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AUGUST 17,16,

Liturgy Schedule
Monday, November 17th
8:15 a.m. Kay Moser
5:15 p.m. Jean Jordan
Tuesday, November 18th
8:15 a.m. John Boes
10:00 a.m. Mass at Rosewalk
Bill Oberle
Wednesday, November 19th
8:15 a.m. Jackie Westrick
6:30 p.m. Special Intention
Thursday, November 20th
8:15 a.m. Thomas & Rose
Friday, November 21st
8:15 a.m. Safety of Schilli
Saturday, November 22nd
5:00 p.m. Carl & Emma
Sunday, November 23rd
8:00 a.m. Mark S. Klinker
9:30 a.m. Liv. & Dec. of John
Bresnahan Family
11:15 a.m. Denise Albrecht
5:00 p.m. Parishioners of
St. Lawrence

From the Desk of Fr. Underwood:

Pope Francis Has Done It Again! In his hard work
to lead the Church and remain faithful to the
long-standing tradition of our faith given to us by
Christ, our Holy Father really has the secular world
and the secular media scrambling to stay on top of it
all. I imagine that Fr. Duquaine and I are not alone
in our observation that the number of articles (and
news programs) in recent months have increased
international attention on the Church and what Pope Francis and others are
saying and doing. And the media response is interesting to observe,
especially how they interpret the events.
I have felt recently like I am witnessing the dynamic of Jesus Christ
interacting with the Pharisees. Remember the Pharisees who so desperately
tried to understand Jesus that they twisted nearly everything He said and
did? They were confused and they had an agenda they were trying to
promote to allow them to keep doing what they were comfortable doing.
Jesus challenged them to deny themselves and follow Him.
While Pope Francis is trying to promote unity in the Church and the truth of
Christ, the media seems to desire division in the Church. So, how does this
division show up?
1. The Church is being incorrectly portrayed as a democracy where people
campaign and vote for what they want. There was even an emphasis on
Pope Francis being recently elected. And the way the discussions during
the Synod on the Family were portrayed gave a false impression. In reality,
the Church is the Body of Christ and all Her teachings are from Jesus
(or they are applications of what Jesus taught). Christs teachings do not
depend on human opinion, but are a great gift from our Lord.
2. Pope Francis is being portrayed as a politician who has given a policy
speech (the term of one AP writer). While every good leader must
encounter the reality of human nature, bureaucratic language cannot be
applied to the proclamation of the Gospel. We must always be careful to
understand the mission of Christ as it is given to us.
3. Some news reporters are trying to portray the Church as having a
conflict-driven two-party system. While the Church has its challenges,
this approach is likely due to the recent attention of the U.S. elections. It
is not fitting for our faith. Pitting bishops against the Holy Father, or
conservative Catholics against liberal Catholics does not promote
unity or the Gospel. The Pharisees were motivated to bring division in
this same way.
Someone once gave me the advice: Dont believe everything you read.
Lets ponder that and be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.


The 90+ Club celebrates the
following November Birthdays:
Q: On EWTN I saw the title of bishop Ackermann from
Trier, Germany as Dr. Ackermann. Is that title used
sometimes for a Catholic bishop?
A: The title doctor is bestowed upon all newly named
bishops. They receive a Doctor of Divinity degree (D.D.)
and all priests have Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
degrees. It is unusual that a bishop would be referred to as
Dr. because this does not distinguish him from doctors in
science, medicine, etc. I saw the program you are referring
to on YouTube, and while EWTN listed his name as
Dr. Stephan Ackermann they also put Bishop of the
Diocese of Trier under his name. My guess is that he has
a doctorate degree beyond the typical D.D. (perhaps a
doctorate in theology) that EWTN or whomever supplied
the footage wanted to emphasize.
RCIA The Period of the Catechumen
Please help us welcome the inquirers who
participated in the Rite of Acceptance &
Welcoming into the order of Catechumens at
the 9:30 Mass on Oct. 26. This Rite is of the utmost
importance. Assembling publicly for the first time, the
candidates who have completed the period of the
pre-catechumen and declare their intention to the Church and
the Church in turn, carrying out its apostolic mission, accepts
them as persons who intend to become its members. God
showers his grace on the candidates, since the celebration
manifests their desire publicly and marks their reception and
first consecration by the Church. Please welcome: Phil Trice,
Deb Trice, Adam Cornell, Crystal Cornell, Maggie Cramsey,
Brian Pulsar and Justin Wilson. Please keep them in your
prayers as they continue their journey of faith.
Inquiry sessions continue to meet. Wont you join us for
an inquiry session? For more information please call the
Parish Office or Jim at 447-2939.

The Fall semester of Life Teen has started! All high

school students are invited to join the youth group
each Sunday for fellowship and food. The youth
group will meet in the lower level of the St. Lawrence
social hall each Sunday from 6:30-8:00. Registration is
not required. For more information contact Sue Bayley
at 765-404-0753 or bayleybunch@hotmail.com.
Sacrificial Fund, November 9, 2014
Little Sisters of the Poor (w/ matching gift)
Electronic Fund Transfers
School Expansion Fund


Elma ONeil - November 2nd

Helen Cors - November 4th
Mayme Dilts - November 11th
Anna RettigNovember 30th
May God continue to shower blessings
of love, joy, and peace in your life!
Baptism Meeting - A meeting for upcoming
Baptisms will be held Tuesday, November 18 at
7:00pm in the Bishop Higi Rm., St. Mary Cathedral.
The meeting will be informal but will include
information about the Sacrament of Baptism and how
to make this event more meaningful for you the
parents, your child and the godparents. The godparents
are also welcome to attend the meeting if available.
Please call the office 742-2107 to register.
Protocol Meeting - A Safe Conduct Protocol
Meeting is being offered Monday, November 17 at
7:00pm in the St. Francis Rm., St. Lawrence Parish
Office Bldg. All adults (age 18 or older) who assist
with ministries/activities involving any children from
our parish are required to attend one of these meetings
every five years. If you are a new volunteer/employee
or need to renew your paperwork and background
check, please plan on attending. The meeting lasts
approximately 90 minutes. Registration Required no later
than 1 day prior to meeting. Please call the office with any
questions or concerns (742-2107 ext. 236).
Ministers Schedule
Saturday, November 22, 2014
5:00 p.m. M. Grundman, M. Brown (R)
T. DeLion, S. Brown, C. Gross, K. Askins,
B. German, N. Winningham, N. Julian (C)
A. Fredette, R. Comery, L. Rush (S)
Sunday, November 23, 2014
8:00 a.m. P. Murphy, B. Ahler (R)
K. Murphy, M. Grogan, L. & M.A. Steiner,
M. Coomey, C. Smith, J. Murphy (C)
E. Finney, E. Lanoue (S)
9:30 a.m. L. Brandt, N. Sauer (R)
J. & C. Pechin, W. Wiley, J. & L. Vanderwielen,
B. White, L. Arvidson, D. Dillard (C)
C. & C. Barrett, J. Rogers (S)
11:15 a.m. M.F. Nelson, A. Lindberg (R)
J. Peden, M. Helms, C. Clark, P. Aranas,
J. Williams, P. Jaynes, J. Parr (C)
G. Chyall, A. Kline, M. Jaynes (S)
5:00 p.m. S. Bonner, M. Davis (R)
J. & P. Bennett, S. Hyland, L. Rausch,
F. Sanchez, C. Mejia, D. Koning (C)
E. Langley, A. Davis (S)


Formation Class/ (Bible Study)
All are welcome join us at
formation class Wednesday
evenings starting after Mass
until 7:45pm. The class is held in
the Parish Office Building
St. Frances Rm. The theme is
The Rich Gift of Love: An Insight
into JPII's Theology of the Body.
To whom will I entrust myself?
How will I know if another
person is worthy of my love?
Worthy of my trust? How will I know if I am worthy
of another's love and trust?
If you did not attend the Sponsor meeting please
contact me at hillman@catholicweb.com to discuss.
Confirmation Class Social Hall
Nov. 23
Confirmation Class LL Social Hall
Nov. 22/23 Rite of Enrollment at all Masses
(Candidates and Sponsors)
First Reconciliation
Please turn in your Baptismal Information sheets.
The First Reconciliation Ceremony is Monday,
November 24th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Those
celebrating their First Reconciliation are asked to
arrive about ten minutes early so they can pick up
their candle.
Thanksgiving Break
There will no Religious Education for Kindergarten
through Grade 5 on Wednesday, November 26 and
there will be no Religious Education classes for
grades 6th through 8th as well as Confirmation
Class on Sunday November 30.
Children Liturgy of the Word
We still have only four volunteers
to help out with this ministry and
are still in need of more
volunteers. Because of the low
turnout of new volunteer we will
have Children Liturgy the first and third Sundays of
the month starting in January. If you would like to
help or have any questions, please email Ryan
Hillman at Hillman@Catholicweb.com or 423-2396
for more information.
Jubilee Christmas
Jubilee Christmas is December 13 and the Religious
Education children have been asked to give wrapping
paper and supplies. Please be generous.

To date 375 families have filled-out their pledge

cards for a total amount pledged of $174,860.00.
This represents 28% of our registered families and
leaves us at 65% of our St. Lawrence Parish goal of
$267,885.32. All parishioners are asked to prayerful
consider if they can make a pledge and help
St. Lawrence pay their share. Each and every pledge
helps - no matter how big or small!
Pledge cards will be available after all the masses at
the back of the church. They will also be available at
the Parish Office from 9-3:00 each weekday or you
can make your pledge online at http://dol-in.org/
index.cfm?load=page&page=188. Your support for
this campaign is greatly appreciated!
All are invited to attend the 7th annual.
St. Lawrence Has Got Talent Show, which will
be held Sunday, November 16 at 2:30 PM in the
school gym. Dont miss your chance to see
some of your fellow parishioners
talents! A goodwill donation will be
collected to benefit our sister
center in Umunumo, Nigeria.
The St. Lawrence "50" Plus Club
will meet Wednesday, December 10,
2014 at the GOLDEN CORRAL
FOR LUNCH AT 11:30am. Euchre will be played
and prizes awarded. Price is $11.00. Payment due
by December 1, 2014. For reservation call Sonja
Wiegand at 589-3292 or cell phone 490-3829. Make
checks out to St. Lawrence Senior Citizens Club and
mail to 5199 Marian Dale Dr. Lafayette, In 47905.
Come for a day of fun and good fellowship. There is
no meeting on December 3, 2014
The St. Lawrence Parish Library and the Fair
Trade Store are located in the Parish Office
Building. Both are open during normal office
hours 9-3:00 each day. The Library is also
open the 1st Wednesday of each month
during Religious Education. Check us out!
Culvers Night will be Tuesday, November 18
from 4:30-7:30pm. Come join us for great food, fun
and fellowship! Purchase Scrip at the door from
5:00-7:00 so we can make double the profit!


Jubilee Christmas
Saturday, December 13
9:00am to 1:00pm
Christmas is a time for giving....Share in the true Sprit of Christmas by
giving of yourself to help others. Jubilee Christmas reaches out to the
unemployed, under-employed and others in need. It offers parents the
opportunity to select gifts for their children and receive food for their
Christmas dinner. St. Lawrence will be hosting 25 families. To make
this a success, we need your help. In last week's bulletin there was a flyer asking for your
help for Jubilee Christmas. If you haven't yet contacted us to tell us how you can help,
please do so now. Call Angie Houston at 586-0220 or Mary Jo Nelson at 404-4274 email:
1maryjonelson@comcast.net. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

Renews His
Parish for
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a
program designed to help you develop
a deeper relationship with God while
spending time in fellowship with other
women of the parish. Consider joining
the womens CRHP weekend on
February 21-22, 2015. Contact Dana
Fitzsimmons at 765-447-5612, or
dmf48@comcast.net, or Fr. Duquaine
for more information.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

9:0011:00 a.m.
St. Lawrence Social Hall
Meal includes all you can eat
pancakes, sausage, fruit, cereal,
drinks. All proceeds to benefit
the School Expansion Fund.

Will be selling candles from

Hoosier Candle Company

Sunday, November 16
after all masses in the Social Hall
16 oz. jar for $14 or
pack of melts for $6
Scent choices:
Layered Pine
Layered Cookie
Layered Cranberry
Layered Gingerbread



Lafayette Cursillo Ultreya
The Lafayette Cursillo Coordinators will sponsor
an Ultreya and Thanksgiving carry-in dinner for
all Cursillistas on Saturday, November 22, 2014
at 6:00 pm in the St. Lawrence Social Hall, upper
level. The Lafayette Cursillo Coordinators will
provide turkey, stuffing, potatoes, bread, rolls
and some drinks for the carry-in dinner. Those
planning to attend should bring a family-sized
dish to share. This dish could be a salad,
vegetable, or dessert. The Ultreya will follow
at 7:00 pm. For more information, please
contact Russ and Kathy Clark, 765-4471042 or krclark43@yahoo.com. Please join us to
share in giving thanks for our many blessings and
for our Cursillo community. Hope to see you there!
Be a LUM Volunteer Shelter Coordinator!
As a volunteer shelter coordinator you will be
responsible for managing the LUM overnight
shelter one or two nights each month. Volunteer coordinators are needed on Friday and
Saturday nights and are fully trained prior to
assisting in the shelter. Shelter coordinators
receive 6 hours of sleep during their overnight
shift. For more information contact Joyce
Fasani at jfasani@lumserve.org.
Church of the Blessed Sacrament, West
Lafayette, is currently seeking a Coordinator
of Youth Ministry. This position is responsible
for establishing, managing, and supervising
programs for religious education and faith
enrichment for our middle and high school
students. The Coordinator of Youth Ministry
works closely with the Director of Religious
Education in a team approach to the faith
formation of our youth. Applicant must be a
practicing Catholic in good standing with a
clear understanding of the moral guidelines
of the Catholic Church. A college degree or
2-3 years experience in a related field is
preferred; computer skills essential. Applicant
needs to be a team player and possess
outstanding organization and communication
skills. Salary and benefits will be commensurate
with experience. For additional information or a
job description, contact Mary Jayne Downey
at 765-463-5733 ext. 106 or email

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