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Architecture is one of the most component of human culture.

Over thousands of years,

different civilisation have build architectural wonders each most stricking than the next.
Pyramids, Palaces etc. each emerge from the calculation of expert architects. From joint
efforts and co-operation of thousands of people.
Architecture is a field where concept of art and aethisticsimparted to mankind-------Are exhibited. But did you know that the architects of nature is as pure as the human counterparts.
Animal in nature are trying to attention with the structure of these bodies in
particular.The chitah posseses a perfect scheleton and muscle system important to run. The
eagle posseses the worlds best -----to design. The dolphin has specially created skin and
body. So he can swim in water.
This fully design of animals body is proof to remind us that every species of living
things was created by GOD but possessing a perfect body is not enough. The animal has to
know how to use that body. The birds wings of any of any use when it succeed to flight,
soaring and landed with them.
When we look at the living world through there eyes, we see a most interesting truth.
Each animal behaves in most appropriate manner and condition that surrounded. Further
more this behaviour right from the moment of birth. It takes only half an hour for an new
born baby to stand up and run.
Baby turtle buried in the sand by mother turtle, through they have break out of that
shells and head to surface. Further more they have been ----------------------------------------------------. It almost is an animal coming to this vault would be trained. And the most amazing
example of this educated animals have his hunts they----expertly build themselves.
When you go into the country on a sunny day the enchanting beauty of flowers
towards your attention, when you examine the flowers closely you come across an other
interesting feature this is the honey bee the most displinary architecture of nature. Honey bees
leave in colonies produce worlds one of the most perfect fruit honey.
They store the honey in the hexagonal honey homes they build but have you ever
wonder why their always makes their home hexagonal mathamaticians sought the answer to
this question and after calculations they came to an interesting conclusion. The way to
building a store house with a greatest capacity but using the list amount of possible material
is to make it hexagonal. Let us consider the another shapes if bees make their home circles
instead of .or pentagonal prisons then the gap would have merged between them and
bees stored honey in their cones. If honey store are triangle and squares could be build
without leaving any gaps. But here mathematician realise important point above this
geometric shapes the one with the shortest circumference is the hexagonal for this reason
although they build same area less material is needed for hexagonal than the square and

Ensure the hexagonal cone is the best shape for store maximum capacity with the
minimum wax.
The another surprising fact about bees are their co-operation for building their cones.
When someone sees a complete cone, he may imagine that that was build by single block,
but bees actually start building their cones from completely different points. Hundreds of
bees are set to building their cones from 3-4 differernt places. They continue build until they
meet in the middle. There is not slightest fraction & junction. Bees also calculate the angle of
the indivisual cells to each other when building their cone. The back to back the cone cells
are always built by the angle of 130 to the ground that way front side of the cone small
buffles, this angle prevents the honey bees spilling out of the cones. Where ever we go in the
world, honey bees manage this extraordinary architecture perfectly. They do it-----------where sunlight cannot reach.
There is very extraordinary truth where bees exhibits very extraordinary
charactoristics. Where they are born, they do not learn every line by observing the structure,
directions from the moment they open their eyes, they possess-------. So who is teaching this
architectural art, the answer to this question is keeping in the holy------In this--------------------------------------------. He reavels the secret of the honey bees
secret ability. Your lord inspires the bees, makes hives in the mountain& in the trees and in
what they build. Then eat of all the fruits & walk in way of your lord submissively.
From their bellies comes a drink with different colours which contains healing for
mankind. Most surely there is a sign in this for people who reflect. The secret of animals
extraordinary skills is the inspiration given them by god & this appies to all living things. Not
just the honey bees we can see this more curely & examine other architects in nature.
A short while ago, this small lake you see is a very different place to be more
accurate. There is no pond at all until very recently, there were just hard pabels laying on dry
soil. The very industrialus group ofworld struggle then make a good efforts & make this
pond. These industrialus workers are lovely animals in the world known as Beavers. Live
together as one big family. There home stand in the one side of the pond. That they build
thro an effort.
The Beavers story begin with the male and female beaver, looking up for a new home
for themselves. The beavers are make their home on a river. But first they have to block the
pond. In order to do this they employed the same method the man has been using from
hunderds of years, they build up dam. In order to start building up the dam they first have to
find some material, there consist of tree logs & branches. The previous start working by
going to forest in spite of river. First they eat the leaves of tree they find. But the real task is
to cut down the tree & push them over is done by them knowing expertly the tree trunk. The
interesting thing is they know the tree in such a way the job comes to an end they chop falls
directly in the direction of water.

The cutting and pushing over the trees is still the chop thro this component. Later the
beaver is split the tree into its component branches and begin to form a dam. By laying the
mouth from biggest lot they have pushed over. And always time the only tool they use are the
fose and their mouth., this work continues with great patience, two beavers cut down an avg
of 400 trees a year. Thay devide these trees further away from this dam into separate
branches & drag this to their dam.
Beavers always use their front teeth when knowing at the tree transferas of branches
as the use them all the time these front teeth worn down and break. But beavers jaw is
specially created for this job. The jaws front front teeth keep growing just like persons nails.
The almighty god who created beavers also created the teeth for their job they will have to
do. A beavers body created in such a way that make it easier to swim into water. Their feet
they waved in such a way that they easily displace water. Their tail is is like a paddle thanks
to which they can swim easily in the water.
The beavers continue their building with great seal, they expertly arrange the large
tree blocks and small branches & large their dam little more every day.
As the dam grows the water collets in front of it grows higher. At the end of few
months of labour the large pond will form behind the dam. But as the pond grows, the
beavers have to strengthen the dam and repair any crack to carry out the difficult task needs
great patience.
The seen that emerges as the result of several results of hardwork is onwork
magnificent the real dam resembling thus made by man is been formed.
As you notice the beavers make their dam complete. The shape is not one picked by
co incidence. Beacause the form of the dam is to resist water pressure is a concave dam. In
fact the modern Hydro electric power dam now a days are also build concave. Inshort the
beavers posses a construction knowledge which man attain by the first day of their lives. So
who gave them that knowledge?
There is no doubt the living creature cannot come by ability to build the dam by
chance. It can not find the shape of the dam that resist water pressure by accident and it
cannot pass this abilities on the subsequenet generation it is the almighty god how gives
beavers the skills that pussess to create so living things and inspire what will do.
Beavers aim to constrating a gaint dam is to have a pond in that they can build the nest
while they can constructing the dam the nest would loges a skull which at the edge of the
pond some where in the soil. The lodge which look like a palette wood when seen from the
top is infact the very well design. Any way into the lodge is under water in order to get inside
it it is nessessary to go through the hidden tunnel. This tunnel imerges into the consilde
chambers above the level of water . a beaver family leaves in a gaint secure chamber so
beaver bulid the lodge on two floor . the 1st floor is an enterance and living room the upper
floor is dinning room and bedroom .

The beaver lodge has 2 under water entrances and an situated on the top inside
the wonder full lodge the beavers are not only protected outside dangors but also have
confortable shulter.
The young open their eyes to the world inn the lodge after they have grown little they
begin to go outside with their parents and meet the world. When the are tierd from swimming
what they like is most to cllimbe on their mothers lap. The little pond that beavers form is
simple as much .actutly needs water as deep as to buil;d their nest so in that case
why do make such deep pond the answer is in winter that surface of water frezzes and form
robust thick layer of ice is not deep in enough it will frezze right down to the bottom the
whole thing will turn into block of ice and this would destroy the beavers the power of
movement the beavers as if they know this try to build the nest as deep as possible in this way
in winter the thick layer of water remains on the ice this is enough of beavers to move free .
when on e consider this it is clear what beavers do is truly extraordinary these small creature
manage to do some thing that most people dont do without special enginnering training so
who is oit that make them to do this.
It is possible to say that beavers are highly intelligent creatures so how this little animal
plan their nests with special enterance through the water with air conditioning wents . how
do they know how to make dams of same concave design of the worlds most modern hydro
electric dams these tasks away on this lovely animals and the knowledge.
It is clear that there is great powerwhich makes them what they do.
It is almighty god who create who create so living things which inspire them and also
inspire beavers to make their perfect dams and nests
God reavels his of the living things in the quaranic verse. Everyone in the heaven and
the earth belongs to him. All our submissive to him.
When we loose at the other architects of nature we clearly see that each one is
miracle of creation.
Let us have a look at the few arts of example

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