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Department of Computer Science

Course Syllabus, Summer 2005.


COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Digital Systems Laboratory


Class Hours: Tuesday, 5:00-6:50 PM

Location: ECSN 3.112 (North wing)

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Herman W Harrison

ES 3.607
Office phone: 972-883-4835
E-Mail: herman.harrison@utdallas.edu
Faculty Webpage: www.utdallas.edu/~herman.harrison

Office Hours: T 4:00-6:00 PM


CS 2110 Introduction to Digital Systems Laboratory: (1 semester hours)

Laboratory to accompany CS2310. The purpose of the laboratory is to give
students an intuitive understanding of digital circuits and systems.
Laboratory exercises include construction of simple digital logic circuits
using prototyping kits and board level assembly.

Corequisite: CS 2310(3-0) S. Concurrent enrollment or previous completion.

The student should be able to independently develop, implement, test, and
document basic combinational and sequential digital logic circuits. Specific
objectives are:

1) Recognize standard digital circuits and understand their usage

2) Design a combinational logic circuit based on a truth table requirements
3) Design a simple combinational logic circuit based on a boolean expression
4) Build and test a combinational logic circuit on a prototype board
5) Ability to understand sequential logic elements, including flip-flops,
latches, storage registers, shift registers, and counters
6) Ability to build a sequential logic circuit from a requirements statement

Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Digital Principles, Roger L.
Tokheim, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, ISBN 0-07-065050-0.

This course will cover Tokheim, chapters 1,3-5,7-11.

1) Students will work on experiments in two-person teams. Please have
your teams arranged when you report for the first lab session. If you
do not have a teammate by then, tell the TA and you will be assigned

2) There will be regular assigned reading and pre-work for each of the lab
sessions. This preparation must be done before the lab session begins
and will be checked by the TA. The laboratory assignments including
descriptions and procedures for each exercise are found on your WebCT

3) A written laboratory report is required after the completion of each

lab session. The completed reports are due in one week. Late
assignments will have 10 points deducted for each day the assignment is
late. Late assignments are not accepted after one week or last class

4) No supplemental/makeup labs. Exceptional cases, such as an illness or

accident, will be handled on an individual basis. Proof is required and
is the responsibility of the student.

5) Students have one week after the result of a lab session is returned to
request a review/correction of their grade. A review can result in the
lowering of a grade.

6) You may jointly create plots and other tabular data and use them in
your report, but the body of text in each report should be written
independently by each student.

7) Those suspected of cheating will be subject to the university’s

discipline code.


The students will work in pairs as a lab team. If a class has an odd number
of students then one lab team may consist of 3 students. In case of a team
mate’s absence, the student will be assigned to work with another two member
team for that lab. No lone workers.

If one team member is performing the lab experiment and the other is checking
his work as the lab progresses, the team members should switch roles so that
each person get to physically work with the hardware. No exception.

You will be given an opportunity to select a team mate from your lab section.
If you do not wish to pick or don’t know anyone, the TA will assign partners.
Also each lab class will be divided into two groups, “A” and “B”. The dates
you are to attend the lab depends on your group and can be found in the lab
schedule included with the syllabus.
This information is important for your success in this lab.

1) Preparation:
a) Obtain individual laboratory descriptions and instructions on
your CS2110 WebCT site.
b) Complete all pre-work before the lab. Start early.

2) Conducting the experiment:

a) Show pre-work to TA before starting.
b) Get kit of IC’s, parts, and wires from the TA.
c) Listen to introductory remarks and description of the experiment
given by the TA.
d) Conduct the experiment and record your results. (See IDL Notes
for help with initial setup and operation of lab equipment)
e) Demonstrate your working circuits for the TA.
f) Dismantle the circuits and cleanup your work area.
g) Return the parts-kit w/wires to the TA before you leave.

3) Conclusions:
a) Write up your formal lab report. (See Laboratory Report for
format and organization of report.)
b) Hand written reports and diagrams are acceptable, but they must
be neat and organized to receive credit.
c) Reports are due in 1 week.
d) Hints: In the appropriate sections of your report, detail what
happened when you conducted the experiment. Be specific about
what occurred. Was your initial design accurate? Did you have a
problem implementing your design? Did you have any problems with
the equipment? Did the circuit function as you expected? Show
the results of your test data and include any other observation.

Grading lab assignments:

Each Lab assignment is 100 points:

Completion all sections of lab report 10%

Pre-Work 15%
Correctness and detail of experimental work 30%
Answers to questions 20%
Neatness and organization 25%

Average of all labs. Missed labs will receive a grade of zero.


98=A+, 92=A, 90=A-,
88=B+, 82=B, 80=B-,
78=C+, 72=C, 70=C-,
68=D+, 62=D, 60=D-, 59-0=F
The University of Texas System Policy on Academic Honesty appears in the
Regents Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Paragraph
3.22. Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to
discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating,
plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials
that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an
examination for another, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a
student, or the attempt to commit such acts. The minimum penalty for
academic dishonesty is a failing grade(zero) for the project or examination.
Do your own work on all projects and exams. DO not let anyone copy your work!

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