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Orange Grid Light

Founder: Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

2010 Manual by Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

activation, erection, optimism, mobilizing of energy resources

How it all began

This energy came to me in June 2010 when I lay in bed next
to my 2 years old daughter. My daughter had stomach
aches and flatulence. I immediately knew that I could use
this energy to help ease the convulsions in her alimentary
organs. This energy had a life of its own, I noticed. I could
use it like a laser beam on her gut, and I could create a gridlike orange to envelop the whole body of my daughter with
it. Then, the orange glowing energy turned into an etheric
massage oil or a salve. I rubbed this orange salve into my
daughters energy system. Her winds disappeared shortly
after this treatment. ..
Orange is a good color to be used on many levels and its
been my favorite color for a long time!

What is a grid?
The energies (= information) of grids bring us in contact with the unity of BEING, with whatever you
might call God or unconditional love that flows through everything and connects everything. Many
different grids exist and they are all interconnected. It is the fabric connecting everything and
through this fabric, everything is manifested. Some scientists call this fabric the zero point field or
the divine matrix.
Science is only beginning to understand this phenomenon which is already mentioned in holy
scriptures of many ancient cultures. The divine realm Indra is described in the Indian sutras as the
place of origin for the fabric that connects everything. ()
In the Hopi tradition, it is said that the current cycle of our world began when grandmother spider
came into the emptiness of this world. First, she spun the great web, which connects everything and
through this fabric, she created the place in which its children could live.
(Source: The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden)

Orange as aura color

Orange is a color of healing.
Like the sun as one healing symbol for this color, it represents the male aspect of life or the male side
of the feminine. When this color appears in the aura, it can mean that this person has strong
clairvoyant abilities or that he/she is in the process of physical or mental self-healing.
2010 Manual by Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

Co-dependency/ independency, shock, trauma, deeper insight and big delight
Symbolical meaning:
Sexuality, trust, abstinence, harmony, cheerfulness, divinity, beauty and arts
Spiritual meaning:
Individuation, insight, devotion, need for belonging
Mental meaning:
Wisdom, indecision, perseverance, deep insight, lack of self confidence, addictions
Emotional meaning:
sociability, instinctive wisdom, shock, trauma, joy, excitement
Physical attribution:
Ovaries, spleen, gall bladder, large and small intestines, testis, prostate
Gem stones:
Carnelian, amber, coral
Zodiac signs:
Orange gives me vitality and lust for life. It strengthens my etheric body and renews my complete being.
Healing color orange:
* to strengthen the power of the soul
* to develop a feeling of self-worth
* to strengthen the capacity of reaction
* for more liveliness
* to assist the desire to learn
* dissolves gases and flatulence
* harmonizes stomach function
* eases cramps and spasms
* eases shock and grief
* balances the sacral chakra
Overabundance of orange (can be harmonized with this energy as well calling in a complementary blue):
* overreaching desire for food and sexual activity
* possible confusion and aimlessness
* overreaching desires for possessions

Physical use:
Muscles, eliminatory systems, psychosomatic disease patterns. Orange influences the spleen chakra.
It is the color of joy, wisdom and creativity, stimulates feelings of social connectedness and
influences our emotional health. Too much orange can overly aggravate our nervous system and
should be balanced with hues of blue or green. Therapeutically, this color can be used for problems
in the areas of spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestines, adrenal glands, food intake and depression.
This color is very good for people who feel emotionally paralyzed. The colors peach and apricot
2010 Manual by Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

strengthen the aura and act as an additional emotional cushion during the recovery process. Like all
other orange hues, it can be used to invigorate the body. After recovery from an illness, it affects the
eliminatory organs positively in toning them.

Orange can give support in these areas:

Allergies, asthma, low blood pressure, intestines, kidneys, pain (muscles), strengthening the immune
(Sources: http://www.lichtkreis.at/html/Wissenswelten/Welt_der_Farben/wirkung-farbe-orange.htm, Kleines Lehrbuch fr Heiler by
Ted Andrews, Goldman Verlag, and http://froeh.li/farben/bedeutung.htm, Anleitung zum geistigen Heilen by A. Wallace und B.
Henkin, Synthesis Verlag)

2010 Manual by Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

How to use the Orange Grid Light

Simply think Orange Grid Light, in order to connect with the energy and then use the color
however it feels appropriate at the moment: (follow your intuition)

As a powerful, concentrated Laser light- you can use this light to treat acupuncture
points or meridian lines, etc.

As a brightly radiating, glowing grid. It can be used to be wrapped around body parts,
whole persons, homes, rooms, areas, etc

As a salve, or massage oil. Use your hands to etherically rub in the salve or oil.

As band aid

As light, which illuminates everything from within and going out removing all
blockages until everything is left radiant.

As a liquid, Example: flushing and cleansing meridians, organs, etc.

As rain, cleainsing the aura (oder as an orange cloud/ mist), an orange sprinkler
or confetti in your home spreading joy!

As gel, which you can fill into organs so they can be saturated with this energy. You
can also marinate body parts in orange ;-)

You can take the etheric orange intravenous drip when in need of orange for a
longer period of time.

You can also create energy tools with the Orange Grid Light so these tools can radiate
the orange light persistently.
You can create orange grid light tools from stones, bracelets, watches, jewelry, tshirts, bed spreads, etc.
Simply point with your finger to the item, which you want to charge with orange grid
light and say/think once: Orange Grid Light. Youre done! The item will be ready to
use after 1 minute 15 minutes max. Now you can use it as an antenna for Orange
Grid Light.

You can send the orange light through all Chakray in order to activate or to clear

There are no limits to your imagination! Always follow your Intuition

2010 Manual by Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

How to pass on the Orange Grid Light to others

Preparation for receiving a session/ attunement:
Sit or lay down comfortably.
Simply think: I am now ready to receive the Orange Grid Light (session/attunement) in
order to connect with the energy. Feel the energy flow and/or simply listen to relaxing
music, etc. As soon as you feel the energy flow diminish, the session/ attunement is
complete. The energy can run 15-45 Minutes or even longer.

How to attune others

You can attune others in the way you are used to pass on attunements or simply relax for 5
minutes and think once, clearly and certain: My Higher Self (or God), please attune
___(Name) at ___(date, time, location)___ to the Orange Grid Light. Thank you.
You can let the energy flow for some time and meditate as long as it feels right for you. The
attunement will be complete after 15 30 minutes.

Taking this course is your free will.

You carry responsibility for your own actions during the attunement process and thereafter.
This attunement/seminar does not replace any psychologist, M.D. , naturopath
or any other comparable therapist. This is no therapy.
No guarantee for healing and no diagnosis are being made.
All rights reserved. This manual and its parts are copyrighted.
It should only be passed on along with an attunement to this energy.
This system may not be offered through Ebay, hood.de, my Hammer, Reikifreundschaft, other
platforms - or in yahoo groups for free or for very low prices without the founders permission.
2010 Manual by Manuela Marx, www.channel777.de

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