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Phil Computer Science Audio Signal Processing Projects

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Title :Representation of Musical Rhythm and its Classification System Based on Mathematical and Geometrical
Language : Matlab
Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/matlab/musical-rhythm-representation-classification-system
Abstract : One of the fundamental elements of music is rhythm and a rhythm is nothing but a combination of some
claps and waves. Every pieces of music must follow some rhythms and music of different regions differs from each
other. To identify the difference we have to retrieve the hidden rhythms of music and also have to identify its
properties. A common way to represent a rhythm is as a binary format where '1' indicates a clap (sound) and '0'
indicates a wave (silence). In this paper, mathematical and geometrical representation of rhythms is analyzed with a
view to building a classification system that cans categories rhythms of various regions. Based on various distance
matrices, Toussaint has shown a single polygonal model to classify Africa, Brazilian and Cuban rhythms. The same
mechanism is followed and also applied on The North Indian rhythms, used in India and Bangladesh. In this paper,
turning function, a function for polygon similarity measurement, is used to measure the distance among various
rhythms. Various types of phylogenetic trees are also used to represent the graphical classification system. Single
polygonal model to represent the rhythm is easier but there are some North Indian rhythms which are not possible to
represent in that format. In this paper a multi polygonal model is proposed and shown its geometrical representation
Title :ANN Based Speech Emotion using Multi - Model Feature Fusion
Language : Matlab
Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/matlab/ann-based-speech-emotion-multi-model-feature-fusion
Abstract : Emotion recognition of speech has gained increased attention in recent years. It is a procedure that
converts a human's voice into an emotional symbol, such as anger, sadness, or happiness. Previous work on
prosodic feature based are not sufficiently accurate. We focused on the multi model feature fusion of speech for
emotion recognitions. In this approach we making the fusion feature of energy, pitch and mel - frequency cepstal co
efficient. For the classification stage of the system, we processing two phases, phase one for the training and another
one for the classification. Here artificial neural network is proposed for the training and classification. Since it is an
multi feature set fusion it yields the good results comparing with the previous techniques for emotion detection.

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