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Scriptures According to a Woman

By Gay N. Blanchard




One day when Eve was walking alone

she came upon the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
She marveled at its two fruits –
one white, translucent, fragrant
the other dark red, bitterly pungent.

The core-of-her remembered God’s words

If you eat this fruit you will surely die.
And the core-of-her yearned to progress,
to become all that she could be.

She looked up at the fruit again

and noticed for the first time
someone sitting in the branches, leering,
offering her the red fruit.

She was surprised when he spoke,

This fruit will make you wise.

She spoke back,

It will make me die.

Lucifer said,
It will make you as the Gods, knowing good and evil.

Eve thought about that for a long time.

Vaguely she remembered wanting to be like God.
She asked God, Should I or shouldn’t I?
but didn’t get an answer.

God, because They live the Law of Freedom,

never makes our decisions.
Once we have decided though,
They move to help us.
So when Eve figured out,
from the depths of her own mind and heart
that learning about good and evil
was crucial to her progress
and took a bite of the “apple”
God immediately whispered
Remember Love!
and washed her with a warm joy.

Eve ran to find Adam

and share with him her new insight:
That the real reason they were here on Earth was
TO PARTAKE of the fruit
of the tree of knowledge of good and evil!

At first Adam was appalled.

We will die! He cried.

What does that MEAN though?

Eve wanted to know.
Maybe it means something wonderful.

God warned us not to.

God gave us a choice.

I see it as the only way to progress,
to have new experiences and learn something from them,
to grow wiser.

Adam considered Eve’s reasoning,

and did his own soul-searching.

Then he shared the fruit with Eve

and held her close to him
while they waited –
for death?

The next time they saw Lucifer, they recognized him,

and vaguely remembered
For the first time, they felt afraid.

Things changed after that.

Eve and Adam’s choice to risk discovering evil
opened the gates of Eden to opposition.

Fruit from mortality’s trees

changed the physical chemistry of Adam and Eve.
Gradually the pure love
which had flowed through their veins,
the substance of eternal life,
became blood
the ingredient of death.

Lucifer and Lillith (hereafter called Satan)

had brought their followers to Earth
when they left God,
and were established in their evil rule of force
in dark secret places.

Honoring Eve and Adam’s choice

to gain a knowledge of evil
God opened the whole of Earth to opposition
and allowed Satan access to Adam and Eve
and to all their mortal descendants.

Satan’s hosts became

the destructive powers of darkness
which compete with
God’s creative powers of Light.
Evil versus Good.
Opposition in all things.

Adam, struggling to survive in the hostile world,

feeling the need to protect his beloved Eve,
and ignorant of evil
was carefully lured by Satan
down through one more dark veil of forgetfulness,
still further away from God.
Eve was not aware of that last veil.
She innocently retained enough of her sixth sense,
her sense of God,
to keep her in closer touch with Deity.
But she and Adam were tragically separated
from each other’s understanding.

Alone, Adam fell

past the last hope of peace
into godlessness,
into the angry realm of competition,
the insidious realm of pride, deceit and lust.

the law there in Satan’s domain was

Survival of the fittest.

Adam was strong, but he was not yet wise.

Satan took advantage of his innocence.
He imposed upon Adam reverse vision
(the syndrome of projecting one’s faults onto another)
so that instead of seeing himself further fallen
Adam saw himself superior to Eve.
And immediately
was lost.


Men have put the words of “The Curse” into God’s mouth,
have said that Eve and Adam were being punished by God
when they struggled and suffered.
That is not true.
God is not in the business of punishing.
Their function is to LOVE and BLESS.

The “curse” evolved

as a natural result of evil’s presence.
Adam “ate bread by the sweat of his brow”
because when they realized no one would stop them
Satan’s forces gleefully began inventing
thistles and weeds, germs and viruses,
and obnoxious, destructive bugs
with which Adam had to cope.

The sons of Adam became cunning warriors.

Their protection of women
turned into dominion over them.
They ruled with pride and possessiveness,
They used women to please themselves,
and treated women as inferiors.

The beautiful Dance of Love was lost,

its holy passion replaced by unholy, self-gratifying lust.
Children were brought into the world
heirs, by blood,
to all their parents sins.

Eve maintained enough spiritual integrity

to become the nurturing mother,
the center of home.
And she pondered many things in her heart.

Adam forgot unconditional love.

Eve remembered . . .
and yearned.


The sons of Adam

seeing through a glass darkly
made God in their own fallen image –
vengeful, jealous, cruel, power-hungry,
and masculine.

Mother God
was written out of their histories
by proud or jealous or ignorant men,
by men who came to rationalize that the curse
was really a blessing,
that patriarchal dominion over women
was really the true order of things.
But men could not write out of women’s hearts,
nor erase,
the powerful influence
Mother God has always had in the earth.
The Mother of our spirits
has continued to bless Her children
with the pure feminine energy
which is half of God’s unconditional Love.

From Eden through the centuries

The Goddess has dwelt in the hearts of Earth’s women,
sustaining them through impossible pain.

Without ever being acknowledged,

has persisted in imbuing women with her own courage
and offering to touch the hearts of men
with her powerful insights.

God was not diminished

when men misinterpreted Their counsel
adulterated Their Love
and worshipped a half-God.

Mankind was diminished.

Mother Eve, as Daughter of Light,

also was erased from the books of men.
Except she was made scapegoat for all the world’s woes.

She has carried that burden valiantly.

The mother of our mortality
has remained close to Earth, unseen,
radiating to fallen humankind the perfect love
which is the feminine half of Christ’s love
comfort, safety, renewal, nourishment, belonging,
appreciation, cooperation, accomplishment,

You are not a victim of Eve’s or Adam’s choices.

You are a product of your own.

Before you were born into opposition

you took your own bite of the
Your spirit, the divine you, chose to risk mortality
and FALL
through all the veils of forgetting
which separate humans from God,
and which separate men and women
from each other.

The first veil closed off memory

so Heaven’s home faded into fantasy.

Another veil distorted God’s pure Love-Energy

into deceitful counterfeits of love.

One shuttered harmony

and left only shattering dissonance.

One blanked out understanding

long before the Tower of Babel.

As you fell through these veils

the pure love in your spirit’s veins
was replaced by blood
vulnerable, human blood.

The maze into which you fell is uniquely

Your heredity, your environment,
your astrological traps
the game of chance on your palm
the luck of your numbers,
your colors
and yes, your very own ego
all contribute their particular twists
to your confusion.
You must work your way through your personal puzzle
if you want to find
the truth of yourself.

Listen to the promptings of your own Holy Ghost.

That personage of spirit
who dwells in your heart
is an honest guide.

Pay attention to the still small voice inside you

and it will reveal to your fallen self

The truth of YOU is a holy citizen

of the Kingdom of God.

Whether or not you realize the full potential

of that holy person,
your original intelligence plus your heritage from God,
is your choice.

God is the Source of Good
Satan the source of evil.
You choose.
You choose which you will BE.

Throughout humanity’s history

there have come people of influence who say
there is no such thing as good and evil
all things happen as they should.

This lie has influenced many

to become less than they could be
by obliterating all awareness
that each of us is, consciously or unconsciously,
daily taking a stand
for or against good
for or against evil,

All things do not happen as they “should.”

Things happen according to
our choices.

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