 Þ
The hyper-image Iðx; y; f ; Þ can be viewed as a
distribution of localised states with density built on the exp½4ipf 0 ðxcos 0 þysin 0 Þ=c dx dy df 0 d 0
wavelet transform of the backscattering coefficient Hð f ; Þ
ZZ ð6Þ
Cðx; y; f ; Þ ¼ Hð f 0 ;  0 ÞF
0 ð f 0 =f ;  0  Þ We can see (6) as the possibility to represent the radar data
Hðf ;Þ in an infinite base of wavelets representing the
ðx cos  0 þy sin  0 Þ=c
e4ipf df 0 d 0 various behaviours of elementary dispersive scatterers.
Iðx; y; f ; Þ ¼ jCðx; y; f ; Þj2 ð3Þ
2.3 CLEAN/RELAX wavelet extension
with the mother wavelet F0 ð f ; Þ; which can be seen as the If we make the hypothesis that a backscattering function
backscattering function of an elementary dispersive scat- (or SAR data) of a man-made target is mainly composed
terer located at ðx ¼ 0 y ¼ 0Þ: The choice of the mother by the contributions of a set of individual dispersive
wavelet is restrained by admissibility rules (see [6] for more reflectors, we can have a second look at (6) and
details), but the wavelet function has to remain ‘concen- decompose any target backscattering function into the
trated’ on a spotted frequency and angle whatever frequency finite sum of elementary dispersive scatterers using the
scaling and angle rotation is applied to it. Here, for instance, combination of wavelets. This extends the classical
we can choose an admissible wavelet that separately problem formulation (1) to
controls the analysis spreading in frequency and angle via X
two parameters ðlf ; l Þ Hð f ; Þ ¼ Ak Fxk ;yk ;fk ;k ;lf ;l ð f ; Þ þ eð f ; Þ ð7Þ
F0 ð f ; Þ ¼ f 2plf exp½2plf f ð4Þ
where Fxk ;yk ; fk ;k ;l f ;l represents the backscattering function
Resolutions are given by uncertainty relations of an elementary scatterer localised around the point ðxk ; yk Þ

Fig. 1 Successive SAR looks of a target showing scatterer dispersivity

IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 150, No. 4, August 2003 243

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active around the fk frequency and the k angle with ðlf ; l Þ (ii) A local transformation (windowed around ð^xk ; y^ k ÞÞ to
controlling the spreading of the dispersivity in the ð f ; Þ ð f ; Þ; or simply to the Fourier space ðKx ; Ky Þ of the image,
space (colouration and specular length) gives an estimate ð f^k ; ^k Þ of its mean distribution in ð f ; Þ:
Fxk ;yk ;fk ;k ;lf ;l ð f ;Þ ¼F0 ð f =fk ;  k Þ Note that a 2-D time – frequency analysis can be used for
this purpose, but this usually leads to heavy computation
exp ½4ipfk ðxk cos k þ ysin Þ=c loads.
ð8Þ (iii) The estimated parameters ð^xk ; y^ k ; f^k ; ^k Þ are used as
initial guess in the optimisation scheme. We use a standard
The problem is quite complicated to solve because it is optimisation procedure (Matlab toolbox) of the criterion (9)
highly nonlinear and multidimensional. The criterion we
to obtain ðl^ f ; l^  Þ estimates and A^ k as a subproduct.
choose to minimise is the following:
Parameters ð^xk ; y^ k ; f^k ; ^k Þ may be estimated once
Cðxk ; yk ; fk ; k ; lf ; l ; Ak ; KÞk¼1;...;K ¼ jH  H^ j2 ð9Þ again through an optional loop of the previous steps
knowing ðl^ f ; l^  Þ: This leads to a better robustness but
We then use a combination of the RELAX architecture with increases computation load by a lot.
standard optimisation procedures. A similar procedure has (iv) After the optimisation converges, the estimated
already been used in [8] to discriminate trihedral from contribution A^ k Fx^ k ;^yk ;f^k ;^k ;l^ f ;l^  ð f ; Þ is removed (cleaned)
dihedral reflectors. from the data Hð f ; Þ and another iteration begins.
The CLEAN/RELAX architecture remains essentially the
same except for the estimation step. Of course, iterations are embedded in the usual relaxation
For each iteration k; we compute the following steps: procedure. Each previously extracted reflector is estimated
once again each time another reflector is extracted in its
(i) We start with an automatic search for the strongest pixel neighbourhood.
in the ðx; yÞ space of the classical image Iðx; yÞ: This gives The application of wavelet –RELAX is given in Figs. 2
the first estimation of the reflector position ð^xk ; y^ k Þ: and 3 on a real dataset (anechoic chamber measurement on a
reduced scale aircraft model). Here the extraction is
conducted inside the annular region of measured data
(1 GHz frequency bandwidth over 3608). Of course, SAR

Fig. 2 Results for reduced scale aircraft model

a Backscattering data domain of a reduced scale aircraft in an anechoic Fig. 3 Results for reduced scale aircraft model
chamber ðKx ¼ Kr sinðÞ; Ky ¼ Kr cosðÞÞ a Classical Fourier image
b Reconstruction of the extracted spectra on the annular data domain and b Super-resolved image obtained by extrapolation of the wavelet –RELAX
extrapolation on the whole domain by the wavelet–RELAX algorithm algorithm

244 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 150, No. 4, August 2003

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data would only represent a portion of the 3608 illumination,
but the principles remain nevertheless the same.
The super-resolution capacities of the algorithm are
illustrated by extrapolating the extracted data outside the
measured dataset (Fig. 2b). It only means that the behaviour
of the extracted reflectors is extrapolated, in no way should
it be interpreted as the true extrapolation of the real
backscattering function of the target on a wider bandwidth
simply because no other scatterer is created and we cannot
predict what does not first exist!
The classical Fourier image and the wavelet –RELAX
extrapolated image are given in Fig. 3. Though a lot of work
must still be done to stabilise the extraction, the resolution
enhancement is quite impressive. Furthermore, we have a
fully parametric description of the target with a lot more
information on the frequency and angle dispersivity of each
point than the conventional image could give.
We present another example on real SAR data of a ground
target. Successive looks of the target were shown (Fig. 1) to
illustrate the angular anisotropy of real scatterers. If we
combine these looks together, either coherently (full
aperture image) or not (multilook image), we see that the
residual motion causes an unacceptable blur in both images
(see Fig. 4). We have then adapted the autofocusing strategy
proposed in [9] for the RELAX algorithm to our wavelet-
RELAX architecture. Figure 5 gives a well autofocused full
aperture image, which is a subproduct of our algorithm,
and the dispersive feature extraction for which we know
the precise orientation of each extracted scatterer (not
represented here).

Fig. 5 Full aperture image and dispersive feature extraction

a Full aperture image with autofocus
b Full aperture dispersive scatterers extraction (wavelet–RELAX)

3 Conclusions

The CLEAN/RELAX architecture is a valuable tool for

feature extraction in radar images as it can be extended
and adapted to use various models of the elementary
reflectors. We have presented a wavelet-based extension
that works on frequency directivity dispersive reflectors.
The wavelet model was derived from hyper-imaging
theory that extends classical radar imaging by adding a
joint frequency and angular analysis. We showed how
the wavelet – RELAX algorithm can be implemented with
standard optimisation procedures, and successfully
applied for feature extraction over very wide angles
and large-frequency bandwidths. The super-resolution and
autofocusing possibilities that derive from this algorithm
were also illustrated for real data.
We think that automatic target recognition procedures
should benefit from these improvements mainly because
they take into account the target aspect angle variability
problem while delivering richer information on the
individual parts of the target.

4 References
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