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Department of Computer Science

Course Syllabus, Spring 2005.


COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Digital Systems


Class Hours: TR 7:00-8:15 PM

Location: ECSS 2.311

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Herman W Harrison

ES 3.607
Office phone: 972-883-4835
E-Mail: herman.harrison@utdallas.edu
Faculty Webpage: www.utdallas.edu/~herman.harrison

Office Hours: TR 2:30-4:30 PM


CS 2310 Introduction to Digital Systems: (3 semester hours)

Introduction to hardware structures and assembly language concepts that form
the basis of the design of modern computer systems. Internal data
representation and arithmetic operations in a computer. Basic logic circuits.
MIPS assembly language. Overview of RISC architecture.

Prerequisite: CS 1337(3-0) S Basic computer literacy/programming skills

Co-requisite: CS 2110(1-0) S Concurrent enrollment or prior completion of
digital laboratory(see CS 2110 description).

The student should be able to implement basic digital logic and independently
develop, test, and document assembly language programs demonstrating
proficiency with each of the above features. . Specific objectives are :

1 Utilize fundamental hardware concepts in modern computer systems

2 Utilize fundamental of Boolean algebra
3 Design basic logic circuits, combinational and sequential
4 Process binary information and use 2's complement arithmetic
5 Develop algorithmic solutions for use on computers
6 Express algorithmic solutions in assembly language
7 Utilize program flow structures - sequential, conditional, and looping
8 Process data in arrays
9 Develop programs in a modular form
10 Utilize bit oriented logical instructions
11 Demonstrate comprehension of floating point arithmetic
12 Demonstrate comprehension of interrupt processing
13 Demonstrate comprehension of single and multi-cycle CPU designs
14 Demonstrate comprehension of pipeline architectures/hazards
Required Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Digital Principles,
reading Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill, Third Ed, ISBN 0-07-065050-0
Required A Programmer’s Guide to Assembler, William Pervin, McGraw-
reading Hill, 2004, ISBN 007-3111678
Recommended Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware/Software
reading Interface, Patterson and Hennessey, Morgan-Kaufmann, Third
Edition/2004, ISBN 1-55860-604-1

This course will cover Tokheim, chapters 1,3-5,7-11, Pervin chapters 1-12,
and Patterson/Hennessey chapters 1-4 and appendices A-B. Expect that some
topics may take longer and some may take less than the times shown.

1) There will be regularly assigned reading and homework problems. Reading
assignments should be done before the class lecture. Homework problems
will require the student to spend time programming a computer outside
of class.
2) Assignments are due in class on the dates given. Late assignments will
have 10 points deducted for each class period the assignment is late.
Late assignments not accepted after one week or last class day.
3) Class attendance will be documented. Pop quizzes can be given.
4) No supplemental exams. Exceptional cases, such as an illness or
accident, will be handled on an individual basis. Proof is required
and is the responsibility of the student.
5) Students have one week after the result of an assignment or exam
is returned to request a review/correction of their grade. A review
can result in the lowering of a grade.
6) Those suspected of cheating will be subject to the university’s
discipline code.

It is assumed you are familiar with the Windows PC environment, can create
and edit text files, run programs, etc. The programs will be in assembly
language for the MIPS processor. This course uses the companion MIPS
simulator, SPIM version 7.0, which is available from the text’s publisher. It
is available, free, for download from the Internet through the site
www.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/SPIM/pcspim.zip or www.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/spim.html.
It is also available on the course web page. The SPIM simulator can assemble
MIPS assembly language source files, load and run them with a users console
window for input/output, and debug them if they do not work properly.
Appendix A of the text describes the simulator starting in section A.9. The
MIPS R2000 Assembly Language reference is contained in section A.10.
Homework should be submitted using your WebCT account. Each programming
assignment should contain the following two files:

1) A copy of the final working assembly language source code with comments
and documentation. The file should be "text-only" and the extension
must be ".s" or ".asm".
2) A copy of your programs keyboard input and displayed output from the
console (.txt/.doc)

Grading program assignments:

Code Development 25% (assemble w/o error)
Program Execution 25% (run successfully)
Program Design 20% (conform to spec)
Documentation 20% (program, comments)
Coding Style 10% (clear, efficient)

Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Exam 3 25%
Projects 25% (homework, programs, and quizzes)
(class participation)


98.00=A+, 92.00=A, 90.00=A-,
88.00=B+, 82.00=B, 80.00=B-,
78.00=C+, 72.00=C, 70.00=C-,
68.00=D+, 62.00=D, 60.00=D-, 59-0=F

The University of Texas System Policy on Academic Honesty appears in the
Regents Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Paragraph
3.22. Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to
discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating,
plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials
that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an
examination for another, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a
student, or the attempt to commit such acts. The minimum penalty for
academic dishonesty is a failing grade (zero) for the project or examination.
Do your own work on all projects and exams. DO not let anyone copy your work!

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