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EDTK 3304 Media and technology in Education Semester I 2014-15

Agenda Class 1, Wednesday September 10 Microlab 1 4:10pm to 7:00pm

See Moodle for Course Outline and required textbook, course project and other
general information. A copy of the required textbook has been placed on reserve
at the Circulations Desk in the Main Library for your use in the library.
Todays Class
Focusing cartoon: Support materials\SlateEdCartoon Social networking.doc

1. Attendance register
2. Save your work on your external device (HD or Thumb drive); convention for
filename: firstname.lastInitial.ActivityName.date
e.g. Kayla.P.P.21st CentLearning.Sep.10
3. You will be handing in 3 products in/after this class- two WP and one PP

Set Induction/Anticipatory Set: A Short History of technology in Education
Support materials: The history of technology in education.wmv

Concept: The 21st Century Learner

1. Are you a 21st Century Learner?
a. Activity: Game/approx 3 teams & 3 score keepers
Support materials: Are you a 21st Century Learner.pdf
2. What is ISTE? What are the ISTE Standards for Students?
a. Activity: Visit https://www.iste.org/ Read and download the NETS-S
onto your external storage device
b. Class discussion: What do the ISTE Standards for students tell us about
21st Century Learners and how to teach them?
3. To what extent do you think you have the qualities of a 21st Century
Teacher? Upload to Moodle BY NEXT CLASS
a. Activity: individual reflection #1. Write a one-page reflection on the
extent to which you meet each of the ISTE Standards for Teachers.
End first hour

UWI Cave Hill 2014

Dr. C. Fongkong-Mungal



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EDTK 3304 Media and technology in Education Semester I 2014-15


Concepts: Media, technology, instruction, learning

1. Is there a difference between media and technology?
Activity: Half class/Pair-Share; Google the two terms; answer the
question in your own words in MS Word giving at least one example.
Discuss your answer with your partner
2. Is there a difference between instruction and learning?
Activity: Half class/Pair-Share; As above.
3. How can the Learning Sciences Inform the Design of 21st Century
Learning Environments? TO BE HANDED IN
a. Activity part 1: Group/Jigsaw; Read section of OECD booklet (see
URL below) assigned to your group
i. All groups: Introduction p.2
ii. Group 1: How People Learn pp.3-5
iii. Group 2: The 7 Principles of Learning pp. 6-7
iv. Group 3: Key Shifts in the 21st Century pp. 8-9
v. Group 4: Building Blocks for Innovative Learning
Environments p.10
vi. All groups: Conclusions p.11
b. Activity part 2: Small Group Share; based on your group
discussion, with your small group, create a PowerPoint
presentation that captures the main points of the booklet (no
more than 6 slides of which the first is the Introduction and the
last is the Conclusions slide); use the sections above e.g.
Introduction, How People Learn, etc. as the framework for your
presentation. Be as creative as possible while maintaining clarity.
Be prepared to present to the rest of the class.
End of second hour +

VI. Reflection #1 Todays Class

a. Activity: Individual reflection; reflect on the following in writing:
UWI Cave Hill 2014
Dr. C. Fongkong-Mungal



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EDTK 3304 Media and technology in Education Semester I 2014-15

i. I was surprised by
ii. I had a hard time with
iii. My AHA moment was when
Skills practiced in Class#1
1. Using MS Word as simple word processor
3. Comprehension/Analysis/Synthesis of text material- Reading text; discussion in
groups; using PowerPoint
Class #1 Reading: The Nature of Learning Practioner Guide. How can the

Learning Sciences Inform the Design of 21st Century Learning

Environments? http://www.oecd.org/edu/ceri/50300814.pdf


UWI Cave Hill 2014

Dr. C. Fongkong-Mungal



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