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Bullous pemphigoid


Clinical practice guideline

for Bullous pemphigoid
$%$&'( ' )(*&
$%$&( +& ,-('
%$&./( $ 0  &
%$&./(-10 -02.3
%$&./(% 3 ( & '  &'4 ))
%$&./(- $ 5)06)7(8$&
%$&./(% -$ $ 109 4
Bullous pemphigoid (BP)  !"#$%!&'( )$*+ ,-./( ,0!1/2%!30'! %*4)
"5!2 6- &'$.2786-49+2! 2 :*.2)$*+ #8*3221'; ,  $ *9.9+%4* #:<%678* 
%*= &'>*,2!
Bullous pemphigoid &'%*4)"?#6&'&2 6- **#. 60 B 2%, * *++6<7&'6 6 -7
,.2 1 7 ,.2B +62%, * *+'F0/ 300 . )"&'&2 6- **#. 90 B 1'2&64&64
*%4"&'2 6-26*#. 60 B 49+26 *)+I* 4)JK 6 **#. J$L! ) caucasian 4
# 5%%PQ*%4* *+*%4 HLA DQ B 0301 78)L&'-?4# 5%%PQ*%4 HLA DRB 104 DRB
11101 DQ B 10302 : ** J0*= )8J964#. "?#62 6-<7&'6 69.3 B K 6,.2$L! 2.7:1 78&
# 5%%PQ*%44 $# 78 !84485 5!*#. 8K *%'#926. !&%65( %L !5>,1
"?#6 bullous pemphigoid *124-* 6& autoantibody ,.2 BP 180 antigen 78 BP 230 antigen
K1'2#. *+: * autoreactive T- cell &',2452!,.2* *8,-: * BP 180 78 BP 230 antigen *8,-)$
B cell 5 ! antibody F0/
$7%!: *&' autoantibody :%4*%4 target antigens &' dermo-epidermal junction :8*+*84#* 
,. !;,  K. * *8,-844 complement * $7%'! chemoattractants ( )$& neutrophils 78

eosinophils 'F0/ &* 7.26 proteolytic enzymes #%/!* 4*#* 5 ! hemidesmosome
*84#* +%!*7. #.#*%4 proinflammatory cytokines $7 6K+( )$*+* 6*K%/8$#. ! epidermis
*%4 dermis *+ subepidermal blister F0/
 (('= $
1. -  ;- )
"?#6:8&2 * % 78&"1'5&+! 4#7 6"1'7= ,.2 :8*+ ,-./( )5,0!F0/4"1'+!
$124"#*, ,( $.!&'44.26 12 $ 2! ,F 78,F+ ) 426&'61'24-9+8 g
2678 30 $7%!: *,-./( ,* "7>72*5.#)$L.:8$ 69++69.*+"7 ,.2 :4267/( 9+
2.  8 '.5-AB(1 8(
2.1  4 TzanckFs smear +#6* : 8,-./( F+&'h F2!,-./( 4 ; i 67!4597+Q 7#(
597+Q962 Wrightks stain $12 Giemsa stain :84 eosinophils +. +69.4 acantholytic cells
2.2  8
3(G<HG-8 '%$*(($ #,%+K/1/2: *26&',-./( 30'!*+F0/)$.; :8
46 P5  subepidermal separation 78 mixed dermal inflammatory infiltration 30'!%*:84
eosinophils :( # *
2.3  8 ' 8'-(:: %$*(($
2.3.1 * J0*= Direct Immunofluorescence (DIF)+6)K"#$%!4#gF24F2!26
)$. ; (perilesional skin) :84 C3 78/$12 IgG * 8&' basement membrane )44&' linear
2.3.2 * J0*= Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF)+6)K clotted blood rs6*2 serum
5.!,#: :84 circulating IgG :%4*%4 basement membrane F2! squamous epithelial substrate ()K"#$%!
*,$12$72+2 $ F2!7!) )44 linear pattern #P&* ,#:+%!*7. #)$"74#*8 g2678
70-80 F2!"?#6 788+%4F2! antibody 9."%, *%42 * F2!"?#6 :0!9.5  >)KK.#6)* 
,+, * %*= 9+
2.3.3 * J0*= Salt-split immnofluorescence ( +6( K/1/2 9 incubate *%4 1 M NaCl &'
4 C *.21'2)$ epidermis 6*22*: * dermis &',( $.! lamina lucida 30'!( 9+%/! direct 78 indirect
technique 1'2)K)* 6*)*7-. bullous systemic lupus erythematosus 78 epidermolysis bullosa
acquisita 22*9
2.3.4 * ,#: BP180 autoantibody titer +#6#P& ELISA 1'2$ antibodies ,.2 NC-16A
domain F2! BP180 $12 extracellular domain F2! BP180 %/!$+ 8+%4F2! antibody &'#%+9+%*:8
"%, # -!F2! 785  >)KK.#6)* ,+, * %*= " ?#69+


 11A ; 1A ;- ( +684"7+#6 burow's solution $12/( *712#%78 2 %/!
1. $)<8- -$
& * )K6  5,226+Q &'&{P|! (Level of evidence 1, Strength of
recommendations A) #%78 2 %/! : g )K6 $7%*)"?#6&'"1'< 8&'$12# -!26
>0! *7 ! (&,-./( F0/)$.26*#. 10 ,-.,.2#%) $122 :)K* %*= .#*%4* %*= 21'
2. $ 1A ;
2.1 6 5,226+Q (Level of evidence 1, Strength of recommendations A) )K)"?#6&'&# 
-! *7 !>0! * (&,-./( )$. **#. 10 ,-.,.2#%) K. prednisolone )F + 0.5 -0.75 *./**./
2.2 6 K&#8K+ tetracyclines F +6 500 2,000 *./#% (Level of evidence 2,
Strength of recommendations B) : g )K)"?#6&'"1'< 8&'$12# -!26>0! *7 !
$122 :)K.#*%46 nicotinamide )F + 500 2,500 */#% * )K minocycline $12 doxycycline
 tetracycline 6%!9.&* #:%6&'+&5%45-
2.3 6 *+-*%
2.3.1 Azathioprine (Level of evidence 2, Strength of recommendations B)
* )K6 azathioprine F + 2-3 *./**./#% .#*%46 %48 5,226+Q)K* 
%*= 2%+%42!
1'2%*= +#66 %48 5,226+Q26. !+&6#9.9+"7
$12&"7F !&6!: *
6 5,226+Q : ** J0*= 4#. 9+"7,*,. !: * * )$6 %48 5,226+Q26. !+&6#&6!7I*26
+64#. &"7F !&6! **#. :0!#: g )K)"?#6&'&2 * -!4 ! 6. %/
2.3.2 Methotrexate (Level of evidence 3, Strength of recommendations C)
6 methotrexate F + 2.5-17.5 *./5%+ $Q )K* %*= 2%+%42! 2 :)K6 ,%#
+&6#$12.#*%46 %48 5,226+Q*9I +5
2.3.3 Cyclophosphamide (Level of evidence 4, Strength of recommendations C)
K+%48  * )$6 %48  1-2 *./**./#% 9.4#. & steroid sparing effect
,.*7%44#. & drug-related mortality 78 morbidity "7F !&6!&'#8#%! 12 * *+9F*8+*78
*8 8r55 #82%*54 (hemorrhagic cystitis) )"?#64 ! 6&'&2 * -!2 :)K* <&+F  !5
2.3.4 Mycophenolate mofetil (Level of evidence 2, Strength of recommendations B)
F +6 0.5-1 *% #%78 2 %/! 2 :)K6 +&6# $12.#*%46 %48 5,226+Q


2.3.5 Cyclosporine (Level of evidence 4, Strength of recommendations C)

F +6
2.5-5 *./**./#% 5.#)$L.%*:8,2452!) 6&'%*= .#*%46
%48 5,226+Q
2.3.6 Chlorambucil (Level of evidence 3, Strength of recommendations C)
F +6 Chlorambucil 0.1-0.15 *./**./#% +6)$.#*%46 Prednisolone 40-60 *./#%
"7F !&6!&'#8#%! 12 * *+9F*8+*
2.4 6 21'; &'& 6! #. 9+"72 :)K6 K++&6#)* %*= "?#6&'&# -!26
>0! *7 ! * ,2452!:8K *#. 6 )*7-.5,226+Q 2-3 5%+ $Q $122 :)K6 %*= .#*%46
 5,226+Q )*g&&'"?#69+%46 %48 5,226+Q $126 azathioprine 7#9.9+"72 :
: g '6 )*7-.&/ (Level of evidence 4, Strength of recommendations C)
2.4.1 Dapsone (Level of evidence 3, Strength of recommendations C)
)F +* %*= 50-200 *./#%7-8
2.4.2 Sulfonamides (Level of evidence 3, Strength of recommendations C)
sulfapyridine $12 sulfmethoxypyridazine F + 1-1.5 *./#% 2 :)K6 K++&6#)
* %*= "?#6&'&# -!26>0! *7 ! #8#%!* )K6 &/)"?#65!2 6- 78$ )K)"?#6
Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
 (*K-HLM KL:K. N-5-( 2 :: g )K6 $7. &/ )*g&&'* %*= #P&21';
7$7# $12&F2$ : ** )K6 F !,
3.1 Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) (Level of evidence 3, Strength of recommendations
C)F +6 0.4 *./**./#% )$,.21'2!*%#7 5 #% 2 :* %* = ,%#+&6 # $12)K.#*% 4
6 5,226+Q "?#62 :,2!9+%4* %*= 2-4 cycles -*; 3-4 5%+ $Q
3.2 Plasmapheresis (Plasma exchange) (Level of evidence 2, Strength of recommendations B)
: g )K.#*%46 5,226+Q ) 6&'-! *$12+1/2,.2* %*= * %*= +#6#P&
&/ &# 6-.!6 * 3%432 )K#7     ! 9+"7K%'# # 78,2!8#%!"7F !&6!
1'2!: * bullous pemphigoid 1/2%! :0!#,+, * +( F2! : ** J0*=
)8J964#. "?#6&'9+%4* %*= 5  >$6-+6 9+ (remission) 2678 66  6)#7 3 B1 )
8$#. !* %*= #i 8#%!78,+, "7F !&6!&'2 :*+: ** %*= 78*32


 P 5AQ$   Bullous Pemphigoid


<-) -5-(
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Level of evidence

Strength of recommendation

Topical steroid (Clobetasol propionate)

Systemic steroid 3,4

Immunosuppressants Azathioprine 8,9

Tetracyclines nicotinamide

Dapsone / Sulfonamides 5-7



Methotrexate 10


Mycophenolate mofetil




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