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Confusion by Design

Over the last several decades the English language has become a distorted remnant of times past. Meanings of words
have been, by design, manipulated by government and mainstream media to take on completely different and
sometimes dangerous meanings.
Is it a wonder why the good people of this country are confused? For those of us awakened enough to truly understand
the nature of events of today, its like living in the The Twilight Zone.
We live in a world where right is transformed into wrong by the very people sworn to protect right. Our children are
being taught that family, free thinking, privacy, liberty and individualism (requirements to thrive) are unnecessary evils
and that the State is whats important the collective. This reeks of Socialism. The military are being trained that the
Founding Fathers were terrorists. Meanwhile, the rest of the population is being conditioned to accept MRAPs and
bayonet toting RoboCops patrolling Main Street, USA.
I can only shake my head in disbelief when I witness the apathy and misdirected patriotism all too prevalent in my fellow
Americans. I have watched normally intelligent, caring people absorb their daily dose of propaganda and social
engineering compliments of their TV and never question the script. I observe the same behavior being repeated by party
loyalists and fair weather patriots over and over frantically anticipating different results. I have watched Republicans
put all their hopes in one man the savior complex. Was one man going to save this country? The Democrats turned
into a modern day version of Beatlemania over Obama and look what we got - change.
One of the roots of this problem is a result of this slow, methodical, fundamental shift in what we consider as the
bedrock, the corner stone of this Nation. No, Im not referring to the erosion of the Constitution, Im referring to the very
ground on which we all stand. When one party loses and another wins, does America cease to exist? If the ground
opened up and swallowed Washington DC and all the politicians, buildings and agencies there would America cease to
exist? Of course not! America is a place, its tangible, its where our relatives are buried and our children were born. If
we were invaded and conquered by a foreign power which summarily replaced our government with their own, does
America cease to exist? Would you lie down and accept this new reality or would you fight to preserve your COUNTRY?
Why then are Americans, sharing the same birthright, the same heritage, the same dreams, divided along political lines?
Why are Americans standing idly by watching our country be picked apart by scavengers and criminals believing they can
blame the other side of the aisle and fix it next election? Why? Because we are all very confused as to what being a
Patriot really means and what is truly important in the end. We have been conditioned to place our trust in whatever
party is in control and follow their party lines blindly. My team is better than yours. Dont you see how you are being
used, being manipulated to give up the only power you have to others who use it for what? Are they making the
COUNTRY a better place or waging wars, burdening businesses and creating a police state like never before to serve the
agenda of the government and the banks?
The very definition of words such as Patriotism, Sovereign and Constitutionalist are being twisted to mean something
else, something dangerous and feared. What could possibly be the purpose for this and who is to gain by it? Its plain to
see if we just look at the true vs. the current meaning of Patriot as understood by law enforcement agencies.
According to Webster, a patriot is defined as: one who loves and loyally or zealously supports ones own country.
Conversely, the word traitor is defined as a person who betrays his or her country. Take note that neither
definition mentions government. Also take note that the word government IS NOT synonymous with the word
country. Sedition, on the other hand, describes an open act of rebellion against ones government.



To a true Patriot, it matters not what party is currently pushing their agenda as long as the COUNTRY and its LAWS are
being nurtured and protected. A true Patriot will stand up and defend what they know to be right no matter the
circumstances. A person standing by doing nothing while their Country is raped is no more a Patriot than the witness to
a rape doing nothing is a hero. When the Country is in danger and needs to be protected from all enemies foreign and
DOMESTIC, Patriots instinctually come forward. If the danger is DOMESTIC in the form of an unlawful and
unrepresentative government, then a true Patriot would certainly be feared by the offenders. The Founding Fathers
foresaw this possibility and included the remedy in the very document that created this Nation the Constitution. By
doing so, they placed a DUTY on each and every person henceforth calling themselves American to protect their
COUNTRY against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.

A TRAITOR does NOT love their COUNTRY

Interestingly, A Traitor could be a devotee of the government at the time, interested only in furthering political agendas
without regard to safeguarding their Country. I think a quick glance at Congress would illustrate the point.

If a GOVERNMENT has gone rogue to the point of endangering its people, its soil, its economy and its very sovereignty
its COUNTRY - then the law that created this Country obligates everyone to replace the lawless controllers with lawabiding ones and restore the Republic. The GOVERNMENT would label this SEDITION but to the COUNTRY it is
PATRIOTISM. If you are a TRAITOR blindly following the instructions of your Government to the detriment of your
Country, any affront to this Government would be considered a threat and Patriots would be labeled seditionists or

The next time you see a newscast and these words are tossed about, pay attention to the meaning they are implying.
Supporting someone in wrongdoing is aiding and abetting. You could continue to watch these traitors, adding to their
ratings thus assuring they remain on air; or you could just turn them off and seek out real news. Use your brain and
come to your own conclusions.

Honoring Those Who Honor Their Oath

I did not serve in the Army to defend my GOVERNMENT; I swore an oath to defend my COUNTRY! My relatives did not
bleed or die on battlefields around the world in defense of their government. They proudly served in defense of their
Country. I cannot and will not dishonor them.

Leading By Example
Something is dreadfully wrong when a President makes statements such as: Youre either with us or youre with the
terrorists. Really? No middle ground? Blind support for country? No government. If you dont agree, youre labeled as
dangerous. Thanks for that Little George. He also stated that the Constitution was just a God damned piece of paper.
Does this sound like someone who loves his country or his government? Why wasnt he called to task because of these
remarks? Why, because the American Public is comatose. They would rather sleep in the street for 2 weeks to get the
newest iPhone than they would wait in line for 10 minutes to vote or attend a civic meeting.

When Fear Rules the Day and Madness Reigns

The nightmare we currently find ourselves in is has escalated drastically since the events of 9/11. That day, whether real
or staged, redefined America. But, instead of strengthening our borders, rather than tightening up our immigration
policies, rather than standing up as Americans and adhering to our moral compasses and values as a Nation by joining
together as one people under God, we chose to allow our government to do something unprecedented in our history
without much objection. Today, our borders are wide open at whos insistence? The governments. Is permitting
convicts, terrorists and ebola carriers to flood into our Country good for our Country? What are we doing about it? Has it
stopped? No in fact amnesty and benefits await those who hitch a ride into America while Ma & Pa America lose their
jobs and their homes. Rumors talk of Nationalizing pensions say goodbye to your retirement when that happens. I ask
again, is this helping us or America? Who stands to gain?

What Would Jesus Do?

I honestly dont believe that Jesus Christ would condone the merciless, inhumane, vengeful acts the government of this
Nation is spreading across the globe. I challenge anyone who calls themselves a Christian to explain how supporting
these acts reconcile with their beliefs. If they are in anything but direct conflict, then I highly suggest that you reread the
teachings of Jesus my brothers and sisters. If you believe the continued support of direct acts of violence against fellow
human beings coincides with His teachings I doubt He would agree.

Bring It Home

We should be spending our hard-earned money on protecting our borders, rebuilding our failing infrastructure,
rebuilding our manufacturing base, feeding, clothing and housing the needy. America, the COUNTRY, is inside our
borders yet we barely notice it collapsing around us. The government gives trillions of dollars to banks and big
businesses while lining their own greedy pockets with money they stole from us. This money should be spent for the
betterment of the Country and its People. Instead, our ruling class believes chasing Boogy Men around the world
destroying one Nation after another in an insane display of Empire building bankrupting our Nation in the process is a
better plan. Based on the definitions above, are you beginning to see who is patriotic and who is traitorous?

In my lifetime, I have witnessed this once-great Nation be transformed from a compassionate, peaceful, giving Nation
loved by most, into a Nation feared and hated around the world. Is this America? Is this better than it was? I think not,
therefore, those responsible should be labeled traitors by definition. Meanwhile, here at home, the police forces are
being militarized, privacy is all but gone, the economy is nearly dead and your biometric data and DNA reside in multiple
databases. We cant travel without being groped and treated like criminals. This is all being done in the name of National
Security. Whos security is being guarded here exactly? Is it American (Country) security or government security? Lets
take a quick look. I am not at all safer as a result of mass surveillance. It is not a prevention tool. Was it necessary to
create 40,000 new Federal laws in 2013? Most of them violate the Constitution in one way or another yet they keep
coming. Is this helping America? I have to show my papers and be subjected to possible body searches just to fly home
for Christmas while illegals flood across our borders unchecked. Our taxes are being given away to bankers worldwide
while the President and his family regularly go on $1 million vacations. Sure sounds to me that is what is being protected
here not me or my Country. They did not earn that money we did and they stole it from us. Did you skip a house
payment just so the first Lady could adorn herself in a new $40,000 dress? I didnt. So, if it wasnt given to them, they
stole it.

WE Are To Blame

This is the world we are allowing to be created while most people sit back going along to get along. Cowards one and
all. By inaction, you are complicit in this traitorous activity. Is this how you want to be remembered? America is not the
culprit. The soil is not stealing your earnings. Your relatives did not rise from their graves to bring this upon us but Ill bet
they are turning in there something fierce. I doubt that you, your neighbor, or anyone you know is the perpetrator. Then
who and what is behind this horrible destruction of us as a Nation and a People? This was, and is, being brought to you
compliments of your government, supported and paid by you, run by those elected by you. Feel very patriotic right

By Definition I Am A Patriot
Do not mistake my words as being anti-government; nothing could be further from the truth. A well-constrained and
lawful government working for the People is necessary to an orderly, peaceful and prosperous society. But, when that
government begins consuming the country and its people like some starving beast, its time to cast off that government.
The Constitution is very clear about this. The Founders knew only too well the true nature of government is to grow
larger and gain more control. The LAW tells us precisely how to handle a lawless, rogue government. Its all right there
read it.

Tough Love
I would like you to consider the following questions, take time to truly reflect and not parrot the talking points you were
taught. Dont tell anyone your answers but be honest with yourself no matter how uncomfortable. Your Country needs
Do you consider yourself a Patriot or are you a Statist do you love your Country or your Government?
Do you believe that your patriotic duty begins and ends in the voting booth? Hows that working out?
Will you continue to pledge your allegiance to a political party? To a government or a ruler?
Are you ready to pledge your allegiance to your COUNTRY, to the laws that govern it (The Constitution) and to
the values and principles that made us great once?
Or will you remain content to follow, to allow someone else to think for you and tell you right from wrong, to
remain uninvolved because its easier that way? Hiding under the sheets will not make this go away.
If you are Christian, meditate on how your thoughts, actions and words align themselves with the teachings of
Jesus. You might find that youre not really a Christian after all by definition.

No Magic Pill
This is a fact, pure reality that needs to be ingrained into your thoughts: government, its agencies and its paid
underlings will not be visited by the Good Fairy. No Magic Fairy Dust will cause them to awaken one day with the
realization of what it is they have done. They will not clamor to repent and help fix our broken Nation. This will not
happen. The last election fixed nothing. The one before that nothing. Before that nothing. The next election will
change nothing except the names on Roll Call. Give it up our salvation does not reside in the very vipers den that
creates the problems. The fox will not voluntarily stop eating chickens. Wake up. YOU are the answer and have been all
along. You, me, all of us are the only way to affect positive change. But, before we can be effective, we need to come to
grips with the way things truly are. We need to stop hiding under the sheets hoping the monsters under the bed will go
away. Mommy is not going to rush in and save you.

Disengage From The Matrix

We all need to start thinking for ourselves stop being told what to believe youre smarter than that.
We all need to start practicing non-participation. If you use a bail-out bank stop. Stop feeding the beast.
If you want to help rebuild our economy BUY AMERICAN! Help create jobs.
We all need to start practicing peaceful, civil disobedience. If you know something is unlawful, stand up and say
Dont let yourself be bullied by those waving about the color of law. Silence is consent.
Hold your elected officials accountable for their actions - especially at the local level. If they violate their oath of
office or participate in an unlawful act, hold them accountable. They are NOT above the law.

Future World
If todays future world is the one you envision as being a healthy environment for your grandkids to grow up in then
please discount what I have to say as pure nonsense. The world my grandkids are set to inherit is one that I could not
even survive in. I have tasted freedom in my lifetime. I know whats missing today I remember what a caring,
prosperous and happy country this once was. My grandkids will never have that memory unless I help preserve it for
them. We are the only solution to our problems.
Now is the time yes, right now to join together as a People aside from political ties American Patriots to state in
no uncertain terms that we have had enough we will not comply with unlawful rules. We want our country back. We
want our lives back.
Peaceful, meaningful civil protests are spreading across our Nation. People are fed up and realize that what I have just
written is true. Its not MY truth its just THE truth. Look around and get involved. Practice non-compliance, nonparticipation and peaceful civil disobedience. Dont be afraid to stand for what is right, moral and just.
By the way the LAWFUL form of government in this country is a Republic not a Democracy.

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