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1) What is Specific heat?

The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of any substance through one
2) What is power?
The rate doing work or work done per unit time.
Power = Work done
Time taken
3) What is Wet steam?
When steam contains moisture or particles of water in suspension it is said to be wet
4) What is Dry saturated steam?
When the steam is further heated it does not contain any suspended partials of
water this know as dry saturated.
5) What is Super steam?
When dry steam is further heated at a constant pressure thus raising its temperature
it is called super heated steam.
6) What is Dryness fraction?
It is the ratio of the mass of actual dry steam to the mass of same quantity of wet
7) What is Sensible heat of water ?
It is the amount of heat absorbed by 1kg of water when heated at a constant
pressure from the freezing point to the temperature of formation of steam .
8) What is Latent heat of vaporization?
It is the amount of heat absorbed to evaporate 1kg of water at its boiling point or
saturation temperature without changing of temperature .
9) What is Mass?
It is amount of matter contained in a given body and doesnot vary with change in
the position on the earth.
10) What is Energy?
The energy is defined as the capacity to do work . in the orther words a system is
said to process energy when it is cable of doing work .
11) What is Heat?
The energy transferred without transfer of mass across the boundary of a system
because of a temperature and the surrounding. it is usually replaced by Q and expressed
(J) kilo joules(KJ).

12) What is a Scalar quantity?

Scalar quantities are quantities which have mananitude only.
Ex: length, mass, time, distance ,volume ,work etc
13) What is a Vector quantity?
Vector quantity is quantity which has both magnitude and direction only.
Ex:Displacement.velocity.accelration, force etc,,
14) What is Beam?
Beam is a member which is subjected to a system of external force acting per
perpendicular to the axis.
15) What are the Types of Beam?
1) Cantilever beam
2) Simply supported beam
3) Over hanging beam
a) Single
b) Double
4) Fixed beam
5) Continuous beam
16) What is cantilever Beam?
If a beam is fixed at one which its other and is free member is called cantilever.
17) What is simply supported beam?
A beam having its ends freely resting an support it is called simply support beam.
18) What are the types of Load?
a) Point load
b) Uniformly distributed load
c) Uniformly varying load
d) Beam may be loaded by one or more couples at suitable places .
19) What are the types of Supports?
a) Single support
b) Hinged support
c) Roller support
d) Fixed support
20) What is Load?
The system of external force applied to a body structure or machines is called
21) What is Deformation?
Deformation means change in shape or dimensions.

22) What are the types of Forces?

a) Tensile forces
b) Compressive forces
c) Shear forces
d) Bending forces
e) Torsional forces
23) What is Shear forces?
When a block of material is subjected to equal and opposite tangential force
across it cross section as a result to the block will undergo a result deformation and stress
induced is called shear strain.
24) What are the types of heat transfer modes?
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
25) What is Conduction, Convection and Radiation?
Conduction is the heat transfer from one part of a body to another part of the same
body in physical contact without appreciple displacement of the particles of the body.
Convection: convection is the transfer of heat from one point to another with in a
fluid by the mixing of one part with another due to the movement of the fluids.
Radiation: radiation is the transfer of heat energy from one body to another by
electromagnetic waves which can travel even through vacuum.
26) What is Density?
This is defined as the ratio of mass of the fuel to the volume of the fuel at a
reference temperature of 15 degree.
27) What is the types generator?
1) Alternating current
2) Direct current
28) What is Armature?
A generator consists of a number of conducting coils and a magnetic field . the
coils are called the armature.
29) What is EMF?
Reative motion between the coils and magnetic field induces voltage in the coils
the action is called EMF.

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