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Lejendary Adventure Bestiary Addendum

The Peryton

Appearing: 1 or 2-4
H: 35
P: 40

S: 24 flying
12 attacking

Attacks: The pertyon usually swoops down with claws, raking with both for 10-20 + 1-20 for the swoop, afterwards it gores with the
antlers for 9-12 plus another 1-20 on a swoop. The bite is savage delivering 1-12 + 2-12 damage. Attack usually consists of ambushing
then swooping to injure the prey followed by a gore swoop. Once prey is prone, the claws rake and either a gore or a bite follows (in
the same exchange).
Defense: The peryton has 6 points of protection due to swift movement combined with thick hide and dense feathers.
Perytons are exclusive carnivores preying upon anything in their territory, they especially relish the flesh and hearts of humans and
A magical beast combining the features of a large eagle with a stags head. The teeth and jaws are similar to that of a wolf and are
easily capable of shattering bone and rending flesh.
Far-ranging flyer preferring cold and remote mountaintops for its lair. Spiteful, cunning, and cruel, it loves to wound prey using
ambush then harries the prey till it falls off a cliff to its death.
Their shadow is always that of a man or a woman.
Prefers the hearts of it's victims especially as they thrash about while the fangs rip aside the ribcage and sternum. When finished, a
peryton spitefully sprays the carcass with musk, the stench is intense and lasts for weeks. The spray dissuades predators and
scavengers other than peryton from dining on the corpse.
Perytons confronted by powerful or numerous foes have been known to lure beasts and foes to soften up the opposition.
A stag will keep a small harem of 1-3 does jealously fighting off all challengers in the late Fall and early Winter months. After
mating, an aerial display and ballet lasting three to five days, females return to their nests. During this time they are voracious and the
male steps up hunting bringing anything and everything to the females to eat. In rare cases when game is in short supply and/or the
male inexperienced the females will ravenously attack and devour the male.
The eggs take time to grow, a period of roughly 3 months at which time the female is awkward in the air and remains in the nest
and can only glide clumsily. After 90 days the female lays 2-3 eggs usually in the late Spring or early Summer months. This is
especially taxing, most females only mate every second or third year. Chicks are completely dependant upon the adults to care for
them but within a month are capable of killing prey brought back to the nest. The chicks are highly aggressive and competitive, its
very common for a single chick to survive long enough to learn to fly. The weaker chick usually perishes from malnutrition as the
others deny it food or is pushed out of the nest where it falls and dies. Fledgling perytons learn to fly around 10-12 weeks after
hatching and live and hunt near the nest for the next 60 to 90 days at which time the parents drive the young peryton off. Young
pertyon frequently bear scars from the claws and fangs of the parents.

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