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The recent troubles in Teheran (and eleswhere) were clearly the work

of secret agents provocateurs working under the direct orders of the

West especially their intelligence arm, but this should not be any
surprise at all to anyone because those troubles are actually part
of an ongoing plan of action to overthrow the government of the day
in the Islamic Republic of Iran by the West via real violent ways.

Included in this evil plan are concerted efforts to paint Iran as

acting or following in the footsteps of Iraq under Saddam. These
evil, devious and sinister efforts have allowed for the producing
of FORGED documents that have surfaced recently purportedly showing
or proving that Iran had secretly been working on ways to make some
kind of trigger for nuclear bombs. Perhaps accusing it of actually
working on making the bombs themselves would just be a little bit
too preposterous for the present moment, so the West has chosen to
emphasise on the alleged work in nuclear components.

Such monstrous allegations are not new. In early August this year,
a UK paper carried an article that described 'unnamed intelligence
sources' as having evidence that proved Iran had finished its work
in perfecting the technology to detonate a nuclear device and was
now merely waiting for its supreme leader to give the 'go-ahead'.
The sources further alleged that Iran had also mastered the needed
technology to make a small bomb as well by the summer of 2003, or
some six years ago. The work had then 'stopped' because Iran feared
that the then US invasion of Iraq in that same year could roll right
across the border and straight into Teheran. But it is surely very
strange that it had to take six years for such important information
to come to the surface.

Perhaps back in 2003, Iran was not yet a ripe target. But now that
both London and Washington, the original co-conspirators of similar
fake allegations against Iraq have had leadership changes, it is
time to re-hatch that deadly plot that worked so successfully against
Baghdad, this time on Iran. Western 'democracy' is certainly very
deadly and poisonous to its chosen victims. Obama and Brown are no
different at all from Bush and Blair. Iterate liars and murderers.
The really true nature of the evil West.

GW Bush had personally decided to invade Iraq way back in 2001 when
he became the new leader in Washington. But first, Bush needed to
come up with suitable allegations to convince his allies, friends,
supporters and the rest of the world plus the UNSC before embarking
on any campaign to plunder and rape Iraq. A top secret plan was put
into action to accuse both Baghdad and Saddam of actively pursuing
the production or acquisition of WMDs including nuclear bombs.

In October 2001, the very first year of Bush's presidency, the CIA
claimed that documents existed allegedly showing or proving that
Iraq was attempting to purchase uranium from foreign sources for
its supposedly existng nuclear arsenal.

The following May, the CIA 'revealed' more specific details and in
July and September, the allegations received further support and
the CIA was then ordered to prepare suitable reports for possible
use by Bush. By October the language used was very clear. Iraq was
directly accused in no uncertain terms in classified intelligence
circulars of 'vigorously' attempting to buy uranium ore as well as
certain centrifuge components for its nuclear weapons.

In January 2003, Bush uttered the allegations publicly in a famous

sixteen-word statement that became the basis for the March 2003
invasion of Iraq. It was only in mid-2003, after the US and UK
governments had successfully tricked world opinion into supporting
the invasion that doubts began to surface about the authencity and
or truth of all those allegations.

But it was all too late. Iraq became a huge human abattoir and today
its vast oil wealth is already firmly in the hands of giant foreign
companies. And Iran and its oil could be facing exactly the same
fate in the not too distant future.

Teheran is a very highly prized target for the West due to its oil
reserves as well as its very strategic location in the Persian Gulf-
Indian Ocean region. Control of the oil reserves and the oil routes
could allow the West to blackmail or harm the economic well-being
of a lot of many other countries, especially countries that might
not always readily see eye to eye with the West on many issues. Or
those countries that are sometimes somewhat hesitant in bowing to
the ceaseless demands and wishes of the West. Recall very similar
settings in those many awful and dark days during various extremely
evil periods of the 19th century.

The monstrous allegations and the forged documents are exactly what
were made against Iraq to justify the slaughtering of innocent men,
women and children in 2003. The entire world must now resolutely
and strongly resist the ceaseless evil efforts by the West to do a
repeat of the 2003 monumentally disastrous event in Iraq.

The world must rigidly OPPOSE any proposed so-called sanctions on

Iran from now onwards. Such sanctions are merely to pave the way
for the inevitable military invasion and occupation by the mighty
Western war machine which clearly has become fully unrestrainable
in our present time.

The West, especially Washington, London, Paris and Berlin are in

a most evil warmongering phase right now and Iran has become the
most desirous prize at the present moment. Iran must never become
the next victim of the evil West as others would then have to wait
in line for similar slaughter. Our world today is being confronted
by a very totally merciless conqueror not seen since the days of
the almighty Genghis. Like the great man, the current genghis has
only one objective: the complete subjugation of the entire world.
As Genghis once proclaimed, 'everything, from east to west is ours'
so is the secret desire of the evil master of our world today. He
wants to be the one god on this planet !!! The god of all human
evil. The great god of all the most debased human values.

The world must never, never allow history to repeat itself !!!!

Reject all forged documents !!!! Reject all evil warmongerings.

To Hell with the CIA, the MI6, the Pentagon, the warmongering US
fleet in the Persian Gulf and all those grovelling **** suckers
in the UNSC. Perhaps they are all still too caught up with deeply
hidden lust and admiration for all those unbelievably evil and
demonically atrocious acts of Abu Ghraib.

All of us know that the documents and the allegations made against
Iran are false and untrue and totally without merit. And we also
know that what is really true is that the monstrously evil US is
still keeping or storing nuclear bombs in many locations outside
the US. It's time we deal with the the truth for once. The West
are clearly most mischievous and extremely mean and petty.

To HELL with Washington, London, Paris and Berlin !!!


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