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The main problem that occurred in the village Tungoi complained of by most people is
overflowing rivers flooded Ongkag Mongondow with annual frequency. Genesis flood
impact big enough where public facilities such as health centers and District office were
flooded as high as 70 cm. Floods also inundated roads and residential and menggenagi
+40 Ha coconut plantations and rice fields. Ongkag River flooding causes are as follows:
a. Inadequate capacity of the river with considerable discharge (m3/sec Q2th =
b. The flow of air-meandering river bend and damage beyond the riverbank.
c. Flood-affected areas are low-lying elevations almost flush with the riverbank.
Handling of Ongkag river flooding problems are as follows:
a. Preparation of the soil embankment on the left bank of the segment-P.03 P.196 P.166
and P.190-to protect public facilities, settlements, plantations and rice fields of
population and equipped with drainage valve door that local waterways can still flow
into the river during normal conditions.
b. Debit reference design is used with a high-Q 10th surveillance can still drain Q25th.
c. Retrofitting cliffs of gabion wire to protect the outside corner that eroded the river
bank segment P.170-173.
d. Enlarge the wet cross the river on a segment P. 172 (Rear PHC) to the right side of
the river to increase the capacity to be able to spend a great flood discharge.
Estimates for the cost of flood mitigation Ongkag River was Rp 12,923,301,000.00


Flooding also occurred in Tungoi River, though not as big as the impact of flooding on
the River Ongkag Mongondow. High sedimentation caused siltation in the river
downstream so that the capacity is reduced.
Causes Flooding in the river Tungoi are as follows:
a. Tungoi reduced capacity of the river, due to silting of the river due to erosion and
sedimentation from upstream.
b. Back water of river Ongkag Mongondow which is the estuary of the River Tungoi
cause overflow in the downstream river Tungoi.
c. The slope of the river is quite steep and the path bermeander cliff erosion. Meterial
due to erosion and sediment carried by flood flows in the river downstream.
d. Production Tungoi river sediment from tributaries branching Tungoi 2 upstream. The
steep slope of the land and clearing the Catchment Areas upstream causing debris

SID Pengendalian Sedimen Sungai Tungoi

Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow


flow flows in both branches of the river. Based on the analysis of sedimentation, the
rate of sediment in each river confluences are 11,284 and 10,554 m3/th
Handling of river flooding and sedimentation problems Tungoi are as follows:
a. Preparation of sediment control structures (check dams) in the form of a couple
stone placed at 2 Tungoi branching tributaries in the upstream (p.140 and

Preparation of masonry dikes parafet times with discharge design with high Q
10th surveillance Q25th still can stream the segment P.3-P.88.

c. Normalization river in P.3-P.88 segment to increase the capacity of the river.

d. Pairing wire gabions as protective cliffs on segment-P.100 and P.115 P.96-BM
Estimated cost for flood mitigation and river sedimentation Tungoi was Rp

1. Need to study the conditions Catchmet Area Ongkag River upstream. Based on local
community information catchmet Ongkag River area in the upper reaches have
started to open.
2. There needs to be management Tungoi River Catchment Area covers regulations
and enforcement and implementation of land use (land use), planned appropriate
spatial Bolaang Mongondow that can support land and water conservation and
reduce runoff / runoff into the river.
Implementation and enforcement can be carried out by the Ministry of Settlement and
Regional Infrastructure, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Environment, the
enforcement of existing legislation such as UU No.4 of 1982 on Basic Provisions of
Environmental Management and PP 51 years 1993 on Know Your Environmental
Impact Analysis, as well as the Presidential Decree. 32 of 1990 on the Management
of Protected Areas.


Based on the search results on the field, the results of the analysis and dissemination
activities that have been carried out by a team of consultants with a job board, it is known
that the problems need to be addressed urgently in the village Tungoi is overflowing rivers
flooded Ongkag Mongondow a substantial adverse impact society in which public facilities
such as road, health center and District office were flooded as high as 70 cm. Floods also
inundated residential areas and menggenagi +40 Ha coconut plantations and rice fields.
Flooding also occurred in Tungoi River, although the impact of flooding caused by the river
not Ongkag Mongondow. Sedimentation of the river upstream causes siltation in the river
downstream so that the capacity is reduced. Development priorities in the river flood Tungoi
da Ogkag Mongondow then compiled by the impact of the flood events that arise, the
protection of public facilities as well as losses incurred by society due to overflow flooding in
the area. Furthermore, priority of developing the flood and sedimentation in rivers and river
Ongkag Tungoi tabulated as follows:
SID Pengendalian Sedimen Sungai Tungoi
Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow


Table 7.1 Sequence Development Priorities

SID Pengendalian Sedimen Sungai Tungoi

Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow



No table of figures entries found.

Tabel 7.1 Sequence Development Priorities

SID Pengendalian Sedimen Sungai Tungoi

Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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