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-basic function of the immune system is t protect the internal enviorment to be

colonized . protect the body from the virus pathogens and parasites and virus.
- it also has response to none pathogenic stuff. Cell that are malfunction will be
attack by the immune system too.
-integumentary , lymph nodes or vessles or blood are all component of immune
- two ways to divide up the defense. Nonspecific( self and non self ) and specific(
recognized pathogens or virus to the molecules
-non specific : first line defense is keeping stuff out . second line of defense is
everything inside the body
-specific defense : third line defense is lymphocytes and antibodies
-examples of first line defense the skin has a low ph and a bit salthy and the seabum
makes it oily and acidic tends to be dry , its inhopistiable to the pathogen . as longest
is intact most pathogen cannot go through the skin. Lots of normal flora on your
skin. All the lining inside the digestive track , very acidic in the stomach . bile from
the glabladder is the antibacterial stuff.
-physical 1st line defense : muscous memebrane , vomiting, coughing, sneezing,
diarrheas, urines ( all preventing things from getting into the tissues
-chemical 1st line dense : acidity , defensing( sweats ), bile , sebum, lysozymes,
digestive enzymes.
-some parasite requires all those things for them to activate
-second line defense( nonspecific when pathogen has gone inside the cell) : cells ,
process( fever, inflammation), chemical (produce by gland and organs or cells.)
-cellular defense: phagocytic killing [ how they functunion classification }:
macrophages are derived from monocytes( monocytes), neutrophils ( pmns, first
cell to arrive when something gets intot the tissues ) , eosinophils (involved in
parasitic infection and allergy response) ( non phagocytic killing: platlets,
natural killer lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils , basophiles.
-agranulocytes are lyphmocytes and monocytes, granulocytes are the neutrophil,
basophil , eosinophils
-neutrophil also called PMN , lobed nucli, fast nonsepcfic, first to the scene,
phagocytosis, purple stained. They have granule are light pink
-monocytes : larges leukocytes, kidney shaped nucles, become marcophages , when
they leave the blood stream its called macrophages, and monocytes in the blood
stream .
-eosinophils : wrights stain red, bilobed, parasite worms, allergic reaction
-secondline defense inflammation: rubor-redness, calor-heat, dolor-pain, tumorswelling, function laesa loss of function . damagae cells start secrets histamine ,
histamine attracts neutrophils rush to the site of injury ( positive chemotaxes ) , it
makes the capillaries leaky you end up with liquid leaking through the capillaries,
increase in vastcular permieablity . heat is from excess blood flow in the area.
-diapedesis when neutrophile squzze through the capillary walls
-redness is cause by the increase of blood flow in the area.
-pyogenic means pus forming , pus is usually neutrophils
-basophil least common white blood cells, stained dark blue , migrate to damaged
tissues and release( histamine, heparin involved in blood clotting )

- platelets( thromobocytes ) : blood clotting , scaabing

-megakaryocytes is where the plataes comes from
-second line defense fever : pyrogenic is fever inducing. The set poimt change
-immune line defense complement: histamine rlease initiated inflmmmation ,
opsonization( makes it easier for macrophages to enculf) , mac ( memebrane attack
complex )
-interferon is a chemical that is antiviral, virus enters the cells when it mess with
translation and transcription it cause the cell to produce interferon, then the
interferon goes out to the other cells and goes to the none infection cells and
produce a thing called avp.
-other cytokines : interleukins , interferons , growth factors( involved in tissues
repair stimulate fibroblast), tumor necrosis factors are cells that kills cancer cells
they affect the blood supply by decreasing it ( tnfs) , chemokines is various other
kind of immune system reuglartory and immune system ,
-third line of the defense is the specific defense they are involved in reconingizing
pathogens chemically , physically and sepecifcally. They make antibodies and
attackes to the antibodies . lymphocytes are the t cells and b cells , they are all
produce in the bone marrow and the b cell do the humeral immunity they make and
secret antibodies into the blood stream. T cells are in the bone maarow and mature
in the thymus they dont make antibodies they directly attacks and kills the
pathogens they are called the cell mediated immunity. Contact with the pathogen
makes the memories cells
-lyphocytes : t cells attacks cells ( tumbor cells ,microorganism , transplant cells )
majority of them are t cells , only a small amount is the b cells. Natural killer cells
will attack virally infected cells
antigoen is a chemical and molecule that cause immune response,
proteins makes great antigoens, and antibody binds to antiogens
epitopes are the particular little spaces on the anitogen where the antibody sticks.
-microbial antigen : cells wall component, hapians , capusles proteins , cytoplastic
proteins , flagellar proteins , viral surface protein , piliproteins , exotoxin
-antibodies are prioduce by b cells , another term for anitbodies is
immunoglobulence . c region is called contant region , the v region is the variouable
region, the constant region is all the same for antibodies . IGM are the first kind to
relase when to indicated current infection. IGG relaears later in infection and they
stick around , it indicate a person who has been ever infected . IGA in many bodly
fluid and function to produce mucus membrane . IGE involved in parasitic infections
and inflammatory , when you get eosinophil you get allergic reactions
-opsonization when sometimes pathogen is not seen you can get antibodies that
will recognize them and the antibodies will flag them and stop them
-neutralization in the case of the toxin molecules they binds to the active site and
lock the area and stop from functioning.
-viral inhibition is when antibodies will attach to the virus and prevents the virus
from entering to a cell.
-aggutination when antibodies sticks to cells they stick to each other also they cause
a big clump of cell.

-precipitation same as agguitation but with a toxin. Im sleepfat

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