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Listening Section

ln this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.
Part I
Questions: 1 to 4.
ln this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The
dialogues and the questions will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a
sample question.
You will hear:

: I give up ! I`ll stop Iearning French.

Woman : Why do you say that? You are making a lot of progress.

: No, I'm not. l've tried hard but still l cannot speak it well.

Woman : How come? You can speak Arabic, Hindi, Japanese and even Russian well, cant you?
Narrator : What language is difficult for the man to Iearn ?
a. Hindi.
b. Arabic.
c. French.
d. Russian.
e. Japanese.
The best answer to this question is French". Therefore you should choose answer (C)
1. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:
Woman : Have you had job before?
Man : Yes, but in small printing company.
Woman : Why do you want to work here?

Man : I want to get up better salary.

Narrator : What is the dialogue about?
a. Job vacancy.
b. Job interview.
o. Printing company.
d. Getting high salary.
e. Finding a job.
Pada kalimat tanya: "What is the dialogue about?" menanyakan perihal apa dialog tersebut" .
Perhatikan kalimat di dalam dialog di bawah ini!
"Have you had job before?" menanyakan pekerjaan sebelumnya.
"Why do you want to work here?" menanyakan alasan ingin bekerja di kantor tersebut.
Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah "Job lntereview", karena pertanyaan tersebut sering dijumpai
dalam tes wawancara perkerjaan.

2. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:

Woman : Hi guy! Where will you go?
Boy : I will go to book store.
Woman : What are you going to buy?
Boy : An English grammar book written by Betty Simon.
Woman : Oh! I see. By the way, I heard the magazines, novels, comics, and science books on
sale in the book store.
Narrator : What is the boy going to buy?
a. A novel
b. A comic
c. A magazine
d. A science book
e. An English Grammar book

Kalimat tanya: "What is the boy going to buy?" menanyakan yang akan dibeli oleh laki-laki
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
What are you going to buy?" menanyakan yang akan dibeli laki-laki tersebut
An English grammar book written by Betty Simon adalah jawaban yang akan dibeli anak lakilaki tersebut.
Jadi, yang akan dlbeli adalah "An English Grammar Book'.

3. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:

Woman : Hi! You look concerned. What's on your mind?
Man : The final exam. lve not fully prepared it yet.
Woman : Well! Don't worry too much. You still have 3 days.
Man : Yes, but 3 days walk bypass in the wind.
Woman : Well! You still have time to come in thing into your brain anyway.
Narrator : Why does the woman suggest the man not to worry about the exam?
a. The exam is easy.
b. This time will not fly.
c. The exam is in three weeks.
d. He knows many things about the exam.
e. He still has three days for the exam preparation.
Kalimat tanya: "Why does the woman suggest the man not to worry about the exam?"
menanyakan alasan wanita itu menyarankan supaya laki-laki tersebut tidak khawatir terhadap
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!

Well! Don't worry too much. You still have 3 days" menjelaskah bahwa wanita dalam dialog
menyarankan tidak perlu terlalu khawatir karena dia masih punya waktu 3 hari untuk
Jadi alasan wanita dalam dialog memberikan saran tersebut adalah He still has three days for
the exam preparation

4. Dialog yang diperdengarkan :

Man : Did you go to Nisas party last Saturday?
Woman : I planned to go, but I couldntmake it.
Man : Oh! Why?
Woman : I had a terrible headache.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
a. She came to Nisa's party.
b. She couIdnt make a party.
c. She had to goto a doctor.
d. She invited the man to a party.
e. She didnt go to Nisas party.
Kalimat tanya: What does the woman mean? menanyakan maksud dari pernyataan wanita
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
I planned to go, but I couldn'! make it' menjelaskan bahwa wanita tersebut berencana pergi ke
pestanya Nisa, tapi dia tidak pergi karena dia mengalami sakit kepala.
Jadi maksud wanita dalam dialog adalah She didnt go to Nisa's party"

Questions: 5 to 7.

In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by
four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying.
You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question.

Man : Hey, Cindy could you do me a favour?
Man : would you mind going to the post office to send my letter
Woman : ......
Narrator : What is the womans possible response?
a. I am all out. Sorry.
b. l love to write letters.
c. Sure. by all means.
d. Its next to the police station.
Narrator : The best answer to the question is : Sure, by all means. Therefore you should
choose answer (C)

5. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:

Man : Are you okay? You look deep dizzy today.
Woman : I was caught in heavy rain yesterday, Im afraid l'll get i sick,
Man : ....
Narrator : What does the man most likely reply?
a. l dont really like the rain
b. Thank you! That's very kind of you

c. Sorry! L didnt bring my rain coat with me

d. You should take a rest and eat healthy food
Kalimat tanya: "What does the man likely reply?" menanyakan ungkapan yang paling mungkin
diungkapkan laki-Iaki tersebut.
Perhatikan kalimat di`bawah ini!
"l was caught in heavy rain yesterday lm afraid lIl get sick" menjelaskan bahwa wanita tersebut
terjebak hujan lebat, maka dia takut menjadi sakit.
Jadi ungkapan yang paling mungkin diungkapkan adalah "You should take a rest and eat healthy
food" (kamu seharusnya beristirahat dan makan makanan yang sehat)

6. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:

Woman : What do you think of my new jacket? Does it suit me?
Man : ......
Narrator : What does the man probably answer?
a. Yes, you look nice
b. Yes, this is absolutely right
c. Yes, l think youre wrong
d. No, you never believe it
Kalimat dalam dialog: "What do you think of my new jacket? Does it suit me? menanyakan
cocok atau tidak jaket baru wanita tersebut
Perhatikan pilihan jawaban di bawah ini!
Yes, you look nice = ya, kamu kelihatan cantik
Yes. this is absolutely right = ya, ini benar-benar tepat
Yes. I think youre wrong = ya, saya pikir kamu salah
No. you never believe it = tidak, kamu tidak pernah mempercayai itu.
Jadi ungkapan yang menyatakan kecocokan atau tidak dalam fashion adalah "yes, you

look nice". karena jika orang memakai pakaian baru pasti ingin menanyakan tambah cakep atau

7. Dialog yang diperdengarkan;

Man : The service ls really slow here I've been trying to get the waiters attention for
the last 10 minutes.
Woman : You know we have closed two o`cIock
Man : .....
Narrator : What is the best response to the boy to apply ?
a. l hope his service soon
b. l expect him not to come
c. how come he is so lazy
d. hopefully he nurses
Kalimat tanya: What is the best response to the boy to apply?" menanyakan respon yang
terbaik untuk diungkapkan.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini !
The service is really slow here. l've been trying to get the waiters attention for the last 10
minutes" menjelaskan bahwa pelayan laki-laki itu memberikan pelayanan yang benar-benar
lambat. Jadi respon yang terbaik untuk diungkapkan adalah l hope his service soon".

PART lll
Questions: 8 to 11.
ln this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The
dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the

dialogue or monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which
would be the most suitable one with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.

8. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:

Man : Whats in a channel six tonight?
Woman : There is a traditional dance performance. This dance is very energetic.
Man : What is it like?
Woman : a group people sitting together side by side, moving their arms, show theirs and heads
in time with one another.
Narrator : Which picture goes to the dialogue?

Kalimat tanya: Which picture goes to the dialogue? menanyakan gambar yang mengarah ke
dialog tersebut.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
A group people sitting together side by side, moving their arms, show theirs and heads in time
with one another menjelaskan tarian yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok orang yang duduk
bersampingan, saling menggerakkan Iengan/tangan dan kepala mereka di dalam satu waktu.
Jadi, gambar yang mengarah ke dialog tersebut adalah gambar D

9. Dialog yang diperdengarkan:

Woman : What ball do you like past?
Man : I love soccer. lts a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a ball. I will
have a big match next month in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium.
Narrator : Which ball game series is the mans description?
Kalimat: Which ball game series is the mans description? menanyakan hal tentang rangkaian
permainan bola yang menjadi deskripsinya Iaki-Iaki tersebut.

Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!

"l love soccer: .... " menjelaskan bahwa laki-laki suka dengan permainan sepak bola.
Jadi gambar yang menjadi deskripsi Iaki- laki dalam dialog adalah gambar A

10. Monolog yang diperdengarkan:

The grey wolf or Canis Lupus is a species native to the wilderness and remote areas of North
America, Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest member of tits family, with males averaging
43-45 kg, and females 36-38.5 kg. lt is similar in general appearance and proportions to a
German shepherd or sled dog, but has a larger head, narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tail
and bigger paws. Its winter fur is long and bushy, and usually a mottled grey in colour
Narrator : Which pictures is being described in the monologue?

Kalimat tanya: "Which picture is being described in the monologue?" menanyakan gambar yang
dijelaskan di dalam monolog.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
The grey wolf or Canis Lupus is a species native to the wilderness and remote areas of North
America, Eurasia, and North Africa " menjelaskan tentang serigala abu-abu atau yang dikenal
Canis Lupus. Jadi gambar yang dijelaskan di dalam monolog adalah gambar B.

11. Monolog yang diperdengarkan:

The sacred city of Itza in Maya is located 75 miles east of Merida, the capital of the State of
Yucatan, Mexico. This archaeological site is rated among the most important of the Mayan
culture and covers an area of approximately six square miles where hundreds of buildings
once stood. Now most are mounds more about thirty may still be seen by tourists. This step
pyramid stands about 30 metres high and consists of a series of nine square terraces, with a

6metre high temple upon the summit. The sides of the building are approximately 55.3
metres at the base and rise at an angle of 53, although that varies slightly for each side
Narrator : What is being described in the monologue?

Kalimat tanya: "Which picture is being described in the monoIogue?" menanyakan gambar yang
dijelaskan di dalam monolog.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini! "The sacred city of Itza in Maya is located 75 miles east of
Merida, the capital of the State of Yucatan, Mexico" menjelaskan tentang Kota suci ltza.
Gambar kota suci Itza dapat ditunjukkan oleh gambar B.

Questions: 12 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice.
They will not be printed in your test book. so you must listen carefully to understand what l the
speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five
possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have

Question 12 and 13 are based on this following monologue.

Paris is the capital city of France. lt is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. lt is also one
of the worlds most crowded cities. Lovely gardens and parks found adorn Paris. At night, many
palaces and statues light up. With this reason, Paris is of thing called "The city of Light". Every
year, millions of people visit Paris. The most popular place to visit the Eiffel tower. The skew
structure has become the symbol of Paris. The Louvre, one of the worlds largest art museums
draws many ambassadors. The cathedral of Notre Dame, a famous church, is another place to

12. Narrator :What is the monologue about?

a. Paris
b. The Louvre
c. Notre Dame
d. The crowded city
e. The City of Light
Kalimat tanya: "What is the monologue about? menanyakan perihal monolog tersebut.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
"Paris is the capital city of France. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. lt is also one
of the worlds most crowded cities" menjelaskan tentang Paris. Jadi, monolog tersebut
menjelaskan tentang Paris.

13. Narrator : What has become the symbol of Paris?

a. The Louvre.
b. The Cathedral.
c. The Eilfel Tower.
d. The lovely garden.
e. The light structure.
I as Kalimat tanya; "What has become the symbol of Paris> menanyakan simbol Paris
Perhatikan kalimatdi bawah ini!
The skew structure has become the symbol of Paris" menjelaskan bahwa struktur yang miring
dari menara Eiffel telah menjadi simbol Paris.Jadi simbol Paris adalah "The Eiffel Tower".

Question 14 and 15 are based on this following monologue.

The horses were so pre executed by the other beasts. They did not know where to go. A series
they saw, a single animal approached them after ran. One day, they saw a troop while crossed
standpitting about. And then quite panic all the horses, carrot of two lakes nearby,
determined to drum in self rather than lived in subject continual stayed a fear. But justice they
got near the bank of the lake.
A troop of frogs frighten by the approach of the horses hated and jumped into the water. Truly,
sad one of the horses thinks or not as by ecstasy
14. Narrator : What pre executed the hornes?
a. Other beasts
b. The water
c. The frog
d. A lake
e. Ahorse
Kalimat tanya: "What pre executed the horses?menanyakan yang melakukan pra eksekusi
terhadap kudakuda tersebut. Kalimat tanya tersebut menunjukkan kalimat aktif.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
"The horses were so pre executed by the other beasts menjelaskan bahwa kudakuda di pra
eksekusi oleh binatang (buas) Iain. Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan kalimat pasif. Jadi, yang
melakukana pra eksekusi adalah "other beasts".

15. Narrator : What the frogs do after they were frighten by the horses?
a. They ate an animal.
b. They lived in a lake.
c. They saw wild horse.
d. They went somewhere.
e. They jumped into water.

Kalimat tanya "What the frogs do after they were frighten by the horses?" menanyakan yang
dilakukan katak- katak tersebut setelah mereka terancam oleh kuda-kuda tersebut.
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
A troop of frogs frighten by the approach of the horses hated and jumped into the
water"menjelaskan bahwa sekelompok katak yang terancam oleh kedatangan kuda-kuda
tersebut tidak suka dan melompat ke dalam air. Jadi, yang dilakukan katak setelah terancam
adalah "They jumped into water".

This is the end of the listening section

The following text is for questions 16 and 17.

Dear all,
Hope youre well and had a great holiday. Sorry for the cross-posting. You could ignore this
email if your school does not deliver the IGCSE curriculum.
Most of you are aware that Cambridge has decided to develop a new qualification for the IGCSE
Bahasa Indonesia.
The development is ongoing and we would like conduct further research to gain more
information from school i.e. expectations,contents etc. therefore, I will be conducting a teacher
forum for the Bahasa Indonesia teachers (IGCSE level) by next week (l prefer not to do it during
Date : July 19th, 2012 (Thursday)
Time : 7 a.m. 5 p.m. (lunch and refreshments will be provided)
Tentative Venue: Atlet Hotel Century Park, Senayan, Jakarta
Attendees : Bahasa Indonesia teachers from Cambridge International Schools
I really encourage the participation and appreciate the support from Cambridge International
schools in Indonesia, particularly in developing this new syllabus.

University of Cambridge International Examinations
Postal Address: Unit W-8- 1, 1St floor, Subang Square, jalan SS 15/4G, 47500 Subang jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
UK address (HQ): 1 Hills Road, Cambridge. CB1 2EU, United Kingdom

16. Who are expected to attend the forum?

a. Bahasa Indonesia teachers in Jakarta.
b. Cambridge school managers in Indonesia.
c. Researchers of Bahasa Indonesia education.
d. IGCSE Bahasa Indonesia teaching in Jakarta
e. Bahasa Indonesia teachers of Cambridge International Schools.

Kalimat tanya: "Who are expected to I attend the forum? menanyakan "yang diharapkan
menghadiri forum tersebut
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini! I
"Attendees: Bahasa Indonesia teachers from Cambridge Intemational Schools yang
menjelaskan bahwa pesertanya adalah guruguru Bahasa Indonesia dari Cambridge
International Schools. Jadi, yang diharapkan menghadiri forum tersebut adalah "Bahasa
Indonesia teachers of Cambridge lntemational Schools".

17. The forum will be conducted as part of ....

a. the Professional Development Program for Bahasa Indonesia teachers .
b. Cambridge Intemationat School teachers regular meeting
c. Cambridge International Examination in Jakarta
d. the Development ofthe IGCSE Bahasa Indonesia
e. the implementation of the IGCSE curriculum

Kalimat "The forum will be conducted as part of mengarahkan kita untuk melengkapinya dan
arti kalimat tersebut adalah "forum tersebut akan diadakan sebagai bagian dari ...
Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
"Most of you are aware that Cambridge has decided to develop a new qualihcation for the
IGCSE Bahasa Indonesia" menjelaskan bahwa sebagian besar dari guru sadar bahwa Cambridge
telah memutuskan untuk mengembangkan kualitikasi baru untuk Bahasa Indonesia IGCSE, Jadi,
forum tersebut akan diadakan sebagai bagian dari "the Development of the IGCSE. Bahasa

The following text is for questions 18 and 19.

Hotel Work:
One Month Training Course
Suitable young men and women are invited to apply for places on the one month training
course on hotel work organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Hotel Management.
Tuition isfree of charge and students who successfully complete the course will be offered
employment in the CoIonys leading hotels.

The Training Course will take place from Monday 21st July to Friday 22nd August, from 9 a.m.
to 4.30 p.m. daily, except Saturday and Sundays.

AppIications for places on the course are welcome for students now in their third year at
secondary school, who have good knowledge of English, and have interest in hotel work.
Application forms may be obtained from:
The Hong Kong Institute of Management,
Box 948,
The South China Times.
The closing date for applications is April 29th

18. Those who successfully complete the

course will be given ......
a. free tuition
b. a further training course i
c. jobs in big hotels in the colony
d. a chance to stay in the colonys leading
hotels for one month
e. membership of the Hong Kong Institute
of Hotel Management
<:> Kalimat: Those who successfully
complete the course will be given ...
mengarahkan kita untuk melengkapinya
dan arti kalimat tersebut adalah "pelajar
yang dengan sukses menyelesaikan
kursus akan diberikan .... "
<:$ Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
Tuition is free of charge and students
i who successfully complete the course
will be offered employment in the
Colony's leading hotels" menjelaskan 1
bahwa bebas biaya dan pelajar yang l
dengan sukses menyelesaikan kursus
akan ditawarkan pekerjaan di "the
Colonys leading hotels".
Jedi. Yang akan diberikan `bagi yang
fTl9Y|Saikan kursus dengan sukses l
adalah Vobs in big hotels in me colony".
.iAwAeAu; c ;
Scanned by CamScanner
19. What requirement is needed by an applicant
to apply for the hotel work training? g
a. Able to speak Mandarin.
b. Secondary school graduate.
c. Good knowledge of English.
d. Reputable university graduate.
e. 2-year experience in hotel work.
<:> Kalimat tanya: "What requirement is
needed by an applicant to apply for
the hotel work training? menanyakan
"persyaratan yang dibutuhkan oleh
pelamar untuk mendaftar training kerja l
hotel tersebut. _ I

i;> Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!

Vippllcations for places on the course l
are welcome for students now in their
third year at secondary school, who
have good knowledge of English"
menjelaskan bahwa surat lamaran I
dipersilahkan untuk pelajar yang {
Scanned by CamScanner
sekarang di; tahun ketiga di sekolah
lanjutan/menengah, yang mempunyai
pengetahuan bahasa lnggris yang
Jadi, persyaratan , yang dibutuhkan
berdasarkan kalimat di alas bagi para
pelamar adalah Gcodi know/edge of
The following text is for questions 20 and 22.
Wade Withdraws From US Basketball Team
NEW YORK: Miami Heat guard Dwyaneg
iWade withdrew his name from the player
pool for the US Olympic basketball team on
Thursday because his injured left knee wilI
require surgery, USA Basketball said.
After receiving the diagnosis from the
Heat team physician, the AlLStar guard, who
helped Miami win the NBA title in five games
iover the Oklahoma City Thunder, informed
USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo
ithat he was having the surgery soon and
iwouldbe unable to compete in London,
T As many people may know, throughout;
Scanned by CamScanner ` ` ` ` H" T U
T '
would be unable to compete in London.
As many people may know, throughout
the season, I struggled with a recurring knee J
issue, "Wade said in a statement. "After the
championship game, I visited my doctors for T
a round of comprehensive medical test. and
the recent result dictated the need for su rgery.
While every part of me wants to be in London, _
I need to takethis time to do what`s best to
improve my health and allow me to continue

to play the game I love."

Wade was the US teams leading scorer in
their run 2008 Olympic gold in Beijing, scoring
a game-high 27 points as the Americans beat
Spain 118-107 in the Olympic Hnal.
Despite having his knee drained during ,
ithe NBA play-off, Wade averaged over 22%
points a game during Miamis championship I
series triumph over the Thunder. j
Wades exit from the US squad left 17
players in the mix for 12 spots on The Olympic g
team following injuries that removed several T
players from consideration, including Derrick j
Rose ofthe Chicago Bulls and Dwight Howard *
of the Chicago Bulls. j
, _,,t
, ,t,,,,
. ,,
,,,,,,, 8S
Scanned by CamScanner
,20. Why cant Wade play for US basketball
team? i i
a. He is too old to play basketball.
b. His injured left knee requires surgery.
c. He doesnt want to compete _in
London. .
d. He wants to visit his doctor for a medical
e. He was removed from the US basketball
<:> Kalimat Tanya: "Why cant Wade play
for US basketball team ?" menanyakan
alasan Wade tidak dapat bermain di tim
basketball US.
:> Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!
"Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade
withdrew his name from the player pool
for the US Olympic basketball team
on Thursday because his injured left E
_ . knee will require surgery menjelaskan i
bahwa Dwyne Wade menarik namanya
dari kelompok pemain untuk tim
basketball Olimpiade US, karena lutut
r kirinya yang cedera akan memerlukan l
pembedahan. l
* Jadi, alasan Wade tidak dapat bermain f
dalam tim basketball US adalah "Hls injured

S left knee requirees surgery?

`n"nV rkbunhn Vdndn
21. Based on the text, Dwyane Wade ..... I
a. will be a guard in the US Olympic
basketball team
b. will never play basketball again for the
US team
c. failed to play in Beijing; Olympic
d. is the most valuable player in the
Olympic Games
e. was the leading scorer for the US team .
in Beijing Olympic Games
<::> Kalimat: Based on the text, Dwyane
Wade ..." mengarahkan kita untuk
melengkapinya berdasarkan isi teks
.::> Perhatikan kalimatkalimat di bawah ini!
"Wade was the US teams leading
scorer in their run 2008 Olympic gold
in BeUing" menjelaskan bahwa Wade
adalah pencetak skor tim US terbanyak l
Scanned by CamScanner
dalam mengantarkan mereka emas
g olimpiade 2008 di Beijing. l D
"Despite having his knee drained during
the. NBA p/ay-off Wade averaged
over 22 points a game during li/ll8lTllS
r . championship series triumph over the
. Thundedmenjelaskan bahwa waiaupun
mengalami lutut yang cedera seiama
play-off NBA, Wade rata-rata_di atas 22
poin setiap game selama kemenangan
Miamitschampionship series atasthe
Jadi, isi teks tersebut menunjukkan bahwa
Dwyane Wade adalah pemain yang paiing .
berharga untuk pertandingan termasuk
pada olimpiade, sehingga jawaban yang i
i . tepat adalah "is the most valuable player in
the Olympic Games". . W

0 i . i
2 22. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? .
. W
ea. fPeopIe_ know that Dwyane Wade has a Y ii
iyproblem. B i `
DWYGUBWBGG visits his doctors for B
W i . .ii
.maaait reS.iS.i _
y t
g. . Tic. The doctorsss'ugigestediWade recovers
. V?his<kneebiy{surgery.t = 2. g . .
. ir. Dwyane _Wadeowantsto imiprove his
{QQ l.lr . ff eg .. {health.to,_co`ntinue[ithegame`. y
iir Y`DWYaUlllli;iW3d?`].l'*$`$FVU9Q'd lwlthirhlsn
i`a B
ii;f ?_;1.l;i_ ifgy l<h.e;e_<progblem:tha.tg hefneeds.
Ide pol<oI< paragraf pada umumnya
Qterdapat pada kalimat awal atau I<alimat
akhir dari paragraf. I
The following text is for questions 23 to 25.
Jakarta: Cars and motorcycles have the
long-term effect of destroying the environment
by depleting fossil fuel. On top of that, the
emissions released from the combustion
system of an automobile can also cause the
greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxlde are two greenhouse gases that
damage our earths atmosphere. They could
cause certain vegetation to die off, the snow
' caps to melt, and the earths atmospheric
temperature to increase.
Reducingthe amountofthesegreenhouse
gases will greatly help reduce these effects.
That is why we need an alternative for
Researchers are currently working on
genvironmentally friendly and inexhaustible
s l , genergy resources: water.
` They have created ra waterhybfid
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They have created a waterhybrid

gcombustion system that converts vehicles
itc use water as a source of primary fuel.
The engine derives fuel from hydrogen and
Qoxygen, generated by the electrolysis of
water. The only by-product resulting from
the hydrogen and oxygen components of
combustion within the engine is water vapour.
Therefore, emissions are cleaner, with fewer
polluting particles, as reported by Jinali
The technology existed backin 1805 when
a Swiss inventor named Isaac de Rivaz made
the first car powered by water. There has been
isignilicant development of the technology
isince then, but recently researchers at thei
ilvlassachusetts Institute of Technology arei
working on the use of hydrogen from water
as an alternative fuel to drive cars.
23. What does the text tell about?
a. The hybrid system of water.
b. The technology to create a new fuel.
c. The idea of an alternative to
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d. The general knowledge of hybrid
system, A
, _ ,
e. The hybrid system of water as an
T alternative to petroleum.
Pembahasan: S
<:> Kalimat tanya: Whatdoes the text tell
about?" menanyakan "tentahg apa isi
teks tersebut". r

<:.> Perhatikanjudulteksnya! g
"Water HybridS System, An Alternative
T to Petroleum" menunjukkan bahwa ~
System Hibrid Air, altematif atas
T . S S S petroleum atau bahan bakar,
S Jadi, teks tersebut merljelaskan tentang
, T "The hybrid system of wateras an alternative
T T to petroleum?.
y _ * g W _ JAWABAN:E T
S24."To*Shelp reduoe thegreenehous effects, we S
nSeed`toT... .... at T T at S v
;f;Ta.~TprodTuce green-house gases,

S._l_ 1S_QS..b.
minimizeY1 the amount of green-house
isi;:_j;a$e$ T
t,l T T , [ S
`` s T TTS
S. ;:.1TX
convert the vehicles to moidem iones
S*SS SSfSS!S$i8TTW}iyp,irf9D6troSleum
?; A s sifhitlcaTnttehinSolTogyi S STg T S S
c. convert the vehlcles to mooern ones
d. create a new type of petroleum
e. create significant technology
` Pembahasan: e
<-:.> Kallmat: "To help reduce the greenhouse effects, we need to ......
mengarahkan kita uhtuk melengkapinya
dan arti kallmat tersebut adalah "untuk
membantu mengurangi efek rumah
kaca, kami membutuhkan
<:: Perhatikarn kallmat dl bawah ini!
Reducing the amount of these
greenhouse gases will greatly help
reduce these effects. That is why we
need an alternative for petroleum"
menjelaskan bahwa mehgurangi
jumlah gas rumah kaca akan sangat
membantu mengurangi efek rumah
kaca, sehingga dari alasan tersebut
dlbutuhkan sebuah petroleum atau
bahan bakar altematif.
Jadl, `yarpwg dlbutuhkan untuk mengurahgi
gasruma kaca ad * A
pgtromumnt alah create a new type
Scahhedlby CamScanher ` l ' f
25the amount of these greenhouse
gases ......
(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning
g a. keeping
b.i allowing '
c. managing
d. decreasing
e. converting D
Pemblahasan: i i
Reducing = mengurangi

Keeping = menjaga
Allowing = mengizinkan
Managing = mengatur _
Decreasing = mengurangi
t Converting == mengubah i
i Jadi, kata yang mempunyai makna sama
dengan "reducing adalah "decreasing". v
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The following text is for questions 26 to 28.
Victoria Caroline Beckham is an Englishi
singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress,
fashion designer and businesswoman. She was
born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She
became famous in the 1990s with the pop group

"l` he Spice Girls" and was known as Posh Spice.

ln 1999, she married the Manchester United and
England footballer, David Beckham. They have
four children, three sons and a daughter.
After The Spice Girls split up, she pursued
a solo singing career, but also started her own
fashion range called dVb Style. Since this initial
foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has brought
out her own range of sunglasses and fragrance,
entitled "intimately Beckham" and a range of
handbags and jewelry.
ln addition she had written two best-selling
books: one her autobiography and the other, a
fSi<> guts.- ...........,.... .
.,....................,.......,......,....... -26. What did Victoria do before being a solo
singer? "
a. Married to David Beckham. i
b. Worked as fashion designer.
c. Joined The Spice Girls.
d. Created fashion style. ,
e. Wrote many books. .
as Kalimat tanya: "Whef did Victoria
do before being a solo singer?
Scanne nner G
menanyakan "pekerjaan y sebelum
menjadi penyanyi solo". y

<:> Perhatikan kalimatkalimat di bawah ini!

"She became famous in the 1990s with
the pop group The Spice Gir/s" ..."
menjelaskan bahwa Victoria menjadi
t grup pop spice girls yang terkenal di
_ tahun1990an.
Vlfter The Spice Girls split up, she .
pursued a solo singing career.
menjelaskan bahwa setelah spice
girls bubar, Victoria melanjutkan karier
menyanyi solo.
[ Jadi, pekerjaan Victoria sebelum menjadi
penyanyi solo adalah "Joined the Spice
Girls". l
27. We foundinthe textthat
a. Victoria named her fragrance by dVb
b. Beckham is Victorias autobiography.
gc. Beckham is Victorias brand for her
S fragrance.
d. Posh Spice is the title of her new
album. i _
e. Spice girls is Victorias label for her
r V in y wardrobe. y
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<:: Kalimat: "We found in the text that ....
mengarahkan kita untuk meiengkapinya
berdasarkan `pernyataan yang
ditemukan di teks tersebut.
:> Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini!
"...but also started her own fashion
_ range called dVb StyIe" menjeiaskan
bahwa fashion milik Victoria disebut
dVb Style.
"Since this initial foray into fashion
Victoria Beckham has brought out
her own range of sunglasses and
fragrance, entitled intimately Beckham " d
and a range of handbags and jewelry"
y menjelaskan bahwa sejak perampokan
awa! ke dalam fashion Victoria Beckham
telah mengeiuarkan macam-macam
katamata hitam, aroma dan macam

macam tas dan perhiasan. V u Jadi, kita temukan di dalam teks bahwa
r_ "Victoria named her fragrance by dVb stylei
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