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TWDBot> !

chawa <name>

- Toggles challenge watch on or off for <name>

TWDBot> !chawas

- Displays current challenge watches

TWDBot> !ban <name>

- Prevents <name> from being able to do challenges for a day

TWDBot> !unban <name>

- Removes challenge ban for <name> if it exists

TWDBot> !sibling <name>

- Looks up all siblings registered for <name>

TWDBot> !addsibling <name>:<sibling> - Registers a <sibling> to <name>

TWDBot> !changesibling <old>:<new> - changes name in siblings from <old> to <new>
TWDBot> --------- ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT COMMANDS -----------------------------------------------TWDBot> !resetname

- resets your name

TWDBot> !resettime

- returns the time when your name will be reset

TWDBot> !cancelreset

- cancels the !resetname

TWDBot> !register

- registers your name

TWDBot> !registered <name>

- checks if the name is registered

TWDBot> --------- ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT COMMANDS -----------------------------------------------TWDBot> !resetname <name>

- resets the name (unregisters it)

TWDBot> !resettime <name>

- returns the time when the name will be reset

TWDBot> !cancelreset <name>

- cancels the !reset a player has issued

TWDBot> !enablename <name>

- enables the name so it can be used in TWD/TWL games

TWDBot> !disablename <name>

- disables the name so it can not be used in TWD/TWL games

TWDBot> !register <name>

- force registers that name, that player must be in the arena

TWDBot> !regconflicts <name>

- Display the list of names causing conflicts when trying to register <name>

TWDBot> !registered <name>

- checks if the name is registered

TWDBot> !add name:<name> ip:<IP> mid:<MID>


- Adds <name> to DB with <IP> and/or <MID>

TWDBot> !removeip <name>:<IP>

- Removes <IP> associated with <name>

TWDBot> !removemid <name>:<MID>

TWDBot> !removeipmid <name>
TWDBot> !listipmid <name>

- Removes <MID> associated with <name>

- Removes all IPs and MIDs for <name>

- Lists IP's and MID's associated with <name>

TWDBot> !pwmatch <name>:<name>

- Compares TWD Passwords of <name> and <name>

TWDBot> --------- ALIAS CHECK COMMANDS -------------------------------------------------------

TWDBot> !info <name>

- displays the IP/MID that was used to register this name

TWDBot> !fullinfo <name>

- displays IP/MID, squad name, and date squad was reg'd

TWDBot> !altip <IP>

- looks for matching records based on <IP>

TWDBot> !altmid <MID>

- looks for matching records based on <MID>

TWDBot> !ipidcheck <IP> <MID>


- looks for matching records based on <IP> and <MID>

<IP> can be partial address - ie: 192.168.0.

TWDBot> --------- MISC COMMANDS -------------------------------------------------------------TWDBot> !check <name>

- checks live IP and MID of <name> (through *info [no !go] works any arena, NOT the DB)

TWDBot> !einfo <name>

- displays the einfo for <name> in any arena

TWDBot> !usage <name>

- displays the usage information for <name> in any arena

TWDBot> !twdops

- displays a list of the current TWD Ops

TWDBot> !go <arena>

- moves the bot

TWDBot> --------- TWD/TWL COMMANDS ----------------------------------------------------------TWDBot> !signup <password>

- Replace <password> with a password which is hard to guess.


You are safer if you choose a password that differs


completely from your current SSCU Continuum password.


Example: !signup mypass. This command will get you an


useraccount for TWL and TWD. If you have forgotten your


and !registered

TWDBot> !games

- This command will give you a list of the current matchs

(StaffBot)> Op: Up in ya !! (Super Moderator)

(StaffBot)>-----------------------[ Staff Bot ]----------------------(StaffBot)> !isStaff <name>
(StaffBot)> !die

- Checks if <name> is a member of staff

- Disconnects Staffbot

(StaffBot)>----------------[ ServerErrorEcho: SMod+ ]----------------(StaffBot)> !errorignore <player>

(StaffBot)> !ignorelist

- Ignores server errors from <player> (toggable).

- Shows ignored players for server errors.

(StaffBot)>--------------------[ Warnings: ER+ ]---------------------(StaffBot)> !warnings <player>

(StaffBot)> ! <player>

- Checks valid red warnings on specified player

- (shortcut for above)

(StaffBot)> !allwarnings <player>

- Shows all warnings on player, including expired.

(StaffBot)> !fuzzyname <player>

- Checks for names similar to <player> in database.

(StaffBot)>--------------------[ Warnings: Mod+ ]--------------------(StaffBot)> !deletelast <player>

- Deletes last warning given to a player.

(StaffBot)>--------------------[ Warnings: SMod+ ]-------------------(StaffBot)> !warningsfrom <player> - Displays a list of recent warns given to a player.
(StaffBot)> !manual player:warning - Adds a manual database warning to player. Use with caution!
(StaffBot)>---------------------- [ BanC: Operators+ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------(StaffBot)> !silence <player>:<time>[mins][d]

- Initiates an automatically enforced

silence on <player> for <time/mins/days>.

(StaffBot)> !superspec <player>:<time>[mins][d]

- Initiates an automatically enforced


spec-lock on <player> the ships 2,4 and 8


for <time/mins/days>

(StaffBot)> !spec <player>:<time>[mins][d]

- Initiates an automatically enforced


spectator-lock on <player>


for <time/mins/days>.

(StaffBot)> !search -help

- !search command help guide

(StaffBot)> !search <player>[:<#banC>][:<#Warnings>] - Search the players history

(StaffBot)> !listban -help
(StaffBot)> !listban [arg] [count]
(StaffBot)> !listban [#id]

- !listban command help guide

- Shows last 10/[count] BanCs. Optional arguments see below.
- Shows information about BanC with <id>.

(StaffBot)> !changeban <#id> <arguments> - Changes banc with <id>. Type !arg to see Arguments. Don't forget the #
(StaffBot)> !bancomment <#id> <comments> - Adds / Changes comments on BanC with specified #id.
(StaffBot)> !liftban <#id>

- Removes ban with #id.

(StaffBot)> !banaccess

- Returns the access level restrictions

(StaffBot)>----------------------[ BanC: SMod+ ]--------------------(StaffBot)> !reload

(StaffBot)> !forcedb
(StaffBot)> !searchip <ip>
(StaffBot)> !addop

- Reloads the list of active bancs from the database

- Forces to connect to the database
- where ip can be the x. or x.x. or full x.x.x
- Adds a Banc Operator

(StaffBot)> !removeop

- Removes a Banc Operator and adds them to Revoked list

(StaffBot)> !listops

- Displays all Banc Operators and Banc Revoked Operators

(StaffBot)> !deleteop

- If removed from staff, use this.

(StaffBot)> !isop

- Checks to see if name is an operator

(StaffBot)>----------------[ Obscene: SMod ]----------------(StaffBot)> !listobscene

- Lists the current entries in obscene.txt.

(StaffBot)> !listobscene <word>

- Lists only the entries in obscene.txt containing <word>.

(StaffBot)>----------------------[ Log: SMod+ ]----------------------(StaffBot)> Saves commands up to 60 minutes and watches for bad commands.
(StaffBot)> !log [time/minutes]

- Displays last commands of last specified minutes.

(StaffBot)> !logfrom <name>[:cmd][:time] - Displays last commands from <name>.

(StaffBot)> !logto <name>[:cmd][:time] - Displays last commands to <name>.

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