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Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

BY INSIGHT S | OCT OBER 8 , 2 0 1 3 2 :3 2 PM

Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence

Et hics Case St udy 12: Em otional Intelligence
Mukul was a hard working policem an. He m arried a beautiful girl from his v illage. Both of them stay ed in a house at police
Mukkuls boss, Sub-Inspector Sandeep was an arrogant and flirtatious officer. He did not treat his subordinates well. He had an ey e
on Mukuls wife ev er since he first saw her on the day of Mukuls wedding. His house was in the neighborhood of Mukuls. Unlike
other superior officers, Sandeep often inv ited Mukul to v isit his hom e with his wife for dinner and to other get together parties.
Mukul had noticed that Sandeep was try ing to get closer to his wife by m aking jokes and giv ing unsolicited adv ises.
Sandeep denied Mukul any holiday s. Mukul was tired of asking for leav e so m any tim es and had ev en m ildly protested once.
Sandeep wanted Mukul and his wife to stay at the quarters all the tim e.

Once Mukul wanted a fifteen day s of leav e to arrange and look after his only sisters wedding. He had to go to his nativ e with his
fam ily for fifteen day s. Mukul officially kept asking for leav e two m onths well before the wedding date itself. But as expected
Sandeep kept refusing him any leav e. Just before the scheduled day Mukul had to leav e for his nativ e, he once again finally asked
Sandeep to grant him leav e. Sandeep said that he would grant him leav e prov ided he went alone to the m arriage leav ing behind his
wife in the quarters.
Mukul, agitated, took his loaded rifle and shot the inspector dead. He then surrendered to the police.
Em otional intelligence is m ust for police officers to work in a stressful and prov ocativ e env ironm ent. Explain how would have been
Mukul and Sandeeps behaviour if they had possessed high emotional intelligence?
(Based on a true story )
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Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

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41 responses to Ethics Case Study 12:

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October 8, 2 01 3 at 3 :04 pm

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Before killing Sandeep Mukul didnt think about his as well as fam ily of sandeep. From abov e it is clear that m ukul took extrem e

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step,he could hav e solv ed the issue without going for extrem e action.
When Mukul cam e to know about the ev il intentions of his senior,he could deal it with it by three way s.

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1 .He first m ust talk with Sandeep about the issue and bring his notice the effects of his actions on the life of both of them .Though
problem not been solv ed Mukul m ust approch to Seniors officer.
2 .Also Sandeep needs
to ered
Wife into confidence and try to build strong m utual trust, so there will be no m isunderstanding

between them .
3 .Mukul can also ask for transfer by explaining the situation to senior officers.
Personns only with strong em otional intelligence can cope with such stressful situations where there is a conflict between
priv ate and professional life.

Amod Ankit
October 8, 2 01 3 at 3 :2 4 pm
Giv ing refuge to ov erflowing em otions instigates an irresponsible and untoward behav iour.
Sandeep stung by beauty of Mukuls wife should hav e weighed the circum stances before m aking am orous adv ances to his
juniours wife.Em otions for people sprout spontaneously ,but it is im portant to judge its v iability before cem enting those
em otions.Mukul was happily m arried and and m aking unwanted interferences to destroy the sanctity of the institution
(m arriage) tantam ounts to poor control ov er em otions.He should hav e wielded control ov er his infatuation for Mukuls wife by
av oiding contacts with his wife.But,he did the opposite,which m ade him obsessiv e for Mukuls wife.Granting a leav e was the best
way out to giv e his em otions a backseat.
Mukuls response to his seniours surprising riposte was uncalled for.Instead of his gun to speak,he should hav e registered a
form al com plaint of m isdem eanour (for not granting him leav e ev en after repeated appeals) and m ade his wife lodge a
com plaint with National Com m ission for Wom en (so that Sandip would not be able to influence any inv estigation) to inquire
into unsolicited am ativ e adv ances

Aditya Jha
October 8, 2 01 3 at 4 :4 5 pm
Hi Am od,
The explanation of Sandeeps behav iour is apt. Well written.
But, Mukuls case could hav e been explained on the basis of EI. The answer in his case is m ore legal than em otional.

Amod Ankit
October 8, 2 01 3 at 9 :52 pm
Hi Adity a,
Yes,i do agree that Mukuls response took a legal turn rather than em ploy ing em otional intelligence to attend to the crisis




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

More justify ing course of action would hav e been to throw a frank discussion with his wife to know her stance and further
try to put the m atter before Sandeep in a way which would hav e coerced him to withdraw his adv ances on his own will.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 3 :3 8 pm
Case Study 1 2 :
Em otional intelligence (EI) is m aintaining an em otionally com petent & rational behav iour in norm al & adv ersary situation.
The lack of em otional com petence (EC) has claim ed a life & ruined other two. If they would hav e behav ed EC the future course
would hav e been positiv e & way different.
Sandeep, if had shown EI, would not been dead. He should hav e av oided encroachm ent in liberty & personal life of others.
Principle of professional responsibility & com petence counts keeping personal life & weakness out of professional. Sandeep should
hav e taken psy chological counseling & therapy to address his flirtatious behav iour. As later is not sanctioned & infact anti
sanctioned by all laws. His behav iour with Mukul should hav e been professionalism & seniority driv en to set an exam ple for
Mukul should hav e nev er shot sandeep as justice donot approv e taking life without due process of law. Firstly , Mukul, if aware of
m al adv ancem ent of Sandeep, should hav e taken a discussion about this & if in v ain, than should hav e av oided personal relation
with him . He should hav e reported higher authorities about such behav iour of sandeep earlier itself. Regarding his leav e delay ,
there exists m echanism to by pass im m ediate reporting authority through higher authority in such extrem e cases.
The outcom e of EI com petency would hav e been Sandeep being aliv e & also would hav e corrected his behav iour. And Mukul
instead of becom ing crim inal, would hav e been m ore com petent person.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 3 :4 0 pm

dear frds & insight sir pls do rev iew this.


Aditya Jha
October 8, 2 01 3 at 4 :4 1 pm
The answer seem s to m e based m ore on ethical awareness than em otional intelligence. For e.g. Principle of professional
responsibility & com petence counts keeping personal life & weakness out of professional.
Sandeep should hav e taken psy chological counseling & therapy to address his flirtatious behav iour is it the right way to
address such a com m on problem ? It is ones own nature, and a person with high EQ would nev er need counselling. Instead, he
would counsel others.
Introduction is good but i feel the answer needs reorientation.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 6 :50 pm
Thks adity a
I m not able to differentiate between ethical awareness & EI here.
U m ade a good point of stalking. But on the Sandeeps side if he would hv been em otionally com petent what else he
him self would hv done to elim inate such behav ior (apart from counseling y es Mukul shd hv com plained to higher
authority or law but i think for sandeep this is only open option to correct his behav ior). Owns nature is a behav ior
driv en from v alues & which is a dy nam ic case(need to be continuously shaped).





Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS


October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:3 5 pm
@Adity a pls there is no need to reply to second para of m y com m ent. I.e U m ade

Vijay Pateriya
October 8, 2 01 3 at 7 :1 6 pm
As Adity a rightly observ ed Your answer looks better for ethical problem instead of EI..for m e it looked as y ou were nev er
describing any EI factor like controlling behav iour I think was m ust needed on the part of Sandeep and for Mukul i think
there was a m ust m ention point of Low expressiv eness.Like y ou m entioned Sandeep to take counselling being Em otionally
Intelligence and taking counselling to correct flirtatious behav iour ,there seem s no relev ance to m e.If he would hav e had
High EQ in m y opinion that behav iour would not hav e ev en generated.Dont know if I m right but i prov ided feedback best to
m y knowledge which could help us.
hey i need a little fav our from y ours and others side as well :
i know its tim e constraint for the insights but if we all could com binedly ask for him to rev iew atleast one answer daily from
Ethics case studies and prov ide v aluable feedback so that we can atleast know that which one is the better way and after
som e tim e we will becom e com petent in this feild we could well sustain each others effort.Just an appeal if y ou too feels sam e
pls request.


October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:3 4 pm
Thks v ijay u r righti will take care of that

I agree with u.I think he is com m enting a answer on case study ev ery day .
@Insight sir:it would be great if u prov ide a com plete generalist feedback rather than a answer specific feed back.

Vijay Pateriya
October 8, 2 01 3 at 3 :55 pm
Police officers with large contacts towards public needs high EI m ost as they hav e to confront different problem s,diffrent ty pes of
persons which puts a lot of stress.
Sub-inspector Sandeeps has shown a character with lack of em otional control,giv ing unsolicited adv ice m akes that he was low
on self-control,he was also lacking self awareness and was not disciplined towards his behav iour towards other neither was
sensitiv e to others feelings(em pathy was lacking).The result was a flirtatiouscharacter.
Further his denial to grant leav e without any proper cause ev en knowing the necessity of it to Mukul shows his attitude towards
his duty ,his leadership skills.A high EQ person would hav e behav ed with a self-control,discipline,em pathetic way and would
hav e in first place not hav e generated flirtatious feelings,had understood the requirem ent of Mukul and better responded.
Mukul a person with low courage as shown in his unresponsiv e attitude towards his senior ev en while he m easured his seniors
intentions.He is also low on expressiv eness and social relations where his courage,his better expressiv eness m ight hav e led him
to express his uncom fortable feeling towads Sandeeps attitude.Adv ancing his reaction to shoot down the officer on being adv ised
to leav e but leav e behind his wife show his lack of control on him self,indiscipline,v iolent attitude.Instead he could hav e acted by
approaching im m ediate authority or could hav e gathered other peers to react to his problem .
A high EI helps in better stress m anagem ent and thus perform ance.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 4 :09 pm
Good answer Vijay but could hav e been better.
Try to write a sentence a idea for eg: ur line.The result was a flirtatiouscharactera clean & clear line. By this ur answer




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

Try to write a sentence a idea for eg: ur line.The result was a flirtatiouscharactera clean & clear line. By this ur answer
will becom e clear & with sm ooth flow.
Mukul a person with low courage as shown in his unresponsiv e attitude towards his senior ev en while he m easured his
seniors intentions. I felt u were bit judgm ental(just m y opinion though).
Last line could hv find presence near intro & not in last.
All i m suggesting is structural tuning and autom atically u will write way better answer.
If possible pls do rev iew m y answer too.

Vijay Pateriya
October 8, 2 01 3 at 7 :4 2 pm
Indeed while writing m y answer at first i put that last line in intro but later on in try ing to approach a better end i
readjusted it.Great y ou sensed it.
For Mukul beilng low on courage i prov ided the reason but surely i accepts i could hav e used som e other word there.
will try ev en harder to im prov e.
A great thanks for continous support please keep it on so that we could help each other THANKS TO INSIGHTS for the
great platform he prov ided us.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:4 5 pm
Mukul has shown low courage by his unresponsiv e attitude towards his senior ev en while he m easured his seniors
thks dear

Anny Middha
October 8, 2 01 3 at 7 :06 pm
Vijay this answer was av erage i guess.
Regarding sub inspector y ou could hav e added that EI includes self restraint. Knowing that his em otions are negativ e and
unacceptable in society he should hav e controlled his feeling and respect the m arriage. Also in granting leav e he should hav e
acted on pure professional counts.
It is wrong to say that m ukul was not courageous. But he didnt let his feelings and suspicion out which aggrav ated n cam e
out as v iolent.
Otherwise the actions y ou suggested are right.

Vijay Pateriya
October 8, 2 01 3 at 7 :2 5 pm
Thanks ANNY for y our v aluable feedback.
I think self control and self restraint are alm ost sy nony m ous.
For granting leav e i think instead of m entioning professional counts i m entioned discipline and attitude towards duty
because i felt that professional count would hav e m ade it ethical way instead of EI.
And for Mukul,i nev er said he was not courageous instead i used low courage i sighted the reason also.Dont know if i was
correct with this or not.
A great thanks to giv ing m e a chance to look back at m y answer.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 3 :59 pm
com plaint with NCW is good option but how m uch it would work,is doubtful. Sandeep intentions were m alafide but hard to prov e




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

howev er good attem pt by am od

Amod Ankit
October 8, 2 01 3 at 9 :53 pm

Aditya Jha
October 8, 2 01 3 at 4 :3 3 pm
Personal and professional life m ust be kept separate. Howev er, in case the obligations under them conflict with each other, it
should be balanced well using em otional intelligence. For, such conflicts result from clash of personalities, not institutions. Here,
both Mr. Sandeep and Mukul should hav e used it to av oid m istrust, clash and m ishap.
Mukul hav ing sensed sandeeps em otions should hav e inform ed his wife about the sam e and asked for her com m ents. If they both
felt the sam e, he would hav e asked her wife to talk to Sandeep or Sandeeps wife directly abut this, ev en though he is a senior.
Sandeep would hav e either felt em barrassed due to this or his affection would hav e increased. Em barrassm ent would hav e
solv ed the problem there itself without Mukuls face-off with his senior. Otherwise, Mukul would hav e inform ed his other superseniors about the issue and also asking perm ission for the leav e. In case, it was not granted and rev erted back to Sandeep, he
would hav e m aintained his calm hearing Sandeeps com m ent. Then, he would hav e filed a form al com plaint against Sandeep
on charges of stalking under the Crim inal(Am endm ent) Act,2 01 3 .
On the other hand, Sandeep being an em otionally intelligent person would hav e nev er allowed any one to know about his
em otions keeping them under control. He would also hav e understood Mukuls em otions/affection towards his wife. And,
perhaps he would hav e put him self in Mukuls position and sensed the disgust one feels when som eone else stalks ones wife.
Howev er, ev en if Mukul cam e to know about this, he would not hav e denied him holiday s on a regular basis av oiding such a
confrontation risking both his personal credibility and professional reputation. No such rem ark would hav e been m ade and he
would hav e allowed Mukul to trav el with his wife suppressing his own em otions for a while.

Vijay Pateriya
October 8, 2 01 3 at 7 :3 4 pm
Your answer is well processed actually i tries to im itate y our writing skills in processing m y ideas y ou are great in fram ing
the structure and building the answer.Hats off Sir.Another good one.
A little am biguity regarding certain points please if possible clarify it helps:
1 . to av oid m istrust
2 .Mukul hav ing sensed sandeeps em otions should hav e inform ed his wife
3 .about the sam e and asked for her com m ents. If they both felt the sam e, he would hav e asked her wife to talk to Sandeep or
Sandeeps wife directly abut this, ev en though he is a senior.
4 .He would also hav e understood Mukuls em otions/affection towards his wife.

Aditya Jha
October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:2 3 pm
Thanks Vijay .
1 . Mistrust m ay dev elop in their professional life because of spillov ers from personal life.
2 . It m eans Mukul knows what Sandeep thought about his wife, and then he inform s his wife about Sandeeps intentions.
3 . His wife would hav e talked directly to Sandeep about the issue. This would hav e got Sandeep possibly em barassed. She
m ay also com plain to Sandeeps wife. Norm ally such discussions do not happen between junior and seniors fam ily
m em bers in such a way .
4 . If Mukul extended the sam e treatm ent to Sandeeps wife, how would hav e Sandeep felt seeing his wife being stalked. He
should hav e understood that Mukul is also going through the sam e disgust as he would hav e.




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

October 8, 2 01 3 at 5:08 pm
Respect and consideration for one junior and his fam ily is expected in any job. One should treat their junior and his fam ily like
his brothers fam ily . Em otional intelligence is a part of ev ery job profile where one has to interact with subordinates and the
Mukul should hav e taken this m atter m ore seriously . He should hav e talked to his wife and should ask if she feels uncom fortable
with Sandeeps behav iour and should hav e tried to find out if theres any thing going on in between the two. Also, Mukul should
hav e confronted Sandeep and told him that he thinks that Mukul is going out of the line flirting with his wife and he does not like
Sandeeps attitude toward his wife and Sandeep should stay in line. If the flirting continues, he should lodge a com plaint with his
superior about Sandeeps behav iour and should ask for a transfer on these grounds. Shooting Sandeep doesnt m ake m atters
right. He should hav e gone to his sisters wedding and sent a letter to Sandeeps and his superior explaining the reasons for his
absence. Since, his reasons are genuine and form al, superior cant take it lightly and would hav e granted him leav e.
Sandeeps attitude towards his subordinates fam ily is totally unjustified. He seem s to hav e a loose charachter. He should keep
his behav iour in check and should not hav e flirted with Mukuls wife. Also, asking Sandeep to go alone and leav e his wife is
uncalled for. This is totally unacceptable behav iour. Rather, he should hav e stopped flirting when he saw that Mukul was
uneasy with his adv ances towards his wife. Also, he should hav e granted him leav e as he asked for it two m onths in adv ance.
Looking out for subordinates is a good way to gain their trust and respect. This m akes the work env ironm ent friendly and easy to
work with.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 5:4 8 pm
Em otions are natural, associated with ev ery hum an being ,but to control these em otions and utilise them for the sake of society
is possible for em otionally intelligent people. EI m akes a people ethically and m oraly correct.
If one of them would hav e possessed EI then Sandeep would hav e been aliv e and Mukul could hav e av oided m urder. Since
sandeep was ey eing on her since long tim e Mukul should hav e taken som e steps earlier to prev ent rise of em otion of Sandeep. He
should hav e talked to Sandeep and still if he does not understand then he should hav e com m unicated this m atter to his senior
and ask for solution or transfer..
As at last day sandeep dem and agitated him but em otionally intelligent people nev er try to break the rule of law.
if Sandeep would hav e good em otional intelligence then he would hav e controlled his em otion and would hav e granted leav e to
him .
EI alway s com e to rescue in dfficult situation and as a public serv ant its a prim ary requirem ent in dealing with public.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 6 :07 pm
The extrem e step taken by m ukul was the the cum ulativ e m anifestation of the feelings of resentm ent, disgust and helplessness
brewing within m ukul.an em otionally intelligent person is able to recognise his em otions and tries to m anage them .m ukul
should hav e stopped entertaining the inv ites of his superior once he learned about his intentions.he should hav e talked with his
wife and adv ise her to rem ain cautious of sandeep.
A person high on em otional quotient also possesses the ability to m ould the feelings and em otions of others.m ukul should hav e
hinted sandeep that he is aware of his ill intentions.m ukul should hav e talked to his peers in office about the irrational
behav iour of sandeep in granting him leav e.
Sandeep was low on em otional quotient.he was unable to control his em otions, he was so ov erwhelm ed with em otion that he
forgot the professional boundaries and went on to flirt with the wife of a subordinate.his continual denial of leav e to m ukul shows
that he was
Low on em pathy . the condition that m ukul would be allowed to proceex on leav e only if he leav es behind his wife shows that he
was m orally corrupt.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 6 :3 6 pm
Sandeep being a head officer failed to curb his desire which is lacking m oral and ethical features. Desire which persisted in his
brain m ade him to relate him with the m ukuls wife in an absurd fashion. Nev er he regretted for his uncontrolled thoughts or
ev en tried to arrest them . But he tried to fulfill his thought which was prov en by his behav ior with m ukul and his wife. Instead




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

ev en tried to arrest them . But he tried to fulfill his thought which was prov en by his behav ior with m ukul and his wife. Instead
he would hav e m ade questions to filter his thought process, on failing to do so he should approach psy chologists for help.
Unfortunately sandeep losed control and carried away with his ridiculous actions that at last ended his life.
Mukul after knowing about sandeeps m entality he would hav e reacted im m ediately by cautioning his wife about sandeeps
conspiracy . He would also hav e allowed her wife to leav e for wedding alone as he already knows that sandeep wont grant leav e.
Later he m ight hav e consulted sandeep for leav e and tested his behav ior. On repeating sim ilar behav ior he would hav e taken
m atter to higher officials with proof which supports to take action against his superior m al thoughts. Instead he bared sandeeps
actions within him self and accum ulated hated feelings. At one point of tim e it got busted out with so m uch anger and m ade him
to shoot sandeep until death. Because of sandeeps bad habit m ukul ended his growing career on failing to find peaceful solution to
the problem

October 8, 2 01 3 at 7 :50 pm
I will go for sy stem atic analy sis
1 .Mukuls Problem s:
i. im m ediate problem was Frustration of not getting leav e
ii. Kind of Long term problem was Anger/ Frustration of senior stalking his wife
2 . Sandeeps Problem s:
i. Arrogant with subordinates
ii. Flirtatious nature
3 . Mukuls m istakes:
i. not consulting his wife
ii. not talking directly with Sandeep about his problem
iii. not talking to Sandeeps fam ily
iv . not filing official com plaint either through NCW or to senior officer
4 . Sandeeps m istakes:
i. Not giv ing rational reason for not granting leav e
ii. Stalking with Mukuls wife
If both had high EI then possible solutions m ight be
5. Mukuls actions
i. Consultation with wife, taking her in confidence
ii. Solv ing problem with Sandeep
iii. Solv ing with inv olv em ent of boths fam ilies
iv . If all these didnt work then strong case through official channels
v . Written com plaint against denial of leav e
6 . Sandeeps actions
i. Sharing of problem with his wife
ii. Consultation with som e expert like psy chologist
iii. Granting of leav e to Mukul unless there is any other rational reason not to do so

October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:1 7 pm
work knowledge is not the only thing required for better perform ance. work responsibilities in deptt. are interdependent and
linked. At tim es we work as senior and at tim es we perform the role of subordinate. for this interdependend and linked nature of
tasks coordinativ e , cooperativ e traits and em otional intelligence in v ery essential for sm ooth and conflict free business.
in this case study both sandeep and his subordinate police m an m ukul lack the em otinal intelligence which actually their posts
dem and from them and they should possess
m ukul who knew the arrogant nature of his senior and his behav iour with his subordinates should hav e considered that keenly ,
gav e it a thought before accepting his inv itation for the dinner and other gettogether parties. unexpected polite and differential
behav ior towards him by his senior really dem and him to be cautious, m aintain gap hav e only professional dealings with his
senior, careful and tactfully deny ing his inv itation for dinner and giv ing awareness to her wife about this m atter so that she too
will be cautious about it. about the denial of his application for leav e , he should stand strong for his right to be perm itted for so,,
but should not loose tem per and entangle the m atter. he should hav e approached the next senior for that m atter rather than
pleading before him only for that case.
sandeep lacks im pulse control, interpersonal skills.if he would hav e had good im pulse control and interpersonal skills. he would
hav e been the a good senior with good em tional stabilty . higher the post higher is the dem and for interpersonal skills and other
em otiinally intelligence com ponents. sandeep has the wider responsibility than m ukul.as senior he has to be decisiv ely m ore
sound. realise the im pacts of such ill im pulse towards his colleagues wife on his work env ironm ent , his ties with the em ploy ees




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

and his im age before them he needs to hav e understanding of the consequences that he m ay hav e to face on denial of his
subordinates application for leav e and how difficult it would be for him and other on work efficently and follow his orders.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:4 0 pm
* correction
.it would be for him to m ake others work efficiently and follow his orders

October 8, 2 01 3 at 8:1 8 pm
Sandeep as being senior hav e to respect and protect his subordinate as fam ily m em bers. If he was strong with EI he would had
1 . Tried to explore what was wrong with him and tried to rekindle his own rom antic life along with his wife, because this kind of
behav ior is not good on professional as well as personal account
2 . If he was not m arried then it was better to m arry a girl of his choice that could control his tem ptation
3 . He could av oid the lov ely couple to av oid his flirtatious behav ior to rem ain under control
4 . He should sanction the leav e well in adv ance, because of the urgency of the situation, but as m entioned in question itself it
seem he had som e superior residue
5. He would nev er go for such kind of indecent proposal that is against professional count
Mukul although he had shown som e m aturity earlier that despite his superiors flirtatious nature he had kept his em otions
under check, but he had not done any thing as an EI enable person would hav e enough social skills to induce desired response. He
m ight behav ed in following m anner:
1 . He could refuse fam ily gathering and dinner
2 . He could sent his wife to his nativ e fam ily for tim e being and m eanwhile could pursue his transfer
3 . He should try to gather som e support from his colleagues as already m entioned Sandeps was not behav ing professionally
along with subordinate as well
If any of them followed any of this behav iour it not only sav ed two fam ilies but also could be resulted in som e life long friendship

Sreekanth S
October 8, 2 01 3 at 9 :53 pm
In this particular case, both of them are shown to hav e low Em otional Intelligence (EI). If they had high EI, their behav iour
would hav e been:
Sandeep would not hav e repeatedly inv ited Mukul to his house and tried to flirt with Mukuls wife. He would hav e shown regard
to the em otions of Mukul , as a husband and how it would hurt him within, to find the superior officer m isbehav e with his wife.
The rejection of leav e requests without any explanation to Mukul would naturally raise his suspicions about Sandeep. This was
also som ething Sandeep was unaware off. The repercussions of deny ing leav e to a police officer working under stressful
conditions was totally absent from Sandeeps thoughts.
Giv en the m istakes of Sandeep, it was prudent for Mukul to com plain to higher authorities rather than going out of control and
shooting Sandeep dead. He should hav e controlled his em otions to the prov oking request from his superior officer and tried to
explain to him about his im m oral behav iour.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 9 :54 pm
EI, Em otional intellignece m eans effectiv ely m anaging own em otions and taking into action at required tim e. EI play s graeat
role in professional ethics, m aintaing professinal relationships at work place, inform al relationships. Its also im portant in
m anaging stress, work fam ily balance.
Mukul hasnt taken him em otions into m eningful actions and didnt confront Sandeep in intial stage. The em otion accum ulated
ov er tim e and erupted. Sandeep did bring personal em otion into work, thus lacking professional ethics.
They both act as follows, if they hav e high EI.




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

They both act as follows, if they hav e high EI.

He draws a fine line between work and fam ily relationships. He discusses the true nature and intentions of Sandeep with his
wife. He persuades Sandeep about im pact of his behaniour on both the fam ilies. If Sandeep doesnt change his path, he m aintains
safe distance from him out of office.
When Sandeep repeatedly rejected the leav e appeals, he doesnt let em otions run wild. He raises the issue with higher authorities
form ally citing clear ev idences.
Sandeep refrains form entertaining the em otions of attaction. He changes his path, atleast after the persuation of Sandeep. He
doesnt let personal em otions jum ped into professional work. He grants leav es to Sandeep as per the rules and regulation. He
m aintains a cordial relationship with Mukul.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 1 0:1 7 pm
This case study beautifully portray s the stressfull env ironm ent a bureacrat can face in his life. A careful exam ination of it m ay
rev eal the qualities a bureacrat m ust possess.
Mukuls behav ior of shooting his superior not only shows his aggresiv eness but also his his indisciplinary attitude. As Mukul got
suspicious about Sandeeps m otiv es, he should hav e av oided going to his place and to other parties as well. Regarding his grant of
leav es, as per code of conduct he did the right thing to approach his senior. What he could further was to approach next higher
lev el superior and should brought this issue into his notice. This not only m ight hav e resolv ed the issue but also would hav e
warned Sandeep about his conduct.
Sandeep should realize his responsibility of this post and should discharge his duties lawfully . He should treat his subordinates
ethically and should consider their needs and aspirations. Personally he should not keep a bad ey e on wom en. As a sub-inspector
he should protect the society and should treat wom en and m other and sister.
Hence Mukul should learn to handle situations calm ly and m ore intelligently . Though he is subordinate, he should alway s try to
resolv e the problem m orally , peacefully and lawfully . Sandeep should possess leadership skills and should follow hum an ethics.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 1 0:1 7 pm
Hi Insights sir and fellows,
Please rev iew and prov ide inputs.

October 8, 2 01 3 at 1 0:3 2 pm
Em otional intelligence is m ust for police officers to work in a stressful and prov ocativ e env ironm ent.Explain how would hav e
been Mukul and Sandeeps behav iour if they had possessed high em otional intelligence?
(Based on a true story )
Sandeep clearly lacked in self-assessm ent and self-control. He could not correctly assess the im pacts of his em otions on his
behav ior and his relationship with his subordinates. He failed to dev elop the trustworthiness am ong his subordinates. Poor selfcontrol has created his im age of an flirtiest officer in m ind of his subordinates. He also lacked in social awareness. Ev en in case,
he wanted Mukul to stay back for som e genuine reasons, he failed to recognize the Mukul feelings & situation due to the
cancellation of leav es. His insensitiv e rem ark further incited Mukul to take such an unfortunate step. If Sandeep had high EQ,
he would hav e assessed his behav ior and taken correctiv e actions. He would hav e been m ore sensible in rejecting Mukul leav e
application and av oided insensitiv e rem arks that hurt his self-esteem .
Mukul lacked in self control. While it was natural for him to get angry on being v erbally abused by the Sandeep, he definitely
had better options to react to such abuses. If he had high self-control ,he would hav e reported this incident to higher authorities
instead of ov erreacting to prov ocation. It appear that Mukesh also lacked in self-confidence, Despite noticing Sandeep adv ances
towards his wife, he did not take any proactiv e m easures to av oid this. Under higher EI, he would hav e not let his anger built up
to that lev el that he had to kill Sandeep on prov ocation.

October 9 , 2 01 3 at 8:55 am
This conflict could hav e been resolv ed in a m uch sim pler m anner had one or both the parties acted with em otional intelligence




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

This conflict could hav e been resolv ed in a m uch sim pler m anner had one or both the parties acted with em otional intelligence
and the disasterous result could be av oided.
Mukul :
1 . He should hav e discussed his concerns with his wife and together reached out on a concensus to av oid all social contacts with
Sandeep, outside office. For exam ple if the couple laughs at Sandeeps joke he m ay feel m ore into Mukuls wife, on the other hand
absolute & v isible av oidance discorages obsession.
2 . Mukul should hav e directly talked to Sandeep and frowarded his concerns strongly . Many a tim es its m isunderstanding and
an objectiv e conv ersation can help a person to understand that he is crossing the lim it.
3 . Mukul should hav e escalated the issue pertaining to the leav es to higher authorities.
4 . Mukul or/and his wife should hav e inform ed the situation to Sandeeps wife.
5. He shouldnt hav e delay ed to com plain as there was a perciev ed threat to his wife and prev ention is better than cure.
6 . Ev en at the prov ocating statem ent he should hav e kept calm and com plained to desiplinary departm ent/Senior. Such
behav iour is nev er tolerated and there were all chances that the problem could hav e been solv ed by once for all by the
displenary bodies.
Sandeep :
1 . Sandeep should hav e undestood basic hum anity and em pathy entwined with leadership. He being leader , should hav e
undertaken all the steps to set good exam ples behav iour and character and create condusiv e env ironm ent for his team to
function rather than behav ing inappropriately him self.
2 . Ev en If he felt v ery strongly about Mukuls wife, it could hav e faded down had he m anaged his infactuation well. At the
m inim um he should hav e av oided v isiting Mukuls for lunch/dinner, should hav e discussed with his own wife creating a v irtual
self im posed m onitor. He could hav e distracted him self , what better than granting the requested leav es.
3 . In som e cases m editation helps to control our m ind. Police departm ent keeps doing life skill training, he could hav e attended
them .
World is full of people like Sandeep. Its likely that Mukuls wife m ay encounter m ore of them in future too, what good can he be
now to protect her from jail.

Asha Goud
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :1 1 am
Explain how would hav e been Mukul and Sandeeps behav iour if they had possessed high em otional intelligence?
A: Police Officers in India are ov erworked and they work under a v ery stressful env ironm ent, in such conditions an officer enjoy s
high discretion on his junior while som etim es him self being bullied by his senior. Therefore they whole sy stem suffers from
callous attitude. There should be prov ision for counseling of stressed and disturbed policem en.
Sandeeps attitude towards Mukuls wife shows lack of respect he holds for his juniors and also wom en. Had Sandeep EQ he would
not hav e interfered in Mukuls personal life and m aintain the dignity of the post he holds. He should im m ediately grant the
leav e asked by Mukul instead of harassing him . Sandeep should hav e striv ed to m aintain professionalism in his conduct and
display ed concern and em pathy for his juniors.
Mukul shot his senior with his serv ice rifle to v ent out the frustration that he was piling up in his m ind since long. He had all the
tim e av oided finding a proper solution to his problem . Since Mukul had noticed Sandeeps behav ior he should hav e talked to his
wife and adv ised her to m aintain safe distance from Sandeep. Since Sandeep was not granting him leav e, Mukul should hav e
shown presence of m ind and should hav e sent his wife to his nativ e in adv ance to help the fam ily in preparations. Mukul should
dem and a written reason for rejecting his leav e and then forward the sam e to higher authorities, and request them to grant him
leav e.
Mukul should hav e taken a pragm atic attitude to solv e his problem instead of letting his problem s escalate day by day .

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 3 :05 pm
EI m eans control on once own em otions and handling the situation.
But in this case m ukul shows v ery low EI, as he spoil his life for others m is conduct. And sandeep was also not in his own control,
his em otions are rulling him .
Mukul first hav e to build a strong trust with his wife, until her wife lov e him no one can enter in their relation.
And m ukul m ust share his v iew with sandeep and wron him . If still not showing sign of im prov em ent. Then com plaint in the
higer office or talk to sandeeps wife about about her husbands behav iour. This put pressure on sandeep.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :04 pm




Ethics Case Study 12: Emotional Intelligence | INSIGHTS

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :04 pm
Plz rev iew m y ans.

October 1 2 , 2 01 3 at 1 1 :1 5 pm
on the basis of em otional intelligence ,m ukul can approach to his senior and explaning the situation annd also take his wife into
and sandeep can understand the conclusion of such ty pe of action is nothing worthful,it destoy s the m ukuls fam ily .
INSIGHT pls rev iew m y answer ,this is m y 1 st attem pt.

Shiji Chandu
January 2 8, 2 01 4 at 4 :51 pm
I think Sndeeps is a irresponsible behav iour.If a postion of a police officer he is a dependable person.In this situation both m ukul
and sandeep think about their fam ily . prim arily ,Sandeep try to attached to his wife in the parties
m ukul can surely display any rejections words som ething relate to rejections.m ukuls wife can surely got his rejections.As a
sm art lady she do it first.then after the final m ukul surely can reply his rejections or he can com plained to his higher
authority .His im otional work of final he destroy his life.



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