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Crushing and Grinding

PIC: Fira Resti Anindita ( )

Before they can enter the processing/refining stage, materials should be prepared in order to have
certain specifications. The initial stage of these preparations is comminution process. Comminution
is a process of size reduction, which can be done by crushing and milling (grinding).
Crushing and Grinding is a match which tests the skill and knowledge of participants about the
comminution process in laboratory scale. There are 4 stages in this game, starting from crushing
using a jaw crusher, crushing using a roll crusher, grinding using ball mill, and screening using
vibration screen.

Aim / Goal


Participants are able to reduce the grain size of material from the size of a boulder to the size
of medium sand through the process of crushing, grinding, and screening using laboratory scale
Participants are able to make PSD (Particle-Size Distribution) graph and to define P80 value
from the screening result.

Each team is represented by 7 participants. 4 people will do the experimental test, while 3 other
people will do the written test.
This match lasts for 1 hour.

Equipments provided

5 kg of Limestone
Jaw Crusher
Roll Crusher
2 sets of Ball Mill
2 sets of Vibration Screen
Buffer wood / Wood cantilever
Cleaning Brushes

Sample plastic bags


Match procedure


Participants enter the match area wearing complete safety equipments.

Before the match starts, there will be a short briefing about the competition and explanation of
scoring criteria by the judge and the committee (5 minutes).
Participants will be given the materials for experimental test and the problem sheets for written
test in the main laboratory.
All activities should begin only after the "START" cue has been given by the committee.
All stages of the competition will be supervised by the committee and will be observed by the
The game stages are as follows:
Participants will be given the materials (5 kg of limestone) and the problem sheets for the
written test.
The first stage of the competition is the Primary Crushing. At this stage, participants
perform the primary crushing using a Jaw Crusher. Participants will be given 5 kg of
limestone and then they wil put the materials into the jaw crusher. Participants will
operate jaw crusher by themselves. The result of this process will be used in the next stage.
The second stage is the Secondary Crushing. At this stage, the result of previous stage is
crushed again using a Roll Crusher. Participants will manually set the width of the gape of
the roll crusher. Participants will operate the roll crusher themselves.
The third stage is the Grinding process. At this stage, the material obtained from the
previous stages will be grinded using the Ball Mill. There are 2 sets of ball mill provided by
the committee. Before operating the ball mill, put crushed materials and grinding balls into
the ball mill cylinder which has been provided. After that, close the cylinder with rubber lid
and cylinder lock. Put the cylinder into the correct position on the spinning table. Operate
the ball mill. After performing grinding process, place the ball mill components back to the
initial condition.
The materials that will be sieved is 2 kg from the initial boulder. Participants are allow to
select 2 kg sample from primary crushing, secondary crushing, and/or grinding stage, as
long as they get 2 kg of sample for screening stage. Samples weight below 2 kg will be
given penalty charge. The process will be observed by the judge.
The final stage is Screening. The weight of materials which will be sieved using vibration
screen is 2 kg. Participants will prepare the screen stacks based on the screen size, then put
the materials to the top of screen stacks and place it on the buffer wood. The screen stacks
must be strengthened and the participants will be given hammers to do it. The committee
will remind attendees if the buffer wood is not strengthened enough. Vibration screen
operation performs for 10-15 minutes. Then, put screening result from each stack into
separated sample plastic bags.
The participants will measure the weight of those results, then they have to make PSD
graph to define P80 value. After finishing all of the process, submit the results to the
When the committee gives the "FINISH" cue, all participants must stop all activities including
the written test.


Team must submit the results of screening, the PSD graph, and the written tests answer sheets
to the committee.
9. Participants must put the used tools to their original positions.
10. Participants are allowed to leave the match area after being instructed by the committee.

The form of penalty given is score reduction and disqualification.


Score Reduction
- 3 points

Removing safety tools (per person per time)

- 3 points

Doing unsafety / risky / harmful behaviour during the match. The first behaviour
will be given a warning, but the second and later behaviours will be given penalty
per time

- 5 points

Coming late to competition area

- 5 points

Starting before the cue given by the committee.

- 5 points

Choking incident (per time)

- 5 points

Having less than 2 kg sample for screening (measured before screening process)

- 5 points

Not collecting materials after Injury Time (5 mins) ended.

- 10 points

Damaging or losing any tools besides the heavy laboratory equipments (jaw
crusher, roll crusher, ball mill, vibration screen)

Using any references (all means of getting informations: books, mobile phones, internet,
etc.) at the time of the match, especially on the written test.
Damaging the heavy equipments of the competition so that the equipment cannot be used
for the next team.

Crushing and Grinding

PJ: Fira Resti Anindita ( )

Tahapan pada kegiatan pertambangan setelah penambangan ialah pengolahan/pemurnian. Sebelum

material bisa mengalami proses pengolahan/pemurnian, material harus disiapkan terlebih dahulu
supaya memiliki spesifikasi tertentu. Tahapan awalnya ialah kominusi. Kominusi ialah operasi
pengecilan ukuran bijih dengan peremukan (crushing) dan penggerusan (grinding).
Crushing and Grinding merupakan pertandingan yang mempertandingkan tentang kemampuan dan
pengetahuan peserta tentang proses crushing and grinding dengan menggunakan alat skala
laboratorium. Pertandingan ini terdapat 4 buah tahapan yaitu crushing dengan menggunakan jaw
crusher, crushing dengan menggunakan roll crusher, grinding dengan menggunakan ball mill serta
pengayakan dengan menggunakan vibration screen.



Peserta mampu mengecilkan ukuran butir material hasil bahan galian dari ukuran bongkah
menjadi ukuran pasir sedang, melalui proses peremukan (crushing), penggerusan (grinding),
dan pengayakan (screening) dengan menggunakan alat-alat berskala laboratorium.
Peserta mampu membuat grafik PSD (Particle-Size Distribution) dan menentukan nilai P80 dari
hasil ayakan.

Jumlah peserta yang bermain dalam pertandingan ini ialah 7 orang, yang terbagi atas 4 orang
melakukan pertandingan praktik dan 3 orang melakukan tes tertulis.
Total waktu yang disediakan ialah 1 jam (pertandingan praktik dilakukan paralel dengan tes tertulis).

Peralatan yang disediakan

5 kg Batugamping
Jaw Crusher
Wadah penampung
Roll Crusher
2 set Ball Mill dengan bola gerus
2 set Vibration Screen
Kayu penyangga
2 buah Palu
Kuas pembersih

Plastik sampel

Prosedur pertandingan

Peserta masuk ke area pertandingan dengan menggunakan safety tools lengkap.

BRIEFING AKHIR teknis pertandingan dan kriteria penilaian oleh panitia (10-15 menit)
PENYERAHAN BAHAN pertandingan praktik DAN SOAL TERTULIS di lab utama.
Semua kegiatan dimulai harus dengan memperhatikan aba-aba MULAI.
Seluruh tahapan pertandingan akan diawasi oleh panitia dan diamati oleh juri.
Tahapan Pertandingannya ialah sebagai berikut:
Peserta diberikan bahan pertandingan praktik (5 kg batugamping) dan soal tes tertulis.
Tahapan pertama ialah Primary Crushing. Pada tahap ini peserta melakukan peremukan
pertama menggunakan alat Jaw Crusher. Peserta akan diberikan 5 kg bongkah batugamping
untuk kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam jaw crusher. Peserta sendiri yang mengoperasikan
jaw crusher-nya. Hasil dari peremukan ini akan digunakan di tahap selanjutnya.
Tahapan kedua ialah Secondary Crushing. Pada tahap ini, hasil remukan dari tahapan
sebelumnya diremukkan kembali dengan menggunakan Roll Crusher. Peserta mengatur
secara manual lebar lubang bukaan silinder dalam roll crusher. Peserta sendiri yang
mengoperasikan roll crusher-nya.
Tahapan ketiga ialah Grinding. Pada tahap ini, material hasil crushing akan digerus di dalam
Ball Mill. Ball mill yang disediakan ada 2 set. Sebelum dioperasikan, masukkan umpan dan
bola gerus ke dalam silinder ball mill yang disediakan, kemudian tutup silinder tersebut
dengan karet alas penutup dan kunci penutup silinder. Letakkan silinder tersebut ke atas
baja ball mill. Operasikan ball mill. Waktu pengoperasian diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada
peserta. Setelah digunakan, letakkan kembali komponen ball mill kepada kondisi sebelum
Material yang akan diayak adalah sebanyak 2 kg dari bongkah awal. Peserta diperbolehkan
untuk memilih 2 kg sampel dari tahap primary crushing, secondary crushing, dan/atau
grinding, selama mereka mendapatkan 2 kg sampel untuk tahap screening. Berat sampel
kurang dari 2 kg akan dikenakan penalti. Semua proses akan dinilai oleh juri.
Tahapan terakhir ialah Screening. Material sebanyak 2 kg akan disaring menggunakan
Vibration Screen. Peserta harus menyusun wadah screen berdasarkan tingkatan mesh,
kemudian masukkan material ke screen teratas dan tempatkan susunan screen pada alat
penyangga. Susunan screen akan diperkuat menggunakan kayu penyangga, peserta
diberikan palu untuk melakukannya. Jika panitia menilai bahwa perkuatan tersebut kurang
aman, maka panitia akan mengingatkan peserta. Pengoperasian vibration screen dilakukan
selama 10-15 menit. Kemudian, tampung hasil ayakan dari tiap wadah screen ke dalam
plastik sampel secara terpisah.
Peserta akan menimbang hasil dalam plastik sampel, kemudian membuat grafik PSD

untuk menentukan nilai P80. Setelah menyelesaikan seluruh proses, kumpulkan

hasilnya kepada panitia.


Ketika Panitia memberikan aba-aba SELESAI maka Peserta diharuskan menghentikan semua
kegiatan termasuk pengerjaan soal tertulis.
8. Peserta harus menyerahkan hasil ayakan, grafik PSD, dan jawaban soal tertulis kepada panitia.
9. Peserta harus membereskan peralatan yang digunakan ke posisi semula.
10. Peserta diperbolehkan meninggalkan area pertandingan setelah diperbolehkan oleh panitia.

Bentuk penalti yang dikenakan adalah pengurangan nilai dan diskualifikasi, terhadap pelanggaranpelanggaran sebagai berikut :


Pengurangan Nilai
- 3 poin

Melepas safety tools (per orang per kali)

- 3 poin

Melakukan tindakan yang tidak aman selama pertandingan. Tindakan pertama

akan diberi peringatan, tindakan kedua dan seterusnya akan dikenakan pinalti per

- 5 poin

Tidak tepat waktu kedatangan

- 5 poin

Memulai atau curi start sebelum adanya aba-aba Mulai

- 5 poin

Tersangkutnya material pada alat (per kali)

- 5 poin

Mendapat sampel kurang dari 2 kg untuk tahap screening (ditimbang sebelum

tahap screening)

- 5 poin

Belum mengumpulkan hasil ayakan sampai Injury Time (5 menit) habis

- 10 poin

Merusak atau menghilangkan alat-alat selain peralatan inti lab (jaw crusher, roll
crusher, ball mill, vibration screen)


Menggunakan referensi (segala bentuk sarana informasi: buku, handphone, internet, dsb)
pada saat pertandingan, terutama pada pengerjaan tes tertulis.
Menimbulkan kerusakan pada peralatan inti lab sehingga mengakibatkan alat tidak dapat
digunakan lagi untuk selanjutnya.


The written test for Crushing and Grinding match will be taken from Wills Mineral Processing
Technology, An Introduction to The Practical Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery,
Seventh Edition, by Barry A. Wills, Tim Napier-Munn and other resources.
When there are two or more teams which have the same final score, the judge will valuate the
work efficiency of experimental test. The calculation is based on equipments working hour (of
jaw crusher, roll crusher, and ball mill) that is used by participants.
Here are some examples of PSD graph.

Source: Wills Mineral Processing Technology

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