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Presented by:

Alfred Roi P. Ballatan

Minelli V. Tabernilla

In this lesson:

The family defined

Unique role of the family
Position, duties and rights of each members of the family

The family
The family plays a very important role in the life of any nation. It is the basic or most
fundamental unit of the society.

according to George Murdock:

A family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic

cooperation and reproduction.

It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially

approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, owned or adopted, of
the sexually cohabiting adults.

I-mplying the presence of children
L-ove which must prevail in
Unique role of the family
1. Sexual regulation the family regulates the sexual behavior of people in any given
society. Through marriage, sexual intercourse is sanctioned by society.
2. Biological reproduction all societies need to reproduce their members.
3. Organizing production and consumption in preindustrial societies, the economic
system is often dependent on each familys producing much of what is consumed.
4. Socializing children - the family is responsible not only for producing children but also
for ensuring that is children are encouraged to accept the lifestyle it favors.
5. Providing emotional intimacy and support In most societies, the family serves as
the primary group for its members, giving individuals a sense of security, belonging and
personal worth.

6. Providing care and attention Every human being needs food and shelter. He needs
people who will care for him emotionally to help him with the problems that arise in
every life.
7. Providing social status Since every individuals is born into a family, each individual
inherits both material goods and a socially recognized position defined by ascribed
8. Providing mechanism for social control the family continually exerts pressure on its
members to make them conform to what it considers as desirable behavior.
9. The first and foremost school of a child the parents serve as the real and foremost
teachers performing a very vital role in the childs development and formation.
10. Providing maintenance of order the family provides every member with a
maintenance of order.
11. Providing placement of members in the larger society it prepares the individual to
fit into the community, the church, the school and other organizations.
12. Maintaining motivation and morale it rewards members for achievements, satisfies
individual needs for acceptance, encouragement, and affection, meets personal and
family crises, refining a philosophy of life and gives a sense of family loyalty through
rituals and festivities.

Position, rights and duties of the members of the family

In most families parents are expected to be the leaders or executives of the

Children are expected to follow the leadership of their parents.
As children in the middle years grow older, they will ask for, and certainly should
be allowed, more autonomy, and their opinions should be considered when decisions are made;
However, parents are the final authorities.


A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the
law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier
Right to education
Right to be loved and cared by their parents
Right for the basic needs
Right to be protected from harm


The father is the foundation of the family (in tagalog, haligi ng tahanan) has the
most responsibility in the family.
Fathers provide role models for their sons to learn how to be a man; girls need
fathers to learn how to relate to a man.
Fathers are better able than mothers to constrain and correct boys headed
towards violence and other antisocial behaviors.
Fathers teach sons and daughters better lessons than mothers regarding
assertiveness and achievement, and provide better formative experiences for
daughters in terms of developing the capacity for heterosexual intimacy, trust and
even femininity.
Fathers play differently with young children - they are more physical; they
challenge and foster independence more than mothers, and young children
prefer fathers' form of play.


Motherhood is the one of the most beautiful experiences that a woman can have
in her entire life- and it can also be one of the most stressful. After all, there are
so many different things and responsibilities that women have to take care off.
The life of a woman is multi- faceted. Unlike men, women have to handle
different aspects in life. There are women issues that they need to attend to such
as their spouse, family, career, business, education, health and fitness and
raising kids. Women are blessed with the power that enables them to handle
numerous women affairs at the same time.
Providing a home firstly for her husband, in which to build a nest and start a
Provide the safe and secure environment for her children
Support the children all the way (unconditional love)
Responsible for childrens education, health and complete well- being
Ensure the development of sense of the morality
Provide the first education for their children
Protect the child from sickness
Be a role model to their children



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