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Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

[strongly disagree; disagree; agree; strongly agree]
I feel welcome in my school.
Most of the adults at my school know my name or who I am.
The adults at my school look out for me.
The adults at my school help me understand what I need to do to succeed in school.
My teachers want me to succeed.
I believe that I can go to college.
I believe that I can succeed at BCCS.
Teachers in my school treat students with respect.
Students in my school treat teachers with respect.
Adults in my school treat each other with respect.
Students in my school treat other students with respect.
The adults at my school understand what my life is like outside of school.


All students are included in all school activities.


How comfortable are you talking to teachers and other adults at your school about:
[very uncomfortable; somewhat uncomfortable; somewhat comfortable; very comfortable]
An academic problem you are having in class.
An non-academic problem you are having in school.
A problem you are having outside of school.


At school, how many adults do you feel you could talk to if you had a problem?


Who is the adult in the school you are most comfortable talking to?


How often are each of the following things true about you or about your school?
[Never; some of the time; most of the time; all of the time]
The rules in my school are fair.
If I make a mistake, I will be treated the same as other students who have made the same mistake.
I feel like I can be myself in class.
I feel like I can be myself outside of the classroom (restroom, lockers, hallways, etc.).
Adults value what I have to say.
The students at my school respect all races and cultures.
The adults at my school respect all races and cultures.
I feel that I belong (am accepted and liked) at my school.
Most of my teachers respect me.
I respect most of my teachers.


From last year to this year, have you seen any positive changes from Boston Collegiate in terms
of making the school more welcoming for all students?


I have seen a student at my school be harassed or bullied based on...

[Never; some of the time; most of the time; all of the time]
Race or ethnicity
Sexual orientation
Academic performance
The language he or she speaks at home


How would you describe yourself as a student?


In how many of your classes are the following statements true?

[None of my classes; few of my classes; most of my classes; all of my classes]
During our lessons, I am asked to apply what I know to new types of challenging problems or tasks.
My teachers know when students understand and when we do not.
My teachers regularly share with me any steps I need to take to do better.
In class, I get the individual attention of my teacher when I need it.
In discussing my work, my teachers use a positive tone even if my work needs improvement.
When possible, my teachers use materials that reflect the diversity of the students.
My teachers have the attitude that all students can succeed in their learning.


If you were in charge of our school, what would be the most important thing to improve?


If you were in charge of our school, what would be the most important thing to keep absolutely
the same?


Complete this sentence: "My life at BCCS would be better if..."


Please select your grade level:


Which race or races do you identify with? Select all that apply.


Please select your gender:


Which neighborhood do you live in? (If you live in more than one neighborhood, select the
neighborhood in which you sleep the most).

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