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Uses and gratification theory:

The uses and gratification is different from other media theories, unlike most
theories, which would question, What does media do to people? the uses and
gratification theory is a different approach which questions, what do people do to
media? This is an approach centered on the audience and the understanding of
mass communication.
The uses and gratification theory makes the assumption that audience members do
not passively consume the content within media, instead they have control over the
media they consume, and take up an active role in the ways they perceive and
incorporate media into their own lives. Once again, going against most other media
theories, uses and gratification has the assumption that the audience is liable for the
chose of media to fulfill their desires, also to achieve gratification., for example
choosing to watch a television program due to their attraction to the actor/actress.
There are a different theories made by different media theorists on the components
of the uses and gratification theory, here is an example:
Katz, Bulmer and Gurevitchs research suggests that there were five:
1. The audience is conceived as active
2. In the mass communication process, much initiative in linking gratification
and media choice lies with the audience member
3. The media compete with other sources of satisfaction
4. Methodologically speaking, many of the goals of mass media use can be
derived from data supplied by individual audience members themselves
5. Value judgments about the cultural significance of mass communication
should be suspended while the audience orientations are explored on their
own terms
The research suggests, goals for the media use can be grouped into five uses:
1. Be informed or educated
2. Identify with characters of the situation in the media environment
3. Simple entertainment
4. Enhance social interaction
5. Escape from the stresses of daily life
In relation to our film, I believe the audience will perceive it as an escape from the
stresses of everyday life. Let the audiences imagination drift within the film, and
fulfill the romantic fantasies they want gratified. Also, it will provide them with the
basic entertainment that the theory states they require. The film is a romantic
drama, packed with action and thriller elements that keep the audience on their
toes, it gives the audience a sense of excitement and mystery. It really connects with
the audience, and thanks to the cinematography the audience should feel as if they
were besides our protagonist himself, both entertaining and giving the audience the
escape they want.

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