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P r a y er d i a r y


Monday 10th November, 7pm 9pm,

More? Cafe What does the Bible
actually say about...? This weeks topic:
Women in the church

Monday 1st December, 7pm 9pm,

More? Cafe What does the Bible
actually say about...? This weeks topic:
Heaven and Hell

Tuesday 11th November

Meeting Harpenden churches considering
joining the 267 Partnership

Tuesday 2nd December

FUEL Team Training, 4.30pm 8.00pm at
Forest Town Church

Tuesday 11th November

Trustees meeting

Thursday 4th December Youthworker

Breakfast at The Oval YWAM Base

Wednesday 12th November

Houseparty venue visit

Monday 8th December, 7pm 9pm,

More? Cafe What does the Bible
actually say about...? This weeks topic:

Thursday 13th November

Meeting Redbourn church considering
joining the 267 Partnership
Friday 14th November Youthwork
Conference in Eastbourne. Pray for the
group of around 24 leaders going from our
St Albans and Harpenden network
Monday 17th November, 7pm 9pm,
More? Cafe What does the Bible
actually say about...? This weeks topic:
Tattoos and Piercings
Wednesday 19th November
Lock-In debrief meeting
Thursday 20th November
Visiting Bricket Wood ladies group to share
about the project
Sunday 23rd November FUEL St Albans

Sunday 14th December FUEL United

at The Oval YWAM Base
Monday 15th December, 7pm 9pm,
More? Cafe Christmas Acoustic Caf
with Buble Bauble Bingo
Monday 22nd December, 7pm 9pm,
More? Cafe Christmas Acoustic Caf
with Secret Santa

Monday 23rd December, 7pm

9pm, ADULT More? Cafe and
End of Year Celebration
New Years Houseparty,
December 30th January 2nd at Felden
Lodge, Hemel Hempstead

Monday 24th November, 7pm 9pm,

More? Cafe What does the Bible
actually say about...? This weeks topic:
Same-sex marriage
Tuesday 25th November
TTS (Total Training Sessions), 7.45pm
at Forest Town Church

n e wsle t te r

Encouraging and equipping

your youthwork

You will keep in perfe

ct peace those whose
minds are steadfast, be
cause they trust in yo
Trust in the Lord for ev
er, for the Lord, the Lo
himself, is the Rock et

I guess the word 'peace' means very different things to different people.
I am aware at the moment that I find myself in the middle of real peace
and real uncertainty.
Can peace and uncertainty exist together? This month I would have to say
'yes'! The project is in a great place and I really do sense that God is still
very much driving our ministry and taking us to new and exciting places,
as well as blessing parts of the ministry that have been established for
years. This knowledge and 'feeling' gives me great peace and continues
to affirm that the trustees and I are hearing
God right and following well.
But alongside this peace is a
sense of uncertainty; mainly
due to the fact that as of 30th
November we will have no
267 office space. A friend
reminded me today the
saying "don't look at how
big the mountain is, look at
how big your God is!"
The above verse does
remind me of the trust we can
have in God, even if we don't
'feel' that way all the time. It is
this 'perfect peace' that I seek and
so, as Isaiah suggests, I will trust and
attempt to keep my mind steadfast!
Many of you pray for the project so can I encourage
you to continue, and maybe this month pray a little more
for us, thank you.

O ur pr a y er re q uests :

The launch of our '267 Partnership' was hugely encouraging and we think
we have 3 new churches that have decided to partner with us. This not only
gives us additional financial support but also creates new opportunities to
support youth and children's work across the area.
The Lock-In was a great success with over 400 people spending a night in
St Albans Cathedral taking part in a whole range of activities from lasertag, to
prayer spaces, to a cinema, to pampering and communion. It was also really
amazing to get a whole bunch of youth groups together for the night.
Sean, Mike and Tracy completed the Flamstead 10K to raise money for 267.
Well done Sean for running under the hour, and well done Tracy for a good
time and Mike for making it across the line without passing out!
FUEL Harpenden was another superb gathering of young people and
James shared his story which God used powerfully during the prayer time.
I continue to thank God for FUEL and FUEL Team as they are such wonderful
opportunities to journey with young people.
I thank God for amazing trustees who
are bringing even more of their skills and
wisdom as we go through a new season of
challenge with additional finance required
and the impending office move.
It is with great joy and a huge amount
of excitement that I can announce
that the267project has employed the
wonderful Claire Banham as our new
Project Youthworker. We believe that
God is growing our ministry and so we
need further resources to achieve this
growth. Please pray for Claire as she
begins and pray for the267project and
its trustees as we work to raise the
; our new
additional funds required for this next
Project Youth
step of faith.
If you can help us by donating, please get in touch. Thank you for all your
prayers and support so far.
"Without risk, faith is an impossibility" Kierkegaard

This half term is incredibly busy for us and we would value your prayers as we
head into it. There are some great opportunities for ministry and also we have the
amazing Claire Banham starting with us. Pray for energy, wisdom to know where to
invest, further links made with local churches, sufficient finance to thrive and grow
over the next year and a real awareness of God's presence in this ministry.
Pray for the 'More?' Cafe as we run our series 'What does the Bible actually say
about...?' There are some big topics to discuss and we want people to feel listened
to as well as giving help in navigating a way to answers
Please pray for our New Years Houseparty. The more detailed planning is
happening over the next few weeks. Pray for those about to sign up and give thanks
for those already in. May the trip be a huge encouragement for those that come and
may their faith be strengthened and energised.
As of 30th November we will need to move out of our current office space and as
yet we have nowhere to go to. Please pray for the next step for us, and pray that we
would find somewhere that is suitable for where God is taking us as a ministry
Pray for more churches to make use of our new '267 Partnership'. This has been
a great way to share with churches about all that we do but also create an easy way
for churches to receive training and access to our resources.


G od a t work :

Those of you who have been with us for some time might remember The 267
Experience, an event in November 2012 where we informed you of two of our
key plans for the future: expanding our geographic reach and providing a drop-in
centre/ youth hub. So whats happened since then?
Well were very pleased to announce that next month well be employing a new
youth worker, Claire Banham, initially for a fixed term as its a big step for us with
no small consideration being given over to finance.
However plans have changed regarding a youth hub with God saying not yet and
a sense that this latter plan will be fulfilled through the former: expansion of the
projects work.
Related, God gave us - and has now taken away - our home in the Ziggurat
building so a continuing time of change and growth for us with recent strategising
and prayer revealing new objectives which well talk more of in the New Year.

If you would like to volunteer or spend a Year out

with the267project then drop us an email
or pa@the267project.com

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