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School lunch payment system inefficient. Page 3

Basketball against KIS:

Varsity basketball team kicks off strong. Page 10

s e o u l i n t e r nat i o na l s c h o o l

v o l u m e X LV I

Tiger Times
November 2014

issue 4


Middle, high schools perform Musical with success CSC members

organize visit
to Philippines

By Sang Ho Lee

After practicing for more than

four months every Tuesday and
Thrusday, the drama department
successfully performed its first musical production in five years, putting on stage High School Musical
from Nov. 20-21 in the auditorium.
The first performance started at 3:15
p.m. to attract primarily students,
whereas the second performance
started at 7 p.m. to make it possible
for working parents to see the show.
Students from both the middle and
high schools collaborated to interact
with and captivate the audience using vibrant lighting and music.
The lighting and sound systems,
as well as the live accompaniment by
the Jazz Band made it possible for
cast members to interact with their
audience to a greater extent. The
electric piano and bass guitar were
only two of the six instruments used
to liven the mood of the musical.
Songs that the audience was already
familiar with for example, Breaking Free and Were All In This Together, also allowed viewers to sing
and clap along. At the same time,
the casting of several middle school
students, such as Sean Lee (8) who
played Troy Bolton, the main character, was a unique aspect to this
years production compared to that
of previous years.
It was my first time ever singing in public, let alone having a lead
role, Sean said. Musicals require
singing, dancing and acting at the
same time and at first, I found this
difficult. Middle and high school

By Sarah Y. Kim

Photo by Hollis Hwang

Betrayed by Ryan Evans, played by Debora Kim (11), Sharpay Evans, played by Heejae Jo (12), accuses her brother of taking her rivals side. How can you stab me in the back like that, helping the enemy?
students, on the other hand, had no
barrier and we were able to produce
a fine performance.
With one of the largest sets in
school history, the stage of High
School Musical demanded a great
deal of time and effort. According
to Simon Williams, drama production director, building the platform
required the most energy. His initial
request to the schools facilities department to build the stage turned
out to be was turned down because
of the complicated nature of musical
stages. However, after overcoming
language barriers, Mr. Williams was
able to create what he had in mind.
Operating in a country where

I do not speak the language and trying to explain is very challenging,

Mr. Williams said. I cannot draw
either, so I had to see Mrs. Lopez
to take what is in my head and visualize it. I used to be a singer because its a part of my job. I was also
a dancer for a long time. But I dont
know much about music. There
were many problems but they could
be overcome with a good team, and
we had a good team.
Despite such difficulties, the
High School Musical cast and
crew received praise from audience
members for both presentations.
Even though there were unpredicted errors such as malfunctioning

microphones and brief pauses due

to miscommunication between cast
members, High School Musical
continued without noticeable errors.
The crowd responded positively to
the drama departments use of lighting and live music, as well as its renovated stage and diverse cast.
I could see they have prepared
a lot, Ashley Sohn (10) said. The
extended stage, for example, was
very distinct for me. And the cast
was also polished and well put. Because not a lot of high school students are interested in participating,
it is great to have middle school students to help out or even lead main
roles for the play.

New honor code reflects importance of academic integrity

By Ariel Lee

Identifying academic dishonesty as a problem, the SIC, comprised

of Eugene Yang (12), Nagyon Kim
(11), David Moon (11), Nick Yeo
(10), Alice Lee (9) and Ruth Poulsen,
English teacher, has been drafting an
honor code since September. Upon
its approval by the administration,
the honor code will be posted for the
first time on the cover page of the
upcoming mid-term exams, as well
as on most, if not all tests beginning
next semester.
The honor code does not set
stricter punishments but instead
states the basic principles of academic integrity, Alice said. I think
this will help reduce cheating by defining academic integrity as something that is more accessible and un-

derstandable for students. Despite ademic misconduct such as cheating

my optimism, however, the honor and plagiarism.
code is not a guaranteed solution
I worry about academic integbecause we cannot
rity at SIS because
assume that every
feel like students
[The new hon- Iand
student will take it
teachers have
definior code] will help
tions on what acsolve the problem of ademic integrity
code is a response
to not only the
cheating by defining is, said Courtney
current situation
academic integrity Caldwell,
at SIS but also the
teacher. When
recent SAT scanas something that I was a Notre
dals, which reeveryone
is more accessible Dame,
vealed that several
there was very
Korean students
for students Alice intense about the
paid 50 million
honor code; stuRhim (11) said.
won for access to
dents followed the
unreleased tests. By reminding the code even for take-home tests. Ive
SIS community of the importance of seen academic integrity work and I
academic integrity and stressing that firmly believe we should have a disteachers are responsible for model- cussion about it at SIS as well. Studing honesty, the honor code aims to ies have shown that making students
tackle problems related to acts of ac- physically sign a written document

helps, so I definitely think the honor

code will be an improvement on the
mental level.
The honor code was officially
introduced at an assembly during
office hours on Wendesday, Nov.26.
This provided a chance to openly
discuss the issues of academic integrity.
At private schools, especially,
students may make poor choices
because they feel obligated to meet
high academic expectations, and
adults are supposed to help them
see the errors of these poor choices, Mr. Lambie said. [Academic
integrity] all goes back to this culture and a group of rules and some
speeches are not going to solve the
problem immediately. Yes, the honor code is still a start. But we have
to watch where it goes in a couple of
years, when the now-freshmen are

Community Service Club

(CSC) held its autumn-themed Fall
Into Music charity concert in the
atrium during activity period on
Nov. 5. The profits from the ticket sales made up a total of 744,820
won, and were raised for the organization Freedom To Read (FREAD).
Two of FREADs current presidents,
Amy Ryu (12) and Bason Park (12),
made a trip to the Philippines from
Nov. 2022 to donate books to four
different schools.
FREAD paid a trip to the Philippines this year because of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan that occurred last November. The schools
were mostly elementary schools that
had been destroyed by the typhoon
and were rebuilt by the Korean
army. The Korean Army supported
Amy and Bason throughout the trip.
This FREAD trip was different
in that weve never had so much support in the past, Amy said. Also, we
would normally just visit schools
and spend time with the children,
but because there was a definite
cause in this trip and we were able to
contribute to that cause, the trip was
the most memorable [of my FREAD
trips]. Although well never truly be
able to understand what it is like to
be in their situation, we hope that
we made them feel somewhat better
and gave them hope and a future.
At each of the schools, Amy and
Bason dropped off boxes of books
and interacted with the students at
each school. Getting the opportunity to interact with the children
was, for Amy, their biggest accomplishment. They spent the greatest
amount of time at the largest school,
where they read to the kids, took
pictures and spent time with them.
The children were very shy at
first, Amy said, but when we kept
smiling at them and interacting with
them, it felt like they opened up to
us. At the end of our visit, at the
fourth school, right before we were
about to leave, the children all came
running out of their classrooms and
started dancing to some music for
us. It was a show they had prepared.
FREAD was founded by siblings Elisa and Thomas Han, Classes
of 11 and 13 respectively, and their
mother, Lisa Han, who accompanied
Amy and Bason on the trip, along
with Irene De Shazo, Admissions
Administrator, and Agnes Schuppel,
Elementary Coordinator.



Cooperation between middle,

high schools advantageous

Joint efforts of students, HSSC necessary to improve Open Forum
In response to students complaints about the HSSCs lack of
activity within the school, the
Student Improvement Committee
(SIC) initiated an Open Forum
on Oct. 14. Through this forum,
all students can directly articulate
their concerns to the HSSC and
offer suggestions as well. However,
instead of frequently and effectively
utilizing this forum, students anonymously submitted frivolous comments in the month of October,
and have recently indicated a lack
of interest.
With the exception of a few
posters, most have either commented on completely irrelevant topics
or have expressed their complaints
in an inappropriate manner. While
some students have expressed legitimate concerns, they have failed
to explain the importance of such
issues and their relevance to the
student body. Others have even
gone so far as to adopt pseudonyms
to mimic characters from Game of
Thrones or call for a feminist-only
The assumption that such be-

havior is justified by the lack of a

rigid set of rules pertaining to the
Open Forum highlights students
lack of understanding. According
to Eugene Yang (12), senior class
vice president, the SIC purposely
linked the Open Forum to Moodle and allowed students to submit
anonymous responses to provide
all students with the chance to freely discuss their concerns. Therefore, instead of abusing these privileges, students should honestly but
respectfully contribute to the Open
However, it is important to
address not only the inappropriate
responses accumulated during the
month of October, but also the lack
of recent responses. Though there
were 24 responses in October, this
month, only three were submitted. This decrease in numbers is
not surprising given that the SIC
launched the Open Forum in October, but still demonstrates room
for improvement.
Considering that the HSSC
has made the forum accessible
to all students but has not adver-

tised it frequently, the recent lack

of participation is understandable.
Furthermore, the HSSCs delay in
responding to the legitimate concerns that students have shared
may have discouraged them from
offering additional comments.
To resolve these issues, the
HSSC can implement a system in
which SIC members answer all
reasonable submissions through
public forums such as Moodle or
the HSSC blog. Additionally, active
promotion of the Open Forum as
well as guidelines for its purpose
would aid in the reduction of unimportant, inappropriate comments
and bring in more sensible ones. If
students make a few adjustments
to their mindset while the HSSC
publicizes the forums objective,
the two groups can meet halfway to
improve the school.
Let yourself be heard. If you
have any responses to articles
published in the Tiger Times
or original contributions,
please send them to tigertimes@gmail.com.

By Kelly Kim

Due to different schedules and

locations, middle school students
rarely have the opportunity to interact with high school students. However, more high school clubs have
recently begun to cooperate with
middle school students, providing
middle school students with opportunities to learn about various high
school activities, as well as increasing overall productivity for high
school initiatives.
Middle school students reap
multiple benefits from working with
high school clubs, as they can familiarize themselves with high school
courses and extracurricular activities. For instance, Middle School
Journalism, a Quill and Scroll afterschool program, involves high
school students teaching middle
school students the basics of article
writing. By giving them a chance to
participate in the publishing process
themselves, middle school students
are able to explore their interests and
thus, make more informed choices
about the classes they want to take

in high school.
Moreover, middle school students are able to learn the specifics
of fundraising from such collaboration. Recently, a group of middle
school students sought help from
UNICEF to raise money for Ebola victims. According to Tamara
Atanskovic, this opportunity allowed the middle school students to
brainstorm new and more efficient
methods of spreading awareness.
High school students also benefit from such collaboration as middle school students increase the
productivity and efficiency of initiatives. For example, the Global Issues
Network worked with its middle
school branch for the past two years
in order to organize the Halloween
Carnival. With younger students
helping out with the smaller tasks of
selling tickets, decorating and maintaining the booths, the carnival was
organized more efficiently.
As large-scale events encourage school spirit and have proven to
serve as good opportunities for the
unification of the student body, such
collaborative efforts should be continued for the benefits of both middle and high school students.

HSSCs monopolization of food Students develop interests, life skills by

sales during break unjustified partaking in many extracurricular activities
By Jasmine Oh

With recent events, such as the

school store selling food during office hours, the HSSC has raised concerns about food sales during office
hours. According to Jarret Lambie,
high school principal, there is an
understanding that Cartnivore has
a monopoly over food sales during
office hours because it needs to fund
student events. However, several
clubs have disregarded this tradition
because of their need to raise funds.
With that in mind, HSSCs monopolization of selling goods is not justified because invalidating the tradition will rather bring about cheaper
and a greater variety of goods, benefitting the student body.
Each club, especially ones affiliated to NGOs, needs to fund projects
for their respective cause. Therefore,
it is imperative that each club has the
opportunity to raise funds. Currently, clubs are not allowed to sell food
during office hours and therefore,
most students have no choice but
to use the Cartnivore. In addition,
Cartnivores prices, on average, are
more expensive than the suggested retail price. Yet, if the tradition
is disregarded, HSSC will be forced
Celine Hwang
Daniel Kim
Managing Editor
Sara Shin
Production Editor
Bason Park
Graphics Editor
Yeni Cho
Photo Editor
Hollis Hwang

Copy Editors
Jean Cho
Jungho Daniel Choi
Christine Seo
Amelie Koo (Man.)
Claire Kim
Cody Kim
Nagyon Kim
Sarah Y. Kim
Ariel Lee
Angela Yoon

to compete with other clubs. In order to remain competitive, they will

decrease their prices, benefitting the
student body as students inevitably
have the desire to save money.
Although the HSSC has to raise
money to fund for events such as
Snowball, clubs selling goods will
benefit the student body. As clubs
are introduced to the competition,
they will need to think of more
original ideas for the goods they
can sell. Therefore, a greater variety
of goods will be introduced to the
students. For example, last year, the
Youth Philanthropy Network (YPN)
sold triangular kimbap during office hours. YPN is one example to
address how the change in tradition could benefit the entire student
Therefore, the situation regarding the school store selling food
should not be a problem. HSSC
should not monopolize food sales
during office hours, and the school
should try to enforce the idea of
competition in order for clubs to
earn much-needed money, as well as
provide cheaper and a greater variety of food to the students. Thus, the
administration should draft a new
agreement, which permits the sale of
foods during office hours in order to
benefit the student body as a whole.
Kelly Kim
Jasmine Oh

Darin Son

Yeaji Park

Managing Editors
Heejin E. Hong
Christine Jeong

Layout Artists
Eunie Jang
Grace Lee
Sang Ho Lee
Patricia Song
Yeena Yoon

Copy Editors
Jaewon Choi
Rosie Dahyeon Kim
Michael Kim
Graphics Editor
Hareem Kim

By Claire Kim

More is less. This is often the

opinion of many counselors and
teachers regarding extracurricular
activities. Students are often encouraged to dedicate themselves to
a number of activities related to a
particular field of interest instead of
juggling too many at once. However, participation in multiple extracurricular activities can open more
opportunities for students, and can
teach students valuable lessons and
High school is not only the step
before college, but also a time for
exploration. By engaging in a variety of activities, students who are
still unsure of their future goals can
not only familiarize themselves with
their strengths and weaknesses, but
also distinguish their true interests
from mere hobbies. This exploration
is most ideal in high school, as students can easily access the support
of trusted adults to help guide them
through their exploration process.
Moreover, commitment to various activities teaches students to
manage their time effectively. Although high school may seem to
be an extremely busy time period
to students, they will likely have to
Claire Yun
Jaeha Kim
Eric Song
David Choe

juggle more commitments in the future. It is beneficial for students to

learn to manage their time in high
school, when parents, friends and
others can easily support them,
Furthermore, it is extremely
unfair to categorize all students who
participate in many extracurricular activities under the assumption
that they are not committed, to individual activities, as the quantity
of activities is not an accurate indicator of ones diligence and commitment. Although there are those
who choose not to dedicate fully to
their activities, there are also those
who make considerable sacrifices to
ensure that their partaking in many
commitments does not hinder their
devotion to individual clubs and

Tiger Times

Mr. David Coleman

seoul international school

Songpa P.O. Box 47
Seoul, South Korea 138-600

teams. According to Fredric Schneider, Dean of Students, there is no set

number of activities in which students must participate. Therefore,
students who believe themselves as
capable of committing to various activities can find it extremely beneficial to partake in multiple activities.
In order to experience as many
events and activities as possible, students can take advantage of their
surroundings and engage themselves in however many activities or
fields in which they are interested, as
this exposure is extremely important
for personal development, in both
encouraging students define their
passions, and helping them learn
important life skills. Sometimes,
more is not less.

The Tiger Times exercises the right to report on and editorialize all topics, events or issues, including those unpopular or controversial, insofar as they affect or interest
the school, community, nation and world. We refrain
from publishing material that advertises illegal products
or services, is obscene, libelous or invades privacy. We
refrain from publishing material that creates a clear and
present danger or the immediate material and substantial physical disruption of the school.


Letter to the Editor

I cannot resist the opportunity
to respond to the article on Early
College deadlines.
This is not like a typical
American public school where
most seniors would apply to five or
six schools at the most. SIS seniors
are allowed to apply to fourteen
private schools requiring teacher
and counselor recommendations
and an unlimited number of public schools which either require
self-reported transcripts or have
no teacher recommendation requirements.
This is also not a normal
school even in Korea when it
comes to Early Decision (ED) and
Restricted Early Action (REA) applications. SIS students like seeing
the numbers so here is data from
the previous years on the Early applications:
ED: 48 of 89 seniors applied; 19 accepted, 13 deferred and 16 denied
REA: Seven seniors applied; no acceptances
ED: 54 of 89 seniors applied;
13 accepted, 14 deferred and 27
REA: 14 seniors applied;
no acceptances
ED: 66 of 94 seniors applied
REA: 14 seniors applied

Once applications are submitted in early plans, the seniors have

completed the Common Application, at least two teachers have
completed recommendations and
I have completed the Secondary
School Report and my recommendation. Seniors who have committed to one school in either of the
above plans now have a remaining
list of schools as competitive as the
one school to which they applied in
an early plan. It is not that difficult
or time consuming to complete
additional requirements for the
schools on the remaining list.
Decisions arrive in mid-December during exams. Obviously,
more students get bad news than
get good news. This is not the time
of the year to be faced with exams
and the last minute completion of
applications. Therefore it is crucial
that their completed applications
be on file along with the all the supporting requirements in order for
receiving colleges and universities
to have a complete file. Remember, just submitting your application is not the end of the process as
all the other requirements must be
there along with first semester senior grades before the first reader
makes the initial recommendation
on your application.
Also remember that Ms. Lee,
your teachers and I are working in
your best interests and these deadlines are in your best interest.
From Fredric Schneider,
Dean of Students


Current payment system for school lunch

proves inefficient, burdensome to students
By Sarah Y. Kim

Students who eat lunches provided by JJs Catering are required

to pay a sum of money for an entire
semesters worth of meals. While
this may appear to save students the
inconvenience of having to pay for
lunch every day, it is an inefficient
system that, if altered, would save
students money and allow for more
flexible lunch options.
Such a payment system is especially wasteful in high school, where
students often skip out on meals to
study, attend important meetings
or eat food from the salad bar and
deli. Requiring students to pay for
all meals they may or may not eat in
a single semester beforehand forces
students to pay for lunches they may
never eat.
A more efficient system would
be to make students pay for each
meal. That way, students would only
have to pay for the meals they actually do consume, rather than waste
money on uneaten meals or feel obligated to simply eat even when they
do not wish to. Furthermore, this
system would waste less food since
students are not pressured to get
meals that they do not always have
the time to eat.
Such a system should not be difficult to implement. In schools such
as Korea International School (KIS)
and Seoul Foreign School (SFS), students charge their lunch cards and
pay for every single meal they eat

Photo by Kelly Kim

Sae Rome Choi (12) holds out her tray for food. I would rather pay for
one meal than pay at the beginning of each semester, Sae Rome said.

after they buy it, rather than paying

beforehand for all their meals over
a large span of time. As a matter of
fact, in 2005, SIS students used to
use lunch cards to pay for meals,
and there were no actual drawbacks
to the system that made JJs Catering change the way students paid for
their meals.
If JJs Catering altered its pay-

ment system to emulate those of

schools such as KIS and SFS, students would have fewer restrictions
on lunch options. They would be
able to focus on their academic and
extracurricular responsibilities, eating food from the deli or elsewhere
without feeling as though they are
wasting money on prepaid and uneaten meals.

Participation of citizens integral in ensuring celebrities accountability

By Grace Lee

Many Koreans sing along and

wave light sticks when attending
their favorite singers concerts. Many
laugh and cry over celebrities in dramas. Due to Korean fans serious attachment to celebrities, these singers
and actors are always under the radar. Consequently, their acts of misconduct, such as drunk driving and
gambling, are covered extensively by
the media. Once news reports about
their illicit activities are published,
celebrities repeat the arduous cycle
of apologies, self-reflecting periods and eventual comebacks to the
industry. Considering the fact that
celebrities have a great influence on
civilians, these stars should be held
accountable for their actions.
When they make successful
comebacks, guilty celebrities create

a double standard in society. Even

though celebrities must cope with
the brutal criticism they receive online, the Korean court system and
public should not respond with lenient treatment. In 2010, Park Bom
of girl group 2NE1 was convicted of
smuggling 82 pills of amphetamine,
but did not receive any punishment. However, when a 36-year-old
businessman smuggled 29 pills of
amphetamine, he was imprisoned.
When celebrities are treated forgivingly, the public is also more prone
to justify their misconduct. Since
the public looks to celebrities for
fashion and beauty advice, it is not
surprising that they also mirror famous peoples illicit actions. Celebrities must be positive role models,
not sources of harm.
While celebrities are ultimately
responsible for their failure to behave properly, the public is also responsible for sympathizing with and

Birthday Parties Available!

forgiving these figures. Five years

after being accused of intentionally
pulling out his teeth and taking false
civil service examinations to avoid
his military duties, singer MC Mong
recently released a new album Miss
Me or Diss Me. Despite the pub-

Cheese Burger ... 6,500
BBQ Cheese ... 7,000
Chili Cheese ... 8,000
Bacon Cheese ... 8,500
THE Burger ... 10,000
** Burger Set ... +2,500
(Can Drink & fries)

lics initial criticism of the singers

past unpatriotic actions, the album
gained popularity immediately and
placed first on the daily charts of
nine Korean music websites. Also,
the albums title track, Miss Me or
Diss Me won first place trophies in

weekly music programs Show! Music Core and Inkigayo. However,

to truly ensure that celebrities face
appropriate punishments for their
wrongdoings, the public must firmly
express its unwillingness to reaccept
these celebrities. Celebrities accused
of crimes will continue to repeat the
cycle of making mistakes, apologizing and pretending as if nothing is
wrong, as long as the public supports them.
Efforts of both celebrities and
the public are imperative. Celebrities and the public need to work
together to properly hold celebrities accountable for their actions.
Instead of becoming bad examples,
celebrities should take advantage of
their positions in society to spread
positive messages and encourage
favorable behavior. Likewise, it is
important that individuals demonstrate resistance to celebrities with
criminal records.

Hot Dog:
Cheese Dog ... 4,500
Chili Cheese Dog ... 6,000
THE Dog ... 8,000

Beef ... 7,000
Chicken ... 7,000
Vegetarian ... 6,000

Potato Wedges:
Original ... 3,000
Chili ... 5,000
Bacon Ranch ... 7,000


Hot Pastrami ... 7,500
Chicken Breast ... 6,500
Hard Shell (2) ... 7,000

Beef ..... 6,000

Soft Shell (2) ... 7,000
Chicken ... 6,000
Four Cheese ... 5,000 Chicken Curry ... 7,500



NEWS BRIEFS KAIAC chess team shows mixed results at tournament

High school students teach middle school students science

Photo by Kelly Kim

Explaining chemical properties,

Jeffrey Heo (9) tutors the middle
school student after school.
To assist teachers who tutor
middle school students, Science
Club initiated the Ketchup program on Oct. 22 to assist students
with science-related assignments
every Wednesday after school.
I was glad to help young students with materials I wouldve
struggled with when I was in eighth
grade, said Julie Hwang (10), Science Club member. I wish I had
the opportunity to participate in
this program when I was young. It
would have not only improved my
grades but also helped me really
understand the lesson.
AP art students visit Leeum
Museum and Gyeongbokgung

On Nov. 5, AP Art History,

AP 2D Design and AP Drawing
students went on a field trip to the
Leeum Museum and Gyeongbokgung Palace. Through this trip, students were able to study contemporary art and Korean traditional
I was really excited because
I got to see Alberto Giacomettis Grand Woman III, said Jiwon
Yoon (12), AP 2D Design and Art
History student. It was so much
more gorgeous in person than I expected, and inspired me to start a
new piece for my college portfolio.
It was also interesting how many
connections I could make between
what I saw at the palace and architecture of the ancient Greek temples that we learned in class.
Cultural Awareness Project aims
to promote global perspective
Inspired by her graduate classs
project on France culture, Irene De
Shazo, admissions administrator,
initiated the Cultural Awareness
Project to increase cultural appreciation among students. She invited SIS parents of Indian ethnicity
on Nov. 12 to share the culture and
language of their country with elementary school students. The activities included traditional Indian
folk tales, Indian dances and Henna tattoos.
We only have a sprinkling
of diversity at SIS, Ms. De Shazo
said. I wanted to highlight them,
to affirm that even if the student
body is not that diverse, they belong here.
Tamara, P.E teacher, and Ivan
Atanaskovic, athletics and activities coordinator, will share their
Serbian culture in the next presentation in December. Ms. De Shazo
hopes to extend the audience to
high school students in the future.
By Hollis Hwang

By Cody Kim

SIS chess players showed mixed

results when the varsity team failed
to place while the junior varsity
team placed first, second and third
in the KAIAC chess tournament
held at Taejon Christian International School (TCIS) on Nov. 15.
The players had high expectations for this competition because
of last years results. Last year, they
placed in all three divisions: varsity, junior varsity and elementary.
Sophomores JiWhan Moon, Haram
Cho and Justin Cheun placed first,
third and fourth respectively in the
varsity division. In the junior varsity
division, Noah Chang (8) and Daniel Kang (10) placed first and third.
Finally, sixth graders Jason Park and
Eddie Choe placed first and third in
the elementary division.
This year, however, the varsity
team did not place in the top three.
See Hyun Park (9) placed fourth in
the varsity division, the only varsity member to receive an award.
However, the junior varsity team
improved with. Andrew Ham (8),
Derek Minwoo Kim (6) and Jaden
Ha (7) winning first, second and
third respectively. Many strong var-

Photo by Kelly Kim

Planning the next move to set up a checkmate, Christopher Kim (9), varsity chess player, stares at his pieces.
Though I was close to winning, I was worried that my one move would change the match, Christopher said.
sity chess players were absent due to
a Mu Alpha Theta competition that
took place on the same day.
We had a lot of missing players
this year, said Andrew Rhee (10),
varsity team member. Our best
members who placed last year went
to the Mu Alpha Theta competition
and so it was more difficult for the
team to show good results. We also

had new members such as myself

who were not as experienced as the
former members.
According to Marilou Anderson, Chess Club adviser, there were
also problems with inconsistent and
inadequate practices. The team was
scheduled to practice every activity period on Wednesdays and after
school on Fridays. However, because

many of the Friday school days were

cancelled, the team missed several
Next year, we will have to get
more practices in before the game,
said Mrs. Anderson. We will also
continue to invite our junior varsity
players to practices so that they can
learn from the more experienced

Lotte World Mall, Tower to Red Cross Youth hosts first-ever

re-establish Korean records ongoing auction on Facebook
By Eunie Jang

With 965 brands, 650 marine

species and 5000 different pipe organs, the Lotte World Tower and
Mall, also known as the second Lotte
World, are to have the biggest mall,
aquarium and concert hall in Korea.
In November 2010, Lotte Corporation received government approval to start the construction of
a tower and a mall in Jamsil. The
tower, which started construction
in March 2011 after undergoing 13
years of preparation, is to be completed in 2016. With 123 stories,
the tower is to include various retail
stores, offices, residential rooms, a
hotel and an observation deck. Once
construction is completed, the tower
will hold the title as Koreas tallest
The Lotte World Mall, the second part to this project that was
opened to the public on Oct. 13,
consists of three smaller buildings
that surround the tower. The Mall
also serves as a retail and entertainment complex with 965 retail
brands, 50 of which were introduced
to the Korean fashion industry for

the first time. The Lotte Cinema,

the largest theater in Asia, a Lotte
duty-free mall with 420 brands,
the Lotte Aquarium and the Lotte
Concert Hall, the first hall in Korea
with various pipe organs, were also
I think the [construction of the
Mall] is a big turning point for Korea
as a whole country, Kevin Kwak (11)
said. For Example, Hard Rock Cafe
that is known to open at only one
location in one city, is in the [Lotte
World Mall]. Also the fact that the
Lotte Cinema was mentioned in the
Guinness world records is a huge
accomplishment for a developing
country like Korea.
The mall is especially attracting
foreigners due to the international
stores and services that are present.
[The Lotte World Mall] is one
of the most western malls in Korea,
Mr. Ganus said. [Its location] is so
close, the mall is so western and feels
like home. There are many recognizable restaurants and [other services]
that we would see in the states. The
food at On The Border at this mall
tastes exactly the same as the one
back in Texas. All these things are
in one spot, which is very [convenient].

By Yeena Yoon

Striving to organize a more

creative, interactive fundraiser and
steer away from typical methods of
earning money, Red Cross Youth
(RCY) plans to introduce auctions
using Facebook. The auctions mark
the first time that an event is going
to be organized and arranged completely through the use of social media.
According to Kathleen Joo (12),
RCY vice-president, the auctions
were designed to distinguish RCY
from other clubs. On the Facebook
page that the club created for the
event, RCY will be uploading photos
of previously possessed items, both
used and unused, that had been donated by members of the club. The
items on sale range from t-shirts and
books to makeup sets and shoes.
The event is new, so I think
this may help attract more attention
to our club and its purpose, Kathleen said This is definitely exciting
since RCY has always done pretty
similar things for the past couple of
years, and largely focused on community service through visiting

orphanages and hospitals. Having

a more in-school focused event is
something Im glad to be a part of
before I leave SIS.
The profits made from this
fundraiser will be used to help the
Hope House orphanage. Meanwhile, any item that is unsold after
two months will be taken offline and
donated to Goodwill, a store where
disabled workers sell donated items
at cheaper prices.
According to Lukas Kim (11),
RCY treasurer, while the profits made will contribute to a good
cause, executive members anticipate that the club will face complications or difficulties if the student
body does not participate actively.
In addition, he worries that because
it is RCYs first year hosting such an
event, there will be a lack of organization.
There probably are going to be
some students who simply bid ridiculous prices, or bid for their friends
as a joke, Lukas said. Its inevitable
that there will be some aspects that
RCY is not going to be able to control because its happening online.
Nonetheless, the auction is an original event for a good cause, so I think
it will go well.


2014. 11. 06 - 2015. 04. 26

The Beatles, Abbey Road, London 1969 Paul McCartney / Photographer: Linda McCartney



Congress gives way to Republican party, greater racial diversity

By Sarah Y. Kim

The US Senate and House of

Representatives midterm elections
on Nov. 4 marked several groundbreaking turns for the Republican
Party as well as the United States.
Having expanded its majority in the
House and gained a majority within the Senate, the Republican Party
is now in control of Senate. Congress also has greater racial diversity
among its representatives.
Obama is going to become a
lame duck president, said Matthew
Shin (11), Government and Politics
student. Now that the Republicans
dominate Congress, he is not going to be able to make any changes.
Its going to be such a waste of two
whole years. Obama and the Congress are going to continue countering one another, and nothing will
get done. Its a pity, because I believe
in Democratic views, and I support
Obamas health care system.
The House of Representatives,
which already had a Republican majority, now consists of 244 Republican seats and 184 Democrat seats.
The Senate, previously dominated
by Democrats, now consists of 46
Democrat seats and 52 Republican

seats. This years midterm elections

were trying for the Democrats, who
struggled to maintain their seats in
typically Republican states. US president Barack Obama said that the
Senate electoral map has never favored the Republican Party so heavily since the second term of Dwight
D. Eisenhowers presidency.
This years midterm elections
mark the greatest number of wins
for African-American Republicans
in Congress: three of them have won
seats. This is in fact the first time an
African-American from the Deep
South was elected to Senate since the
Reconstruction in the nineteenth
century. One of these three Republicans was Mia Love, who was chosen to represent Utahs Fourth Congressional District at the elections,
though her gender and race could
have hindered her election.
In addition, the number of Latino representatives in the new 114th
Congress is the largest in history. 29
Latinos hold seats in the House of
Representatives and three hold seats
in the Senate, making up a total of
32 Hispanics in Congress. Seven of
the Latinos in the House are Republicans, most of them from Florida.
I was kind of dismayed by
the results because only 39 percent
of the voting public voted, and 59

China, Japan agree to hold talks
Holding formal talks for the
first time since May of 2012, Chinese President Jinping Xi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
took steps to improve Sino-Japanese relations on Nov. 10 at the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting held in Beijing, China. The high-level dialogue followed an announcement
on Nov. 7 that the two countries
would hold talks about their differing positions on the Senkaku
Islands in the East China Sea and
work to establish crisis management mechanisms. According to
the New York Times, this meeting
marked a departure from Japans
past refusals to cooperate and even
resulted in the countrys acknowledgement of Chinese claims to the
islands sovereignty.
Japan is realizing that they
cannot continue being aggressive
towards China, and are thus trying to reconciliate said Alex Lopez-Barton, Asian Studies teacher.
The government does not want
these controversies to hurt economic ties and trade between the
two countries, especially as its
economy has been struggling over
the last two decades.
However, according to the
Wall Street Journal, tensions may
emerge yet again between the two
countries as a result of Japanese
politicians visits to the Yasukuni
Shrine, where dead soldiers, including war criminals from the
Second World War, are enshrined.
Because these visits strained dip-

lomatic relations and ignited

Anti-Japanese sentiments in the
past, China requested that Prime
Minister Abe not pay homage at
the shrine. However, Abe has not
responded to China with such a
I think that politicians honoring war criminals enshrined
at [Yasukuni Shrine] is a big deal
because it gives off the impression
that the Japanese government is
not repenting for its past aggressions, said David Cho (12), Asian
Studies student. But [Prime Minister Abe] is not going to stop them
from doing so because his party
uses such provocative actions as a
way to attract the support of conservative voters.
The reconciliation of the two
countries could put pressure on
Korea due to fears of being sidelined, according to the Financial
Times. Korean President Geunhye Park has not held formal talks
with Prime Minister Abe yet due
to territorial rows and historical
disputes. According to Mr. Lopez,
US officials would welcome signs
of improving ties between Korea
and Japan as they hope to enhance
a trilateral security alliance.
The US has been wary of
Chinas growing influence and
power, Mr. Lopez said. At the
same time, it is concerned that territorial and historical disputes are
creating conflict between major
powers in the region, as it wants to
avoid becoming embroiled in the

By Jaewon Choi

percent favored the Tea Party type

of candidates, said Paul Roberts,
social studies teacher. Its hard to
say whether the Democrats would
have succeeded if the others voted,
though. There are a lot of changes in
America, including Obamas health
care system, and theyre generally
Republican domination is likely to affect environmental policy:
Democratic efforts to address climate change may be hindered. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell
of Kentucky has won his sixth term,
and he promised to cut down the
budget of the Environmental Protection Agency. Republican domination may also have implications
for Asia foreign policy, such as the
strengthening of relations between
the US and Vietnam, as well as more
progression with the Trans-Pacific
If the 12 nations in the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) summit come to some formal agreement, the US will have to
get that formal agreement approved
in the Senate, Mr. Roberts said.
With the type of Senate we have
now, its unlikely well get such an
agreement approved. What I dont
want to see is America withdrawing
back into its borders.

Senior council plans to leave gift for

school, to coordinate annual senior trip
By Nagyon Kim

Observing that senior council

traditions are fundamental parts of
many institutions, the senior council is planning on implementing two
traditions of its own. Recognizing
the necessity and the benefits of a
senior class gift, the senior council
first decided to initiate a tradition
where the senior class leaves a gift
to express gratitude to the school. In
addition, in order to allow seniors
to have a chance to make memories
before graduating, the senior council also started planning for an overnight senior trip.
The purpose of this gift is to
leave something behind as a legacy
of our class, said Sophia Chi (12),
senior class president. We want that
gift to remind future students about
the Class of 2015. As far as I know,
no graduating class has ever left a
gift to the school. We want to start
this tradition because we recognize

the values and the benefits of gift

giving in other schools and universities.
In the past, individuals, rather
than entire classes, have given contributions and donations. For example, Seunghyup Woo, Class of 13,
donated a flat-screen television for
announcements. After consulting
with the rest of the HSSC executive
members, the senior council plans
to either plant a tree in the garden
or start a scholarship program for
those who have upheld the TIGERS
values while at SIS.
I love those kinds of ideas, because they have a nicer community
feel to them, said Sean Syverson,
HSSC adviser. Its nice to know
that this school means something
to them and that its not just a stepping-stone to college. It doesnt
matter what the gift is; it is a nice reminder that this was the place where
you grew up, made friends, had
lasting memories and made connections with teachers who helped drive
you to be passionate about things.

Furthermore, the senior council started organizing an overnight

senior trip, instead of a one-day
trip like previous years. According
to a survey released by the senior
council on Oct. 27, the majority of
seniors wanted the trip to be around
spring break, while more seniors
voted for Daemyung Resort Vivaldi
Park as the venue for the trip over
Yongpyong Lepovill or Oak Valley
Resort. The senior council is now
drafting a proposal to be submitted
to the administration for approval.
Through this trip, we hope
all the seniors will be able to make
lasting memories together before
graduation, said Elizabeth Huh
(12), senior council treasurer. I myself would also like to make memories with my peers, especially those
whom I havent had the opportunity
become particularly close to during
my 13 years at SIS. I really look forward to bonding and getting closer
with friends, while making memories that we can cherish and take
away to college.



The vast expanse of space and time stretches out in front of the human race.
Exploration of this great unknown has been ongoing since the twentieth century,
when various nations began initiatives to send people up into space. Now, with
concerns plaguing Western economies, the push to privatize space exploration has
grown increasingly powerful. Some argue that such privatization would help spur
progress through free-market competition, whereas others respond by saying that
corporate greed for profit would lead to a disregard for human safety.

Commercialization of space expands public involvement in outer space

By Ariel Lee

pace, the final frontier. This line, from the Star

Trek series, has long epitomized the attention the
space industry has received ever since the Cold
Wars Space Race. Originally, projects for the exploration
of space were meant to be led by the government, for
more political endeavors centered at proving the worth
of the nation.
However, as independent corporations begin to explore
the space industrys potential as a lucrative business, the
influence of space research has expanded to include the
interests of civilians in everyday life.
The space industry has always affected daily lives of
citizens in such a subtle manner that the affect often
goes unnoticed. Whezn the Space Race first began in
the late 1950s, the smallest inventions including invisible
braces, scratch-resistant lenses, memory foam, ear thermometers and water filters were developed as a direct
result of the tiniest necessities in the exploration process.
However, with more companies focusing on the space
industry as a way of marketing and more people working
on the modes of achieving scientific and commercial
goals, inevitably more technologies that influence the
public are developed.
Regardless of whether private corporations meet specific scientific goals, expansion of the space industry has

involved and will continue to spur advancements in daily

technologies, said Jinhyung Kim, president of ETAS
Korea, an engineering company that focuses on automobiles and other large mechanics. Not only does commercialization affect everyday technology, it is interesting
to see how more and more radical projects are brewing
up. Projects previously scoffed at and depicted only in
science fiction are now considered actual realities that we
can reach. Ive worked in the space industry before so
its really exciting [to see] how the industry is revolutionizing our view of the universe. Instead of an intangible,
scientific place, outer space is examined as a market and
an opportunity.
As private companies aim for projects more directed at the public, those projects have gained substantial
attention through famous supporters of the projects,
sparking even more public interest. Virgin Galactic, with
its ambitious program striving for a reusable transportation system to space, aims to take civilians on trips to
outer space for tourism. The company recently became
a source of interest especially after public figures such
as Stephen Hawking and Leonardo DiCaprio accepted
invitations to its upcoming first space ride. Planetary
Resources, supported by many, including Titanic
director James Cameron and Google founder Larry Page,

attempts to solve the fuel issue in space exploration

through the mining of outer space asteroids. SpaceX,
a space transport service company, hopes to eventually
create a system that will allow civilian colonization of
However, as the space industry is still in its nascent,
developing state, it is hard to tell whether or not it will be
successful in overcoming the obstacles regarding financial feasibility, sufficient scientific technology and various
safety issues. The recent crash of the Virgin Galactic test
run has especially shed light on the controversial aspects
and brought up speculation as to whether human lives
must be sacrificed for such innovative measures.
We have to remember two things: first, a lot of
knowledge on space was first collected by the government, and private companies build off of that,
said Alex Lopez-Barton, history teacher. Second, as a
historian, its not uncommon to have private companies
push borders of exploration. In US history Jamestown
was settled by a private company. Even the Mayflower
Compact is a contract of sorts, for a joint-stock company. Did a lot of people die? Yes, and I can see more
disasters in the future for the sake of advancement and
exploration. But its the risk we take when we push into
the unknown.

Spacecraft accidents launch debate on privatization and safety

By Christine Seo

escribed as a catastrophic failure by its developerprivate firm Orbital Sciences the

Anatares rocket exploded seconds after its liftoff from Virginia on Oct. 30. The explosion was the first
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-contracted accident since the administration became
privatized, beginning to rely heavily on independent
corporations for funding. This event, paired with Virgin
Galactics SpaceShipTwo crash on Oct. 31, launched a
new dispute on whether the space industry should be
owned by large private companies or controlled by the
The year 2011 marked a turning point for NASA when
it canceled its Space Shuttle Program, partly due to a
diminishing budget, and began depending more on the
space industrys private sector. It hired large companies
run by established billionaires, such as Jeff Bezos, CEO
of online retailer Amazon. However, the recent failure
of the two spacecrafts has raised concerns regarding the
possibility of unsafe procedures due to lack of government control.
Though the self-regulated safety that private companies practice is not necessarily bad, as it is not in
anybodys interest to blow somebody up, it is true that
corporations prioritize safety less than the government

does, said Brian Mellon, science teacher. Despite this,

I think that it is fantastic that we are not waiting for
governments to make scientific advancements, especially
in a time where emphasis is placed on industries that will
spur economic growth. In other words, private companies will move science forward faster.
According to the Enlil Science DBD Research Institute, many people fear that privatization will lead to
the monopolization of space. However, contrary to
public perception, privatization is not a new concept to
NASA. Since the beginning of the space program, the
US government has always relied on companies such as
Boeing and Lockheed Martin to help design and build
its vehicles. Though these companies have less safety
regulations, cooperation with companies is safer in that it
involves private firms that specialize in specific areas of
manufacture and also cheaper, as it creates competition
for NASAs business.
I think the current situation is actually better because
the space race is fueled between companies rather than
countries, said Jenny Lee (12), Science Club member.
Despite recent accidents, the companies have achieved
many space endeavors, as proved by the recent milestone: the first landing of a spacecraft on a come. As far
as space accidents go, they are bound to happen either

wayconsider how the space shuttle Challenger exploded in 1986. It is true that less government regulation
means less safety procedures but once companies realize
that accidents will lower their reputations, I dont think
the difference in safety measures will be too big.
NASA faces an uncertain future in terms of how these
accidents will affect the space industry. Though the route
that privatization will take is unclear, it is definite that the
space industry, privatized or government-run, will see
substantial growth in the future. With the Obama administration planning to send a human expedition to Mars,
the value of the space economy is set to double to 600
billion dollars by 2030, according to the Space Angels
While privatization of the space industry can be helpful, I believe that space is too new of a frontier to be left
in the hands of people whose primary motives may not
be the development of the space industry, Kevin Kwon
(11) said. Though it is too harsh to say that all companies are simply money-oriented, our safest bet is to go
with government control because space still possesses
untapped potential. The privatization of space-related
industries can come after we have developed sufficient
technology and enough research to colonize space.



Yosemite OS X causes technical issues,

receives mixed reviews from students
By Angela Yoon

Upgraded only one year after

its predecessor, OS X Mavericks,
Apples new OS X Yosemite update
includes new features such as a design revamp, greater iCloud sharing
capacities, increased storage and
improved spotlight functions. Although some students have updated
their Macbooks without any major
problems or difficulties, others have
revealed that the recent upgrade has
been the source of some technical
Whether OS X Yosemite is
good or bad is definitely a subjective matter, depending on how it
works for our Macbooks, but I actually think that it offers major visual benefits that help with how I
organize my laptop files, said Sarah Hahn (11), OS X Yosemite user.
Of course, Yosemite is not perfect,
but most of the problems we see are
common bugs shared by most softwares that exist today.
Though Yosemite provides
certain sets of improvements and
functions that were not available
with Mavericks, such as storage and
device-to-device communication,
users such as Alan Kim (10) have
noticed technical problems that
hinder efficiency after upgrading.
Although the new OS X design has become much more sophisticated and to some extent,
more appealing, there seem to bugs
that I have noticed after upgrading
to Yosemite, said Alan Kim (10),
OS X Yosemite user. For instance,
my computer has actually gotten
much slower in both booting and

What is the real world like?

Michael Park, class of 2007, majored in Economics at Swarthmore College and is currently working at BluEgg, a startup
company that develops phone applications.

1. Why did you quit your job at WnW Capital Inc.?

Although I enjoyed working at WnW Capital and learned a lot, I
left the company in New York because I was not compatible with
the lifestyle I had to lead at Wall Street. I first considered attending
graduate school [right after college], but I heard through other SIS
alumni about the BluEgg application and decided to join. I still want
to attend graduate school, though, and am preparing my graduate
school application while working at BluEgg.
2. Can you describe your job at BluEgg?
BluEgg is a SNS-based company that aims to raise awareness about
positive causes. Many people have good intentions but often do not
know how to promote their ideas. Although companies allocate
a great portion to supporting good causes, the majority of their
budget goes to advertisement. Therefore, we wanted to address both
individual and corporate problems conveniently to make a positive
transformation. Although I am in charge of promoting
BluEgg, the title means less in a start-up company. I
end up doing promotions, market research, advertisement and client management.

connecting to the Internet. These

issues are not substantial, but they
indicate drawbacks of the new technology.
According to Paul Kang, IT
Coordinator, many of these problems are caused because the current
SIS image, or the content of all SIS
devices, is not formatted according to Yosemites new functions.
Because students may not be experienced in dealing with such technical difficulties, they should think
cautiously before choosing to install

the update.
It is not so much that the IT
staff cannot fix OS X Yosemite
problems. Mr. Kang said. We can
fix them, but we just want students
to be aware of the damage that could
arise before they upgrade. Apple
releases upgrades annually. To accommodate, we usually create new
images within a year of the upgrade
release, so by the end of the year, we
will most likely have the functions
necessary to ensure that Yosemite
works for most, if not all, students.

it's a piece of cake!

International Food of the Month: TANdOORI CHICKEN

1.) Mix the lemon juice, paprika and onions
in a bowl and put the chickens inside this
bowl. Let the chicken sit for 10 minutes.
2.) Combine all marinade ingredients and
pour over the chicken. Mix all ingredients
together and chill for about one hour.
3.) Heat the grill and place the chicken
pieces onto a baking tray. Brush over the
chicken with some vegetable oil.
4.) Grill the chicken for 20-30 minutes.

For chicken:
-Two lemons
-4 teaspoons of paprika
-2 onions, finely chopped
-Two handfuls of boneless
chicken thighs
-Vegetable oil
For marinade:
-300mL yoghurt
-Four crushed garlic cloves
- teaspoon of garam masala
- teaspoon of cumin
- teaspoon of chili powder

sara shin

3. How does this project influence students?

As long as you have a smartphone, you can be
a part of this positive initiative. Lighting up a
post, similar to the Like button on Facebook,
yields a certain amount of points. With the
points, users can go to the Exchange function
to make donations. For example, at the moment
users have two options, they can exchange 30
Lights for a vitamin pill or 15 Lights for a pencil,
which would all go to a child in need in a third
world country through UNICEF.
By Amelie Hayoung Koo

Apple CEOs coming out triggers

diverse international responses
By Jean Cho

Proclaiming his homosexuality as one of the greatest gifts God

bestowed on him, Tim Cook, Apple CEO, officially acknowledged
the long-held assumption about
his sexual orientation on Oct. 30
in the Bloomberg Businessweek.
Cook decided to come out in hopes
that his coming out would inspire
others with similar identity struggles. While many famous figures
commended Cook for his decision,
other, more conservative groups
showed hostile responses.
Many, including Mark Zuckerburg, founder of Facebook and
former US President Bill Clinton,
praised Cooks coming out as a
brave move that would instigate
social change. Business mogul John
Browne, former CEO of British Petroleum, who also came out after
retirement, claimed Cooks decision
was an important step in the journey towards full and uncompromising inclusion of LGBT people.
I think [Cooks announcement] was one of the bravest acts of
the year, said Yoon Lee (11), longtime Apple user. It must have taken
a lot of courage for someone as influential as Tim Cook to come out
and I truly respect him for that. I
doubt his coming out will have any
economic impact on the company,
because I dont believe the sexuality of the CEO will affect the way in
which the company functions.

While many news reporters,

such as Mark Gongloff of the Huffington Post, showcased positive
reactions towards the CEOs disclosure by claiming Cook had changed
America in a way former CEO
Steve Jobs never could, conservative groups such as the Russian
government demonstrated disapproval of Cooks announcement by
dismantling the memorial dedicated to Jobs. Despite the Russian governments claim that this memorial,
which was installed in St. Petersburg last year, was taken down for
repairs, many have doubted the legitimacy of this claim due to Russias notorious anti-gay stance.
Additionally, Russian politician
Vitaly Minolov, who contributed to
the banning of same sex marriage
in Russia, expressed strong negative
sentiments about Cooks announcement. Minolov urged that Cook be
banned from the country, claiming
that his entrance could result in an
outbreak of Ebola or AIDS, a claim
with no scientific reasoning.
I think its ridiculous that people are still so fearful of [homosexuality], said April Johnson, librarian and MUN advisor. In Russia
and other more conservative areas
where even books with homosexual characters are banned, concepts
such as homosexuality are bound to
be perceived as foreign because the
people there do not have the opportunity to experience diversity. But it
is essential that these communities
and their libraries become more accepting of the world around them.



MC Mongs comeback sparks controversy Less action, more mocking in

Hunger Games Mockingjay

By Cody Kim

By Jungho Daniel Choi

After five years of avoiding

publicity, rapper Dong-hyun Shin,
also known as MC Mong, made a
comeback on Nov. 5 with his sixth
album Miss Me or Diss Me, which
he wrote to express his thoughts on
his life away from the music industry.
In 2010, MC Mong was suspected of intentionally pulling out
healthy teeth to dodge his military
obligations as a Korean citizen. After a series of trials, MC Mong was
declared guilty of delaying his service, but innocent of pulling out his
teeth in attempts to avoid conscription. Because of this scandal, he was
forced to drop out of all entertainment programs and led a reclusive
life hidden from the public.
Im pretty sure MC Mong had
personal reasons for his actions, but
I believe that as a Korean citizen,
what he did was very irresponsible,
Jung Yup Kim (11) said. He took
out teeth that he didnt have to and
rejected treatment. He also stated
he was going to reflect on his actions during his years of inactivity,
but he continued to work as a musician. I dont think he has shown
signs of being truly remorseful.
Despite his scandal, his new
album was warmly received by
many fans, with all 13 songs topping the nine major music charts
in Korea within hours after release.
Furthermore, MC Mongs supporters welcomed the singers return to
the music industry by praising his
album on social networking sites.
Collaboration with well-known

singers such as Ailee, Ji-young Baek

and SISTARs Hyorin made his album a bigger success.
I have always been a fan of
MC Mong because of his unique
rapping style, said Alex Minki Kim
(9). I was drawn to this album because I think that it really highlights
his distinct singing techniques and
because his songs feature great
artists. Because of this, I found it
much more interesting to see different genres such as rap and ballad
come together. I am glad to see him
However, some viewed this
as his attempt to overlook his past
crimes. Netizens, users of social
networking sites such as Naver, de-

nounced him for using famous

singers to ensure the albums popularity. Celebrities who publicly congratulated MC Mong for his new album, such as Baek, comedian HaHa
and Rainbows Hyunyoung, were
also criticized. Though Baek and
Hyunyoung erased their messages,
HaHa kept his message, drawing
further criticism from netizens.
I personally think netizens
jumping to conclusions without
knowing the full story is problematic. said Joshua Kim (10). I understand their motives for criticizing MC Mong, but I dont think that
they should attack his supporters
and automatically label them as being just as guilty as MC Mong.

Two approaching bombers

swoop down upon a makeshift
hospital filled with refugees. Katniss Everdeen, the symbol of the
revolution against the dictatorial
Capitol, stands with her bow on
top of a roof. Her explosive arrow
is notched, and she waits for the
bombers to approach before releasing it, causing one of the bombers
to careen into the other. This scene
from the movie Mockingjay: Part
One, released on Nov. 20, may have
seemed commonplace in the films
two predecessors. However, such
action scenes are scarce in this latest installment of film adaptations
of Suzanne Collins The Hunger
Games series. Perhaps due to the
nature of the third book itself, this
movie becomes less of an action
movie and becomes far more political and philosophical.
The first two films, The Hunger Games and Catching Fire,
were clearly dystopian action moviesreflective of the nature of
their respective books. However,
Mockingjay: Part One focuses on
Katniss in District 13, working to
make herself a symbol for the revolution in defiance of the Capitol.
Through all this, we still can see her
as a human beingJennifer Lawrence does a brilliant job of acting
as the reluctant hero, who works for
the rebel government of District 13
in the hopes of rescuing her other
friends, most notably Peeta, from
the Capitol, and trying to keep her
mother and sister safe.

Throughout all of these scenes,

there are very few scenes of Katniss
fighting. Rather, the movie examines the various aspects of the political struggle that the rebels are
leading against the Capitol. Everything from the use of propaganda
to the dictatorial President Snows
public executions helps establish
a thought-provoking presentation
of power dynamics in politics. The
original book series is not only a
suspenseful young adult novel, but
also a critique of politics that mocks
society. Having shown the first aspect in the first two installments,
the producers of Mockingjay: Part
One seem to have focused on the
second aspect in this film. And as
fun as it was watching Katniss fight
to the death in a game arena, this
is a welcome shift after two movies full of nothing but those fight
There is one thing that is irking about this film though, and it
is right there in the title. This film
is not Mockingjayit is Mockingjay: Part One. Viewers and reviewers alike feel like they are only
really watching half the film. More
care should have been dedicated to
finding a legitimate place to end the
narrative, as the film ends abruptly
without resolution. Though some
may argue that Catching Fire was
similar in that it ended on a cliffhanger, unlike Mockingjay, it followed the plotlines presented in the
Despite that, Mockingjay: Part
One is a worthwhile film that deviates from traditional action film
formula to explore political issues
on a deeper level.

Film adaptations of webtoons receive widespread attention

By Yeaji Park

Characters from cartoons and

books have recently come to life as
moving, animated figures on television and movie screens. Especially
in Korea, various films based on
webtoons, cartoon series that are
drawn and digitally uploaded to
sites such as Naver and Daum, have
emerged as a trend in Korea.
Movies such as Punch, based
on the cartoon about a rebellious
teenager going through hardships
in life, have gained a large fanbase
among Korean viewers. At the same
time, dramas such as Incomplete
Life, based on the webtoon series
that reflects the working environment in Korea, have become popular, earning a relatively high viewer
rate of 5.5 percent.
I love to read webtoons because unlike books they have colored drawings of characters, said
Brian Sungbin Kim (10), avid reader of webtoons. I have not read
Fashion King, which I know got
turned into a movie but I have read
The Tower of the Gods. I am hoping that the trend of transforming
cartoons into films will continue so
that this webtoon can also have a

Graphic by
Yeni Cho




Secretly G
- In Theaters: Summer 2013
- Genre: Action/Drama/

School Gir

- In Theaters: Winter 2008

- Genre: Romantic Comedy

- In Theaters: fall 2014

- Genre: Drama/Comedy

King n

- In Theaters:
- In Theaters:
Summer 2010
Winter 2013
- Genre: Action/Thriller
- Genre: Mystery
film adaptation. It would be exciting to see my favorite character go
from being fragile to a strong minded being at the end of the story.
Webtoons that are reproduced
as movies or dramas benefitted
economically challenged web-

toon authors. For example, An Ki,

author of the webtoon, Fashion
King, which was released as a movie on Nov. 6, was relieved of certain
economic burdens after its movie
release. In essence, the financial
stability that creating webtoons can

promise signifies the creation of

new, more creative jobs. Along with
earning a more stable job, webtoons
that are turned into films draw in a
larger audience for both mediums.
I can relate this to an American [comic book] the Watchmen,

Mr. Macklin said. When the movie

version came out, I wanted to read
the book before watching it. By
transforming comics into movies,
people are bound to go back and
review the original source of material.
While the production of films
based on webtoons attracts a larger audience and helps individual
webtoon authors, Korean viewers
are also reluctant to watch dramas
that stray from the webtoons original plot. Since the main plotline
and characters have already been
developed in the webtoon, movie
producers will try to perfect the storyline and make it slightly unique to
the text version. However, according to Marie Park (9), the producers
should not change the webtoon to
the extent that it would take away
from the value of the original.
I am expecting [Fashion
King] to focus on teenage life,
looks and clothes, because that is
the main point of the webtoon series, Marie said. Often, movies
based on books and comics tend to
skip important parts of the original
work; however, I want the movie to
have a good plot line and stay true
to the webtoon story, which incorporates comedy and even a little



Varsity boys team takes come-from-behind victory over Phoenixes

score to 15-20. The varsity boys basketball team reduced the score gap
with foul shots and two-pointers,
ending the quarter 18-20.

By Patricia Song


4th Quarter

The Tigers faced the Korea International School (KIS) Phoenixes in their first home game of the
season on Nov. 22. Although the
team anticipated challenges driving
through Phoenixs solid defense, the
Tigers remained optimistic about
the results.
KIS puts a lot of emphasis on
players defense, making it hard for
us to hike up the scores, said Kyle
Bae (12), varsity boys basketball
captain. But since we also worked
on our screen offensive play, we are
confident about this game.

Opening the quarter with Jaewon Kim (10)s two-pointer, the Tigers scored consecutively. Although
the Phoenixes scored a two-pointer
three minutes into the game, the
Tigers secured their defense, keeping the Phoenix score at 22. For the
remaining five minutes, the Tigers
caught the rebound of the Phoenixs
shots to raise the score to 30-22.
With thirty seconds remaining, Julian Kim (11) scored a two-pointer,
securing a 32-22 win for the Tigers.


1st Quarter

During the first quarter, the

possession of the ball constantly
shifted, making it difficult for both
teams to pull ahead. Two minutes
into the game, a Phoenix player shot the first goal of the game
from the two-point line. Although a
two-pointer by Kyle and a one-point
foul shot by Kevin Shin (11) gave the
Tigers a temporary lead, the Phoenix team shot two consecutive three
pointers after. For the remaining
two minutes, both teams shifted between screen defense and offensive

Photo by Hollis Hwang

Dribbling past the defender, Jaewon Kim (10), varsity boys basketball player, drives in the lane to shoot. We
focused on settling down and running our offensive plan, as well as defending really hard, Jae Won said.

team play, ending the quarter with a

score 8-10.

2nd Quarter

The Phoenixes started the second half confidently after scoring a

three-pointer and a foul shot. After
a minute on offense, however, Jake

Sports Photo
of the Month

Photo by Patricia Song

Photo by Hollis Hwang

Clarice Lee (12), co-captain of the varsity cheer team, dances to The Time during
the half-time performance during
the varsity boys home game against KIS on Nov. 22.

Kim (11) caught the rebound ball

and scored two points. With two
minutes remaining in the quarter,
Kyle made a layup, but many of the
Tigers subsequent shots only hit the
rim. By the end of the quarter, the
Phoenix maintained the lead with a
final score of 12-18.

3rd Quarter

Four minutes into the third

quarter, a Phoenix player dribbled through the Tigers defense
and scored. However, the Tigers
speedily caught up as Kyle scored a
two-pointer and a foul, raising the

Although the Tigers lost the

lead in the beginning of the game,
their plays improved as the game
progressed. Turning the score
around, the Tigers kicked off their
season on a strong note.
KIS managed only four points
in the second half, which proves
that SIS did a lock-down job at
zone defense, said Tim Munro,
coach. We still have to work on our
man-to-man defense, helping teammates and recovering. With these
improvements, SIS can become an
even greater team.

International school cheerleaders participate

in clinic to improve skills, learn new techniques
By Grace Lee

Tumbling, jumping and performing various stunts, cheerleaders from SIS, Korea International
School and Korea Kent Foreign
School participated in the cheerleading clinic hosted at SIS in Tiger
Gym I on Nov. 15. Members of Big
Tide, a professional Korean cheerleading team, came to teach the aspiring athletes new techniques and
perfect the cheerleaders pre-learned
stunts. The cheer clinic opened up
new opportunities for cheerleaders
to get ready for the upcoming winter
I hope the cheerleaders all
take away at least one cheer from
the clinic that they can use later
during the cheer season, said Andrea Goodrich, varsity cheer team
coach. Stabilizing their basic skills
will allow the girls to advance their
skills and reach the next step. I hope
that the [cheerleaders] will build a
sense of teamwork by collaboratively working toward learning new routines and stunts.
The cheer clinic started off with
each school presenting a short cheer
they prepared beforehand. Afterwards, student cheerleaders mostly
focused on solidifying their basic
skills, such as toe touch jumps, pike
jumps and hurdler jumps, with Big
Tide members. During the clinic,
Big Tide held a contest in order to
award the person with the highest
jump. Sabin Macklin (10) recorded
the highest jump and was able to
win Big-Tide socks, even though he
could not try out for the cheer team

this year. Clarice Lee (12), co-captain of the varsity cheer team, also
received a Big-Tide Cheer t-shirt for
being the title as the best back spot,
a cheerleader chiefly responsible for
other members safety when stunting.
Cheer has been a big part of
my life in high school so Im giving
it my 200 percent and trying my
best to make it a really memorable

I can see the great

amount of passion
have for cheer, Kang
said. It is like I am
looking at myself a
few years ago, and I
hope [cheerleaders]
can strive to constantly improve and
perform even better
stunts than I do.

season not only for me but also for

my teammates, Clarice said. The
best back-spot award made me feel
as though hard work really does
pay off and [the award] motivated
me to work even harder. I am really
thankful that Big Tide came to help
the team because the cheer clinic is
a great opportunity for [students]
to improve their cheerleading skills
and get advice from professional

Students learned new skills at
the five-hour long cheer clinic. Specifically Jenny Lee (10), the only
sophomore on the varsity cheer
team, was able to master many of the
skills that she had failed to perform
prior to the workshop. According to
Jenny, she is most proud of her mastering the twist up cradle, hook-itup and sponge toss, all of which are
very complicated techniques. With
fun yet educational lessons, Big Tide
members taught and motivated
cheerleaders to prepare them for a
successful season.
By 2005, many school cheer
teams began stunting, but a great
majority of student cheerleaders
got injured due to poor training
and preparation beforehand, said
Hoon Kang, an executive member
of Big Tide. To fix the problem at
hand, Big Tide teaches cheerleaders
how to perform cheers safely and
enthusiastically. Big Tide attempts
to teach the students our members
advanced performance and cooperation skills.
Last years clinic was held in
January, so cheerleaders did not
have much time to incorporate new
skills at their KAIAC cheer competition, but this years clinic was timed
to allow the cheerleaders to utilize
their newly acquired techniques to
the full extent.
I can see the great amount
of passion [the cheerleaders] have
for this sport, Hoon said, When
teaching these athletes, I feel like
I am looking at myself from a few
years ago, and I hope they can strive
to constantly improve and perform
complicated stunts.


Season MVP

*Second baseman of
Nexen Heroes
*Released from LG Twins
in 2008
*First Korean player
to collect more than 200
hits in a season.

2014 season record









By Claire Kim

With a 11-1 victory over the

Nexen Heroes, the Samsung Lions
won the Korean Series for the fourth
consecutive year. In the 32-year history of the league, the Lions are the
second team after the Kia Tigers,
formerly known as the Haitai Tigers, to win four consecutive titles.
The two teams were on par earlier
in the Korean Series, as both teams
had two wins and two losses. However, the Samsung Lions ultimately
earned their place as the champions
with four wins and two losses.
As most people predicted based
on the teams prior performance that
the Samsung Lions would lead in the
regular season, the Lions finished
the regular season in first place with
79 wins, 3 draws and 47 losses. The
team was therefore guaranteed a
spot in the Korean Series, the top
tier of the postseason of the Korean
baseball season.
As the Samsung Lions were the
victorious team in the last three Korean Series, it was really obvious that
they were going to do extremely well
this year, said Cinji Lee (9), avid
Samsung Lions fan.

New coaches introduced to winter season teams

By Nagyon Kim

To continue the accomplishments and legacies of previous

coaches, the athletics department
introduced Ben Barnett, seventh
grade English teacher and Max
Schwartz, eighth grade social studies teacher to the junior varsity boys
and girls basketball teams respectively. Furthermore, the junior varsity cheerleading team welcomed
Paula Scott, fourth grade teacher,
as its new coach. Along with newly
introduced coaches, Chris Koester,
science teacher, moved up to coach
the varsity girls basketball team, after having spent the past year coaching the junior varsity team.
I was asked by [Sean Syverson,
former junior varsity boys basketball
coach] if I could take over as coach
starting this season, Coach Barnett
said. I enjoy coaching basketball
and watching young players grow
and improve their basketball skills. I

want to see if I can continue to carry

on the success that [Coach] Syverson secured in the boys basketball
program in previous years.
With new coaches supervising
sports teams, different coaching
styles have influenced practices and
games from the beginning of the
season. According to Lauren Ahn
(11), varsity girls basketball team
captain, Coach Koester has successfully unified the team in order to
increase cooperation and teamwork.
Overall, communication between the players and the coach increased dramatically, Lauren said.
I talk often about our own players,
our team, and upcoming games with
my teammates and [Coach] Koester,
which did not occur often in previous years. He also coaches very differently in that he subs five people
at a time. This is good for all of the
girls because not all of us, including
me, have great stamina.
Cheerleading teams are also
taking a more competitive approach
this year in an attempt to achieve


Lions win fourth consecutive Korean Series title

Graphic by Amelie Koo

Source: Naver Sports

Rookie of the Year


better results than last year. Having been selected through a new
tryout procedure, the cheerleaders
are now practicing jump drills and
intense stretches in preparation for
advanced stunts and tumbling. With
Coach Scott now leading the junior
varsity team, the mindset of the
cheerleaders has changed as well.
I would love the cheerleaders
to be more visible during the day,
Coach Scott said. I want to see
them serve as leaders of school spirit in the SIS community, and to not
only be cheerleaders of the basketball team, but also be cheerleaders
serving the entire school community by boosting school spirit among
students. I am really excited to have
the opportunity to become involved
in cheerleading, because it is these
types of activities that boost school
spirit and that is really what makes
high school fun. I hope that [the
cheerleaders] can become a family
that supports each other, and be able
to achieve the results that they aim
for in the KAIAC competition.

I knew that they would win the

Korean Series in the end, Although
there were a few bumps in the road,
I was confident that my team could
overcome those challenges and be
victorious one again.
Although the Lions faced several ups and downs during their
matches, they were able to regroup
and win the subsequent points. Oh
Jae-young, the Nexen Heroes relief
pitcher, put the Samsung Lions in
quite a stump, and the Lions were
not able to score a single hit during
the first two innings. The Lions then
regrouped to score four runs in the
top of the third inning to equalize
the score. The Lions were then able
to take advantage of the relative inexperience of Nexen Heroes new
pitcher, Moon Sung-hyun, and secured their lead in the match.
To further increase the score
gap, when the Lions were leading
4-1, Yamaico Navarro, infielder for
the Samsung Lions, hit a homerun
and secured the Lions lead 7-1. Navarro was voted as the Korean Series
Most Valuable Player (NVP) for his
three-run home run in the last last
game of the season, and his four
homeruns throughout the entire
Korean Series.
I think that Navarros play in

the championship game was truly

extraordinary, and his performance
really helped the Samsung Lions
win. He really proved himself as part
of the elite in Korean baseball when
he hit that homerun in the last game
of the season, said Jenny Lee (10),
LG Twins fan.
With their success, the Samsung
Lions did not state that it would be
changing a lot of the team and support staff. However, all of the teams
that did not qualify for the postseason this year Kia Tigers, Hanhwa
Eagles, Doosan Bears, LG Giants and
the Sk Wyverns have announced
that they have hired new coaches
for the next regular season. Among
these new coaches is Kim Seunggen,
a prominent Korean baseball coach,
who is signed to coach Hanhwa for
the next regulate season. Because of
these changes, according to baseball
enthusiasts, the reigning champions
will probably face much more advanced players in the future.
The Samsung Lions proved
with this victory that they are the ultimate number one team, said Nick
Yeo (10), fervent Lotte Giants fan.
However, with the numerous
new coaches, it is difficult to predict
who will do the best during next season, Nick stated.


This column is a short commentary on current sports events around the world. The
commentators, Eva Hong and Patricia Song, express their opinions on these events and
conduct interviews with relevant figures. This particular episode is about Sabina Altynbekova, a volleyball player for Kazakhstan in the Asian Under-19 Championships.

Patricia: Welcome to this episode of PE Sports Commentary!

Eva: In this particular episode,
we are honored to welcome Sabina Altynbekova, an 18-year old
volleyball player from Kazakhstan, who is currently being criticized for being too beautiful to
play volleyball.
Patricia: She has become famous on the Internet in a short
period of time because of her appearance. Her beauty has attracted many people who were previously uninterested in volleyball.
This newly admired athlete now
joins us!
Eva: Welcome to the show, Sabina!
Altynbekova: Thank you for having me!
Patricia: You have received a lot
of attention globally because of
medias emphasis on your good
looks especially during the Asian
Junior Womens Volleyball Championship. You obviously are very
attractive, but what is your reaction to your sudden fame?
Altynbekova: I was honestly very
flattered at first but the attention
is becoming a little too much. I
want to concentrate on playing
volleyball and to be famous for
that, not for anything else.
Patricia: You seem to be the only
person who dislikes the attention you are getting because of
your attractiveness. Is this true?
Altynbekova: That is not true,
(chuckles) because I dont actually hate the attention. My coach,

Nurlan Sadikov, is the one that

really loathes the attention I get.
He even said that its impossible
to work because people dont
focus on the game as much and
they behave like there is only one
player at the championship.
Eva: Because of your coachs
opinion, has your relationship
with the rest of the team been
affected in any way?
Altynbekova: Fortunately, no.
My team is like family to me and I
would not be able to enjoy competing if it werent for them.
y (I love you in Kazakh)!
Patricia: I have heard that your
team has received complaints
because your striking looks were
bothersome to the game. How
bad do the complaints get?
Altynbekova: During one of the
championship matches this year,
all of the cameras but one were
focused on me It is slightly
embarrassing for me to say this
about myself, but this was a complaint-worthy situation.
Eva: We hope that the same
doesnt happen again in the future! Im sure our male audience
is sad to hear that. Well, thats all
the time we have for this interview today. Thank you for joining
us today, Sabina.
Altynbekova: Thank you for having me!
Patricia: Stay tuned for the next
episode of PE Sports Commentary!

Disclaimer: Although this column is based on facts, the interviews are entirely fictional.




Column by Yeni Cho

an artist who does
art for the sake of a hobby.
I really do [art] because I find it
enjoyable and pleasant. To me, art
is like a surfboard upon a wave of
seemingly useless aspirations
and imagination.

element that makes
my artwork stand apart from
the others is that I tend to not
draw or paint the conformist way.
Of course I gain inspiration from
other peoples artworks. But
I tend to do something

Welcome to SIS CreARTions!

Please welcome Wonseok Choi (10), an aspiring artist currently taking Studio Art II. As a member
of National Art Honor Society, he hopes to take AP Studio
Art next year. If you want to see his artwork in person,
please check out the Studio Art bulletin board!

SIS CreARTions

Do YENI-ed inspiration?


Untitled. 2014. Pen and marker on collage, n/a. Korea

By Bason Park


Orange Corporation goes broke

after CEOs coming-out

With the release of innovative products such as the O-Phone 8S and Opad
Mini, the Orange Corporation has seen an
unprecedented rise in sales and stocks in
the past year. However, last week, when Oranges CEO Tin Bake came out as homosexual, people protested against its products
and its reputation was tarnished.
I have a really important part of my
identity that I want to publically disclose,
Mr. Bake announced. I am proud to be gay.
I believe that love is a human right and I
have faith that the international community will treat everyone like myself with respect and dignity. People should never fear
or discriminate others who are different
from the majorityit is utterly unnecessary and disrespectful. However, I will hate
my haters, obviously.
A few days after Mr. Bake revealed his
homosexuality, Oranges stocks dropped 53
percent and its sales decreased by 76 percent compared to the previous week. The
spirit of protest against its products was so
strong that even the sales of normal oranges and the popularity of the Dutch national soccer team decreased considerably. In
countries such as Kilestan and Yarmenia, in
an effort to minimize any symbol embody-


ing the concept of homosexuality, government officials passed laws prohibiting their
citizens from wearing orange in public.
We have implemented a new security
system in our public schools that screens
all Orange products before students enter,
said Yangmin Johnson, Director of the Yarmenese Ministry of Education. From now
on, students will only be able to use Sungsam Milkiwae products for school-related
activities. Rainbow phone cases are also
going to be banned.
Negative sentiments towards the Orange Corporation exacerbated with the
founding of organizations such as the International Anti-Homophone Society (IAHS).
According to Timmy Osborne, co-founder
of IAHS, IAHS members discussed methods
to replace the CEO of Orange and boycott
its products.
As a shareholder and investor, I cannot
take this disappointing backlash in stride,
Mr. Osborne said. Were not that dumb. We
know that there are thousands of employees at the Orange Corporation who may
not be homosexual at all. But since the CEO
is gay, we believe that it reduces the quality
of the phones and makes people think the
entire company is homosexual.

Photo by Kelly Kim

Dancing to Rather Be by Clean Bandit, sophomores Jenny Lee and Katherine Lim perform at the Fall Into Music concert hosted by Tri-M, Aperture and CSC. The clubs collaborated to raise money for FREAD.

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