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examen de mi salon 1104 9:00

Regional Studies
(Be able to identify in a world map, the countries studied in the course)


Joseph Stalin: Communism based on industrialization. 5 year

industrialization plan. Non agression pact with Hitler. Prisin in Siberia GULAGS
Blocked the marshall plan to Eastern Europe


Nikita Kruschev: Destalinization=NO STALIN. Peaceful coexistence with the

Overthrown by Leonid Brezhner. Cold War.

Mikhail Gorbachov: He ended the Cold War and won a Nobel

Peace Prize. Bad economy.
He made 2 reforms:
a. Prestroika: Restructuring; abolition of the Communist Party,
openness of the economic system (private enterprise, free movement of prices.)
b. Glasnost: Openness of public opinion and government criticism.

Yeltsin: Participated in Perestroika. He won as Russia first elected president.

Leonid Brezhnev: Breshnev Doctrine. USSR had the right to intervene in any
satellite country. Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1968. Detente Doctrine.

Marshall B. Tito: Tito declared the foundation of Socialist Yugoslavia, in 1945. It was
a federation composed by Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia.

Mao Tse Dong: Chinese Communist Party. Got support by promising land to the
poor. Created the Peoples Republic of China.

Chang Kai Shek: Nationalist Party.

Mc Carthy: He investigated people suspected of communist thoughts. He created


Rosa Parks: Mother of the Civil Movement. She seated in the back of a bus and refused
to go to prision for that.

Martin Luther King: Leader in the African-American civil rights


Malcom X: Was an African-American muslim minister and human rights activist.

Richard Nixon (1969 - 1974) - Cease-fire agreement with Vietnam.

Jimmy Carter (1977 - 1981) - Involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1989) - Cuts to the welfare state and lowering of taxes. He
promoted a program of conservative revolution.

George W. Bush (2001 - 2009) - World Trade Center attack and Afghanistan

George Bush (Pap) (1989 - 1993) - Persian Gulf War.

Bill Clinton (1993 - 2001) - gave a conservative shift in his policy, signs NAFTA.

J. F. Kennedy (1961- 1963)- In favor of racial integration.(assassinated). The Bay of

Pigs invasion, and the Cuban Missile crisis.

Jacobo Arbenz (1951 - 1954) - Guatemala, expropriation of the extensive grounds of

the United Fruits Company, IRCA, and the Bond and Share.

Salvador Allende (1970 - 1973)- Chile, he tried to establish a socialist state.(First

socialist president of chile)

Pinochet (1974 - 1990) - Chile, led the military dictatorship known as the
period of the military regime that overthrew Allende.

Anastasio Somoza (1974 - 1979) - Nicaragua, military dictator and politician that
remained authoritarian and absolutist power.

Fidel Castro - Cuba, revolutionary military, statesman and politician who

participated in the revolutionary struggle and the Cuban missile crisis.(led the cuban revolution-take

Che Guevara - ideologue and commander of the Cuban revolution, he promoted

the installation of guerrilla groups in several countries of Latin America.

Fulgencio batista:

Cuban dictator during the 1950s

Yassir Arafat:

president of PLO

Sha Mohammed Reza Pahlavi:

he wanted a modern Iran,expand their treaties with germany,ensuere the pasage of

weapons from us to the ussr,king of iran (He was overthrown by the iranian revolution in 1979)
Ayatollah Khomeini

he hates westernization,he defeated the sha,he was president

of Iran (forced to leave iran but came back has a hero)
M. Abbas

new lider of PLO when Araffat died

Saddam Hussein

president of Iraq, he took Iran and invaded kuwait ( (invaded Iranbmn)

M. Begin

camp david agrements in 1973,president of israel

Yitzhak Rabin

The Oslo Accords were finalized when he (from Israel) and Yaser Araffat (from
Palestine) shook hands in the White House
Gamal Nasser

president of Egypt,he was in the war of 6 days

Anuar el Sadat

he was murdered because he didn't recognize Palestine (

(murdered because he recognized Israel

Nelson Mandela

he became leader of the African National Congress (ANC) in the 60s. He

became president of South Africa in 1994
Desmond Tutu
he was a South African archbishop and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for
his work against apartheid

Frederick De Klerk

South African president in 1990 that allowed the release of Nelson Mandela
and the legalization of ANC
Lech Walesa

he created solidiarty

John Paul II

he was the pope,he visited Polony and called for peace

Slobodan Milosevic
president of serbia,he wanted to do etnic cleanising,mass murdered,he was in


he liberated india peacefully

Vaclav Havel

Czech writer, he served as a spokesman during the Velvet Revolution


Terrorism; Acts that endanger life and/or property in a country, conducted by selfappointed sub-State
groups for political reasons.
Cold war: The signing of the Warsaw Pact .
The launching of Sputnik (first artificial satellite).
The Bay of Pigs Invasion.
The Cuban Missile Crisis.

The beginning of the Vietnam War.

Great Leap Forward: Promote local economic development intergrating agricultural and industrial
activities to the rural communes 1958-1962
De-stalinization: erase traces of stalin (internal policy) eliminate prison, 5 year plan
Segregation: Separation of blacks and whites, USA, 1930-1960 (martin luther king,malcome x,Nixon)
March of Washington: protests for the rights of the black
Freedom rides: long distance busses with black activist going from north to south provoking arrest
Sit ins:violated a city law by sitting at a lunch center to demand service that has been denied to them
Watergate Scandal: Richard nixon (he resigned from office), scandal, caught breaking into the
democratic national headquarters one night
Baby boom: Birth rate increases drastically
Zionism:Movement in favor for the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine.
Diaspora: Dispersion of Jews throughout the world.
Intifada: Palestinian civil disobedience movement from 1987 to 1993.
Gulags: Jail in Siberia (stalin)
Great leap power: Promote local economic development integrating agricultural and industrial activities to
the rural communes
Westernization: USA trying to spread thru the middle east
Five years plan:Stalin- for 5 years concentrate just in the industralization (fully implement communism)
Islam: Submission to allah (religion de los musulmanes)
5 pillars of Islam:1)Charity- 2)feasting(ayuno) during Rhamadan- 3)Travel to la Meca- 4)prayer5)professing the faith
Musulmanes se divide en: Shiites10% terrorists-Sunnis:90% de los musulmanes (eligen el gobernante)
Operation Desert Shield: US support to Kuwait for the Persian War.
Operation Desert Storm: Was the successful U.S.-Allied response to Iraq's attempt to overwhelm
neighboring Kuwait.
Centripetal forces: Trends or ideologies that are bringing the world closer together.
Centrifugal forces: Trends or ideologies that contribute to the estrangement in international relations
Apartheid: Policy of social segregation implemented in South Africa.
Homelands: The government attempted to divide South Africa into a number of separate states, each of
which was supposed to develop into a separate nation-state for a different ethnic group.
Afrikaners- Southern African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers first arriving in
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Velvet Revolution- November 12- December 29, 1989. Checoslovaquia, communism to parlamentary
republic. Pacific revolution.
Velvet divorce- January 1, 1993. Pacific disolution of Czechoslovakia into Czech republic and slovakia
Flying geese model- Hierarchical model to explain how industrialization can spread from developed
countries to developing ones. Japan leading goose and would export goods to other.
Traditional actors- States, nation, nation-state.
Non- traditional actors- Intergovernmental, multinational organizations.
State- Government, people, land.
Nation- People.
World Order- Arrangement reached between countries to distribute power and interact in each other at a
certain moment in time.

- Private, do not seek profits for government, try to solve problems.(civil organizations that deals
with issues of international interest)
- Organization formed by states.(deals with issues that affects its members)
Types of international systems:
unipolar- distribution of power in which one state exercises most of the cultural, economic, and military
bipolar- distribution of power in which two states have the majority of economic, military, and cultural
multipolar- distribution of power in which more than two nation-states have nearly equal amounts of
military, cultural, and economic influence.
Neoliberalism- Set of economic policies used to characterize the economic ideology behind
Arab Spring- Series of protests that arose in the Northern Africa and the rest of the Arab world in 2011.
Caused by the difficult political and economic situation.

(Be able to identify the countries involved, year, main events and outcome of the following conflicts)

Truman Doctrine: Policy that established American involvement in any issue that required assisting
countries to fight Soviet expansionism.
Marshall Plan: Economic aid to Europe , helping its economy to rectivate.
Warsaw Pact: Created by the USSR to face the NATO.
COMECON: Created by the USSR, to counter the Marshall Plan.
NATO: Is a military alliance created to resist soviet agression.
Black Panters: Black revolutionary socialist organization
Brezhnev Doctrine: USRR had the right to intervene on any of its countries
Keiretsu model: Implied that the same products generated by the primary sector would be used by the
secondary sector, and commercialized by the tertiary sector.
Flying Goose model: Economic model employed by Japan in the second half of the XX century. It
implied economic integration with its neighbors, but establishing levels, placing Japan at the top.
IMF: The IMF's stated goal was to assist in the reconstruction of the world'sinternational payment system
postWorld War II.
UN: The organization was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict.
McCarthyism: McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations, subversion, or treason without proper
regard for evidence
Alliance for Progress: President John F. Kennedy proposes a 10-year, multibillion-dollar aid program for
Latin America. The program came to be known as the Alliance for Progress and was designed to improve
U.S. relations with Latin America, which had been severely damaged in recent years.
Sandinistas: Social democratic political party in Nicaragua.
Contras: Counterrevolutionary guerrillas groups of Nicaragua.
OAS: Organization of American States, an organization formed in 1948for the purpose of coordinated
action ineconomic, political, and military matters.
Contadora Group: A group of Latin American nations, formed in Jan 1983, to help solve the problems of
the region. (Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela)
Banana Republics: The small countries in the tropics, whose economies are largerly dependent on fruit
exports, tourism, and foreign investors.
School of the Americas: is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers.

Liberation Theology: 20th century Christian theology, emphasizing the Biblical anddoctrinal theme of
liberation from oppression, whether racial, sexual, economic, or political.
United Fruit Company:
Camp David: Presidential retreat with guests quarters and conference facilities.
Agreement: An arrangament that is accepted by all parties to a transaction. OR a contract or other
document delineating such an arrangement.
Declaration of Principles: Agreement signed Sep/13/1993, between Israel and the PLO, affirming
mutual recognition and legitimacy.
Perestroika: The policy of economic and governmental reform instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the
Soviet Union during the mid-1980s.
Glasnots: The declared public policy within the Soviet Union of openly and franklydiscussing economic
and political realities: initiated under MikhailGorbachev in 1985.
EU: European Union, an association of European nations formed in 1993 for the purpose of achieving
political and economic integration.
PLO: Palestine Liberation Organization, an organization for several Arab groups dedicated to the
recovery of Palestine from the state of Israel.
Hamas :Radical Muslim organization that seeks the destruction of Israel.
Hezbollah: Radical Muslim organization that seeks the destruction of Israel.
Taliban: A terroriist group that heats USA ,they are in Pakistan
Al-Qaeda: Terrosist gruoup that heats USA,the one thet maked the terrorist attack of the twin towers,(bin
laden was their lider)
FARC: (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia)
Resolution 242: call for the peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict through
territorial compromise. The acceptance of the Resolutions by Arab elements indicates their
recognition of Israel.
Brigade 2506:The Bay of Pigs invasion begins when a CIA-financed and -trained group of Cuban
refugees lands in Cuba and attempts to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro. The attack was
an utter failure.
Dtente: Directed to improve the relation with The United States (Richard Nixon).
Attempt to limit weapons production.

Arab-Israeli wars:
1948 war,independence war
- The British withdrew from Israel.
- Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq attacked Israel; Israel won.
- Palestine was never created. - Jordan was compensated by annexing the West Bank
b. 1956 war,suez canal war
- President Nasser (Egypt) denied access to the Canal to Israel, Britain and France.
- Soviets armed Egypt, France armed Israel.
- Israel won the war. No changes in the map.
6 Days war ,1967
- PLO formed by Yassir Arafat (1964)
- Nasser closes the Suez Canal, and demands the UN forces to retreat from Egypt.
- Israel destroyed Egypts air force with a surprise attack.
- Israel won the war; won the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, the West Bank and Jerusalem.
d. Yom Kippur war 1973
- Sadat proposes peace to Israel in exchange of having back the Sinai land.

- US armed Israel and SU armed Egypt.

- Oil weapon by the Arabs.
- Political victory for Sadat.
2) Iran-Iraq war:
-Iraq invaded Iran, the reasons were many: the pretext was a border dispute over the body of water that
serves as frontier between countries.
-The conflict lasted 8 years.
-Neither side achieved its objectives, both were severly weakened.
-For Iran the end meant reconsideration of the Revolution.
3) Iran hostages crisis:
-Iran- United States
-About 60 americans were held hostage for 444 days by a group of Iranian students.
4)Persian Gulf War:
-US-UN(United states-United Nations), Kuwait, Iraq
-Iraq invaded Kuwait
-A US-UN led coalition launched a full attack on Iraq, after a week of fighting Iraq was forced to withdraw
from Kuwait and accept the Un's ban on the possession of nuclear and chemical weapons.
5) 2003 Invasion of Iraq:
-US, Iraq
-George W.Bush after deposing the Taliban government in Afghanistan, he began pressing for an
American invasion of Iraq.
-The reason was his suspicion of a violation of UN's prohibition on chemical and nuclear weapons and a
link between Hussein and Al Qaeda.
-Hussein was captured on December that same year.
6)Cuban Missile Crisis:
-USSR, US, Cuba
-The USSR and Cuba were military allies.
-The USSR had stationed missiles directed at US territory.
-It did not escalate into anything worse thanks to the intervention of Head of State.
-The agreement was to withdraw the missiles and ensure that the US government would not attempt to
depose Castro again.
7. The Bay of Pigs: was an unsuccessful invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles, supported by the U.S.
government, on Apr. 17, 1961.
8. The Vietnam War: was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam
and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United

9. Soccer War: between El Salvador and Honduras mainly due to problems with immigration, it was
sparked by rioting during the second North American qualifying round for the 1970 World Cup.
10. Korean war: that began as a civil war between North and South Korea, but the conflict soon became
international when, under U.S. leadership, the United Nations joined to support South Korea and the
Peoples Republic of China (PRC) entered to aid North Korea. The war left Korea divided and brought the
Cold War to Asia.
11.The Islamic Revolution: occurred in 1979, in Iran. The reason for the revolution was that many
Iranians disliked the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Ayatollah Khomeini organized protests to overthrow
the government. Khomeini became the new leader of Iran. The government was made a republic and a
12. The Soviet war in Afghanistan (invasion) from December 1979-1989. Part of the Cold War, it was
fought between Soviet-led Afghan forces against multi-national insurgent groups called the Mujahideen.

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