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Afghanistan and Pakistan

Afghanistan is a controversial subject. Afghanistan possesses a very ancient history. It's based in
South Central Asia. It borders Iran to the West, Pakistan to the south and east, and it’s near
Turkmenistan. Historically, the area is known as the Silk Road during the
Middle Ages where trading in goods plus foods was common. Afghan is
the name for the ethnic Pashtuns. The Pashtuns is the largest ethnic group
of the country. Pasthuns are the Iranian ethno-linguistic group of people who live in Central
Asia not only in Afghanistan. Some still don't know the complete origins of the Pasthuns though.
They spoke an Indo-European language and some believe that they are an Iranian group of
people, possibly descendants of the Bactrians plus the Scythians. Iranian tribes did live in
Afghanistan during ancient times. They are known to be divided into various clans. Pasthuns have
mixed with other invaders and other neighboring groups, so they aren't homogeneous. Some
recent genetic genealogy studies show Pashto-speaking Pashtuns are mainly related to Iranian
peoples and to the Burusho who speak a language isolate. A famous Pasthun was Mohammed
Zahir Shah, who was the last King of Afghanistan. He reigned from 1933 to 1973. Thousands of
years ago, farming communities flourished in Afghanistan. It was a nexus point where Indo-
European peoples have created civilizations and even fought with others. The region housed the
Aryan/Indo-Iranian tribes like the Bactrians, the Arians, Arachosians, etc. The Indo-Aryans have
had influence in the region. Zoroastrianism even may have originated in Afghanistan between
1800 and 800 B.C. Zoroaster, the philosopher and religious leader lived and died in Balkh. There
was the ancient Iranian language of Avestan. In the 6th century B.C., the Medians were overtaken
by the Achaemenid Persians. The Persians took over Afghanistan as well, which the Greeks
called the area as Arachosia.

Alexander the Great (who was Macedonian) would be famous for his Empire. His empire spread
from Greece, Egypt, the Middle East, into Afghanistan, and as far East as Eastern India. After
Alexander died, the Selecuid Empire ruled Afghanistan until 305 B.C. when the Hindu Mauryan
Empire gained much of the area. Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in the Afghan region in that
time period. Bactria existed in Afghanistan and Greco-Bactrians utilized Greek
culture. By the 1st century A.D., the Parthian Empire subjugated Afghanistan, but they lost it to
Indo-Pathian peoples. Kingdoms spread from the Kushan Empire, the Sassanids in the 3rd
century A.D., and others. The Muslim Arabic armies conquered Afghanistan by the early Middle
Ages. The Islam Empier spread millions of square miles in its peak from Spain into parts of India.
The Mongols has a temporary rule over Afghanistan too. Later, the Durrani Empire in the 1700's
marked the beginnings of the modern Afghan state. Nadir Shah ruled many Pashtuns of the
Abdali clan. They ruled the region of Kandahar, Ghanzi, Kabul, and Lahore, He was
assassinated by possibly his nephew Ali Qoli in June 19, 1747. Much of the Afghani lands
by the 19th century was owned by British colonialists after the Anglo-Afghan wars.
Afghanistan had tensions with British India and soon Pakistan was formed. The Kingdom of
Afghanistan existed in the 20th century. Some reforms existed in the Kingdom. A key person
behind the reforms was Mahmud Tarzi. He was Amanullah Khan's Foreign Minister and father in
law. Mahmud supported the education of women. He fought for Article 68 of Afghanistan's first
Constitution (that was declared via a Loya Jirga) which made elementary education compulsory.
Amanullah allowed the abolition of the traditional Muslim veil for women and the creation of co-
educational schools. This angered many tribal and religious leaders of course. Amanullas was
forced to abdicate from the throne in January 1928 after Kabul fell to forces which were led by
Habibullah Kalakani.


The longest period of stability in Afghanistan was when the country was under the rule of King
Zahir Shah (from 1933 until 1973). By 1973, Mohammad Doaud Khan was the first President of
Afghanistan. He was Zahir Shah's brother in law. Khan criticized Pakistan and wanted Soviet plus
USA help for development. Khan was controversial and was murdered by the PDPA (or the
People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan). This murder along with Khan's family was called the
Great Saur Revolution (or Khalq. Saur means April in Pashto). On May 1, 1978, Taraki became
President. The country was then renamed the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (or the DRA),
and the PDPA regime lasted, in some form or another, until April 1992. The PDPA allowed the
freedom of religion, land reforms, waiving farmers' debt nationwide, and introduced women into
political life. Marxist women like Anahita Ratebzad called for equal rights for women, job security,
health care, and equal education. By the late 1970's, religious Afghanis opposed this reality. So,
America saw the situation to attack Afghanistan as a means to weaken the Soviet Union. The
government in Afghanistan was pro-Soviet, so if the West could provoke conflict, the Soviets will
respond by occupying Afghanistan. This occupation by the Soviet will allow the West to fund
Muslim radicals called the Mujahideen to take over the Afghanistan government. The funding of
Muslim radicals started in the Carter administration and increased during the Reagan
administration. The Soviets finally withdrew at about 1989. Yet, the United States did
little to rebuild Afghanistan after the war, so the Taliban ruled Afghanistan by the
early 1990's. They harmed women by banning them from working and women
couldn't even attend schools or universities. The evil and cowardly Taliban would
throw acid into the faces of women. Thieves were amputated and other human rights
abuses came about the reign of the Taliban. Ironically, opium production during the
reign of the Taliban was almost wiped out by 2001. 9/11 caused a new focus on
Afghanistan and Afghanistan would be changed forever. Afghanistan will never be the same after

Carl Levin (who is a Michigan Democrat and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed
Services) went to Face the Nation days ago and talked about Afghanistan. Levin's Senate
Committee made a report that believes that George W. Bush messed up. They believe Bush
allowed Osama bin Laden to get away at Tora Bora. Levin told Harry Smith of CBS that if the U.S.
military murdered Osama, we wouldn't of been in Afghanistan presently. The truth is this. The
invasion of Afghanistan didn't have to do with Osama bin Laden or the September 11, 2001
attacks in America. The official story on Afghanistan has been a big deception. The occupation of
Afghanistan (which Levin probably knows about since he's the chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee) has a great deal to do with geopolitics. This geopolitics (as exposed by
Zbingniew Brzezinksi's "The Grand Chessboard" book) is about the U.S./West having a footprint
in Central Asia (to offset Russia and China) and to gain the oil/mineral resources of the Caspian
Sea, which is north of Afghanistan. The BBC reported on September 18, 2001 reported that the
U.S. planned to invade Afghanistan before 9/11. Niaz Naik (or a former Pakistani Foreign
Secretary) was told by senior American officials in mid-July 2001 that military action against
Afghanistan would occur by the middle of October. The idea was to overthrow the Taliban and
install a “moderate” government — a government not as intransigent as the Taliban — led by
former Afghan King Zahir Shah. Before 9/11, the U.S. was an ally of the CIA/ISI spawned group of
the Taliban. An expert on Afghanistan and Pakistan Ahmed Rashid wrote that:

"...Between 1994 and 1996, the USA supported the Taliban politically
through its allies Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, essentially because
Washington viewed the Taliban as anti-Iranian, anti-Shia, and pro-
Western. Between 1995 and 1997, US support was even more driven
because of its backing for the Unocal [pipeline] project..."
Back in 1995, oil giant Unocal penned a 8 billion dollar deal with Turkmenistan. This was done to
build 2 pipelines (one for oil and one for gas) to transport oil through Afghanistan and into
Pakistan. The Taliban rejected the deal and American forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001. So,
the Afghanistan history is very complex. It's easy to witness the agenda of Barack Obama trying to
escalate the war in Afghanistan with his December 1, 2009 speech in West Point. He is also
invading Pakistan, which is wrong. Pakistan has about 160 million people with a nuclear program.
Afghanistan could be broken up if certain pro-elite “solutions” are made in that country.
Researchers believe that some in the West desire Afghanistan to be broken up, so Pakistan can
experience balkanization as well in order to act as a buffer in Eurasia near China. Ethnic
exploitation by Western governments have occurred in Afghanistan and Pakistan for centuries.
According to Tarpley, the balkanization path to have a new Pakistan civil war has been supported
by U.S. Special Forces General Stanley McChrystal. He organized the network of U.S. torture
chambers in Iraq. McChrystal is famous for his policy of making the Sunnis vs. Shiites by agitating
The Middle East and other nations like Afghanistan have
the al-Qeada in Iraq.
complex ethnic group as shown in the following sentences:

*The Pashtun people are located mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

*Then we have the Baluchis, located primarily in Pakistan and Iran.

*The Punjabis inhabit Pakistan, as do the Sindhis. The Bhutto family came from
Sind. The Taliban is mostly Pasthun in Afghanistan. Many of them are alienated
by the President Karzai when he's a Pasthun ironically. Pasthuns are
discriminated against in Afghanistan.
Even after the initial American invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S. allied with the Afghan National
Army (it was formed by the US after the 2001. The Afghan officer corps are
made up of mostly Tajiks from the Northern Alliance that worked with the
USA against the Pashtun Taliban). The Tajiks speak Dari, sometimes known as eastern
Persian. Some members of the North Alliance were involved in drug trafficking according to writer
Pale Dale Scott. Even the majority of the Afghan National Army or the ANA are ethnically Tajiki
(which is a minority in Afghanistan). Other Afghan officers come from the Hazara people. The
important thing is that the Pashtuns feel shut out. So, part of the U.S. strategy was to murder and
pacify the Pashtuns according to Tarpley. That is why 40,000 more U.S. including NATO forces
are sent into the Helmand province and other locations where the Pashtuns are the majority. The
Pashtuns respond to these circumstances by fighting foreign occupation and some of them are
sent into Pakistan. The Pashtuns also alienated from the central government in Pakistan. The
Punjabs and the Sindhis influence the Islamabad government plus the army. Covertly in the
Pakistan, the U.S. is doing operation like assassinations of people via unmanned vehicles or
drones, murders by the CIA, reported Blackwater snipers, and terrorist massacres (that the
Pakistani Taliban blame on Blackwater). These acts are immoral of course. The Pashtun
people could start a secessionist movement because of this. The Baluchis live in Iran and have
their grievances against Iran's central government in Tehran, which they see as controlled by the
Persians. In Iranian Baluchistan, the CIA is funding the murderous Jundullah organization, which
was recently denounced by Teheran for the murder of a number of top officials of the Iranian
Pasdaran Revolutionary guards. So, the whole truth ought to be known about these situations.

Even Democratic Russ Feingold of Wisconsin warned that U.S. policy in Afghanistan could
actually push terrorists and extremists into Pakistan and, as a consequence, further destabilize
the region: “You know, I asked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen,
and Mr. Holbrooke, our envoy over there, a while ago, you know, is there a risk that if we
build up troops in Afghanistan, that will push more extremists into Pakistan?” he told ABC.
“They couldn’t deny it, and this week, Prime Minister Gilani of Pakistan specifically said that his
concern about the buildup is that it will drive more extremists into Pakistan, so I think it’s just the
opposite, that this boots-on-the-ground approach alienates the Afghan population and specifically
encourages the Taliban to further coalesce with Al Qaeda, which is the complete opposite of our
national security interest.” That is why Barack Obama's speech at West Point blur the distinction
between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Even General McChrystal and U.S. Ambassador
Eikenberry merged Afghanistan and Pakistan in their congressional
hearingsas"Afpak"or"Afpakia."Secret U.S. programs are in Uzbekistan as well. A Break
up of Pakistan could allow the West to control its oil resources stagnating the power base of
China. The build up of the war on terror in Central Asia is a fundamental departure from the
promises and campaign rhetoric that Barack Obama made in scaling back militarism.

There are other examples of intelligence-sponsored so-called “Muslim extremists.” Al-

Zawahiri historically is a known intelligence asset. His brother named Zaiman al-
Zawahiri fought for the CIA in Kosovo and ran terrorist camps under NATO
protection in the U.S. zone in Kosovo. Ayman was grant U.S. residence by the
Immigration and Naturalization Service (according the January 2000 U.S.
Congressional testimony). That's almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants to
obtain, but is often granted to CIA assets that need to get in and out of the country as they
perform their assignments. Ayman al-Zawahiri founded the Egyptian Islamic Jihad with
the help of the British intelligence-influenced Muslim Brotherhood. The CIA gave
support to the Muslim Brotherhood in trying to overthrow the Egyptian President of
Gamal Abdul Nasser. Nasser has been called the father of Arabic nationalism.
“The real Muslim Brothers are those whose hands are never dirtied with the business of
killing and burning,” Robert Dreyfuss summarized in 1980. “They are the secretive
bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab,
Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchical elite, with
smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and,
especially, to the British oligarchy.”

All human beings including those living in Afghanistan deserve true

liberty and freedom. I do believe in that, yet I don’t believe that we in
the USA should act as the policeman of the world either.

Some scholars compare the Vietnam War with the conflict in Afghanistan, because Afghanistan
has a weak government to defend like Vietnam had decades ago. Like back in Vietnam,
Afghanistan have corrupt warlords (some of them are involved in the opium drug
trade) we support in order to stabilize the nation. People already deduced that Ahmed Wali
Karzai (who is the brother of the current President Hamid Karzai) was a major drug trafficker. He
used his private force to help arrange a distorted election result. Decades ago, Ngo Din Nhu from
Vietnam was an organizer of the Vietnamese drug traffic, whose dreaded Can Lao Secret police
help organized the rigged election result over there. Nhu was the brother of President Ngo Dinh
Diem. So, the geopolitics in Afghanistan and Pakistan is more complex than realized. We of
course in the anti-war movement should oppose these endeavors as causing death and are
Utopian in nature. People have figured out that CIA has been involved in drug smuggling for
decades. Even at the end of WWII, the CIA allied with the Corsician Mafia, which was the biggest
herion dealing in the world at that time. A direct link between cocaine trafficking and the CIA
mercenary army the Contras was established by senator John Kerry’s commission in
1989. “In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related
agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be
working for the CIA,” Dennis Dayle, former chief of an elite DEA enforcement unit, has
stated. The agency established drug operations in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan. It’s
been found that the BCCI or the Bank of Credit and Commerce International was
involved in laundering money with the CIA to fund gun running, drug dealing, and
influencing leaders globally. This was shows by the Senate committee in October 1991
and by Zepezauer. It’seasily proven that the CIA sponsored coups and
mass murder campaign in numerous nations. These nations are in
Indonesia, Chile, Cambodia, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and
other countries. This history of the CIA has been known increasingly by the public.
Of course, there are those neo conservatives who support the illegal Pakistan drone attacks. They
include U.S. Senators like John McCain. He said that: “…We don’t agree on
every issue. We believe that, as I have stated and as our government has
stated, that it is one of many tools that we must use to try to defeat a very
determined and terrible enemy…” This issue will become more volatile if Washington
intensifies these attacks. The Senators justify these actions by believing that these activities are
about hunting down “enemies” (which are al-Qaeda and Taliban militants) who cross the borders
of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan of course objects to the attacks as these attack violate their
own national sovereignty. Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud was killed by a drone
attack. Afghan militant Haqqani militant group had ties with the Pakistani’s ISI spy intelligence
agency and it has been targeted. Pakistan fears the strikes could undermine efforts to deal with
militancy because the civilian casualties inflame public anger and bolster support for the fighters.
The U.S. have sent overtly 51 drone air strikes in Pakistan last year. It has
killed about 460 people including some foreign militants. This is according
to reports from Pakistani officials and residents. McCain doesn’t even offer an
alternative to the situation if the drone attacks in Pakistan don’t work.

Before exposing the issue about terrorism, it's time to understand the history
of the Uyghur people. The Uyghur are a Turkish ethnic group that live in
Eastern and Central Asia. Most of them live in the Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region in the nation of China. The image above is a female
Uyghur. Their Diaspora have traveled in the Central Asian countries of
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. The suffix -stan refers to an ethnic
group of Persian, Indic, or Turkish background. They live globally in D.C.,
Tokyo, Istanbul, Mongolia, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, the Toayuan County of
Hunan province in South-central mainland China. The term of Uyghur comes
from a political nation occurred during the period of the First and Second
Göktürk Khaganates (630-684 A.D.). Their name ethnonym has many theories
on their name from the "United Nine Tribes" which was a replacement for
Tokuz-Oguz or the tribal alliance which the Uyghurs were part. The earliest
record of the Uyghur tribe is from the Northern Wei Dynasty. This dynasty
existed from 386-534 A.D. Their name was called Gaoche meaning "wheel
wagon." The ancestors of the Uyghur tribe were the Tiele people, who are
Altaic pastoralists. Some historians place the origin near the area of the
Xiongnu Empire (in Central Asia and at parts of Mongolia plus even as far as
Siberia. The Huns are said to be related to the Turks). The Xiongnu region is
said to be an ancestral place of the Turkish people possibly (This isn't definitely
proven though). They lived in the valleys south of Lake Baikal and around the
Yenisei River.

The Tiele were weapons makers. By 300 B.C., the Tiele were ruled by the Xiongru
and later by the Rouran and Hepthalite states. In 546 A.D., the Fufulo lead the Tiele
tribes in a struggle against the Türk tribe in the power vacuum left by the breakup of
the Rouran state. As a result of this defeat they were forced into servitude again. The
Tiele's 9 tribes united under the Xueyantuo to defend themselves. These tribes
included the Xueyantuo (Syr-Tardush), Basmyl, Oguz, Khazar , Alans, Kyrgyz, Tuva
and Yakut. They wanted to fight the Gokturk Empire. They defeated the Gokturk at
first and then placed under their rule again by Shipi Qaghan. By 630 A.D., the
Göktürk Khanate was decisively defeated by the Emperor Tang Taizong. The Uyghur
occupied second position after the Xueyantuo in the Tokuz-Oguz. However, in 646
CE when the Uyghur bey, Tumitu Ilteber (吐迷度) was granted the Chinese title
Prefect (Chinese: 刺史; pinyin: cìshǐ) it established a legal precedent for Uyghur rule.
He overthrew the Xueyantuo and established a short lived Uyghur state over the
Mongolian steppe. The Uyghur had a Khaganate in the early Middle
Ages as well. The Uyghurs formed the East Turkestan Republic, which was
supported by Joseph Stalin. Later, the territory was remained Xinjiang by the Chinese
(which is offensive to the Uyghurs). Today in the 21st century, the Uyghur
support a Pan-Turkish movement and independence. Some are
fighting against the human rights violations they are experiencing in
China now (in western China). Today, most Uyghurs are Muslims. The
Han ethnic group in China regularly discriminate against the Uyghurs.
The Han is the most numerical ethnic group in China. Uyghurs made
contributions to the human race in art, cuisine, medicine, literature,
architecture, and other parts of everyday life.

The Australian from July 10, 2009 reported about how Uighurs claimed that
400 Uighurs have been killed in unrest in Western China. This occurred in the
capital of China's Xinjiang region during the ethnic unrest there. Exiled
Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer said these claims. The Uighurs want religious
and political freedoms (China is notorious in having problems with preserving
religious freedom). Ms. Kadeer said that Uighur sources within "East
Turkestan" or the separatist name for the northwest region had told her that
400 Uighurs were murdered because of police shootings and beatings (in
Urumqi since the violence erupted on last Sunday). The President of the
World Uighur Congress writing in the Wall Street Journal Asia said that unrest
was spreading across the region. There are unconfirmed reports that indicated
that more than 100 Uighurs have been killed in Kashgar, which is another
major city in Xinjiang. Chinese authorities proclaim that 156 people died in
Sunday's violence in Urumqi. They have not made clear how many of the
victims were Han Chinese and how many were Uighur (or how they have
died). "Uighurs have contacted me to report that the Chinese authorities are
in the process of conducting a house-to-house search of Uighur homes and are
arresting male Uighurs," Ms Kadeer wrote. Uighurs are afraid to walk the
streets in the capital of their own homeland. China of course deny the
accusation of instigating the violence. In Urumqi, there were hundreds of
paramilitary police guarding main roads to Uighur neighborhoods and the
central square. These are the spots were the riots began. Uighurs believe that
the riots started by the June 25 deaths of Uighur factors workers (who were
killed in a brawl in the southern Chinese city of Shaoguan). There were rumors
that began to spread that Turkic-speaking, mainly Muslim Uighur migrant
workers at the toy plant had raped Chinese women. The Police say that these
charges were false. Yet, Han people still attacked their Uighur co-workers.
The state media say that 2 Uighurs were killed and dozens were injured (while
Uighur groups believe that the death toll is higher). Ethnic problems still exist
in China, while Chinese government officials try to forge ties with Uighur
migrants and the Han Chinese workers in eastern China via Uighur
employment at the toy plant (in a labor program). 13 men were arrested in the
factory clash (3 were from Xinjiang and 10 were Han Chinese). Uighurs have
done terrorist acts and many Uighurs believe that ethnic discrimination
against them has been rising. "Many observers see growing ethnic tensions
and polarisation between ethnic groups," said Nicholas Bequelin, a researcher
at Human Rights Watch, a US-based advocacy group. "There's widespread
cultural prejudice." Discrimination against the Uighur people should end.
This is more confirmation that the Chinese government ought to reform itself
with promoting no blocking of the Internet, no blocking of networking sites
like Facebook, and no limiting to texting services on mobile phones. China
ought to have real liberty and freedom.

Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator. She dropped a bombshell on the Mike
Malloy radio show, which was guest hosted by Brad Friedman. This interview had
Sibel saying that the U.S. maintained "intimate relations" with Osama bin Laden and
the Taliban all the way until the day of September 11. These intimate relations
are about how Bin Laden had operations in Central Asia plus Xinjiang,
China. These operations involved al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the
same manner America did during the Afghan/Soviet conflict (i.e.
America fought its enemies via proxies). Sibel said that this process involved
Turkey. Turkey (as a proxy) assisted actors from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Saudi
Arabia to use bin Laden plus the Taliban plus others as a proxy terrorist army. Sibel
said that America directed some of these activities in order to control Central Asia's
vast energy supplies and new markets for military products. The U.S. didn't want their
fingerprints in these operations (because they didn't want China or Russia use serious
repercussions or cause a revolt with nations in Central Asia). Central Asia have
nations like Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. So, the U.S. use
Turkey as a proxy in order to appeal to pan-Turkic and pan-Islam sensibilities plus try
to control the Middle East (including Central Asia). Turkey is a NATO ally and the
U.S. could appeal to their Turkic dreams of a wider sphere influence (in the Central
Asian population that share language, religion, and heritage with the Turkish peoples).
So, the Western elite used an operation using Turkish operatives, Saudi partners, and
Pakistani allies to further the military industrial complex in the name of Islam. Sibel
said that the Uighurs in Xinjiang were trained by Osama Bin Laden to fight the
communist Chinese in Xinjiang (with support of the CIA even if war broke out with
China. Afghanistan was a place where guerilla groups were trained for specific
purposes in Central Asia).

Sibel believes that the Uighurs were paid by the CIA and armed by the U.S. to
use them in the event of a war with China. Sibel Edmonds show 18 photos about
the Turkish people and the Uighurs involved in this strange history (like former
U.S. agent Graham Fuller, who was key in establishing Turani's government
in exile of East Turkistan. Fuller written on Xinjiang and has a "Xinjiang
Project' for the Rand corporation). One of those other people is Anwar Yusuf
Turani, the so-called ‘President-in-exile’ of East Turkistan (Xinjiang). This so-
called ‘government-in-exile’ was ‘established‘ on Capitol Hill in September, 2004,
drawing a sharp rebuke from China. She accused the Turkish establishment of
being involved in terrorism like the 1996 Susurluk incident (called Deep State.
One Deep State player was Mehmet Eymur, who was the former Chief of
Counter-Terrorism for Turkey's intelligence agency called MIT). The neocons
funded the terrorists in Chechnya. These neo cons include Elliot Abrahams,
Kenneth Adelman, Frank Gaffney, Michael Ledeen, James Woolsey,and Morton
Abramowitz (in the ACPC or the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya).
Osama bin Laden gave 25 million dollars to the cause of Al-Qaeda in Kosovo and
Albania. Sibel believes that the U.S. used Bin Laden, the Taliban in Central Asia,
and Xinjiang to promote an internationalist agenda (while protecting Turkey,
Israel, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia). She is right the government lied to us.
America worked with these Islamic extremists for decades in order to control the
Middle East, have profits, and create the new world order. The government
omits to the public how they used high level Nazis to build up the Western
intelligence network. One example is how Nazi intelligence chief General
Reinhard Gehlen worked with the CIA after WWII. The CIA employed the Nazis
Klaus Barbie (”the Butcher of Lyon”), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind
who worked closely with Eichmann) and, SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a great favorite of
Hitler’s), and other for promoting the Cold War agitation (and intelligence purposes) as
well. I want to make it clear that many Uyghurs are Patriotic and love
liberty legitimately.
I can’t believe that some want military forces from the West to be
utilized in Yemen. Hopefully, that won’t occur. As I get older, you get
to witness events in more perspective. Yemen is experiencing a civil
war among Sunnis and Shias and trade/oil routes or resources
according to the neo cons are at stake. Yet, we surely see was
preemptive war can lead to. Yemen should solve their problems in
various alternatives without American troops going there. The naked
body scanners are apart of psychological warfare to demean human
dignity and control our lives basically.

Now, some neo cons and other extremists propose American troops
to invade Yemen or give them more military aid to fight “al-Qaeda”
in that nation. Like in many occasions of immoral war, a patsy is
used. In the Flight 253 incident, the exploited patsy was named
Abdulmutallab (who said that he was lonely on the Internet). His
father is a banker in Nigeria being one of the wealthiest men in
Africa. His father’s name is Umaru Mutallab. Also, Yemen is suffering
huge debt in billions of dollars to Western nations (including the
Paris Club, the IMF and the World Bank, which use obscene debt to
have neo-colonial policies in Third World countries). Umaru as the
Nigerian Minister of Economic Development in 1975 plus he was the
Managing Director plus CEO of the United Bank for Africa. He was
key in facilitating the World Bank and IMF‘s entrance into Nigeria‘s
economic system. He becomes rich at the expense of allowing
ruthless police and military oppression against his own nation.
Umaru played a role in introducing the Islamic Development Bank in
Nigeria via the Jaiz bank. The IDB has been involved in the
neoliberal “reforms” in Yemen’s economy when Yemen is on the
verge of Revolution. Umaru goes to the State Department and the
CIA offices in Nigeria to claim that his son is a radical. Abdulmutllab
is from Yemen. Yes, she‘s from Yemen. So, the bomber’s father is
tied to various financial investments in Yemen. There is also the Shia
rebels in Yemen vs. the mostly Sunni government of Yemen. The
contrived war on terror is expanding in a myriad of nations indeed.
Hence, the truth is coming out indeed.

By Timothy

Goodbye for now and my life will

continue onward in finding the real truth
pertaining to a wide spectrum of subjects.
I respect all of the real people in the
world. In 2010, more subjects and extra
information will be exposed like usual.
That’s reality. The truth can never be
stopped or relinquished.

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