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Topic outline:

Literacy: We will focusing on creating fact sheets about

space and planets from what we have learnt. We will be
reading a variety of alien stories and creating instructional
texts for the aliens to use. We will finally be writing our
own stories about aliens.
Mathematics: We will be consolidating our addition and
subtraction skills. We will be focusing on the childrens
individual targets. We will be working on number
recognition and basic number skills through measuring. We
will continue to use the resources to build numbers. We will
also be looking at time and money.
Science: This half term we will be learning about space and
our solar system. We will also be learning about the
different seasons.
Class Trips and events: This half term we are privileged to
be going to the space centre in Keighley. We will also be
having the planetarium into school. The planetarium will be
funded by school but there will be a small contribution
required for the space centre visit.
Suggested books:
We are looking at: Laika the astronaut, 2 little aliens, Aliens are
coming, Usbourne big book of stars and planets. Animals of farthing
wood: in the grip of winter, Percy the Park Keeper. There are a
mixture of fiction and non-fiction books around space and aliens
available. One of our favourites is Aliens love Underpants.
Check the school library and Bolling Hall library for books.

Suggested visits:

Eureka: Halifax. Visit the space centre

IMAX and Media museum: Watch a film about space and

look around the museum to find out facts about space.

Look up at the sky at night. If you have a smart phone

you can download an app that shows you the consolations
in the sky.

Local Library: See if you can find some books about

space or aliens.

Topic challenges:
1. Can you create a solar system using
different media (computers, 3D models,
paintings etc)
2. Can you design your own alien and put
adjectives around it to describe it?
3. Can you make a fact sheet about your
favourite element of space?

Learning links:
Oxford owl: www.oxfordowl.co.uk
Top marks: www.topmarks.co.uk
Learning Games: www.learninggamesforkids.com
Numberjacks and Alphablocks TV shows on Youtube.

Family Learning

Phonics and Reading:

Your child will be sent a reading book, when reading you can practise looking for
letter sounds, reading tricky words and answering questions about the book.
Each week your child will have an adult led guided reading session and will have
the chance to read with an adult. They will also have daily phonics lessons to
develop their phonics skills.
Can we remind parents that the phonics screening tests are coming up in June.
Please support your child by practicing alien words every day.
Useful phonics websites:
Mr Thorne www.mrthorne.com
Oxford Owl www.oxfordowl.co.uk
For phonics screening test:

Find more on our School Blog:

There is a parents page too, take a look.

YEAR 1 What is
beyond earth?

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