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Compiled for the purpose of English Subject.
Lecturer: Imah Hidayati

Composed by :











1.1 Background Study
Indonesia has a complex society. This complexity is signed by the existence of many
different tribes which have their own life style or culture and applied in each tribe as identity
to show the differences and separates from one tribe with another tribe, but live together in a
one umbrella as Indonesian and stand under national system and national culture by the
foundation of Pancasila and constitution of 1945 (Suparlan, 1989:4)
Geertz (in Nasikun, 1991:29) stated that there are more than 300 tribes live in Indonesia
where each tribe has different language and cultural identity and separated in all island. Each
ethnic mostly live in a certain geographical area who are the native tribe and has been
categorized as indigene ethnic. Even Skinner (1959:5-6), stated that the existence of more
than 35 tribes in Indonesia, each of them has different language and tradition. While
Koentjaraningrat (1982:346-347), stated that how many tribes actually live in Indonesia is
still unclear to be accounted. This is because the limitation concept of tribes can be developed
and narrow, it depends on the subjectivity.
In social interaction between all communities with different cultural background, will
result two possibilities that are positive or negative. The positive social interaction will
happen when the meeting of different ethnic in the complex society can create a harmonious
social interaction. The social Interaction can be negative if there is unharmonious social
interaction because of the different attitude in a gathering live.
The factors that can make social integration in a complex society with different cultural
background easily based on Soekanto (1990:90) are: (1) the tolerance among groups in the
society; (2) the balance of chance in economy; (3) the mindset in respecting each other of
different culture by appreciating the strength and the weakness of each culture; (4) an open
mindset from the group who rules the society, which is applied by giving an equal chance for
the minority in every social sectors; (5) knowledge about the equality of the component
culture from each group by conducting special culture research (sub-culture); (6) by doing a
cross-married between the group with different culture, and; (7) there is a threat of an enemy
outside the groups of society which make them make a gathering to face the enemy. So that is
why they need a leader from the society who can become a mediator and create a peaceful
condition in an environment with different ethnic.

Because a society leader has closeness emotional bound with the society, in order to
accommodate any ideas for the importance of the society, the leader is expected to welcome
those policies. The existence of society leader in Mbebekan village, from the city of Malang,
tend to be bonded by the old traditional values which is cultural bond. The power of the
leader still hold with primodial bond, especially family bond and ethnic. The existence of
society leader as a part which cannot be separated from the society can give a chance for the
ethnicity to rise again in the society.
In other view, for the leader of Mbebekan village in Malang city, beside of the quality
and the record of the leader over the time, the bond of ethnicity and the kinship among the
society is still hard. A society leader like costume leader, religion leader, teenage leader, and
intellectual. It is because the factor of ethnicity, or the kinship which is still hard in the
attitude toward choosing a society leader, that the existence of society leader who is chosen
by the society can blocked the process of democracy. The strength of bond (blood and family)
and the similarity of ethnicity, language and tradition is a primodial factor that create
choosing attitude in the society. Start from an objective fact which has been stated above,
indicates that the roles of society leader is needed. So, this paper take a tittle THE
1.2 Problem questions
From the background above, the problem question that we use are:
1. How does the influence of ethnicity to environment of Mbebekan village?
2. How does the role of society figure in Mbebekan village to create a harmonious
among ethnic in the environment itself?
1.3 The Goal of study
Beside for the purpose of English subject, this paper has purpose to:
1. To know the ethnicity in Mbebekan Village
2. To know the harmonious among the ethnic in Mbebekan village.
3. To know the role of society figure in order to create a harmonious and a cooperative
in Mbebekena village.

2.1 The society leader
Based on Indonesian dictionary, figure stated as a form, shape, appearance, and
condition, shape in the meaning of body, character, a person who respectful in the society.
And society is a gathering of an individual or a group of people who bonded with one similar
culture. Subakti stated that a society figure is a people who respected generally by all people
and can become one factor in uniting a nation.
A society figure is a representative of leadership character who become a reference in
reaching the society goal and hope that cannot separate the leadership character in society
figure itself. This society figure then become a reference because most people will dedicate
their self to the leader, and he is claimed to be the connector of the society. A society figure as
the representative form the society itself is a person who has a capability to organize,
mobilize, and accommodate the attitude of society, is a one variable in choosing the society
figure and one factor that determine the success of reaching goal.
In the context of public election in Malang, the role of society figure influence the
attitude of villagers in electing process, with the reason that the society figure has a capability
and loyalty in leading the society. Basically, the society figure is the one who has a big role in
a society and has an authority that is the capability to influence people or other group based
what he wants. Of course, the leadership of a person cannot be separated from the
directionary. A history shows that many event are colored by how capable a leader in leading
the society.
The relation with social-culture and the view social science usually known as
paternalistic culture, where the role of a leader is really dominant is social relation and
politics which affect with the attitude in making a policy. And also, what is called by the elite
village at least can be defined into some kinds of elite like government, religion elite,
economic elite, organizational society elite, intellectual elite, and tradition elite as a
stakeholders with different roles and functions. Religion elite is a reference person like kyai,
ustad, monk, and other religion figure. Economic elite is a group who consist of rich people
and good in a financial include of the owner of the ground. And the tradition elite is a person
who really respected in a tradition which still exist in nowadays activity of the society.
Based on their roles as the elite village, there is a possibility that they may have more
than one elite, for example, a leader of village beside in a role of elite government he also can

stand as elite religion. The inclination of a person to be a figure is the capabilities in

everything and can be seen in their life practice.
The inclination of a person to be chosen as the society figure is because of the
capabilities and the adroitness in doing something and of course, the intellectuality,
spirituality, and his communication. Any human who born as good figure in everything, will
become an attraction to the society with the view as great person.
2.2 The theory of ethnicity
Ethnicity is a term that widely used in late 1960s to call kind of person who is seen
from the view of culture, tradition, language, social pattern and the decline, and is not a
generalization of reins who is separated by determination based on genetic pattern. Ethnicity
tend to be more like a unity of many characteristic which is becoming the basic nature of
certain ethnic: merger from loyalty, memory, some kind of conscious thing, experience,
behavior, mood, norms, believe and the values (Schermerhorn 1974:2)
Ethnic group is a strong sign, because, although he decide to include there, ethnical
group is an identity that cannot be handled, ignored or taken by others. If a reins appear as a
way to create a division of hierarchy between Europe and others, identify a person based on
settled genetic criteria, so ethnic usually use for an expression from positive self-perception
that give a benefit to the member. The membership of ethnic group is based on certain criteria
which has been agreed, although basic nature, combination from significant criteria is
debatable and can change every time.
At the first, the term of ethnic is only use for a certain tribes that do not belong to
native of Indonesia, but have been long live together with the society, and still keep their
identity by their own way or because physically they are really identic. For example the
ethnic of China, Bugis, Malay, Java. The development later, the terms of ethnic is also use for
the synonym of a word tribe that is known as the native of Indonesia. For example like the
ethnic of Bugis, Minang, Dairi-Pakpak, Dani, Sasak and a hundred of other ethnic.
Nowadays, the term of tribe is not widely use because it is identical with the association of
primitive thing, and the term of ethnic is tend to be netral. The term of ethnic itself is actually
refers to a people from a group.
In the encyclopedia of Indonesia stated that the term of ethnic means social group in
social system or culture which has a meaning or certain position because of the bloodline,
tradition, religion, language and etc. Members of ethnic group have a similarities in a history,
language, values system, and the culture and tradition.

Based on Frederich Barth, the term of ethnic refers to certain group because of the
similarities in reins, religion, tribe origin, or the combination from some of the category
bonded by the values system. In the group population they can keep the life of the group by
reproduction. They have the same cultural values and know about gathering in one culture.
Create a network communication and interaction. Determine their own group characteristics
which acceptable by other group and can be differenced form other group population.
The definition of ethnic above explain about ethnical group which based on their own
population, separate from other group, and stay in a certain geographical environment that is
different with other group. The ethnic group firstly is identified from the bloodline. Does
someone include in a certain ethnic group or not is depend on is there any bloodline that
include in a certain ethnic group or not. Although if the person can adopt all values and
tradition of a certain ethnic, if she/he does not have any bloodline with those ethnic, she/he
cannot be called as the member of those ethnic.
In this case, at least there are two kinds of conflicts level that may happen, they are
(1) conflict in the level of ideology, (2) conflict in the level of politic. In the level of ideology,
the conflict is in the form of conflict between values system that is used and become an
ideology from any social unity. In the level of politic, the conflict happens in the form of
disagreement in divining an official status and economic source that the existence is limited
in the society.
2.3 The description of the area.
The description of Mbebekan village
1. The geographical condition
The majority of profession in the Mbebekan village are laborer, as an
employer in a private and etc. 70% of the society are the native of Mbebekan village,
30% of the society are the immigrant who most them are Muslim and the rest are
2. The Social culture
Most of the society in Mbebekan village are the native of Java and the rest of them
are the ethnic of Tionghoa. Although The are different in religion and ethnic, and
profession, they still have a kinship and respect each other. It is proven by when there
is an event of halal-bi-halal, all of people who different in religion and ethnic are
gathering together peacefully in the village.
3. The position of society leader in the society.

The society leader in this society is not directly become a leader or religious
advisor who is really respected by the villagers of Mbebekan although he is not a
leader legally. Both native and immigrant in this village, they are all respect to this
society leader.

3.1 The ethnicity in Mbebekan village
Ethnic is a social category or social identifier. It means that, ethnic is a concept created
based on social characteristic in certain group of society that make them different with other
group. Ethnic is a relation property among other group where the differences of culture
systematically communicate directly over the time.
The diversity of this ethnic that exist in Mbebekan village. Variety of ethnic that exist
in this village are Java, Tionghoa, and Madurese. All of these ethnics live together in one
environment with a good kindship.
- The ethnic of Java: is a one ethnic that exist in Indonesia, and an ethnic that have the
largest population in Java, even in Indonesia, that is around 100 million of people. Javanese
are known with the politeness and friendliness when they are talking with other people. They
are also not easy to be angry when they are facing other people, they are also like making a
joke, and can make themselves stay with different ethnic. Because of this kind of
characteristic, it makes them can live and interact easily with every tribes around the world.
- The ethnic of Madura: Madura is an ethnic with huge population in Indonesia, it is
around 12.179.356 people (based on survey 2013). They are coming from Madura island and
the surroundings. The Madurese are known with the way of talking directly. They are also
known as an aconomical, discipline, and a hard worker person. Even if they are poor people,
they will leave some of their income to go to Mecca and doing hajj. And also, Madurese are
known as an ethnic who really strong in keeping the Islamic values, although sometimes they
do some ritual like phetik laut or rokat tasse which is similar with larung sesaji.
- The ethnic of Tionghoa: is a one ethnic of Indonesia which originally comes from
Tiongkok. Indonesia-Tionghoa majority comes from South China that call themselves as
Tang, when the people from North China call themselves as Han. The ancestors of IndonesiaTionghoa is a immigrant who has done it along ago around a thousand years by doing a
commercial activity. After Indonesia become a freedom nation, the Tionghoa who become the
people of Indonesia, is classified as one ethnic in Indonesia, based on verse 2 of UU number
12 year 2006 about the citizen of Republic Indonesia.

3.2 The influence of ethnicity to social environment in Mbebekan village.

Ethnicity is a group of society who has similar history, ancestors, origin and language
which can be seen from the identical symbol like religion, clothes, and tradition. Shortly,
ethnicity can be defined as a group of society which culturally different with other group of
society. A tribes and nation may have more than one ethnic which each ethnic have their own
characteristic and can be differenced from other group of society.
The diversity that exist in social life create a complexity. Complexity means many
varieties, diverse, and sub-kind. The concept of complexity first is introduced by Furnivall in
1948 who stated that the main characteristic of the society is they are living in a group and
close physically, but is separated by social life and joined in one politic unity. This concept
refers to Indonesia society in colonial age. The society of Dutch at that time define their
community based on reins, ethnic, economic and religion.
One of logic consequences form the diversity in Indonesia (tribes, culture and
religion) is the existence many aspiration that appear and develop, and there is a social
interaction in different condition that will create any bond patterns that bond the society into
their own group.
One reality that the society in a certain group will have strong bond with his/her
group. For example, the Javanese will have a strong bond with their cultural area. The
Muslims will have a strong bond with their religion, and along with other religion or tribes
will have that string bond also. But if the bond tend to be over or too narrow like having a
perception that their own ethnic is the best but not for the other and humiliate other ethnic, so
this what is called as primordialism.
So, the bond of primordialism can be seen by the sentiment of an area, tribes, and
religion and other thing that inclusive. Of course, the larger or too narrow of this
primordialism will block the integration procecc in bulding the United Nation of Republic
Indonesia. The love of tribes and the area here is actually should be exist and keep well in
order to develop their own culture of their tribe. But it is not for feeling stronger, dominate
others or ignore or even abolish other group. So that is why the nature of a tribe and ethnic
should be developed along with the national integration process and create a national culture
as the identity of Indonesia.
Long ago, in Mbebekan village, the villagers have a responsibility of gathering work
in building the village like building the street or even other activity. But now, in order to build
a street, they have to be paid first, but the gathering work now is not really active just like in

the past. Based on the informant named Mr. Miun, 78 years old, the society now have an
attitude of BAKMI which means bosen, aras-arasen, keset, males, isin. The word BAKMI
itself is an abbreviation which convey meaning that, bored, moody, lazy, shy and hard to be
In the election of Orba, according to Mr. Miun, the society is really interest with
entertainment of wayang and traditional musical theatre. All will attend to join the election
although at that time, there are not many people who has a motorcycle. It is different with
now that most of the people are apathetic and only think for their own private business, for
only joining the election, there should be a sembako and some money from the candidate
who will be elected in the election.
Although in this kind of situation, the society of Mbebekan village have a harmonious
across different religion. It is also proven by, the event of hala-bi-halal and any other event
which gather not only a Muslim but also all people in Mbebekan Village like a Christian and
Tionghoa. Even in a holy day like Idul Fitri and Natal, both Muslim and Christian, they are
still respecting each other. It because they have a big tolerance among different religion. A
religion leader in the Mbebekan village is respected by all people in the village not only the
native or Muslim but also Christian and Tionghoa.
3.3 The Role of Society Leader in Creating Harmonious among Ethnic in Mbebekan
The condition and situation of the society which is peaceful as one of the
requirements of national development in order to gain the national goal, signed by the
existence of the guarantee of peaceful condition, great application of any law, and the ability
of the people who can manage, prevent, and restrain any forms of violence which disturbing
the peaceful condition in the society. The role of society leader, religion advisor and the
institution for kinship which are keeping the peace, kinship, obedient to the rules and the
constitution, and serving the society for the human rights. Peaceful, harmonious, and the life
safety as the general requirement because it is needed by the society, tribes and nation for the
peaceful and prosperity.
The role of society leader here is shown by the existence of gathering event where all
people all included like a meeting in every week and people will come without caring their
ethnic and where they are coming from. The most important thing for them is that how to
keep the mindset and cooperative in keeping the environment and running any event in the
Mbebekan village.

Moreover, the person who stand as the society leader in Mbebekan village should give
advises all the time to all villagers in order to have the same mindset to develop and keep the
cooperative in the village. For example when there is a people who has an accident, without
looking at his/her religion or ethnic, as a good villagers and neighbor, all people must come
to visit and help him/her if there is something needed.

4.1. Conclusion
In Mbebekan village, the ethnicity does not really influence to the social environment.
It is proven by, although they are different in religion, profession, and ethnic, they still live
together in a harmony, peaceful, and respecting each other. It is also proven by, the event of
hala-bi-halal and any other event who gather not only a Muslim but also all people in
Mbebekan Village like a Christian and Tionghoa. Even in a holy day like Idul Fitri and Natal,
both Muslim and Christian, they are still respecting each other. It because they have a big
tolerance among different religion. A religion leader in the Mbebekan village is respected by
all people in the village not only the native or Muslim but also Christian and Tionghoa.
The society leader actually has a role in creating a harmonious condition among
villagers in Mbebekan village. As a person who being respected by all people, Mister Miun
always give advises to all villagers to keep the harmonious and respect each other without
looking at their differences in religion and ethnic.

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