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Rat 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996

Ox 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997

Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998
Hare 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999
Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000
Snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001
Horse 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002
Sheep 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003
Monkey 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004
Rooster 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
Dog 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
Boar 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007


Rank: First in order

Symbol of: Charm
Chinese Name: SHU
Ruling Hour: 11pm – 12:59am

Rats are said to be imaginative, charming, compatible and outgoing. They are hard-working and
have bright and happy personalities. They are very social, love parties and belonging to exclusive
clubs. Rats are very clannish and clever. They are always on the lookout on how to better
themselves. Rats have excellent taste and know how to flaunt their style at every opportunity.
They enjoy being on the outside looking in, as the outside lets them view the inner workings of a
system or situation. The Rat’s keen mind always seeks out new knowledge, to be stored away for
future use. This curious sign also welcomes challenges as a way to stay sharp.

Rats are usually very appealing and are never short of admirers. They have great respect for their
families and tend to dote on their children. The best matches for a Rat are a Dragon, Monkey, Ox
or Rat.

Rats love money, and are always taken by a bargain. They often buy things they don’t need and
tend to save all their souvenirs and sentimental objects. Greed can become a problem if the Rat
isn’t careful to keep its priorities straight. They are always very generous towards their loved

Rats make brilliant writers, thanks to their excellent memory and their inquisitive nature. They
learn quickly and are avid readers. They know how to express themselves well, both orally and
written. Rats are easily adaptable and can be successful in almost everything they do. They are
their best during a crisis and are great problem solvers. They have a strong intuition and a built-
in-alarm system to prevent them from getting into trouble. Rats make great leaders. Just as they
are the first sign of the twelve, Rats like to be ahead of the game, at the forefront of the action
and where they can give orders.

Their biggest fault is that they try to do too much at once. They often scatter their energy and get
nothing accomplished. Rats tend to appear calm and well balanced on the outside, but
underneath they are restless and nervous. A valuable lesson for Rats is to learn to consider
others above themselves.
Famous people born in the Year of the Rat
Prince Charles, William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Mozart and George Washington.


Rank: Second in order

Symbol of: Industry
Chinese Name: NIU
Ruling Hour: 1am – 2:59am

Oxes are extremely determined and work tirelessly to get what they want. They are
dependable and stick to a routine until the job is done. They are fair-minded and excellent
listeners. Ox people are neat and punctual, honest and hard-working. They have a long
memory and remember every fine detail. They always remember a favour, and although
they might not thank you with soppy words, they will show their appreciation in other
ways. Their actions always speak louder than their words. They mistrust things they do
not understand and hate loose ends. In times of trouble, they are never intimidated and
have great presence of mind.

Oxes are straightforward and do not relate to the love games others play. Since it takes a
long time to develop intimate relationships, Oxes like long courtships. Once they have
made up their minds, they are loyal and giving, almost to a fault. They can be very
vulnerable in romance. An Ox’s best match is a Rat, Rooster, Snake or Hare.

Oxes provide well for their home and family. They do well at long term investments with
stability and firm foundations. They want things to last and build them with care. They
are definitely not gamblers. They earn their success by their own merits and do not expect
any free rides. Oxes always pay their debts and if they owe you something, they will
never forgive themselves until the debt is paid.

Oxes are born leaders and usually hold positions of authority and responsibility, due to
their trustworthy nature. When Oxes are unhappy, they will bury themselves in their
work until they feel better. They must be careful not to become slaves to their jobs. Oxes
can be forceful leaders and excellent speakers. They are proud souls and are very
systematic and respect traditions. They are methodical and good with their hands and
they make fine surgeons and hairdressers.

Oxes may be passive and quiet, but beware! They also have quite a temper, and when
they lose it, they really lose it! It is no use reasoning with them, so get out of their way
until they have cooled off. Always appeal to their head rather than their heart, as they
quickly understand the pros and cons of a situation. They can be extremely stubborn at
times and should learn to relax a bit more. Oxes would rather take twice as long to do a
job than ask for help.

Famous people born in the Year of the Ox

Jack Nicholson, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, Vincent Van Gogh and Richard Nixon.


Rank: Third in order

Symbol of: Courage
Chinese Name: HU
Ruling Hour: 3am – 4:59am

Tigers are rebels and are both colourful and unpredictable. They love being the centre of
attention and never go unnoticed. They have a great sense of humour, are very optimistic
and are always up for a new challenge. They are excellent hosts and go out of their way
to ensure that you have a good time. They are famous for their ability in influencing
others and swaying crowds. Tigers need lots of sympathy when injured and enjoy being
comforted. They will listen sincerely to advice you give, but then do exactly what they
please. No matter how down and out they get, they never give up and can always start

Although Tigers are romantic, playful and passionate, they can also be extremely jealous
and possessive. Tigers are so daring that they acquire many admirers. Those who
disapprove of what Tigers do will still secretly admire Tigers for their actions. The lives
of Tigers are full of emotional situations, but they love it that way. They love life and
want to live it to the fullest. Best matches for a Tiger are a Horse, Dog, Boar or Dragon.

Tigers must be careful not to be too greedy when it comes to money and possessions, as this
could be their downfall.

Tigers like people, involvement and dedication to humanitarian causes. They seek out
adventures and must act out on their ideas. They tend to make great explorers, bosses or
racing drivers. They are very generous with rewards when you have pleased them. Tigers
are happiest working with a varied portfolio and are at their best when they are in charge.
Tigers are quick learners and can pick up a skill in the twinkling of an eye. They find it
easy to move between jobs . They will probably change careers completely at least once
in their lifetime.

Tigers tend to be risk takers, making them act before they think about the consequences.
Logic does not appeal to them. They tend to be intense individuals, especially when upset
or angry. Try not to hurt a Tiger’s feelings, as they may never forgive you. They are also
well known for not being able to make up their minds.

Famous people born in the Year of the Tiger

Marilyn Monroe, Beatrix Potter, Queen Elizabeth II, Marco Polo and Jay Leno.


Rank: Fourth in order

Symbol of: Peace
Chinese Name: TU
Ruling Hour: 5am – 6:59am

Hares are lucky enough to fall under the most fortunate sign, which is the emblem of long
life and they possess the powers of the moon. They are very sensitive to beauty, are soft-
spoken and are gracious. Hares are the diplomats of peace-makers. They enjoy a tranquil
life and quiet evenings at home. They may look easy-going, but are actually rather
cunning. They seldom use harsh words or foul language. Their motto is “live and let
live”. Hares would never embarrass you in public and know how to save face. They make
few enemies and rarely get into trouble. They have plenty of friends, are excellent hosts
and entertainers. No matter what happens to hares, they always land on their feet.

Hares are very romantic when in love, but their natural cautiousness prevents them from
settling down or committing to any one person right away. Best matches for a Hare are a
Boar, Hare, Ox, Sheep and Tiger.

Hares are lucky when it comes to money and they are great at finding a bargain. They
have excellent taste and sense of style, which guarantees that the Rabbit’s house will be
elegant and chic.

They are very artistic and make good scholars. With their intelligence, their
psychological penetration and their power of persuasion, Rabbits make brilliant
diplomats and fine negotiators. Other careers include law, public relations, art and music.

Hares are often moody and will appear totally indifferent to the world. If the going gets
tough, they may make a quick exit as they can’t stand suffering and misery. When they
feel too threatened, they are unpredictable. If you push them too far they will simply get
rid of you. Hares can also appear too sentimental and superficial. It is no secret that Hares
delight in gossip.
Famous people born in the Year of the Hare
Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Johnny Depp.


Rank: Fifth in order

Symbol of: Luck
Chinese Name: LONG
Ruling Hour: 7am – 8:59am

Dragon people are popular individuals who are full of vitality and have a passion for life. They are
eccentric, proud and very giving. They have high ideals and want to live their life on a grand
scale. They are extremely loyal to their family and friends. Dragons are always making the news.
Their deeds, whether good or bad, never go unnoticed. They always come to the rescue when
needed. They speak from the heart and are always sincere. Dragons crave purpose in their life,
cause to fight for and plenty of goals to reach. They are real softies and fall apart if they lose their
supporters. They dazzle and shine as long as there is someone who believes in them.

Although there is a tendency for the free spirited Dragon to remain single, a partner who is
intelligent, witty and amusing stands a good chance of winning the Dragon’s heart. In spite of
being overly emotional, Dragons are not very romantic or sentimental. They tend to take for
granted that everyone loves them. Dragons cannot forgive treachery or disloyalty from friends or
lovers. They do not try to hide their feelings. A Dragon’s best match would be a Dragon, Ox,
Sheep or Dog.

Dragons are big spenders and they are not afraid to take risks with their finances. Thanks to their
undercurrent of luck, they always land on their feet when in any financial trouble.

Success and the Dragon go together. Dragons can do just about anything they want to. When
they choose the right profession, they will be successful and devoted. The Dragon’s original
mentality brings a fresh approach into any career they choose, but their talents are best suited for
the world of entertainment. Dragons also make good priests, doctors and politicians.

Dragons tend to be very demanding and egotistical. It is almost impossible to win an argument
with a Dragon. They intimidate anyone who challenges them. Once you arouse their anger, they
keep after you for a long time. They are the first to say, “I told you so.” Their manners can
sometimes seem too direct, but they merely want to get things moving along. Dragons need to
learn to check things out better, instead of diving into things. They often bite off more than they
can chew and when this happens, they are too proud to ask for help.

Famous people born in the Year of the Dragon

Keanu Reeves, John Lennon, Orlando Bloom, Joan of Arc and Florence Nightingale.

Rank: Sixth in order

Symbol of: Sagacity
Chinese Name: SHE
Ruling Hour: 9am – 10:59am

Snakes are romantic and deep-thinkers. They have a mysterious nature and are soft-spoken.
They love a good book and have an appreciation for the arts. They enjoy the finer things in life,
and trust themselves above all others. Once they have made a mistake in life, they never repeat
it. They are skeptical by nature, but keep their suspicions to themselves. They are very private
and not concerned with gossip. Snakes are elegant dressers, have beautiful skin and love
expensive things. They have a great sense of humour that can lighten any atmosphere. They
always maintain their presence of mind during confusion or crisis. Snakes are destined for fame
and fortune.

In relationships, Snakes are very passionate, but can be possessive and jealous. They make
powerful friends and lovers, bit potent enemies, and should never be crossed. They have
extremely high standards when choosing a lover, and they make sure their choice is made with
care and discernment. Best matches for Snakes are an Ox, Snake, Sheep or Rooster.

Although Snakes are good with money, they can be rather stingy with it. Somehow, when snakes
need money, it always appears. In spite of their good luck, Snakes should never gamble as they
could suffer big losses.

Ideal careers include teaching or psychiatry. Snakes also make good politicians thanks to their
ability to negotiate just about anything. They admire power and tend to surround themselves with
successful people. Their many talents and natural abilities make them sought-after as leaders.
People admire and support Snakes even if they do not understand them.

Snakes tend to dismiss others too quickly. They tend to be highly superstitious. They never
forgive you if you break a promise. When you anger them, they will plot revenge.

Famous people born in the Year of the Snake

Bob Dylan, John F. Kennedy, Oprah Winfrey and Pablo Picasso.


Rank: Seventh in order

Symbol of: Fervor
Chinese Name: MA
Ruling Hour: 11am – 12:59am
Bright, social and bursting with energy, Horse individuals can be the life and soul of the party.
Horses are very appealing people and love social gatherings. They have a high spirited nature
and are adventurous at heart. They love exercise, both mental and physical. Their movements
are quick yet graceful and their speech is fast yet elegant. They value their freedom above all
else, are not possessive or jealous of others. Horses are always full of new ideas on how to solve
tricky problems. They love being the centre of attention, but also share with everyone. They tend
to roam all over the place, often getting itchy feet.

Horses crave love and intimacy are always falling in and out of love. They are quick to warm to
someone, and just as quick to lose interest. They must be allowed to show their emotions. They
can be quite vulnerable when in love and will give up everything for the object of their affections.
The best match for a Horse is a Tiger, Dog or Sheep.

Horses have a sharp mind and have good abilities at managing money.

Horses are amazingly hard-working, creative and very independent. They love to travel and
sometimes take off to a foreign country or place on an impulsive moment. They are highly skilled
with their hands, but sometimes struggle to finish what they started. They enjoy being in careers
in which they are surrounded by people. Horses will do well in just about any career, but ones
best suited for them include media and communication, guiding tours, translation, journalism,
sales, science, poetry and stage work.

Being moody creatures, they can be hot-blooded, hot-tempered and impatient. Horses can
sometimes be a bit selfish. When they don’t get their own way, they become aggressive. They
find it difficult to unwind and suffer from insomnia. They have no respect for routine and find it
hard to follow a schedule. They are extremely impulsive and must learn to use caution.

Famous people born in the Year of the Horse

Clint Eastwood, Janet Jackson, Mike Tyson, Davy Crocket and James Dean.


Rank: Eighth in order

Symbol of: The Arts
Chinese Name: YANG
Ruling Hour: 1pm – 2:59pm

Sheep are the good Samaritans of the Chinese Zodiac. They are on the shy side and are very
sincere. Sheep people are quick to forgive, compassionate and understanding of others’ faults.
They like to stick to their own hours and will not tolerate much discipline. Sheep tend to view the
world through rose-coloured glasses. Appreciation of their talents will make Sheep glow, and with
encouragement, they can go far in life. Sheep want life to be neat and tidy, with no raw edges, no
roughness or unpleasantness of any kind.

Romance is a part of the Sheep’s being. Candlelight, roses, soft music and moonlight will get
them every time. Sheep usually find somebody to look after them and care for them. They are
family people and never forget anyone’s birthday. It is not in the nature of the Sheep to talk
intimately or get close to other people without being very sure of their ground. They also do not
trust easily for fear of being hurt or let down. Sheep are made for marriage and are at their
happiest in a close-knit unit. The best match for a Sheep is a Hare, Boar or Sheep.

Good fortune smiles upon the sheep. They tend to benefit a lot from wills and inheritances. Even
in the roughest times, they always acquire the basic needs. Sheep overspend and should avoid
dealing with money. They find it hard to be practical and would love a life of luxury and ease.

Sheep make contented followers, for these people are not born to lead. They generally feel
uncomfortable if they have to take the reins into their own hands. They are born with artistic
talents and they are drawn into the world of the arts. They would excel in singing, acting, design
and painting. If they do not wish to lead an artistic career, then their nurturing instincts may point
them in the direction of caring professions, such as social work, alternative therapies and
complementary medicine.

Sheep need constant reassurance, which can be tiring. They are easily offended if criticized.
They do not work well under pressure and must be allowed to do things at their own pace. Sheep
need somebody to discipline them, in order to utilize their talents. They tend to never discuss
what bothers them, and you will have to pry it out of them, bit by bit.

Famous people born in the Year of the Sheep

Jane Austen, Rudolph Valentino, Mel Gibson, Boris Becker and Mark Twain.


Rank: Ninth in order

Symbol of: Imagination
Chinese Name: HOU
Ruling Hour: 3pm – 4:59pm

Monkeys have extremely charming manners that draw others. No task is too great for a Monkey
and they will master just about anything. They solve difficult problems with ease, are innovative
and quick-witted. They have total and intense belief in themselves and they enjoy delighting in
their own accomplishments. They are intellectuals and have a phenomenal memory, being able
to recall the smallest details of everything they have read, seen or heard. They are adventurous
and want to try everything at least once. They never make a move without a plan, are great
strategists and can spot an opportunity in any form. If you try to trick Monkeys, they will probably
catch you!

As lovers, Monkeys need variety, which means that when it comes to personal relationships, they
are not reputed for their faithfulness. They like to amuse and to be amused, so being in the
company of like-minded individuals is essential for member of this sign. Monkeys must be careful
in romance. Although clear-sighted, they are very critical and lose interest in anyone they can’t
consider their peer. A Monkey’s best match is a Monkey, Rat or Dragon.
Monkeys are wizards with money. They are original, shrewd, and when they need to, they can
fool anyone. Money is a must, and Monkeys either have it, or are in the process of getting it.

They are hard workers once they have a piece of the action. The bigger the piece, the better they
do. Monkeys like to travel, and they want to do it in first class. Imaginative and insatiably curious,
these inquisitive people are natural problem-solvers, who are constantly looking for new
experiences and fresh challenges. Monkeys will generally have success in any field that they

Monkeys tend to lose interest too quickly and must learn to finish what they start and take care of
what they have.

Famous people born in the Year of the Monkey

Elizabeth Taylor, Julius Caesar, Leonardo Da Vinci and Harry S. Truman.


Rank: Tenth in order

Symbol of: Honesty
Chinese Name: JI
Ruling Hour: 5pm – 6:59pm

Full of dreams and romantic ideas, Roosters are the most eccentric of the Chinese Zodiac. They
are attractive, radiant and dashing, and they are quite proud of themselves. They like flashy
clothes, cars and objects. Roosters are organized, precise and their sharp eyes seek out fine
details in everything. They are perfectionists and leave no room for error. They express
themselves very well both in writing and speech. They never change their course of action, even
if the world thinks they’re wrong. When you challenge them, you must be prepared for a long
fight. Their stamina is amazing and they will win their point at all costs. Even when they are
wrong, they will still be right in one way or another!

Roosters will do anything to keep their loved ones happy, and feel guilty when they disappoint
them. Shirkers and second-raters have no place in the Rooster’s heart. Lovers who want to share
life with Roosters will have to develop a thick skin or at least understand that Roosters mean well,
despite their sometimes tactless manner. The best match for a Rooster is an Ox, Snake or Horse.

Roosters are good at handling money and have excellent self-control with keeping budgets. They
can be very generous and giving. If you are in any financial trouble, Roosters will straighten you
out, whether you want them to or not.

Roosters are ambitious and reach for the sky. They have a deep passion for their chosen fields
and they are very creative. They usually start out young in life and enjoy success early in their
careers. Practically and logically minded, the unsentimental nature of the Rooster makes them
excellent scientists and statisticians. They are also gifted when it comes to accounting, handling
money and dealing with budgets. They do well in their own businesses, or as restaurant owners
or world travelers.

Roosters can be blunt and brutal. Their direct approach to life makes them poor diplomats. They
tend to speak their minds with little regard for the feelings of others.

Famous people born in the Year of the Rooster

Yoko Ono, Paris Hilton, Catherine the Great, Rudyard Kipling and Britney Spears.


Rank: Eleventh in order

Symbol of: Fidelity
Chinese Name: GOU
Ruling Hour: 7pm – 8:59pm

Dogs are honest, straightforward and friendly. They are extremely protective of themselves and
their loved ones. They never fail to rescue you time after time. Dogs are true humanitarians and
suffer with the world. Their sharp eyes allow them to see through people’s motives. They are
quite private about their personal lives, but once you gain their confidence, they open up freely.
Dogs perceive things in either black or white, which makes you either a friend or an enemy to
them. Luckily, they are good judges of character and have great insight into the human nature.
They have playful moods and a great sense of humour. They are very trustworthy and know how
to keep a secret. Dogs are staunchly respected in their community and they quickly become
pillars of society. They love outdoor activities and enjoy sporting events and other social

In personal relationships, they are innately shy and it takes them a long time for them to feel
confident enough to entrust their affections to another person. When in love, Dogs are devoted
and very generous to the object of their affections. They trust completely and are extremely
devoted. They are fine family people. The best match for a Dog is a Tiger, Horse, Monkey or Dog.

Dogs are wise and careful with their money and provide well for their family.

Dogs are very hard working, but also know how to relax when the time is right. With their stable
minds, they make good counselors or psychologists. Their caring nature would make them good
nurses or doctors. They would also make ideal secret agents or business people.

Dogs sometimes tend to worry too much and find fault with others. They also suffer from mood
swings, and sometimes have to run off to be alone to recuperate.

Famous people born in the Year of the Dog

Shirley McLain, Madonna, Jane Goodall, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill.

Rank: Twelfth in order

Symbol of: The Family
Chinese Name: ZHU
Ruling Hour: 9pm – 10:59pm

Boars are self-reliant, very sociable, dependable and extremely determined. They are peace
lovers and don’t hold grudges. They hate arguments, tense situations and try to bring both sides
together. In life they make deep, long-lasting friendships. Boars love social gatherings and
parties. They always listen to problems and don’t mind getting involved. They have a big heart,
which can sometimes be to their disadvantage. When making decisions, Boars like to weigh the
pros and cons of every situation. They always believe in miracles and miracles always happen to
them. Even if they lose everything, Boars always manage to bounce back.

If Boars are not careful, they may get taken advantage of. Boars trust everyone and believe
everything they hear. If you hurt their feelings, Boars often carry the pain for many years. Pigs are
made for the married life and derive great pleasure from the physical contact of intimate
relationships. The best match for a Boar is a Hare, Sheep or Rat.

Their life path supplies them with all they need. The Chinese believe Boars own the Horn of
Plenty. Boars make terrific fund raisers and have a real knack for charity and social work.

They are blessed with endurance and work steadily at tasks with immense patience and stamina.
They thrive in the arts as entertainers. They are gifted with culinary skills and make excellent
chefs. Adaptable, patient and intelligent, people belonging to this sign tend to excel in creative
occupations such as designers, craft workers and fashion. Their patience and caring instincts
often draw them into teaching or the medical professions.

Boars can sometimes be too innocent and naïve. Being honest and trustworthy themselves, they
have a hard time understanding those who aren’t like themselves.

Famous people born in the Year of the Boar

Elton John, Alfred Hitchcock, David Letterman, Arnold

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