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Why You Should Identify Your Dosha Prior

to Ayurveda Treatment

The premise of Ayurveda is the harmony of the powerful forces of the

mind, body and spirit. Doshas are an integral component of this ancient
Hindu wellness system. They represent biological energy that embodies
the elemental forces existing in equilibrium in the human body, the
microcosm, and consequently in the universe, the macrocosm. Indeed,
everything that exists in the vast external space is also present in the
inner human core.
Doshas are of vital significance as they impact the coordination and the
course of all bodily frameworks, materials and substances for effective
functional capabilities. They provide internal intelligence for guiding
and balancing the dhatus (body tissues), malas (wastes), and amas

(toxins). Thus doshas are accorded prime importance in determining

the constitution of a body. As all bodily activities are governed by them,
it is necessary to identify ones reigning dosha prior to Ayurveda
treatment. This ensures the apt diagnosis and cure.
Prakriti means overall nature which equates to body constitution. This
is determined from the time of conception to birth and then growth
with inherent physical and psychological qualities. Prakriti responds to
conditional, behavioral and lifestyle changes. The characteristics of
prakriti are attributed to the governing Tridoshas, the three biological
principles that make life a possibility. Namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha, the
doshas comprise of the Mahabhutas (the five divine entities of
creation). When the prana (soul) enters the human figure, the Tridosha
emerge to adopt all body functions. When the soul departs, the doshas
also leave.
The first dosha Vata is related to air (vayu) and ether (akash). It governs
all movements, such as breathing, blood flow and even intricate cell
division, as well as the the very thoughts that flutter in our minds. The
properties of the other doshas are dependent on it and so it is
considered to be primary. Pitta is fire related (teja) and controls heat,
metabolism and transformations like digestion, hormonal changes,
taste, vision, body warmth, intelligence and others. The third Kapha is
water (jal) and earth (prithvi) attributed. It encompasses the moisture
and structure related characteristics of physiology. It controls
lubrication of the lungs, nourishment and weight etc. When each dosha
functions optimally, the body is in rhythm. The doshas are also
connected with seasons; Vata with winter and fall, Pitta with summer
and Kapha with spring.

Advocates of Ayurveda suggest that there are seven doshas prevalent

in the constitution. They occur in varying degrees and proportions.
Body types include singular majors like Vata-prime, Pitta-prime, Kaphaprime, the dual nature doshas like Vata-Pitta prime, Pitta-Kapha prime,
Vata-Kapha prime and the all-inclusive Vata-Pitta- Kapha prime. The
inner balance is constantly in flux and related to external factors. But
there is a general tendency towards one dosha. Keeping the bioenergies in a calm state is important to promote positive health. Due to
stress, improper consumption patterns, weather, pollution and other
reasons there can be imbalances that alter the body state creating
illness. To restore good health it is important to know ones sharirik
dosha, as it needs attention. Equilibrium can be maintained by
supportive diet, exercise, lifestyle etc.

Lifestyle, physical traits like height, weight, skin and hair, sleeping
habits, diet etc. reveal a persons dominant dosha. Dosha evaluation is
vital for accurate diagnosis and Ayurveda treatment. For example,
individuals with Vata predominance are usually energetic and active
with irregular eating and sleeping habits. They generally have dry skin
with a lean build. They love to communicate but are shy and anxious.
Many other such broad traits can be found in Vata-prime individuals.
Thus, similarly all seven dosha groups have specific unique qualities.
The treatment comprising of suitable herbal medication, massages,
exercises, cleansing etc. are tailored as per the doshas. That is why
knowledge of ones dosha has several short-term and long-term

Whether one wants to overcome severe flu or combat weight loss or

enhance hair growth, it is related to the delicate aspect of dosha. The
information about ones dosha helps in keeping folks healthy by aiding
in the prevention, as well as reversal of diseases, especially auto
immune disorders. Further, by promoting a balance directed towards
ones natural inherent dosha, helps in physical, mental and spiritual
strength and living life to the maximum potential.
Please help spread knowledge of Ayurveda
Thanks to the publisher as well writer of this article.
Jai Hind

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