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Rodriguez 1

Andres Rodriguez
John Kubler
English 115A
16 October 2014
Ethnography and More!
The definition of ethnography in Google is, the scientific description of the customs of
individual peoples and cultures. That is a new word that I learned this week in English 115A. So
the basic definition would be what and how people do on their day to day life based on their
different personalities. People act differently around other people because they might be trying to
impress them or fit in to the group. That happens in most cases in a relationship between a male
and a female. I will tell you what my data was when I followed a couple for thirty minutes and
what it was when I just interviewed other couples without following them.
All the questions asked were general. Most couples didnt live together and spent about 3
to 4 days with each other. They usually go out to the movies or to eat a restaurant during the
week. The women often chose where they wanted to go out and the women were most often
claimed to be the dominant ones. Every couple except two of them thought women should be
able to participate on the mens track team on a collegiate level. The old couples did not think
that women should be in combat with men simply because of their physiological weaknesses, in
other words science. Everybody knows who Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj are and everybody
thinks they go a bit too far. By default prostitution shouldnt be legalized.
As I followed this couple around I said to myself, why am I doing this?

Rodriguez 2
Then I said, oh yeah it is homework. Strangely enough I did it and it went pretty well. The
couple was not what I expected it to be. It seemed to me that the female was in charge of making
most decisions. She led them both to where they both going. It seemed like she was less
interested in him. He totally digs her and she was just there. You could just tell that hell do
anything for her. He was obedient and did what she asked him to do. In most cases this does not
happen between couples. When I interviewed this teenage couple theyre answers to the
questions were pretty accurate and similar to what I had observed in the thirty minutes.
It seemed to me that age and gender played a huge role in what the couples answered.
The older couples were against all the sexualized topics of women participating in combat and
collegiate sports. They were more conservative when it came to that, simply because they
thought men were built to do all that physical work. The younger couples felt like women should
be able to participate with men in sport and combat because they grew up with a different
mindset that we should all have the right to be equal. All the females usually had a feminist
mindset as well. Its a newer generation and people think differently. It is odd that almost all the
couples were female dominant. It is usually the man that is dominant in social media. Based on
what I heard, observed, and experienced the man is more submissive because they want to make
a good impression. Even when it came down to the elderly couples, the females were more
dominant. It seems that the men tend to fall in love more whereas the women care less. All the
answers were the same
To conclude everything the ideal image of men are changing. Men are becoming more
submissive and women are becoming the more dominant ones. Feminism is becoming stronger
and it is becoming a custom as time passes by. All the couples seem to be happy where they
stand. The similarities between all the answers were significant. They were very similar.

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