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Behavioural Observational Report:

Mikaela Cohen has been a learner at Beginnings and Beyond from April 2014 until September
2014 where she is currently completing her Grade Six year. During this time, myself and other
members of staff have had the opportunity to get to know Mikaela as a student in the classroom
environment. Therefore, this report serves as an informative review based on Mikaelas
developmental domains, namely cognitive, physical and social aspects.
In my experience as Mikaelas class teacher, I have noted that she shows developmental delays
in the cognitive domain, this includes language and attention skills. Mikaela does not
demonstrate the ability to sustain concentration on a particular task at hand and rarely manages
to complete demands that are not of an interest to her. Furthermore, based on my interactions
with her, it is apparent that Mikaela experiences difficultly in translating sounds into words.
Unfortunately, this has meant that Mikaelas vocabulary and spelling is not of a Grade Six
standard. It is also clear that Mikaela experiences delays in another aspect of cognitive
development, namely Executive functions, with specific reference to inhibition the ability to
withstand distraction, as well as internal urges. On numerous occasions Mikaela has become
distracted or is uninterested in what happens around her within the classroom environment and
thus, falls behind in classwork. Moreover, I myself have witnessed first-hand accounts of
Mikaelas internal urges towards her fellow class mates. These instances will be discussed in
greater detail further on with regards to Mikaelas social interactions with others.
With regards to Mikaelas physical aspects, we are aware of Mikaelas history with self-inflicted
wounds, such as cutting. In addition to the above, Mikaela frequently exhibits self-inflicted
wounds but makes no effort to hide these wounds from other students. This includes carving
the words I hate myself above her knee, which she initially claimed was caused by her dog.
Mikaela was told that if she has any problems, she is to rather talk to one of the members of
staff than resort to self-inflicted harm. However, Mikaela has not chosen to do so. Furthermore,
the same use of words has also been seen on various pages of her examination pad.
I have unfortunately found Mikaelas social interactions with other students to often be
offensive and unpleasant. Mikaela is quick-tempered and often resorts to use of hurtful or
violent language towards the boys in her class. Based on my experience with the Grade Sixes it
would be accurate to say that Mikaelas comments towards the boys often result in conflict.
Sadly, it also seems apparent that Mikaela has no respect for authority. Upon my instruction for
both Mikaela and the other participant to stop, Mikaela unfortunately, continues to argue in
an effort to have the final say.
Mikaela also attracts attention to herself by drawing vivid images of blood or people dying
during the time which classwork is to be completed. Mikaela has made no effort to hide these
drawings from her fellow classmates. When students ask Mikaela why she is drawing this,
Mikaela replies with disturbing comments such as because thats what Im going to do.
Various classmates have since come to me and have complained about Mikaelas comments.

Such complaints include Mikaela told us that shes going to come to school with a mark of a
bullet hole on the side of her head tomorrow, or Mikaela is drawing cutting marks on her
wrists. During Mikaelas continuous absence from school in these past two weeks, the Grade
Six boys have been most concerned, and have often asked me if I know where Mikaela is
because they fear she may have hung herself. When I ask the reason as to why they would think
this, I have been told that Mikaela openly expresses that this is her intention.
Sadly, this is not the only sort of complaint I have received regarding Mikaelas language. I had
been informed of an instance by which the Grade Six boys had asked Mikaela what she would to
do when she grows up and her answer was to be a slut, she then continued to explain to the
boys what this was. When the boys complained, both Karen and I spoke to Mikaela about her
vulgar language and shocking life choice. Karen had since instructed Mikaela to complete a
project that would inform her as to why this is unacceptable. To this date, the project is still
outstanding. I myself, feel that it was wrong for Mikaela to subject her fellow classmates to such
a vulgar concept, especially at such a young age.
Unfortunately, the Grade Six pupils are not the only students who Mikaela may have damaged
regarding her vocalised sexual preferences. Mikaela has befriended some students in lower
grades and on one occasion had asked them if they thought two males kissing was sexy. The
children were disgusted by this comment. However Mikaela continued by taking out her phone
and openly displaying pictures of two men kissing by which she thought to be hot. I dont
believe that behaviour in this manner is appropriate, especially in a school environment.
Based on my observations, I as an educator firmly believe that uprooting Mikaela from her
current school environment will serve more harm than good. In a public school with classes
being as large 30 learners, I do not feel that Mikaela will receive the personalised attention she
needs. It is in my unqualified opinion that Mikaela needs professional help, and saddens me
deeply to hear what she says and does. I believe that with the right help Mikaela has the
potential to be well adjusted child and without the distraction of her personal problems she
would have the opportunity to reach her full potential.
Wherever Mikaela may be, I wish her all the best for her future endeavours and every success.
There will always be a place for her at Beginnings and Beyond should she need it.

Michelle Weyers
Grade Six Instructor at Beginnings and Beyond

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