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MacInnes 1

Samantha MacInnes
Mr. Newman
English 101: Rhetoric
16 September, 2014
Statement of Scope for the Annotated Bibliography
How much is too much? When adults have a child and they become parents they are not
only responsible for themselves anymore but also another human being. Along with this
responsibility there are decisions on how they want to raise their child. Although, some parents
might agree that there is no such thing as being overprotective, children can actually become
unfit for the real world when parents hover in their lives.
This essay will explore the way children are affected by parents being over protective.
While parents do need to stabilize their childrens lives and always have a hand in their childrens
lives they should be aware of how far they push into their kids lives as the child grows up.
Further, I will discuss what can happen if a parent is overprotective, the effects it can have on a
kid when they become an adult themselves. On top of those things, I will also point out how
school and work force looks at parents who are still hovering in their childrens lives.
The selected bibliography includes sources that discuss helicopter parenting, show
schools opinion on said parents, and diagrams on how children with overprotective parents turn
out compared to those parents who let their children make mistakes that they need too. The
Pressure from Parents and Manos talk about how school and the work force are affected by
helicopter parents. Fingerman and Vijandren discuss how and why parents are overprotective
and the different situations it affects the child in. Helicopter Parenting Can be a Good Thing, is
an article that talks about why overprotective parents might be good for their children.

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Works Cited
Anonymous. "Helicopter Parenting Can Be a Good Thing." USA Today [New York] 1 May
2010: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. In "Helicopter Parenting Can Be a Good
Thing" by an Anonymous writer wrote about how over protecting children can be
beneficial to children. The newspaper discusses how contrary to popular belief parents
are more eager to help their more successful child instead of the struggling one. Even
with that being the case the article still explains that all children receive more help then
they would have ten to twenty years ago. The article covers many aspects of life that have
changed that make overprotective parenting helpful to people.
- - -. "The Pressure from Parents." Blues Buster 1 Mar. 2014: n. pag. eLibrary. Web. 15 Sept.
2014. The article "The Pressure from Parents" discusses the ideas of helicopter parents or
overprotective parents. The article talks about how helicopter parents can effect a childs
schooling. The article also talks about how it causes the children to be unprepared for
college and the real world. THe article explains why overbearing parents are called
helicopter parents.
Fingerman, Karen L., et al. "Helicopter Parents and Landing Pad Kids: Intense Parental Support
of Grown Children." Journal of Marriage and the Family 4.880 (2012): n. pag. elibrary.
Web. 16 Sept. 2014. In "Helicopter Parents and Landing Pad Kids: Intense Parental
Support of Grown Children" by multiple contributors that include Karen Fingerman,
Yen-Pi Cheng, Eric Wesselman, Steven Zarit, Frank Furstenberg, and Kira Birditt, the
article talks about the difference between how overly attached parents affect their
children. The article covers how news portrays helicopter parents, how children
themselves feel about the overprotective parents, how the view on overprotective parents

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has changed, and other factors that have changed along with overprotective parents. The
article gives examples of different family aspects with overly protective parents.
Manos, Mary Ann. "Helicopter Parents: Empathetic or Pathetic?" Phi Kappa Phi Forum 3.21
(2009): n. pag. elibrary. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. In Mary Manos article "Helicopter Parents:
Empathetic or Pathetic?" Manos discusses the affect of having an overly protective
parents in a school setting and in the working setting for young adults. She talks about
when would be an appropriate for a parent to interfere with the education and work force.
Vijaindren, Audrey. "Helicopter Parents to the `Rescue.'" New Straits Times 29 June 2014: n.
pag. elibrary. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. In Audrey Vijaindren article "Helicopter Parents to
the 'rescue'," he discusses the reasons some parents are overly protective. He talks about
the right times for a parent to be protective and when that becomes being overprotective.
Vijaindren goes into the differences between being highly involved in your childs life and
being overly involved. Included in his essay Vijaindren also talks about how it effects
kids to have overly protective parents.

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