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Paper 1 [Lahiri, Berger-Wolf, 2008]

In this paper the authors describe the techniques of mining the periodic sub graphs
in dynamic social networks. It is not an easy task to discover the patterns of social
interaction that happen regularly on social networks even though it became very
significant. There are a number of regular e-mails, messages in the form of text and
pictures, all of them are very regular and very critical in patterns which are not easy
to remember by the viewers/experts in the bulk of social communication data. But
in this modern age of technologies the observer can observe the large number of
people, even animals and computers in the network and see when an entity
communicate with another entity in the population. Now it became possible to
observe and record the real world patterns of communication at a better time
measure than ever before. In this paper the authors suggest a proper and applied
technique for recognizing occasionally frequent patterns from streams of
communications data. They showed that the method can be applied to discover the
intrinsic periodicity of communications in the population. They described a
polynomial time, free of parameters one pass algorithm to mine intermittent sub
graphs, as well as 'Jitter' experimental for mining the sub graphs even those are not
completely periodic in nature. They suggested a new method of measurement,
clarity, to rank the mined sub graphs in terms of completeness of periodicity of sub
graphs. They applied their algorithm on four of actual dynamic social networks
(Datasets). Such as,
1. Spanning interactions between corporate executives
2. Students of the college
3. Wild Zebra
4. Hollywood celebrities
Their algorithm proficiently mines all periodic patterns, easily prove in trace table
and it is an expressive and unconventional using in sub graphs mining to find some
exciting patterns in dynamic networks. (Lahiri, Berger-Wolf, 2008)

Paper 2 [Robardet, 2009]

The relationships between different entities can be shown by dynamic graphs and
such relationships are changed with the passage of time. The graphs are extensively
used in various applications of our daily life such as in technology, sociology and
scientific fields. In this paper the author is trying to say that in well-organized data
sets some significant patterns must have robust interactions and their progression
over the time. These patterns can be observed as active community structures in the
social network, for example the sets of entities which interact with each other very
intensely and frequently. Author presents constraint based graphs mining method to
discover the developing patterns. Author discussed the evolving configuration of
mining issues in the dynamic graph. Here he suggested five kinds of pattern which
depend on the abstraction of compact sub graphs and to identify their development.
He designed this job in a local to global structure. In the beginning the local patterns
were mined in the static graphs then they were joined with pattern that was
extracted in the previous graph to design changing patterns. Where he applied his
suggested algorithm known as Evolving sub graphs by using constraints to define
such patterns. He performed his experiments on actual dynamic networks. He used
IMOTE and MIT dynamic networks and one dynamic mobility network known as
Velo'v. He performed experiments which showed that his method produced good
quality patterns which were very supportive to recognize the graph dynamics. ( C.
Robardet, 2009)
Paper 3 [Held, Pascal, et al, 2013]
In this paper the authors are trying to present an advanced analysis of dynamic
graphs in different networks. For example the social and neural networks. In the real
applications the dynamic graphs are very pervasive. We can find them in different
fields of science, in social networks and in the web. It is highly required to analyze
these dynamic graphs successfully. Usually the classical data mining technics and
network theory are being studied differently in the fields of study and exploration. In
this paper the authors present their analysis of dynamic graphs from two diverse
applications, the social science and neuroscience. In their approach they used the

edge weights in the both networks to find a number of distinct questions. In this
analysis they used a very recognized and famous data set called "Enron data set". In
this data set they removed external contacts from this data and mail contacts of
mailing list. The identical minimized to one single node and mails which were sent to
many users at a time taken as separate events. At first they suggested a technique,
to proficiently characterize the strength of relation of two entities in terms of their
joint involvements in some events. They used a method of Butterworth filter that
help them to develop a uninterrupted sequence of edge weights and consequently
graphs. In another case, they analyzed EEG (electroencephalography) data of some
patients who were having the problem from the destruction/ disturbance of optic
nerve. They described the functions of the brain networks, how is it functioning and
how it can be gained and measured? Such measures were being correlated with
medical variables to discover those structures describing the visualization harm
based on EEG. In their analysis they found the percentage of comparatively defected
sectors took out as the most enlightening clinical variable. (Held, Pascal, et al, 2013)
Paper 4 [Xie, K. Szymanski, 2013]
Nowadays there is a big challenge to analyze a big data and to find the unified
groups in huge networks, containing the social networks, communiqu networks,
genetics network and etc. The authors suggest "Label Rank", this is an effective
algorithm, and it helps to detect the groups or societies with the help of tag/label
propagation. There are a number of operators being introduced to keep the control
and manage the propagation dynamics. These set of operations helps to provide the
solution of randomness problems in the conventional label propagation algorithms
(LPA), it helps to manage and control the exposed communities run in the whole
network. The output of the tests on the actual world networks determine that "Label
Rank" expressively increase the worth of discovered communities as related to LPA
and other well known algorithms. In this paper the authors suggest some
approaches or strategies to stabilize LPA to lengthen MCL (Markov Cluster
Algorithm) technique and it produced a new algorithm that is called "Label Rank"
and it produces definite partitions. The authors believe that the steadying is very
important and plays a vital role to offer perceptions to whole family of label

propagation algorithms. They considered that this is their first step to manage the
label propagation headed for distributed dynamic network analysis. They are trying
to enhance "Label Rank" for communal finding for growing networks. (Xie, K.
Szymanski, 2013)

Paper 5 [Arnaboldi, et al, 2012]

In this modern age of science and technology we see an important process of
incorporation between the real (physical) world of the users of technology and the
imaginary (cyber) world developed and managed by vast range of online
applications. There are two types of networks, for example online social networks
and offline social networks that characterize the social networks made by the users
because of their individual interactions in the real world and of course they influence
each other. In this paper the authors describing the different types of social
networks and how they interact with each other. Online social networks are helping
the community to maintain their social relations which already exist in the real
world. The authors keep their attention to analyze the properties of online social
networks. Particularly they characterized the properties of face book networks and
made the comparison with reliable results which are available in anthropology
literature related to the structure of offline social networks. They found two types of
results. They shared to characterize online social networks per second. They made
the comparison between the equal properties of online and offline social networks
to understand their similarities and differences of the structure of social
relationships in the cyber world and real world. They analyze the data sets of face
book to observe whether alike clustered structures can be recognized in face book
ego networks. From this huge data set they extracted a big number of ego networks.
For each network they guess the frequency of contact between the ego and their
alerts, by applying various clustering methods they found highly similarities between
the structures of online social networks and offline networks. So at the end of their
analysis of these huge data sets of face book (almost 23 million) they concluded that
the structure of the individual social networks having the same properties of ego
networks as online social networks have, even there are new modern patterns of
communications are being introduced.

Figure-1 Dunbar circles

Lahiri, M., & Berger-Wolf, T. Y. (2008, December). Mining periodic behavior in dynamic social
networks. In Data Mining, 2008. ICDM'08. Eighth IEEE International Conference on (pp. 373-382). IEEE.
Robardet, C. (2009, December). Constraint-based pattern mining in dynamic graphs. In Data Mining,
2009. ICDM'09. Ninth IEEE International Conference on(pp. 950-955). IEEE.
Held, P., Moewes, C., Braune, C., Kruse, R., & Sabel, B. A. (2013). Advanced Analysis of
Dynamic Graphs in Social and Neural Networks. In Towards Advanced Data Analysis by
Combining Soft Computing and Statistics (pp. 205-222). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Xie, J., & Szymanski, B. K. (2013). Labelrank: A stabilized label propagation algorithm for
community detection in networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.0868.
Arnaboldi, V., Conti, M., Passarella, A., & Pezzoni, F. (2012, September). Analysis of ego
network structure in online social networks. In Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT),
2012 International Conference on and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing
(SocialCom) (pp. 31-40). IEEE.

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