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You have been provided a weekend-update regarding *primarily+ domestic affairs; therein, both

personally-acquired info [regarding anti-Semitism] has been admixed with rejoinders to reactions
received from readers. Note also this six-minute video recapping the work of Project Veritas Action for
the year; also, a reader invited those on her Blast e-mail list to partake *Too lazy to do all the
research? I am, so here is a person dedicated to doing it for us. Email him if you want to be added to his
list. I have been reading his blog/emails and he is on top of the issues, world-wide. I don't always agree
but do most of the time.+ This one was going to be a relatively terse Middle-East review [including a
smattering of the electoral-politics mesmerizing Israel] but, as usual, it seems to have expanded
exponentially; just-received was a set of essays by Steven Shamrak that explored Israel is a Strategic
Partner of the USA * Sinai Option - The Road to Peace * Abbas Blackmails the United Nation.
I received an instant-response to my claim that Perhaps BHO has psychological
issues based upon being biracial; annotation interspersed. {Thematically, I can see the
Reverse-Racism he promotes, but I dont see the psyche-impact thereof.}
DSouza did not explain Obamas racial conflict at all. Neither in his book nor in his
movie. He concluded Obama was anti-colonial but he couldnt validate it. ,He used
inductive reasoning regarding anti-colonialism, and he addressed racism obliquely in
2016.Anti-colonialism was certainly a big motivator for his father. Its irrelevant in the life of
the son. {Perhaps; if he is channeling his father, the anti-colonialism flows.}
Few people seem to be able to grasp the depth of Obamas rage and his tremendous
discipline keeping it covered-up. Hes a master prestidigitator. Cool Head: Main Thing.
has been a guiding shibboleth that helps explain his guardedness and his absolute
treachery against white people. ,True, noting how we dont have his higher-education
records and the LA-Times continues to suppress his interaction with Khalidi (the
unnamed source agreed to share the illuminating bit of video evidence with Wallsten,
but only with the understanding that the reporter could not reproduce or rebroadcast
the images).His treachery was visible at the Beer summit and the Ferguson support for the rioters.
,Plus Zimmerman, but that doesnt mean its the primary psyche-issue.}
His deceit is clear in David Maranisss book: Barack Obama The Story. Hes not at all an
anti-colonialist. He has no inclination at all against the colonizers. The tribal system in
Kenya between his fathers tribe, the Luo and Jumo Kenyattas Kikuyu tribe is a better
explanation of his personality. The President cannot grasp his race based conflict let
alone hook up to the colonial period in Kenya. Hes in psychological denial about his
whiteness. {Is not the overarching force-at-play the rejection of European dominance?}
Theres nothing about colonialism in Obamas two books nor in Maraniss book. Obama
is anti-white for certain because of his own biography. By the same criteria, mutatis
mutandi, hes not anti-colonial. {Again, if he was channeling his father (noting title), he
had to have a component of anti-colonialism, even if it was understated; also, it is
possible that these forces were amalgamated.}


Regarding generic foreign policy, myriad hyperlinks have been accrued [Ukraine shut down one of the
six reactors in its most powerful nuclear power plant today for the second time in a month; Atoning
for the Armenian Genocide [including Kurds, who were then victimized]; Darfur on the Verge of Return
to Full-Scale Civil War; Lindsey Graham: China Knew of Sony Attack; Chinese Authorities Ban Christmas,
Call It Western Spiritual Pollution; Christians Now Outnumber Communists in China; and the British
government is planning to pay off some of the debts to America that it racked up over hundreds of
years, dating as far back as the South Sea Bubble (of 1720)].
Sen. McCain [no longer kissing-up to people involved with the Islamic State] said to
Kurdistans Barzani: The World Sees The Bravery of Peshmerga. Yet, even a leftiewriter claimed the U.S. has been Slow to Support Iraqi Tribes in Fight Against Islamic
State and, instead of providing clarity regarding these issues, Obama Danced while
Ukraine, Iraq, and Afghanistan Burn. As usual, the Daily Alerts of Friday and Monday are
replete with insights; also, Israel, when visualized from the International Space Station,
shows greenery amidst surrounding deserts.
The campus-lefties continue terrorizing Jews/Zionists; as a result, Pro-Israel Groups Shipped
SodaStreams to Harvard Leaders Following Ban. And, in the latest chapter of leftists gone wild at
Brandeis University, threats were made against a Jewish student for writing an article exposing a cop
hating, America hating, Jew hating, white hating fellow student, and the spineless President looked
away]; thus, Brandeis University has been Roiled by anti-Police and anti-Zionist Radicals.
Right on cue, Alan M. Dershowitz wrote two quality-essays [A Brandeis Student Refuses
to Show Sympathy for Assassinated Policemen -- and Her Critic Is Attacked & Hard
Leftists are as Guilty of Censorship as North Korea's Dictator]; the problem remains that
he is a BHO-apologist, as per my direct conversation with him on his radio-show a few
months ago [when he said he would only turn against BHO if Iran got the bomb]. Thus,
he remains dangerous, for he makes it OK to call yourself both a Zionist and a BHOsupporter [despite the fact that BHO has been anti-Zionist].
My son inquired as to what BHO has DONE against Israel beyond
failing to re-arm the Iron-Dome [and prompting a swift end to the Gaza
incursion+. That BHO has threatened to sanction Israel doesnt work, but
that he has argued before the SCOTUS that Jerusalem cannot be a
birthplace in Israel on a passport and that Tel Aviv must remain the
US-recognized capital of Israel these exemplify his contempt.
As usual, Trudy Rubin claimed the U.S. bears responsibility for beleaguered Christians in
Iraq, but she proposed neither an explanation *BHOs evacuation+ nor a remedy *US
redeployment]; the task of showing what must not be done [denial] was again left to
John R. Cohn, M.D.
To the editor,
Over 700,000 Jews fled the Arab Middle East in the last century, well
more than the number of Arabs that fled Israel in 1948. But absence of
Jews throughout the Arab world has resulted in more not less hatred.
Christians, whose numbers have declined in the region virtually
everywhere but in Israel, will do no better by abandoning the Middle

East and fleeing to the United States or Europe. Offering up Israels

Jews has not helped the plight of Christians in Arab countries and
yielding to Iraq's rampaging forces of bigotry that maim, torture and kill
wont help them or uswhether at any given moment they are actively
waging war against Christians, other Muslims or Jews.
Another prolific local-writer, Lee S. Bender, Esq. summarized the speech by Dr. Zudhi
Jasser in which he demonstrated the theology of non-Islamist *moderate+ Muslims;
pivotal is IDing the action-item associated with this insight.
It is necessary to recognize that Egypt remains problematic, noting that an Alexandria, Egypt court
canceled the controversial Jewish Abu Hasira monument; some may view this as c/w The rampant
Destruction of the Middle East *not just Daniels Tomb+ for, around the world, art historians, antiquities
experts, and archaeologists scarcely dare open their e-mails every day, fearing loss of another
irreplaceable site. Physical destruction in the Islamic realms has now reached proportions of the Mongol
invasions of the thirteenth century.
We are living through ferocious times. Stories about the self-proclaimed Islamic State
*ISIS/ISIL/Daesh+ abound in the media, in what has now become a daily round of
beheadings, suicide bombings, and general mayhem from Nigeria to Malaysia. It seems
that wherever there is a Muslim country, there is extreme violence. But one part of the
Islamic State narrative has received less attention than the gruesome rounds of killings:
the continuing onslaughts on cities such as Mosul, Aleppo, Raqqa and Kobani. The
Islamic State and related movements have rampaged across parts of Iraq and Syria,
destroying the entire heritage of ancient regions, demolishing historic churches,
synagogues, mosques, Sufi and Shii shrines, and major archaeological sites. All this
vandalism is driven by a relentless passion to enforce religious purity on the regions
they now control.
Meanwhile, the Islamist-Supremacist Theocracy is also running-rampant [One Way Trip to Jihad: At
Least 116 Foreign Fighters Executed by ISIS for Deserting; 14-Year-Old ISIS Recruit Volunteers as Suicide
Bomber to Escape; New issue of jihadist magazine suggests attacks against USA; Al-Qaeda warns of
Doctors in Mosul Who Refuse to Treat Jihadists; and Supporters Urge ISIS to Impale or Skin-alive the
Captured Pilot].
The West is dramatically underestimating the threat emanating from the Islamic State,
and ISIS' fighters are much more intelligent and dangerous than our politicians realize.
The influx of new fighters joining ISIS is growing daily. ISIS isn't just aiming at conquering
the Middle East and, eventually, the rest of the world. Rather, they want the largest
'religious cleansing' in the history of mankind. ISIS is a 1-percent movement with the
effect of a tsunami. {Indeed, also know that News Organizations Ignore Jihadist Attacks
on Christians.}
That an Iranian senior commander was killed in Iraq illustrates how profoundly Iran has infiltrated Iraq
[filling the vacuum created by BHO]; indeed, although an Alliance with Iran Against ISIS could be
perceived as a Short-Term Boost, it assuredly will become a Long-Term Bust. As the US searches for
secrets to the power of the Islamic State, a General turned to experts outside the Pentagon; the NYT

recognizes the challenge, as the US Struggles to Defang ISIS Ideology. Even as Obama Ended Afghanistan
Combat Mission During Bloodiest Year of the War, the U.S. was reduced to Bombing Three ISIS Buildings
in Syria; no wonder this was Europes Year of the Jihadist [for, indeed, The Palestinians Real Enemy
is Europe, awareness of which appears gradually to be rising].
A book [The Anatomy of a Scourge: Anti-Semitism is Back With a Vengeance] noted that
the Enlightenment started a process of liberating the Jews which first resulted in their
dominance and then their destruction; this constitutes a new layer on the causes of
anti-Semitism. The essayist continues.
I just finished The Israel Test, which I highly recommend. Gilder, who wrote it,
postulates that anti-Semitism has always been based on this dominance. The goyim
cant compete with the Jews and thus tried to level the playing field and ultimately to
kill them. A 25 years ago, I had a conversation with an establishment goy, in which we
talked about the fact that three of the billionaires who dominated the Canadian scene
were Jewish, namely Reichman, Bronfman and Belsky. He said, In every generation the
Jews climb up the latter of success and we gentiles are always there to kick it out from
underneath them. He understood intuitively.
Francisco Gil-White postulates that Judaism was a mortal threat to Rome
notwithstanding that Jews were only 10% of the population of the Roman Empire at
that time. The Jews believe in liberty and freedom which were considered threats to
Rome. So Rome destroyed them.
Prior to the Spanish Inquisition the Jews of Spain were forced to convert or flee. Those
who converted were then able to function as equals to the other Christians. That
freedom enable them to once again dominate even in the Church. That the real
Christians wanted to root out the converts. So they accused them of being heretics.
Their conviction of this crime resulted in them being burned alive.
Allow me to postulate that our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were of superior
intelligence and their descendants inherited this intelligence. Let us also assume that
this superiority made itself manifest long before Moses appeared on the scene. A prime
example is Joseph. I go further and suggest that this manifest intellectual exceptionalism
is the origin of the Jews being called the chosen people.
In the 19th century, Wilhelm Marr, known as the father of modern anti-Semitism,
coined the word anti-Semitismus. But the pathological hatred of Jews has a long
history. In the antiquity, the Pharaoh who didnt know Joseph decreed to kill all the
Jewish newborn males; and Haman, centuries later, convinced his Persian king
Ahasverus to exterminate this people whose religion and language are different.
Meanwhile, Palestinian Arab terrorism runs-rampant in Israel [How To Stab A Jew Video Became A Big
Hit On Palestinian Social Media; Four Israelis were injured in separate terror attacks amid continued
Palestinian Arab incitement; and Police Busted Arab Brothers Planning Terror Attack in Jerusalem]
The Jewish state must respond to Palestinian unilateralism with unilateralism of its own - Over the last
two decades, Israel has inexorably painted itself into a perilous corner; by blunder after debacle, it has


allowed itself to be corralled into a political cul-de-sac that threatens to undermine its very ability to
survive as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
As a result, many Israelis feel they must choose between victory or destruction, to wit:
You probably heard about the 11-year old girl who was critically burned
on Thursday when the car she was riding in was struck by a firebomb
thrown by an Arab terrorist. And you certainly know about the attack on
the Kehilat Bnei Torah synagogue in Jerusalem in which four worshipers
and a policeman were brutally murdered.
You probably know about the several incidents in which Arabs drove
their vehicles into groups of Jews, including one in which a 3-month old
baby and a tourist from Ecuador were murdered, and another in which
the driver got out and ran back to his not-yet-dead victim and cut her
If you follow these things, you may also know that Jews are afraid to go
to the historic Mount of Olives Cemetery in Jerusalem because of
continued violent attacks on buses, cars and people. You may also have
heard about the daily rock-throwing attacks on the light rail in
Jerusalem, against Jewish-driven cars on the roads in Judea and
Samaria, the acid thrown on a Jewish family, etc. I could go on. And on.
In short, they feel The Jewish state must respond to Palestinian unilateralism with
unilateralism of its own; this must be done carefully, however, such as via passage of
the Israel is Jewish basic-law [as explored earlier, allowing perhaps for deportation of
stone-throwers to Gaza], rather than radically (and this realization explains the harsh
reaction among lefties to this proposal).
Regarding Gaza, a Hamas official claimed the Unity gov't is 'deliberately impeding' reconstruction while,
simultaneously, Gaza is to stop import of electrical appliances from Israel; such mixed-messages abound,
as usual, including the claim by the Hamas Founder that Qatar Still Funds Hamas Terror Group, Despite
Reports. Ultimately, Palestinian Arabs [both Hamas and PA] know they have an advocacy group in the
news media [Reuters, The Forward and Media Jihad], particularly globally [Warsi Shocked By Abuse
From Jews, After She Defended Hamas.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks at the start of his
meeting with US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who assured Israel, Congress has
your back; this is not unrealistic, for Israel may benefit from the non-omnipotent US
We are now faced with two great challenges.
The first comes from the Palestinians. The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has
compared Israel to ISIS. This is the same Palestinian Authority that joins hands with
Hamas, incites constantly against Israel, the kind of incitement that has led to an attack
that we witnessed just two days ago of a Molotov cocktail thrown at a little girl, and I

commend our security forces for apprehending the terrorists. But the same Palestinian
Authority is going to try to bring to the UN Security Council a resolution that seeks to
impose on us conditions that will undermine our security. And I want to assure you that
we will stand firmly and reject such a dictate. We always have; we always will.
The second great challenge comes from Iran. Iran today conducted an exercise with a
suicide drone. I dont have to convince you Senator that the most important task before
us is to prevent this dangerous regime from having nuclear weapons. And I believe that
what is required are more sanctions, and stronger sanctions. And I welcome your
leadership in this effort. I think this is something that is important for the peace of the
world. You know, there are moments in history when nations have to stand firm. Israel
stands firm on both sides, and on both issues.
Regarding the Israeli-Elections, the accusation has been issued that Netanyahu is responsible for
ownerless land being designated as private land [via an entity he controls as PM]; nevertheless, Frmr.
ISA Head Returning to Politics on Likud List *Dichter added that, in his view, the Nation-State or Jewish
State Law - the law blamed with bringing down the 19th Knesset - will eventually pass. The former
Minister was the first to introduce his own version of the law, with Netanyahu's blessing, as a Kadima
MK during the 18th Knesset.We will have to disarm Gaza.+
Meanwhile, the Corruption scandal in Liebermans party could redraw the political map;
Yisrael Beiteinu suffered another blow after senior party member [Tourism Minister] Uzi
Landau announced he will not run in upcoming elections. [Dr. Aaron Lerner, of IMRA,
claimed that Observers note that, until now, Uzi Landau appeared able to reconcile
being in a party that featured the radical program of Yisrael Beiteinu head Liberman
[create a sovereign Palestinian state in "less-than-Auschwitz-borders" with security for
Israel ostensibly provided via the deployment of various foreign troops inside the
Palestinian state] on the grounds that it was completely irrelevant for the coming years.
But now that Liberman is pressing for the implementation of a program rather than just
writing proposals that are utterly and completely ignored the situation has changed.
That Bayit Yehudi is on the rise was dramatized when a Former Peace Now Activist announce plans to
Run with Jewish Home [T. Belman: This is very important. While the left paints Naftali Bennett and Bayit
Yehudi as extreme, Roth shows otherwise. Anyone can feel comfortable in this party or when voting for
it, if they accept reality and like to build a bridge between religious and secular Jews.] Such optimism is
reinforced by awareness that Bennett Rebuffed Foreign Pressure to Move Leftward, recognizing that 22
percent of Israeli Jews identify with religious Zionist camp; also note that Kahlon Warned Against 'Social
Telephone Poll [of a representative sample of 570 adult Israelis (including Israeli Arabs)]:
Netanyahu 39% Herzog 36% - radically different priorities for voters
If elections held today (expressed in Knesset seats) Current Knesset seats in [brackets].
Please note: There are 120 seats in the Knesset. Parties must receive a minimum of
3.25% - 4 seats in the elections to be included in the Knesset.
After elections are held the coalition forming a government must receive 61 votes in a
vote of confidence in the Knesset.

UNDECIDED 17% --- [31] Likud Beiteinu (Likud & Yisrael Beiteinu)
23 [---] Likud
08 [---] Yisrael Beiteinu
08 [19] Lapid "Yesh Atid" Party
23 [21] Labor & Hatnua (Livni)
17 [12] Bayit Yehudi
08 [11] Shas
2-3 -- Yachad - Eli Yishai
07 [07] Yahadut Hatorah
06 [06] Meretz
09 [---] Kulanu - Moshe Kachlon party
11 [11] Arab parties
00 [02] Kadima
Who would you prefer as prime minister? (IMRA: there are no direct
Netanyahu 39% Herzog 36% Neither/No opinion 25%
When you choose the party you vote for what is the most important and second most
important matter?
[Since first and second choice combined in results the percentages total well over 100%)
Social/welfare 58% Foreign affairs/security 41% Religion/Jewish tradition 20% Party
advances my interests 20% Party leader 13% Party list 11% Other 3% Other replies 3%
Prefer Netanyahu as PM
Social/welfare 42% Foreign affairs/security 54% Religion/Jewish tradition 25% Party
advances my interests 15% Party leader 15% Party list 12% Other 3% Other replies 5%
Prefer Herzog as PM
Social/welfare 80% Foreign affairs/security 33% Religion/Jewish tradition 6% Party
advances my interests 22% Party leader 14% Party list 14% Other 2% Other replies 2%
Regarding Maimonides and the Coming of the Triumph of Truth through G-d, the following is an e-mail
response to a Coptic Priest; the author asked that it be published without attribution, as she wanted all
the critical comments that it might elicit.
There is a 26 foot cross (a symbol of worshipping a false idol for Jews) at Auschwitz
Pope John Pauls cross! What hubris and disrespect at a site to commemorate the
genocide of Jews, many at the hands of Catholics! (They made a god out of a dead Jew
and began denigrating and murdering Jews)! Jerzy Kichler, former head of Polands
Union of Jewish Councils, noted that Jewish tradition does not allow Jews to pray for
dead relatives in the presence of symbols belonging to another religion.
The late (2012) Coptic Catholic Pope Shenouda III, viewed as one of the great
patriarchs, banned his followers from traveling to Jerusalem while it was under Israeli

control. Members who didnt follow his direction faced ex-communication from the
Church. Shenouda even instructed clergymen in Jerusalem NOT to offer communion to
pilgrims visiting Jerusalem!


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