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Dr. William J. Pervin, Professor of EE, CS, and Mathematics

mail: pervin@utdallas.edu; URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/~pervin

Office Hours: MTWR 8:45am-9:15am, 10:45-11:15am and by appointment; Office: EC 4.626

Catalog Description

Introduction to hardware structures and assembly language concepts that form the basis of the design of modern computer systems.
Internal data representation and arithmetic operations in a computer. Basic logic circuits. MIPS assembly language. Overview of PC
architecture. Prerequisite MATH 1315 or its equivalent Corequisite EE 2110


Required: Pervin, "A Programmer's Guide to Assembler", 1st Ed., McGraw-Hill Custom, 2005.
Required: Tokheim, "Digital Principles":

Recommended reading: Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design":

Patterson & Hennessy

It is expected that the text material will be studied outside of class before it is needed to follow the discussion in class. In addition,
you will be expected to read, by yourself, some material from the text not covered in class. Examinations are based on material
covered or described in class, even if not in the texts.

There will be two examinations (worth 20% each) during the semester [Feb. 16 & March 23] and a comprehensive final Thursday,
April 27th at 8:00a.m. (worth 40%). Homework will count in the final grade (20%). Note that one cannot pass without successfully
doing the programming. All tests and homework are graded subjectively, but fairly.

Tentative Schedule

Classes meet from 9:30am to 10:45am Tuesdays and Thursdays in ECSS 2.311

We have a very ambitious schedule. Students cannot afford to fall behind in their studies since this will be a cumulative learning
experience. Students are expected to attend all classes. Repeated absence from class or failure to turn in homework regularly will be
cause for dropping the student from this class. Examinations are based on material covered or described in class. Consult the class
schedule and course catalog for information on withdrawals, incompletes, and academic dishonesty (see below).


Assignments will be made and must be turned in on time. Programs should be written for the MIPS processor and run under
PCSPIM. In every case a program listing (hard copy) will be expected in addition to a floppy disk, CD-ROM, or DVD. One cannot
pass this course without successfully doing the programs assigned.

Students should keep a copy of their homework in case they need it for reference before they can be graded and returned. Not all
problems will be marked and counted, but students should do all the homework (and more)!

Honor Code

It is understood that your homework and examination answers must be all your own work. There are clear rules about "Scholastic
Dishonesty" so please avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Every paper you submit has the following pledge assumed: I have
neither given nor received aid on this homework/examination.

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