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Time management

Toti am trecut prin momente in care nu stiam de ce sa ne apucam ca aveam prea multe lucruri
de facut si toate pareau urgente. E foarte important sa invatam deosebim lucrurile care au un
impact mare asupra muncii si cele care au un impact minor.
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Ca new joiner, le vine mai greu sa inteleaga ce e important si ce nu. Si pana ce se obisnuiesc cu
lucrurile de la munca (SAP,TAT turn around time) ei pot fi foarte stresati si pot ajunge sa
renunte si sa isi dea demisia
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Multi cand aud de time management se gandesc ok dar eu stiu ce am de facut si nu imi trebuie
time management. Insa actiunile lor pot avea un impact foarte mare fara sa isi dea seama (de
exemplu posteaza facturile, insa nu isi iau timpu sa faca follow up pentru facturile vechi)
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Time management inseamna sa stii cum sa iti aranjezi task urile zilnice astfel incat sa le poti
indeplini pe toate
O data ce ai invatat sa iti folosesti bine timpul vei observa ca esti mai productiv, se reduce
stresul zilnic, ai o balanta in viata, vei fi mai increzator in tine si cel mai important iti vei
indeplini scopurile.
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1. Make a to-do list: When you come to the office every day, make yourself a to-do list and try to finish that
entire list at the end of the day. Keep it small and realistic at the start. As your productivity grows, you will
see that your list grows at the same time. Make sure you prioritize your tasks according to their
importance. Cross off each item as you finish them. Do not forget to revise your list during the day as new
tasks show up.
2. Start with the hardest tasks first: Start your day working on the hardest task first and then, work on
easier tasks for the rest of the day. You can concentrate better in the morning since your mind will not be
full of other things that show up during the day as you tackle your daily responsibilities. If you start with
small tasks first, then harder tasks will seem more difficult to complete. However, if you finish the hardest
tasks first, then you will already be in the mindset of working and finishing your to-do list.
3. Do not multi-task: If you are working on your emails at the same time when you are working on your
task, then it will take you more time to complete both of them compared to working on them one-by-one.
Studies show that multi-tasking doesnt help us finish our work faster. It actually extends our work day
and makes our work take longer.
4. Do not let others distract you: Focus all of your attention on the task that you are working on and do not
let your coworkers or anything else distract you until you finish that task or until your break time. If you

give all your energy only into the task that you are working on, you will see that it will take you less time to
5. Get enough sleep and schedule breaks: If you didnt get enough sleep and still feel tired from the previous
day, then, you wont be able to work as efficiently as you want. Therefore, try to sleep early and get at
least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Also, set yourself breaks during the day to refresh your mind and
stay away from your desk. This will help you stay more driven and in the end, you will finish your tasks
Read more at http://www.business2community.com/strategy/5-steps-improve-time-management-skills0831413#cv8ipci3QYMcCQQV.99

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