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MS, PhD Management Sciences


Instructor: Dr. Ghulam Dastgeer


Email: hellodastgeer@gmail.com

Course Introduction

Welcome to the course on HRD

Human Resource Development (HRD) is a key function in an organization developing
employees so they can achieve their own personal potential and contribute to the
achievement of the organizations strategies. An understanding of the principles and
practices of HRD is obviously important for those of you who anticipate jobs in Training
and Development. However whatever job you do it is useful to have a developed
theoretical and practical understanding of how people learn and organizational practices
and processes which can promote learning. We are all learners and development of staff
is a key part of the job of all managers.
The course will focus on the role of the HRD department in designing and implementing
appropriate strategies in line with the business goals of their organization. It will also
focus on the important role played by management in ensuring that HRD is effective in
their organization. You will also have the opportunity to practice HRD skills. Hence the
course aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and awareness for you to go on
to develop into a critically reflective and capable HRD practitioner or a manager who can
facilitate the learning of others.


Overall Course Objective

By the end of the course you will be able to explain and discuss the role of HRD in an
organization, the factors that impact on its effectiveness and how to design and
implement HRD systems and activities to support an organizations objectives and will be
able to understand the current research dimensions in the field of HRD.
The over-all objective of this course is to gain a comprehensive view of human resource
development through a critical assessment of the field.

Students will develop an understanding of human resource development as

a field of professional practice in organizations (including its relationship
to closely related fields of practice such as human resource management
and organizational development)
Students will become familiar with differing, and often conflicting,
perspectives on human resource development and the implications of these
perspectives for how HRD is practiced in organizations
Students will develop an understanding of the potential for and inhibitors
to forging a link between HRD practice and organizational strategy
Students will learn different methods through which organizations are
seeking to meet their HRD related needs
Students will learn key HRD competencies necessary for developing the
linkage between organizational performance and human resource
development the competencies include: 1) a systems approach to
identifying performance improvement needs, 2) designing learning and
development opportunities, and 3) assessing the results of HRD
Students will learn the current research dimensions in the field of HRD
and will be able to conduct a quality research to contribute in the current
state of knowledge of HRD field.

Lecture #


Course Outlines
Lecture Theme
Introduction to human resource development
Influences on employee behavior
Learning and HRD
Assessing HRD needs
Designing effective HRD programs
Implementing HRD programs
Evaluating HRD programs
Management development
Coaching and performance management
Career management and development
Employee counseling and wellness services
Organization development and change
Skills and technical training
Employee socialization and orientation
HRD and diversity: Diversity training and beyond


The course will involve various methods of learning. It will include a combination of:

class discussion,
Research Paper writing and discussion.
in-class exercises, and
group and individual assignments.

Students must come to class prepared by reading all assigned material. Participation is
key to achieving the objectives of the course.


Reading Material

The principal text book for this course will be the Human Resource Development (latest
Edition) by Werner & DeSimone. Additional material may be handed out in class such as
cases, papers, and articles.


Grading scheme:

Class Participation
Paper writing
1st Mid-term
2nd Mid-term
Final Exam


VII. Attendance Policy:

Due to the interactive nature of the course, attendance is crucial. As the course will cover
various subjects, students will lose out on substantial course content by missing class.
Therefore, only under appropriate circumstances and with informing me beforehand,
students can miss a class. Students will not pass the course if they miss more than three

VIII. Text and References:

a. Text
1. Werner & DeSimone . Human Resource Development (4th /latest edition).
2. Delahaye, B.L. (2005) Human Resource Development. Adult learning and
knowledge management. (2nd Ed.) Australia: John Wiley & Sons.
3. J. Walton (1999) Strategic Human Resource Development, London: Pearson
4. Jerry W. Gilley, Steven A. Eggland; Addison Wesley (1998). Principles of Human
Resource Development. Publisher: Perseus Publishing.

b. Journals
5. Advances in Developing Human Resources
6. Personnel Review
7. European Journal Vocational Training
8. Human Resource Development International
9. Human Resource Development Quarterly
10. International Journal of Training and Development
11. Journal of the American Society of Training and Development
12. Journal of Education and Work
13. European journal of Training and Development.
14. Journal of Lifelong Education
15. Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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