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Describe how a companys ethical standards are aligned with its decision-making approach(es) and

how you would be certain that ethical decisions were being made.
According to our book business ethics is the standards of conduct and moral values governing actions
and decisions in the work environment (Boone & Kurtz . 2012, p. 36). Once a business has created a
plan and mission then ethical standards should established so that it can be aligned with its decisionmaking process. Once the ethical standards are established then high level management should
communicate it, preferable verbally and in written form, to all of the employees of the company. The
ethical standards should be equal and fair to all. With the ethical standards in place the decision-making
process can begin. Decisions made should comply with the companys procedures and standards.
Anything that goes against the policies or breaks rules should not be done. When a decision is required
the management or decision maker should considered the results of the decision. If the decision
breaches the ethical standards that are being followed, then that decision is the wrong decision. If there
are no other viable options maybe the ethical standards should be re-evaluated to include exceptions or
provide more detail. Company standards and culture sets the foundation for the future. Those
standards and the culture will determine how the company operates and how to do business. The
breaking or bending of these standards will cause inconsistency and in a business inconsistency can be
very harmful.
Determining whether ethical decisions are being made can be very difficult at times. The first thing to
remember is that if the decision results in illegal activity then ethically it should not be done. Secondly,
if a decision results in harming the business then that could be a breach of ethical standards. Bad
decisions are made mistakenly but ones that are made to harm the company, its employees, or
customers are an ethical concern. Another benchmark to determine if the decision made is ethical is to
question the motives. If the motives breach ethical standards then the decision itself could be unethical
or against the ethical standards of the company.

From the perspective of the executive suite, prioritize three of the responsibilities of management and
justify your selections.
There are many responsibilities of management, but I believe that planning, organizing, and directing
are three top responsibilities of management. Without these responsibilities the company would
crumble. These responsibilities provide the foundation for the company.
Planning is the process of anticipating future events and conditions and determining courses of action
for achieving organizational objectives (Boone & Kurtz 2012, p. 221). Planning is an important
responsibility because this lays the groundwork for the employees. Planning allows the manager to
decide the goals of the company and how to achieve those goals. Without planning the employees will
not know what to do or what the overall goal is.
Organizing is the process of blending human and material resources through a formal structure of tasks
and authority, arranging work, dividing tasks among employees, and coordinating them to ensure

implementation of plans and accomplishment of objectives (Boone & Kurtz, 2012 p. 221). Once
planning is complete then organizing is required. Organizing allows the manager to allocate resources
and who will do what. A good organizer will allocate resources to where they will be most beneficial
and productive. Without organizing the manager and employees will run into many road blocks.
Organizing also allows the manager to predict any issues that may occur.
According to the book directing is, guiding and motivation employees to accomplish organizational
objectives. (Boone & Schultz, 2012, p.222). Directing is an important responsibility of management
because without direction there will be no future. Managers should direct their employees on what the
overall goal is and how they plan to achieve those goals. By creating achievable and rewarding goals the
managers can then motivate the employees to reach that goal.

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