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Date: Friday, December 5, 2014

From: Concerned Haitians Living Abroad (CHLA)


President Michel Joseph Martelly

Prime Minister, Laurent Salvador Lamothe
MAE, Minister Duly Brutus
MHAVE, Minister Franois Guillaume II
President of the Senate, Dieuseul Simon Desras
President of the Chamber of Deputies, Jacques Stevenson Thimolon
Members of the Presidential consultative commission
Members of the Clergy and the organized civil society
Members of the Table de Concertation and the consortium of the political parties

CC: Association Nationale des Mdias Hatiens (ANMH), All Members of the Haitian
Parliament, Judicial Branch, and Haitian Diaspora (Worldwide)
BCC: United Nations and the Core Group
Subject: Time to rise to the occasion! (Carpe Diem!)
Concerned Haitians Living Abroad (CHLA) has been following the political situation in Haiti
tentatively since 2010-11. Post that historical election, most of us understood the tremendous
challenges that were in front of our government given the magnitude of the January 12, 2010
massive earthquake that changed Haiti forever. Thus, rebuilding the country with a weak
political infrastructure was no easy task.
By comparison, President Barack Obama and congress faced similar challenges after the 2008
historical election. Collectively, they faced the deepest recession since the Great Depression of
the 1920s, two wars, and an upward unemployment rate with no end in sight. Even more
challenging was the great political divide. Simply put, Washington was and still is dysfunctional.
However, for all the dysfunctions, one aspect of the political spectrum that was never in doubt
was whether fair and free elections were going to take place in 2010 (Midterm) and subsequently
in 2012 (General). The first Tuesday of November of every single year is in fact Election Day for
the U.S. And that day is the essence of a functioning democracy for the American people.
In the final analysis, the date and time for elections should never be in doubt, especially in Haiti.
Potential Investors and tourists abhor political instability. When this particular aspect of our
politics hangs in the balance, its a failure at all levels. How are we to be respected as a serious
player on the world stage if we cannot hold timely, free, and open elections? What is the root of
this problem? Is it inadequate funding? Absence of consensus and institutionalized leadership?
Or are our laws and electoral process simply outdated? Regardless of the answers to these
questions, some basic democratic principles should be the cornerstone of any and all elections.

With a unified voice, members of CHLA passionately support the following steps in helping to
break the political gridlock and to ensure fair and free elections moving forward:
1. WE (CHLA) support continuous dialogue and negotiations between the Executive
and Legislative branches of the government.
2. WE (CHLA) believe that a symbolic and patriotic political compromise is highly
necessary before January 12 in order to hold at least one (1) general election in 2015
and avoid further chaos.
3. WE (CHLA) support a fully functioning government that focuses in improving the
lives of our brothers and sisters. Thus, ruling by decree or executive actions only is
not our idea of a democratic government.
4. WE (CHLA) support the one person one vote concept. All Haitian citizens who are
registered to vote should not be deterred in any shape or form in expressing their
constitutional right.
5. WE (CHLA) support the monitoring of all elections to ensure the integrity of all
ballot boxes or voting booths.
6. WE (CHLA) support all political parties right to participate in upcoming elections.
Lastly, the idea of the international community funding Haitian elections is completely
antithetical to our history. In our opinion, this is indecent for an independent country. The blood
of our ancestors will forever flow through ALL our veins. We should not be at the mercy of
other countries to fund our own elections. To that end, we are proposing the following:
1. The establishment of an election fund for future elections.
2. Portion of revenues or profit from these initiatives to be allocated to the Haitian
government for specific tasks including, but not limited to, E-Government and
National Department of Motor Vehicles that will serve as a platform for voter
3. Given the significant socio-economic impact on the country, The Concerned
Haitians Living Abroad (CHLA) fully supports the idea of having full
representations at all levels in the Haitian government (senate, house, etc.)

Additionally, the Concerned Haitians Living Abroad (CHLA) has identified key game-changing
initiatives that will bring significant employment and tax revenues to Haiti. Further details will
be furnished at a later date.
Concerned Haitians Living Abroad (CHLA) is ready and willing to work with the Haitian
government and the unabridged Haitian community in assisting in helping our beloved country
move beyond the current political impasse and more importantly, put long-term solutions in
place that would hopefully prevent this type of socio-political gridlock from recurring in the

Concerned Haitians Living Abroad (CHLA)

Please see French version for the Signatures.

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