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Kimia dan Pengetahuan Industri, Jurnal 2015 Universitas Mercubuana

Review Journal From Original Research :

Environmental Impact Assessment of a Scrap Tyre

Artificial Reef
K.J. Collins, A.C. Jensen, J.J. Mallinson,
V. Roenelle, And I.P. Smith
ICES Journal Marine Science, 59: S243-249

Nanang Harianto *)
Faculty Of Technic, Industrial Engineering Mercubuana University
Address. South Meruya 1, Kembangan, West Jakarta 11650 Phone. 021 584 0816
Scrap Tyre? Have a Economic Value? Not! If Have , What the economic value?
First, In here will talk about economic value if used to scrap tyre have been
widely used around the world to construct artificial reef. They are popular
construction material, being readily available at no cost, durable, with a large
void space. However published information about a environment impact of tyres
in the marine information is limited. Scrap tyre have economic value because
the use national artificial reef plane (Stone, 1985). Include Tyre as reef
construction material nothing that not toxic effectattributable to leaching of
decompotition have been demonstrated. Therefore, In here Scrap Tyre morehave
Economic value.

Review from Original Research:

Millions of tyreare produced each year around the world and waste tyrepose an enormous
disposal problem. In UK, About 37 millions tyre are replaced each year. Of these, some 30% were
retrade for reuse, 27% were used as fuel, 16% were reuse whole as granulated particle , leaving
the remainder for disposal in stockpile or masivve land dumps. Where they pose a serious fire
risk. Once a light, they generate smoke, toxic fumes, oils and liquids, and the fire are difficult to

Faculty Of Technic Industrial Engineering (Nanang Harianto - 41614110100)

Kimia dan Pengetahuan Industri, Jurnal 2015 Universitas Mercubuana

extinguish. This is a worldwide problem, and has led for instance, to a purposed Europian Union
ba on their used in land-waste burial sites. The longevity, resistance and shape of tyrehas been
exploited for many marine. Construction application

like a breakwater, retaining walls in

harbours and estuaries, and artificial reefs for fishery enhanchment. Underwater, tyre are protected
from ultraviolet degradation and are in neutral, stable chemical environtment, which may limit
The majority of paper concerning tyre artificial reef concentrate on fih population and
catches. However, when considering the potential environtmental impact in marine environtment.
Because that we must not concerning tyre are artificial reef concentrate. But we must think, why
the growth of organism marine to keep improvement. Tyre are manufactured from a wide range of
chemical compounds which very between type, manufacture date of production and country of
origin. Both natural rubber and synthetic polymers are used in the production. With a large
quantities of carbon black asa rainforcing agent and filler, vulcanizing agent such a sulphur, zinc,
and oxide.
The US National Artificial Reef Plane (Stone, 1985). Showing that includes tyres are
artificial reefs construction material, nothing have no toxic effect attributable to leaching or
decompotition have been demonstrated. Because that, in here we knowing about scrap tyre have
economic value.
Method and results from previous study knowing too, tyre are artificial reefs thats good
construction because many organism marine can growing in tyre. Because in one ont after
artificial reef can made and in underwater, a few specimens of fruiting hidroids and bryozoanshad
colonied tyre surface. How about in 2 or 3 month after. That so many organism marine in tyre
Previews studies of ICES Journal of marine science, K.J. Collins, A.C. Jensen, J.J.
Mallinson, V. Roenelle, And I.P. Smith have shown a environmental impact assessment of a scrap
tyre artificial reef as might be expected. From this method and result from this study we knowing
scrap tyre is not have a big problem, because the scrap tyrecan used to artificial reef. In here we
have shown :
1. In tyre not have toxic effect attributable to leaching or decompotition.
2. Organism marinecan growing in tyre can improvement.
But, before make the tyre as artificial reef we must cleaning, suggest that leaching occurs from the
outer surface of the rubber. A few micron deeps and rates of release will decrease with exposure
time. So, its not just environment impact only but we knowing us scrap tyre for a artificial reef
have a economic value too.

Faculty Of Technic Industrial Engineering (Nanang Harianto - 41614110100)

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