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Muhammad SAW

Prophet Muhammad is the prophet of Islam treatise carrier, wrap up the last
apostle prophets and messengers of God Almighty on earth. He was one of the
highest among the apostles, including 5 in group Ulul Azmi or those who have
courage (Surah 46: 35). Other apostles in the fourth Ulul tsb Azmi Ibrahim is the
U.S., U.S. Moses, Jesus, the U.S., and Noah the U.S..

The birth of Prophet Muhammad

Early parenting Du'aib Haliman bint Abi al-Sa'diyah
Prophetic signs
Title al-Amin
Marriage with Khadijah
First Revelation
Da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Actions against the Da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Events Isra Mi `raj
Medina State Establishment
Badr War
Trench War
Hudaibiyah Agreement
The spread of Islam to other countries
Return to Mecca
Last pilgrimage
Back to Medina
The death of the Prophet SAW
Mother of the Faithful
The birth of Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad is a member of the Banu Hashim, one of the most noble tribe of
the Quraysh tribe who dominated Arab society. His father was Abdullah Muttalib, a
chief of great influence Quraysh. His mother was Aminah bint Wahab from Bani
Venus. Both of the lines and matrilineal father, genealogy Prophet Muhammad came
to the Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail AS U.S..

Year of birth of Prophet Muhammad known as the Year of the Elephant, because it
happened in a big event, namely the arrival of elephant troops invaded Mecca with
the aim of destroying the Kaaba. The army was led by Abraha, the governor of the
kingdom of Ethiopia in Yemen. Abraha wanted to take over the city of Mecca and
Ka'bahnya as economic centers and worship of the Arabs. This is in line with the
wishes of Emperor Negus of Ethiopia to take all the Arab lands, which together
with the Byzantine emperor against the enemy from the east, the Persians (Iraq).

Kaaba in the attack, the army of Abraha destroyed by a deadly disease carried by
birds which pelted soldiers Ababil elephants. Abraha himself fled back to Yemen
and soon died.
This event is narrated in the Qur'an surah Al-Fil: 1-5.

A few months after the invasion army of elephants, Aminah gave birth to a baby
boy, who was given the name Muhammad. He was born on the eve of Monday morning, 12
Rabi 'al-Awal Year of the Elephant, 20 April to coincide with the 570 M. At the
time of Muhammad's father, Abdullah, had died.

The name Muhammad was given by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. The name was a
little odd among the Quraysh, hence they are said to Abdul Muttalib, "It's
unusual, sir family so large, but none were named so." Abdul Muttalib replied, "I
understand. He was different from the others. Dengam this name I want the whole
world praised him."
Early parenting Du'aib Haliman bint Abi al-Sa'diyah

Is a custom in Mecca, a newborn child cared for and fed by rural women in order
that she might grow in a good social interaction and cleaner air. When Muhammad
was born, the mothers of the village Sa'ad came to Mecca to contact families who
want to breastfeed her child. Sa'ad village located approximately 60 km from
Mecca, near the city of Ta'if, a mountainous region that is very good air.

among the mothers they will have a woman named Halima bint Abu Du'aib as Sa'diyah.
Halima families classified as poor, so he had hesitated to take care of Aminah
Muhammad because of his own family is not too rich. However, for some reason the
baby is very charming Muhammad heart, so that Halimah finally took Muhammad as
foster children.

It turned out that Muhammad's presence is a blessing to the family Halima. It is

said that pet goat Haris, Halima's husband, the fat and produce more milk than
usual. Grass where sheep herding was also flourish. Halima's family life which had
been turned into a happy bleak and full of peace. They firmly believe that the
baby of Mecca that they care that a blessing for their lives.
Prophetic signs

Since small Muhammad has shown features incredible.

Age 5 months he was good at walking, age 9 months he was able to speak. At the age
of 2 years he could be removed with the kids other Halima to herding goats. That's
when she stopped breastfeeding and therefore should be returned again to his
mother. Halima reluctantly forced to return foster children who have been a
blessing that, while Amina was happy to see her back in good health and fresh.

But shortly after that Muhammad was raised by Halima returned due to the plague in
the city of Mecca. Care during this time, both Halima and her children often find
myself wonder about Muhammad. Halima Children often hear voices greet Muhammad,
"Salaam Muhammad Alaika yes," but they do not see anyone there.
In another occasion, Dimrah, child Halima, running, crying and complaining that
there are two big men, big and white dress caught Muhammad. Halimah Muhammad
hurried to catch up. When questioned, Muhammad replied, "There are 2 angels come
down from heaven. They gave greetings to me, put me, opened my shirt, cut my
chest, wash it with water they brought, then closed again without my chest I feel

Halima is happy to see the wonders of Muhammad SAW, but due to family economic
conditions weakened, he was forced to return Muhammad, who was then 4 years old,
his biological mother in Mecca.

In the age of 6 years, Prophet Muhammad had become an orphan. Aminah died of his
return he took Muhammad's pilgrimage to the tomb of his father. After the death of
Amina, Abdul Muttalib took over the responsibility of caring for Muhammad. But
then Abdul Muttalib also died, and the maintenance responsibility of Muhammad
turned to his uncle, Abu Talib.

When he was 12 years old, Abi Talib, Muhammad's grant request to participate in
the caravan when he led the group to Sham (Syria). 12 years of age is still too
young to participate in a trip like that, but in this trip back is a miracle that
the signs of the prophethood of Muhammad SAW.

A cloud continued to overshadow that of Muhammad's searing heat of the skin does
not feel it. The cloud seemed to follow the movements of Muhammad's caravan
entourage. When they stopped, the clouds had come to stop. This incident attracted
a Christian priest named Bahira who watched from the convent in Busra. He occupied
the right content of the Torah and the Gospel. His heart trembled to see the
caravan there is a bright child who was riding a camel. Children that are shielded
from the beam of sunlight by a cloud over his head. "This is the promised Spirit
of truth that," he thought.

The priest was walking to meet a convoy of caravans and invite them in a meal.
After talking with Abi Talib and Muhammad himself, he became convinced that the
children who called the prophet Muhammad is the candidate who is appointed by
Allah SWT. This belief is emphasized by the fact that behind the shoulders of
Muhammad, there is a prophetic sign.

We'll split up with his guests, the priest told the Bahira Abi Talib, "I hope you
keep it carefully. I believe he is the end-time prophets who have been waiting for
all mankind. Try to make it not known by the Jews . They have killed the prophets
before. I'm not making this up, what I explained that based on what I know from
the Torah and the Gospel. May the good gentlemen on the way. "

What is said by the Christian preacher Abu Talib made immediately expedite
business in Syria and immediately returned to Mecca.
Title al-Amin

At the age of 20 years, Muhammad founded Hilful-Fudûl, an institution that aims to

help the poor and the persecuted. At that time in Mecca had been upset by a
dispute between the Quraish tribe Hawazin. Through this Hilful-Fudûl leadership
qualities Muhammad began to appear. Because the activities in this institution, in
addition to trade helped his uncle, his name is more famous as a trusted person.
The growing trade relations because of his honesty news soon spread by word of
mouth, so he got the title Al-Amin, which means a trusted person.

He was also known as a fair person and have a high sense of humanity. Once the
Kaaba building damaged by flooding. Meccans then cooperate to improve the Kaaba.
We work until the appointment and the laying of the Black Stone into place,
conflicts arose. Each tribe wanted the honor to do the job. Finally one of them
then said, "Leave this decision on the person who first entered this Safa door."
They all waited, then saw Muhammad came from there. All the audience shouted,
"There he is al-Amin, a trusted person. We are willing to accept all decisions."

After see the light, then Muhammad's turban spread on the ground, and placed the
Black Stone in the middle, then asked all the chiefs held a turban and held
together. Having reached the height of the expected, Muhammad laid the stone in
its place. Thus finished disputes among tribes and they they will be satisfied
with the way the settlement was very wise.
Marriage with Khadijah

At the age of 25 years, at the request of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, a wealthy

merchant, Muhammad went to Syria carrying merchandise merchant old woman who had
been widowed it. He is assisted by Maisaroh, a servant man who has long worked on
Khadija. Since the first meeting with Muhammad, Khadija was sympathetic view of
Muhammad's appearance was decent. His admiration grew to know the sales results
achieved in the Syrian Muhammad exceed estimates.

Finally Maisaroh and Khadija sent her closest friend, Nufasah to convey the
contents of his heart to Muhammad. Khadija is 40 years old, Muhammad applied to
become her husband.
After consulting with his family, finally accepted his proposal and in the near
future once held a simple ceremony. who attended the event include Abi Talib,
Waraqa bin Nawfal and Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.

Happy marriage was blessed with 6 children, consisting of 2 boys named Al-Qasim
and Abdullah, and 4 girl named Zainab, Rukayya, Umm kalsum, and Fatima. The second
son died while still small. Prophet Muhammad did not marry again until Khadija's
death, when Muhammad was 50 years old.

In-house life marriage with Khadija, Muhammad had never hurt her. Instead she was
willing give up everything to her husband. His wife's wealth is used by Muhammad
to help the poor and oppressed. The slaves who had owned before the marriage of
Khadija, he freed them all, one of whom was Zaid bin Haritha who later became his
adopted son.
First Revelation

Toward the age of 40, Prophet Muhammad often seclusion (solitary) to the Cave
Hira, about 6 km east of Mecca. He can engage in days and worship there. One time,
on the 17th of Ramadan / August 6 611, he saw a bright light filled the cave.
Suddenly, the Angel Gabriel appeared before him, saying, "Iqra '(read)." Then
Muhammad replied, "Ma ana bi Qari '(I can not read)." Muhammad heard the answer,
Gabriel then embraced Muhammad's body so tightly, then let go and re-told Muhammad
to read. However, after up to 3 times and fixed Muhammad gave the same answer, the
angel Gabriel and then delivered the first revelation of Allah SWT, which means:

Read the (call) the name of Creating Rabbmu. He created man from a clot. Read
it, and Rabbmulah the Most Gracious. who teaches (men) with an intermediary kalam.
He taught man that which he did not know. "(Surah 96: 1-5)

At that time Muhammad was 40 years 6 months 8 days according to the calculation of
lunar year (calendar by month), or 39 years 3 months 8 days according to the
calculation of solar year (based on the solar calendar). With the decline in the
first paragraph 5 of this, it means that Muhammad had been chosen by God as an

After the incredible experience at Hira tsb, with a sense of fear and anxiety of
the Prophet Muhammad came home and cried to Khadija, "covered me, covered me." Her
whole body felt hot and cold alternately. After more calm, then he told his wife.
For more reassuring her husband, Khadijah took Prophet Muhammad arrived at her
cousin, Waraqa bin Nawfal, who many know the sacred books of Christians and Jews.
Hearing the stories of experienced Prophet Muhammad, Waraqa said, "I have sworn by
the name of God, who in His hands lies Waraqa life, God has chosen you to be
prophets of this. An-namus al-Akbar (Angel Gabriel) has come to . your people will
say that you cheat, they will memusuhimu, and they'll fight you. Really, if I
could live on that day, I will fight to defend you. "
Da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

The next revelation was the letter of Al-Muddatsir: 1-7, which means:

Hi people berkemul (covered), Arise and warn! and Rabbmu magnify, and your
clothes clean, and sin (idolatry) leave, and do not give (in order) gain (reward)
for more. And for (fill orders) Rabbmu, be patient. (Surah 74: 1-7)

With decreasing Al-Muddatsir this, the Prophet Muhammad began preaching. At first
he did it in secret in the family circle and his associates. The first person who
welcomed his message is Khadija, his wife. It was he who first embraced Islam.
Following after that was Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin who was then 10 years old,
so that Ali became the first man who converted to Islam. Then Abu Bakr, his
closest friend since childhood. It was only later followed by Zaid bin Haritha, a
former slave who had become his adopted son, and Umm Ayman, the Prophet caretaker
since her mother was still alive.

Abu Bakr himself and then managed to convert some of his close friend, like, Usman
bin Affan, Zubair bin Awwam, Abdurrahman ibn Awf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, and Talhah
bin Ubaidillah. From the mission was still secret, dozens of people have converted
to Islam.

After a long running propaganda Prophet secretly, go down the order to run the
da'wah Prophet openly. First she invited her closest relatives in a banquet. On
that occasion he delivered his teachings. But it took only a few. Some reject it
mildly, some rudely refused, one of whom was Abu Lahab.

Steps taken so mission Prophet Muhammad in a larger meeting. He went to Mount

Safa, as he stood there he shouted for the crowd. Because Muhammad was a trusted,
people believe that there must be something very important, so they gathered
around the Prophet Muhammad.

To attract attention, at first the Prophet said, "My brothers, if I say, behind
this hill there is a ready enemy attack you, believe you?"
In unison they replied, "Believe it, we know you've never lied. Honesty is no
other relatives. Brother who received his al-Amin."
Then the Prophet continued, "Then, listen. I am a Nazarites (Warner). God has
commanded me to warn my brothers and sisters. Ye should worship Allah alone. There
is no God but Allah. If you refuse, you will azabnya and relatives affected will
regret it later. Regret then there's no point. "

But this sermon was to make the people who gathered were angry, even some of them
were teasing him crazy. At that time, Abu Lahab shouting, "Woe to you O Muhammad.
This is what we gather you?"
In response to Abu Lahab saying they will go down the Qur'anic verse which means:

Perish the hands of Abu Lahab and indeed he will perish. It is not beneficial
to him their possessions and what they earn. Later he would enter into a turbulent
flame. And (so did) his wife, carrying firewood. which a rope around her neck from
the fiber. (Qur'an 111: 1-5)

Actions against the Da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Strong reactions against the mission of the Prophet Muhammad appeared, but
tirelessly Prophet Muhammad continued his preaching, so the results from real.
Almost every day there is joined in the ranks of Islamic religion. They consisted
mainly of women, slaves, workers, and the poor and weak. Although some of them are
people who are weak, but the spirit that pushed them believe very steely.

Toughest challenges come from the missionary rulers of Mecca, the feudal lords,
and slave owners. They want to maintain a long tradition in addition to also worry
if the structure of society and commercial interests they will be shaken by the
teachings of Prophet Muhammad that emphasizes social justice and equality. They
develop a strategy to release the family relationship between Abi Talib and the
Prophet Muhammad dengen way to Abu Talib asked to choose between two: Muhammad
ordered to stop preaching, or giving it to them. Abu Talib was affected by the
threat, he was asked to stop the preaching of Muhammad. But Muhammad refused his
request and said, "By Allah I will not stop fighting for the mandate of God, even
though the entire family and my relatives excluded."
Hearing this answer, Abi Talib said, "Keep going, by Allah I will continue to

Failed with the first way, the Quraysh then sent Mugirah see Walid ibn Abi Talib
to bring a young man to be exchanged with Muhammad. The young man named Umarah ibn
al-Walid, a handsome young man and handsome. Mugirah Walid said, "Take her into
the child's brother, but leave it to us Muhammad to kill us, because he has
opposed us and divide us".
Quraish proposal was rejected by Abi Talib by saying, "It is evil minds. You leave
your child to my care and feeding, and I leave my nephew to kill you. It's an
offer I could not accept."

Return a failure, they next face the Prophet Muhammad directly. They sent Utbah
bin Rabi'a, an expert in rhetoric, to persuade the Prophet Muhammad. They offered
the throne, women, and they think the property desired by the Prophet Muhammad,
the Prophet origin dakwahannya willing to stop. However, all bids were rejected by
the Prophet Muhammad by saying, "By Allah, even if they put the sun in my right
hand, and the moon in my left hand, I'm not going to stop preaching the religion
of God is, so it's religion or I perish by it."

Having failed with diplomatic means and persuasion, the Quraysh began to violence.
Those slaves who had converted to Islam they were very cruel punishment. They were
beaten, whipped, and not given any food and drink. One of a slave named Bilal, a
ditelentangkan torture on the hot sand on his chest and put a large rock and

Each tribe was asked to punish members of his family who converted to Islam until
he lapsed back. Uthman ibn Affan, for example, locked in a dark room and beaten to
a pulp by his own family members. Overall, since then the Muslims have a painful
doom of the Quraysh of Mecca. They were pelted with dirt, blocked for worship at
the Kaaba, and so forth.

Atrocities against Muslims Prophet Muhammad encouraged to evacuate his friends out
of Mecca. With a deep consideration, in year 5 of prophethood, the Prophet set
Abessinia or Habashah (now Ethiopia) in the country where the evacuation, because
the king of that country is a fair, spacious heart, and likes to receive visitors.
Prophet Muhammad was sure his party will be received with open arms.

The first group consisted of 10 men and 5 women. they will be among the group was
Uthman ibn Affan and his wife Ruqayah (daughter of Prophet Muhammad), Al-Zubair
bin Awwam, and Abdur Rahman bin Auf. Then followed the second group, led by Ja'far
ibn Abi Talib. Some sources said this group of more than 80 people.

Various attempts were made by the Quraysh to deter Habashah immigrated to this,
including the king of the country they will be persuaded to reject the presence of
Muslims there. However, efforts that failed. The more violent they treat Muslims,
it increased the number who embraced Islam. Even in the midst of increasing
violence tsb, two strong men of Quraysh to Islam, ie Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and
'Umar ibn Khattab. With two people entered Islam nicknamed the "Lion of the Arabs"
is, the more stronger the position of Muslims and Muhammad's mission at that time.

This makes the reaction Quraysh grew louder. They argue that the power of the
Prophet Muhammad is located in the protection of the Banu Hashim, so they were
trying to stifle the Bani Hashim to implement the blockade. They decided all kinds
of relations with this tribe. Nobody Meccans should make contact with the Bani
Hashim, including buying and selling relationships and marriage. Agreement they
made in the form of the charter that they sign the joint and they hang in the
Kaaba. As a result, the Bani Hashim starvation, poverty, and misery. To alleviate
suffering, Hashim finally fled to a valley outside Mecca.

Action boycott that began in year 7 of Muhammad's prophethood and lasted for 3
years it was the most excruciating action. Boycott was stopped because there are
few leaders who realized that the Quraysh boycott action was really outrageous.
Encourage awareness that they violate the agreement they made themselves. Hashim
thus finally able to return home to their respective homes.

After Bani Hashim returned to their homes, Abi Talib, the Prophet's uncle who was
a major patron, has died at the age of 87 years. Three days later, Khadija, his
wife, also died. The 10-year prophetic really a Year Sadness ( 'am al-Huzn) for
the Prophet Muhammad. Telebih after the death of two supporters, the Quraysh did
not hesitate to vent their hatred to the Prophet Muhammad. Until then the Prophet
Muhammad tried to spread propaganda out of town, which is to Ta'if. But the
reaction received from the Children of the Prophet Saqif (population Ta'if), not
much different from the population of Mecca. Mocked Prophet, disoraki, pelted with
stones until he was wounded in the head and body.
Events Isra Mi `raj

In the 10-year prophethood, Prophet Muhammad through Isra Mi `raj events.

Isra, the night journey from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to Masjidilaksa in
Ascension, which is an increase of the Prophet Muhammad to heaven Masjidilaksa
through several levels, continues to Baitulmakmur, sidratulmuntaha, arsy (the
throne of God), and the chair (throne of God), to receive the revelation of Allah

In kesempatannnya face to face with Allah is the Prophet Muhammad received orders
to establish prayer 5 times a day and night.
Events Isra Mi `raj is found in the Qur'an surah Al-Isra 'verse 1.

Expectations for growth with the advent of Islam came to Mecca pilgrims who came
from Yathrib (Madinah). Prophet Muhammad used the opportunity to spread the
religion of Allah SWT by visiting their camps. But this business is always
accompanied by Abu Lahab and his friends to deny the Prophet Muhammad.

One time the Prophet Muhammad met with 6 people from the tribe of Aus and Khazraj
from Yathrib. After the Prophet Muhammad delivered the main points of the
teachings of Islam, they declared themselves converted to Islam before the Prophet
Muhammad. They said, "Our people have long engaged in hostilities, between
interest Khazraj and Aus. They really miss the peace. May the Lord unite them are
now back with perantaramu and the teachings that you bring. Therefore we will
preach to them learn the religion we received from you this. "

In the pilgrimage season next year, came Yathrib delegation consisting of 12

people Khazraj and Aus tribe. They met the Prophet at a place called `Aqabah. In
front of the Prophet Muhammad, they said the pledge of loyalty. Because of this
promise made at Aqabah, the Bai'at called `Aqabah. 12 people tsb group then
returned to Yathrib as a missionary interpreter accompanied by Mus'ab bin Umair
who deliberately sent by the Prophet at their request.

In the next Hajj season, pilgrims who came from Yathrib numbering 75 people,
including 12 people who previously had met the Prophet at Aqabah. They requested
that the Prophet was willing to move to Yathrib. They promised to defend the
Prophet from all threats. Prophet agreed to that they add.

Aware of any agreement between the Prophet Muhammad in Yathrib people, the Quraysh
became increasingly cruel to the Muslims. This made the prophet Muhammad ordered
his companions to migrate to Yathrib. Discreetly, set off crowds of Muslims,
little by little, to Yathrib. Within 2 months, approximately 150 Muslims have been
in Yathrib. Meanwhile, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abu Bakr as-Sidiq stayed in Mecca
with the Prophet Muhammad, and defending to the Prophet received a revelation to
migrate to Yathrib.

Quraysh planned to kill the Prophet Muhammad before he could follow his flock to
Yathrib. The murder was planned to involve all tribes. Each tribe is represented
by one of the strongest young men. The plan was heard by the murder of the Prophet
Muhammad, so he planned to migrate with his friend, Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr was asked
to prepare all the necessary things on the way, including camels 2. While Ali ibn
Abi Talib was asked to replace the Prophet in order to occupy the bed Quraysh
thought that the Prophet Muhammad was still asleep.

In the evening planned, in the middle of the night the Prophet Muhammad out of his
house without being noticed by the besiegers from among the Quraysh. Prophet met
Abu Bakr who was ready to wait. They both went out of Mecca into a cave Tsur,
approximately 3 miles south of Mecca. They hid in the cave for 3 days and 3 nights
waiting for the situation safe. On the night of the 4th, the Quraysh, as the
business began to decline because he thought the Prophet had arrived in Yathrib,
the Prophet came out and Abu Bakr of hiding. At that time, Abdullah bin Uraiqit
instructed by Abu Bakr came with 2 camels which were already prepared in advance.
Go with the Prophet, Abu Bakr to Yathrib along the Red Sea coast, a road that was
never taken one.

After 7-day trip, the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr arrived at Quba, a village
located 5 km from Yathrib. In this village they rested for a few days. They stayed
at home kalsum bin Hind. On this home page of the Prophet Muhammad built a mosque
that was later known as the Mosque of Quba. This is the first mosque built the
Prophet Muhammad as a center of worship.

Soon after, Ali joined the Prophet Muhammad. Meanwhile residents Yathrib waiting
his arrival. According to their calculations, based on the usual calculation
adopted people, the Prophet should have arrived in Yathrib. Therefore, they go to
places high, looking toward the Quba, waiting and welcome the arrival of the
Prophet Muhammad and his entourage. Finally the time had been waiting for arrived.
Feeling happy, they hail the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad. They marched along
the street and singing songs Thala 'al-Badru, in which:

Has come full moon, from Saniyyah al-Wadâ'i (mountain crevices).

We must be grateful, as long as there are those who appeal to the Divine,
O who are sent to us,
you have brought something we had to obey.

Everyone wants the Prophet stopped and stayed at his house. But the Prophet said,
"I'll stay where untaku stop. Let him go as they please."
It turned out that the camel had stopped on the grounds of two orphans, the Sahl
and Suhail, in front of the house belonging to Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. Thus the
Prophet chose Abu Ayyub's house as a place to stay temporarily. Seven months of
the Prophet Muhammad lived in the house of Abu Ayyub, while the Muslims cooperate
to build a home for her.

Since then the name of the city of Yathrib was changed to Medina an-Nabi (city of
the Prophet). People often call al-Munawwarah Medina (the city's glow), because
that is where the light radiates throughout the Islamic world.
Medina State Establishment

After the Prophet Muhammad arrived in Medina and the people of Medina accepted,
the Prophet Muhammad became the leader of the city's residents. He immediately
laid the foundations of a solid life for the formation of a new society.
The first basis is enforced Ukhuwah Islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood in), which is
among the immigrants (people who migrated from Mecca to Medina) and Ansar (people
of Medina who converted to Islam and helped the immigrants). Prophet unite
individuals of immigrants groups with individuals from the group Ansar. For
example, the Prophet unite Kharijah Abu Bakr ibn Zayd, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib with
Mu'az bin Jabal. It is expected of each person will be bound in a brotherhood and

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